Amyloid is a pathologic proteinaceous deposit that collects in the tissues of persons having an immunologic disfunction.
Primary amyloidosis can lead to conditions that include:
Carpal tunnel syndrome
Heart muscle damage (cardiomyopathy) leading to congestive heart failure
Intestinal malabsorption
Liver swelling and malfunction
Kidney failure
Nephrotic syndrome (group of symptoms that includes protein in the urine, low blood protein levels in the blood, high cholesterol levels, high triglyceride levels, and swelling throughout the body)
Nerve problems (neuropathy)
Orthostatic hypotension (drop in blood pressure when you stand up)
Don't these symptoms seem familiar to you?
Amyloid has a distinct gross appearance and
under the light microscope appears as an amorphous eosinophilic extracellular substance. It is unique that in staining with Congo Red and viewed under polarized light an applegreen birefringence is visible, and the stain has a dramatic appearance with fluorescent microscopy. There are three major biochemically distinct forms of amyloid; the AL (amyloid light chain) type that is derived from immunocyte dyscrasia and is termed primary amyloidosis, AA (amyloid-associated) type that is often associated with people who have chronic inflammatory conditions and is known as secondary amyloidosis, and A beta amyloid, found in the brain and associated with Alzheimer’s disease.
Amyloidosis has been cited in the literature to be a major cause of nephropathy in living heroin abusers.
A technique used to inject the drug, called “skin popping,” is resorted to when there has been such overuse of the vasculature to cause venous thrombosis and scarring of venous access. Skin-popping leads to skin ulcerations from reaction to the injected drug as well as non-sterile technique. Secondary amyloidosis occurs as a complication of this underlying chronic inflammatory process.
An extensive search of the literature contains abundant discussion of heroin abuser renal amyloidosis, but few cases discussing autopsy findings of widespread systemic amyloidosis.
This patient has extensive manifestation of the disease in virtually every organ in his body. Is this a case of secondary amyloidosis, or rare primary disease in a drug abuser? Either way, the ultimate cause of this patient’s death is most likely
an arrhythmia due to cardiac amyloidosis.
The widespread distribution of amyloid in the organs did not quite fit with the diagnosis of secondary amyloidosis as seen in other chronic intravenous drug abusers. The amyloid was further characterized as the AL-type through immunohistochemical staining of selected tissues with a negative result for the Amyloid A stain. The classification of an ALtype amyloid diagnose this patient’s disease as primary amyloidosis.
Careful consideration in the differentiation of either primary or secondary amyloidosis is important in this case, since secondary amyloidosis is the type most commonly associated with chronic drug abusers...
Drugs such as heroin are toxic and cause amyloidosis (and oxidative stress)
HIV and Glutathione “Glutathione (GSH) deficiency” is common (front-end mediator of HIV progression) in HIV-infected individuals and is associated with impaired T cell function and impaired survival; it must be prevented. N-acetylcysteine (NAC), a cysteine prodrug, replenishes glutathione in HIV infection.
Acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS) is associated with oxidative stress that is responsible for swelling, and thus contribute to the development of oxidative disorders in HIV/AIDS infected patients
Drug dosage
NAC and placebo were supplied as indistinguishable effervescent tablets to be dissolved in water, juice or soda before ingestion. Subjects were given 10 tablets (8000 mg of NAC) per day in distributed [3,4] doses day. The drug dose was reduced in accordance with the schedule specified in the protocol if subjects reported an inability to tolerate the highest dose.
We also monitored NAC toxicity and survival in an open-label (not placebo-controlled) continuation study in which subjects who completed the 8-week placebo-controlled trial were given the choice of whether they wished to take NAC for a period of 6 months (blinding was maintained until all subjects completed the open-label trial segment).
Finally, we determined survival of trial subjects 2 to 3 years after baseline measurements were obtained.
NAC treatment is safe for HIV-infected subjects We found no evidence of toxicity associated with NAC administration, either during the 8-week placebo-controlled trial segment or the 6-month open-lab SEGMENT.’’ Amyloid beta accumulation in HIV-1-infected brain: The role of the blood brain barrier drugs promote β-amyloid deposition and impair learning and memory in BALB/c mice
… Anti-amyloidogenic effects of antioxidants: Implications for the prevention and therapeutics of Alzheimer's disease Capsaicin consumption reduces brain amyloid-beta generation and attenuates Alzheimer’s disease-type pathology and cognitive deficits in APP/PS1 mice 6-gingerol interferes with amyloid-beta (Aβ) peptide aggregation
Some investigations of potential anti-AD substances have focused on natural plant compounds, such as gingerols, which are phenolic phytochemical compounds present in the subterranean stem, or rhizome, of angiosperms of the ginger (Zingiberaceae) family (Wang et al., 2014a). Consumed worldwide as a spice and herbal medicine, the rhizome of ginger (Zingiber officinale) has demonstrated anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, antiemetic, analgesic, and antimicrobial effects (Sharifi-Rad et al., 2017).
What if HIV is made up and AIDS is a hoax, but all the many symptoms of aids have so many different causes ................. sounds right to me as there is no proof of HIV ever. The tests are letters on dead paper. Kary Mullis said those years ago that if they take the young strong lads turning up with stars in their eyes wanting to join the navy et al. who 'test' 'positive' for this unicorn diagnoses, and they 'test' the mothers, then this 'test' will show they also have the unicorn whatever and all are strong and healthy and human. It is evil to make diagnoses and force treatments that kill on the poor souls that are scared to death by the death sentence fake diagnoses. It is still being done in my country, the youth are put on preventative meds programs and their innocence stolen by forcing sexual education onto them for their 'health's sake'. This so called HIV showing up in the PCR results and now people blame the vax on giving them HIV, now that is just an extension of the unicorn with a dodo mouth scare porn. How disgusting of these 'scientists', but God does not sleep. His is the vengeance.
What if HIV/Aids is a result of the body trying to protect itself.🤔🤨😉
Follow me here. Dementia is now know as Type3 Diabetes, 🤔😐
What if the amyloidosis, is purely a homeostatic function in extreme conditions, much like glucose derangement in diabetes.🤔
What if the amyloidosis is an effort by the body to deal with an insult or a chronic toxic burden, that HIV is the result of the body reaching its limit.🤔
So in an effort to sustain life, it results in an an altered version of homeostasis.🤔🤔🤨😉🤐
What if is always my favourite game😉😉😊
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