The Rothschilds are a famous European business dynasty descended from Mayer Amschel Rothschild, an 18th-century Jewish banker who lived in what is today Frankfurt, Germany. The family has repeatedly been subject over the years to anti-Semitic conspiracy theories alleging that they and other Jews clandestinely manipulate world events for their advantage.
White’s video statements appear to echo beliefs, found lurking in corners of the Internet, that the Rockefeller Foundation’s Resilient Cities initiative — which provides grants to cities, including the District, to address environmental and economic problems — is actually part of a secret scheme to control and reduce the population of North America.
Some conspiracy theorists also think the Rothschilds, acting in conjunction with the Rockefeller family, have technology to manipulate the weather — for example, by causing freak storms that wreak havoc on people, farms and livestock.
we discovered that Pacific Gas and Electric is operated by an large by Rothschild
I would ask you please to watch the you to listen to it because the second plan
of burning up Northern California hasn't yet happened but it will it will happen
you will in fact
find out that Rothschild is behind all of the utilities nationwide
and there will be other local state and federal officials will be taking part as well so they talk about the topics that
will be discussed to include and prepare for a resilient City it's all about
resiliency fire safety utility infrastructure and strengthening and
improving our community warning programs so I want to go over some of the things
that I heard in this meeting it's very diabolical all the perpetrators of this event are here they're building up from
a planned disaster by the use of directed energy weapons
Rothschild and Rockefeller to understand what resilient planning is about in your town this is happening
here in Sonoma County but it's an extension of you and agenda21 policies
and all the policies in your cities to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and
they're talking about fire safety utility infrastructure impact on fire infrastructure and a discussion now I
was able to speak for two and a half minutes in the first session today and I
told them their first early warning sign was from the emails that Pacific Gas and
Electric and PG&E sent three years ago and that had been out on the internet
and they didn't attend to this there was no attention paid to this it was too
outlandish to have PG&E and Pacific Gas and Electric talk about the use of
satellite lasers on Northern California specifically they said Sebastopol which
is of course in Northern California but there is the second plan on that
discussion the plan to burn at Northern California too and I advised them that that is not yet happened but it will so …
California Group Approves PG&E Contract Including Space-Based Solar Power (Source: CPUC)
The California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC) approved a renewable energy contract for Pacific Gas and Electric Company (PG&E), furthering the state's progress towards its renewable energy goals. Through its power purchase agreement with Solaren Corporation, PG&E is entitled to generation from a first-of-its kind space-based solar project. The experimental technology uses orbiting satellites equipped with solar cells to convert the sun's energy into electricity, which is then converted into radio frequency energy that can be transmitted to a local receiver station. Space-based solar power has been researched in the U.S. for several decades and this summer the Japanese government announced plans to pursue a space-based solar program. Click here for more. (2/12)
10 October 2007
The reservoir of Space‐Based Solar Power is almost unimaginably vast, with room for growth far past the foreseeable needs of the entire human civilization for the next century and beyond. In the vicinity of Earth, each and every hour there are 1.366 gigawatts of solar energy continuously pouring through every square kilometer of space. If one were to stretch that around the circumference of geostationary orbit, that 1 km‐wide ring receives over 210 terawatt‐years of power annually.
The SBSP Study Group found that when people are first introduced to this subject, the key expressed concerns are centered around safety,
possible weaponization of the beam,
and vulnerability of the satellite, all of which must be addressed with education.
Because the microwave beams are constant and conversion efficiencies high, they can be beamed at densities substantially lower than that of sunlight and still deliver more energy per area of land usage than terrestrial solar energy. The peak density of the beam is likely to be significantly less than noon sunlight, and at the edge of the rectenna equivalent to the leakage allowed and accepted by hundreds of millions in their microwave ovens. This low energy density and choice of wavelength also means that biological effects are likely extremely small, comparable to the heating one might feel if sitting some distance from a campfire.
The final global effect is not obvious, but also important. While it may seem intuitively obvious that SBSP introduces heat into the biosphere by beaming more energy in…
FINDING: The SBSP Study Group found that there is likely to be concern, both domestically and internationally, that a SBSP system could be used as a “weapon in space,” which will be amplified because of the interest shown by the DoD in SBSP.
• Mitigating these concerns, developing trust, and building in verification methods will be key to political consensus for sustainable development of SBSP.
The SBSP Study Group recommends that the federal government should take reasonable and appropriate steps
to ensure that SBSP systems cannot be utilized as space‐based weapons systems,
and to dissuade and deter other nations from attacking these strategic power sources, including but not limited to:
Tasking a civilian federal agency to be the lead agency responsible for federal investments in SBSP and in the demonstration of key technologies needed by industry.
Providing transparency and open public dialogue throughout the development and build‐out phase to reduce the risk of public misperceptions regarding SBSP.
Encouraging all nations to develop SBSP systems — either on their own or as partners, customers, suppliers, or co‐owners with any U.S. development effort to maximize the stakeholder base and to minimize the potential antagonist base.
Mandating open international inspections of SBSP systems before launch from Earth to the extent necessary to ensure that the systems being launched are not weapons.
Developing internationally approved on‐orbit inspection systems that can verify compliance with international agreements
For the DoD specifically, beamed energy from space in quantities greater than 5 MWe has the potential to be a disruptive game changer on the battlefield.
SBSP could also enable entirely new force structures and capabilities such as ultra long‐endurance airborne or terrestrial surveillance or combat systems to include the individual soldier himself.
How will the energy be received on Earth?
• The modality of transmission generally decides the type of receiver. For radio frequencies, a rectifying antenna, or rectenna is the method of power reception. For optical and infrared wavelengths, a tuned photovoltaic array or solar dynamic engines are the choices. The acceptable density and size of the receiver will impact the choice of beam frequency as well as the on‐orbit aperture requirements.
Solaren states that the impetus for forming was the convergence of improved high efficiency energy conversion devices, heavy launch vehicle developments, and what it describes as a revolutionary Solaren-patented SSP plant design that is a significant departure from past efforts and makes SSP not only technically, but economically viable. The company claims that this will be the world’s first SSP plant. While a system of this scale and exact configuration has not been built, the underlying technology is said to be very mature and is based on communications satellite technology. For over 45 years, satellites have collected solar energy in earth orbit via solar cells, and converted it to radio frequency (RF) energy for transmissions to earth receive stations. This is said to be the same energy conversion process Solaren uses for its SSP plant.
Solaren’s patented SSP plant design uses satellites in Earth orbit to collect solar energy in space and generate power, which is transmitted to the ground receive station for conversion to electricity for delivery to PG&E. Specifically Solaren’s SSP satellites use solar cells in space to convert the sun’s energy to electricity. This electricity powers high efficiency generator devices, known as solid state power amplifiers (SSPA). The SSPA devices on-board the satellite convert electricity into RF energy. Next the SSP satellite, using the RF energy and the satellite’s antenna, directs and transmits the RF power to the California ground receive station. The ground receiver directly converts the RF energy to electricity, and uses the local power grid for transmission to the PG&E delivery point.
Solaren states that it is currently supporting the CPUC regulatory filing process, and plans to provide additional details about the SSP pilot plant project in early Summer 2009.
One of the primary objections to space solar power is the idea of an antenna shooting a concentrated beam of energy through our atmosphere. But we already use radiofrequency and microwaves to send smaller amounts of energy all the time. "People might not associate radio waves with carrying energy," says Jaffe, "because they think of them for communications, like radio, TV, or cell phones. They don't think about them as carrying usable amounts of power."
There are a few ways to mitigate this concern. First, the antenna sends energy only to a specific receiver that asks for it. Second, using microwaves to send energy may be less objectionable than the higher power density required for lasers.
we're also noticing is that the Verizon assault with putting in these additional
frequencies throughout our communities is happening throughout the county in fact you will find that generally these
types of agendas start going through the country we first discovered the
deployment of the smart meters it was not just here in Northern California or Southern California we just happened to
notice it when it was already 75 percent deployed upon us with smart meters so
what you need to do is you need to look and find out what your city is doing with engaging your utility companies or
your wireless companies to deploy streetlights to deploy additional
additives to all your existing infrastructure … Rockefeller Foundation Selects 33 Cities for Resiliency Challenge | ArchDaily
The Rockefeller Foundation has named the first group of cities selected in the “100 Resilient Cities Centennial Challenge.” Each city has been chosen for demonstrating “a commitment to building their own capacities to prepare for, withstand, and bounce back rapidly from shocks and stresses.” More than 1,000 registrations and nearly 400 formal applications from cities around the world were submitted. After careful review of each city's challenges, these 33 where chosen:
Dakar (Senegal)
Durban (South Africa)
Central and South America
Medellín (Colombia)
Mexico City (Mexico)
Porto-Alegre (Brazil)
Quito (Ecuador)
Rio de Janeiro (Brazil)
Bristol (UK)
Glasgow (UK)
Rome (Italy)
Rotterdam (Netherlands)
Vejle (DK)
Middle East
Ashkelon (Israel)
Byblos (Lebanon)
Ramallah (Palestine)
North America
Alameda (CA)
Berkeley (CA)
Boulder (CO)
El Paso (TX)
Jacksonville (FL)
Los Angeles (CA)
New Orleans (LA)
New York City (NY)
Norfolk (VA)
Oakland (CA)
San Francisco (CA)
Christchurch (New Zealand)
Melbourne (Australia)
South Asia
Southeast Asia
Bangkok (Thailand)
Da Nang (Vietnam)
Mandalay (Myanmar)
Semarang (Indonesia)
Shared this a bunch of other places, you probably know all this Outraged, but here is a summary for your audience:
Those woke clueless politicians and bureaucrats were installed so that when things like this happen they will get the blame rather than the globalists injecting them (like an mRNA “vaccine”) into government while setting the woke agenda. It’s backwards from what most think. The “competency crisis” is a deliberate controlled demolition masquerading around as an accident of well meaning useful virtue signaling idiots:
The wildfires were not caused due to incompetence, but rather “on purpose malice” posing as incompetence, and they are likely being started with DARPA directed energy weapons (a certain shade of blue is a shield), 100% unvetted terrorist illegal immigrants (“We simply cannot allow people to pour into the United States undetected, undocumented, unchecked, and circumventing the line of people who are waiting patiently, diligently, and lawfully to become immigrants in this country.”—Obama), looters, and Antifa posing as firemen, just as in 2020:!AntifaDressedAsFiremen.jpg [image]
dutchsinse: All of SE Quebec Erupted Into Wildfires ALL AT ONCE June 2nd:
Globalist Goals: rewild America, clear off the shores for the military, kill most of us, shove the rest of us into 15 minute prison cities. To do this you must first destroy the old cities and systems and rebuild new ones.
The Color Blue Has a Frequency of 6.66 - .Gov Buildings Appear to be being Fitted With It:
Encyclopedia Britannica: the frequency of the color blue is 6.66:
Paid arsonists are destroying these cities so they can buy them up for pennies on the dollar. [pdf]
All of this destruction is geared toward maximizing pain and death, while destroying economic, social, physical, and mental productive capital on a vast scale. All designed to lead directly to global dependence-based enslavement where you will eat ze bugs and own nothing and be happy about it - or else.
In other words, their goal is to demolish our ability to sustain ourselves, transforming us into slaves reliant on their "generosity" for our survival and they’re reaching a level of control where Harari feels confident telling us that our Free Will is over while contemplating killing us outright out loud in public:
“Mr. Harari, thinking about all this, puts it this way: “Utopia and dystopia depends on your values.” … The useless class he describes is uniquely vulnerable. “If a century ago you mounted a revolution against exploitation, you knew that when bad comes to worse, they can’t shoot all of us because they need us,” he said, citing army service and factory work.
Now it is becoming less clear why the ruling elite would not just kill the new useless class. “You’re totally expendable,” he told the audience. … “We don’t need you. But we are nice, so we’ll take care of you.” —Source (worth reading in full):
Dutchsinse (9/9/2020): NIGHT 2: Directed Energy Weapons (DEW) off California -- Color enhanced2020;
What DEWs look like when used:
What DEWs do to cars, Maui edition:
Blessings to the California victims.
Rothschilds are scum Satanists Ashkenazis!