This is a short summary: We are definitely playing a Russian roulette with those toxic injections. My observation is that for many, if they don't die or get injured quite immediately, it takes between 5 months to about one year to experience some kind of injury. Definitely one of the mechanisms of this nano technology and peptides (proteins) in addition to just causing acute oxidative stress with all its outcomes, such as blood clotting, organ failure, strokes, heart failure, etc., is AMYLOID PLAQUE FORMATIONS in presence of quantum dots. Those self-assembling structures grow under the influence of certain factors including temperature, UV light, ultrasound, PH, ionization, etc.
So, the tactic of prevention and treatment should be to address oxidative stress and to disassemble those self-assembling peptide nano semiconductors. From my research it is clear NAC (N-acetylcysteine) does it and all other antioxidants, including antioxidant rich diet would help to reach the goal. NAC doses should be high, at least in the beginning.
2000-3000 mg NAC, Zinc, Vitamin C, Quercetin, Resveratrol, Vitamin D3, Vitamin E, Q-10, etc.
Those antioxidants and detox should be continued for as long as it is needed. Since those toxic ingredients deposit in bone marrow, ovaries, spleen, etc., it may take a long time for one to eventually biodegrade those. So, people should have good amounts of life saving antioxidants and research in this direction.
I am sorry, this is a slaughter. We MUST STOP IT.
Just look up
You cannot deny thе signs
What you waitin' for?
Don't wait no more
Look up, what he's really tryna say
Is get your head out of your ass
Listen to the goddamn, qualified scientist
We really fucked it up, fucked it up this time
It's so close, I can feel the heat big time
And you can't act like everything is alright
But this is probably happening in real time
Celebrate or cry or pray, whatever it takes
To get you through the mess we made
'Cause tomorrow may never come
Just look up
Turn off that shit FOX News
'Cause you're about to die soon everybody
Dear author,
in one of your recent posts you touched on zinc ionophore medication, and you explained why it works, could you please do the same for fen ben dazole?
At this point, those that don't and didn't listen, are probably the people we need to continue with the boosters. For those, I am PRO booster.