A Stargate?
A Star falling from Heaven that initiates a Key to unlock the Pit of the Abyss…
Ursula von der Leyen:
I cannot wait to see what you will discover next because I'm sure that once again CERN will change the world
This particle accelerator – a veritable
– is thought to have served as a portal into the solar system for a highly technologically advanced civilisation with the aim of colonisation.
Early exploration of quantum technologies – both within the scientific domain and on the wider societal level – is essential, even if it may take decades before they are ripe for everyday use. The rapid rise of artificial intelligence underlines the importance of understanding, as early as possible, the potential impact of emerging technologies.
With this in mind,
the United Nations International Year of Quantum Science and Technology (IYQ) in 2025
will provide a global framework to inform about, discuss and reflect on the status and future of quantum technologies, including their implications for the current global societal challenges.
It has identified three core areas – quantum computing, networking and sensing – where future technologies are expected to make significant contributions to CERN’s scientific mission.
It is difficult to predict the impact of such quantum technologies on society, but for high-energy physics and CERN the benefits are clear. They include advanced computing algorithms to cope with future data-analysis challenges, ultrasensitive detectors to search for hidden-sector particles and gravitational waves, and the use of well-controlled quantum systems to simulate or reproduce the behaviour of complex many-body quantum phenomena for theoretical research.
Though relatively new to the quantum technologies scene, CERN is in the unique position of having in one place the diverse set of skills and technologies – including software, computing and data science, theory, sensors, cryogenics, electronics and material science – necessary for such a multidisciplinary endeavour. AEgIS at CERN’s Antiproton Decelerator, which is able to explore the multi-particle entangled nature of photons from positronium annihilation, is one of several examples of existing CERN experiments already working in relevant technology areas.
CERN QTI Roadmap v1.0_R2 (20211007).pdf CERN QTI Roadmap v1.0_R2 (20211007).pdf
The main features of the White Rabbit Network are:
sub-nanosecond accuracy and picoseconds precision of synchronization
connecting thousands of nodes
typical distances of 10 km between network elements
Gigabit rate of data transfer
fully open hardware, firmware and software
commercial availability from many vendors
The high accuracy of synchronization in White Rabbit is achieved by extending the Precision Time Protocol (PTP, IEEE 1588-2008). This extension has been incorporated into the new 2019 revision of IEEE 1588 standard by the P1588 Working Group, see the White Rabbit Standardization project and the IEEE1588-2019 standard for more details.
(PTP, IEEE 1588-2008). https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Precision_Time_Protocol
PTP is used to synchronize
financial transactions,
mobile phone tower transmissions, sub-sea acoustic arrays, and networks that require precise timing but lack access to satellite navigation signals.
The IEEE 1588 standards describe
a hierarchical master–slave architecture
for clock distribution consisting of one or more network segments and one or more clocks. An ordinary clock is a device with a single network connection that is either the source of or the destination for a synchronization reference.
A source is called a leader, a.k.a. master,
and a destination is called
a follower, a.k.a. slave.
A boundary clock has multiple network connections and synchronizes one network segment to another. A single, synchronization leader is selected, a.k.a. elected, for each network segment.
The root timing reference is called the grandmaster.[6]
https://indico.tlabs.ac.za/event/48/contributions/647/attachments/337/362/GDaniluk_WhiteRabbit.pdf The White Rabbit project an Ethernet-based solution for sub-ns synchronization and deterministic delivery
The fact that the CERN symbol is a 666 tells you all you need to know
The rabbit symbolism of time travel reminds me of Donnie Darko, as rabbits are said to bridge between human souls and Divine Source.
Anyone else have thoughts on the rabbit?