Digital Identification, biometrics, IoT (IoE) and quantum finance are all based on this toxic nanotechnology, so they will want to inject this stuff at any cost - under the pretext of a new pandemic, as a cancer treatment vaccine or whatever.
Cause a problem. Offer a solution that accelerates the problem. Make money on the problem and the solution while accomplishing the end goal of depopulation and total control of society’s.
Sounds like a perfect business model to control the world.
Isn’t that what they have been telling us they want to do ???
Propaganda is so tight that people will buy anything. "The common feature of all totalitarian regimes … is that the regime monopolizes what is considered rationality, knowledge, and what is regarded to be truth. ~ Dr. Aaron Kheriaty, MD, Murthy v. Missouri rally, 18 Mar 2024. And I cannot blame anybody, because I fell for it, too. Despite having being silenced as an academician for going against the interests of local cartel, I fell for a radiation treatment as a cancer patient and now I suffer from radiation induced secondary malignancy, much worse than the original one. Luckilly I woke up during Covid and found independent oncologists, like dr Makis. But I do not blame those whom Covid did not wake up, either. When propaganda is so tight, it is hard to find a reason to start asking questions. In my case it was my fear for the safety of my children during Covid, who were immune compromised as a result of childhood vaccination (I believe so now). otherwise I would have had no motive to start looking first for alternative treatments for Covid, next to find out independant information about Covid vaccines. So I have no clue how to wake people up. Do you?
Really enjoyed this article Just confirmed my belief that We are in the last days of this Satanic system of things. However, THERE IS HOPE God will intervene soon (or as Jesus foretold when describing conditions we had to watch out for “… flesh would be saved”! - Matthew 24:22, 22.)
He knows that of course! So, people, please don’t waste your time & energy looking for politicians to stop it all!
It all needs God’s intervention and He promises He will. But , He has a timeline. So, how will he intervene What will He use? Test the evidence for yourself with an open mind like I did many years ago. (I was a skeptical atheist in those days! lol). Go on (without preformed prejudice please ) and gain hope ; sleep easy knowing it’s going to get dealt with!
Sending love to all who are sighing and crying and ‘not knowing the way out ‘ - Luke 21:25
Yes…our Lord Jesus Christ will intervene! He is Almighty GOD…come in flesh…and He cannot be stopped at His second coming by anyone or any weapon! There are 3 that bear record in Heaven the Father…the WORD…and the Spirit…and these 3 are the one God! 1 John 5:7. When He comes He will put all earthly power and authority down! Actually He will destroy them! Payday is coming!
More of there poison. Watch all the Stupid line up Warp Speed !!!!! People forget who said this before and locked the world down. Then the nit wit kept it up. Now we have same butt wipe puppet in there starting the same shit up This is the Matrix and it’s pure evil and who ever is running the puppets is I don’t know but he’s the one we need to see and I have a feeling we will soon. These idiots in office are puppets followers.
For what it's worth. These "scientists" FAIL to acknowledge that natural evolution has provided all the biological tools necessary for health. They pollute the Earth with chemical experiments. Pollute the collective mind with grandiose ego. And insult the Creation with their lies and economic filth.
Their agenda is corrupt, and their minds deviant. They need to be exorcised from the planet.
Good rant. I wave my pitchfork sending force lighting ( if only ) at this einfernal planes , a whole squadron if 12 now plus a drone spraying us like bugs every single day. Sometimes the drone flies so low I can the camera taking photos and I don’t care one day that lightning may well actually work. We all need to rant about these things just to get it out of our systems. Mad science and greed and $$$$$. A very bad combination.
Heh, heh... A short range canon loaded with graphite powder works wonders for all drone and electronic surveillance... The chemical spraying is just one element. Electromagnetic white noise is another. Cloud cover and moisture (as humidity) is being tractor-beamed all over the place. That ringing in your ears is not tinnitus... Best regards...
Hello Word Herder. Please feel free to share my comments. I've been posting comments regarding geoengineering (weather warfare) for nearly 20 years. I once lived within yards of the Superior National Forest and hiked there several times a week for many years. I hiked about 1200 miles of non-tourist trails in 2012. Moved away in 2015.
There are less than 5% of the Cedar groves still intact, and signs of wildlife have plummeted. The tourists see a little green and think it's still a forest. I see it as a dead and dying catastrophe. That's why I moved... Best regards.
Thanks, and good on you, Paul V. I share your concerns. I am profoundly saddened by the creeping death we're seeing all around us, and I know the Earth, as a Living Being, will bounce back, but we are taxing it to the point where it's quite noticeable... I know enough about what's in front of my face to recognize decline... It is extremely painful for me to watch this happening.
I subscribed to your page, too, so I'll be around! I'm not a journalist, but I recognize those who are, whether they're paid or not. I try to be educated on things, and I have a Very Powerful Bullshit Detector, lol.
There is a fellow you'd probably appreciate, if you haven't already found him, here on SS, Kyle Young, a deep-diving researcher and rancher in AZ... He writes about a lot of things, including the recent fires in CA, but he's also done some terrific work on geo-engineering, and I suspect you'd find him as well-informed and high-integrity as I do. His page is called The Secular Heretic.
Cause a problem. Offer a solution that accelerates the problem. Make money on the problem and the solution while accomplishing the end goal of depopulation and total control of society’s.
Sounds like a perfect business model to control the world.
Isn’t that what they have been telling us they want to do ???
Propaganda is so tight that people will buy anything. "The common feature of all totalitarian regimes … is that the regime monopolizes what is considered rationality, knowledge, and what is regarded to be truth. ~ Dr. Aaron Kheriaty, MD, Murthy v. Missouri rally, 18 Mar 2024. And I cannot blame anybody, because I fell for it, too. Despite having being silenced as an academician for going against the interests of local cartel, I fell for a radiation treatment as a cancer patient and now I suffer from radiation induced secondary malignancy, much worse than the original one. Luckilly I woke up during Covid and found independent oncologists, like dr Makis. But I do not blame those whom Covid did not wake up, either. When propaganda is so tight, it is hard to find a reason to start asking questions. In my case it was my fear for the safety of my children during Covid, who were immune compromised as a result of childhood vaccination (I believe so now). otherwise I would have had no motive to start looking first for alternative treatments for Covid, next to find out independant information about Covid vaccines. So I have no clue how to wake people up. Do you?
I just think that one should not lose hope
Really enjoyed this article Just confirmed my belief that We are in the last days of this Satanic system of things. However, THERE IS HOPE God will intervene soon (or as Jesus foretold when describing conditions we had to watch out for “… flesh would be saved”! - Matthew 24:22, 22.)
He knows that of course! So, people, please don’t waste your time & energy looking for politicians to stop it all!
It all needs God’s intervention and He promises He will. But , He has a timeline. So, how will he intervene What will He use? Test the evidence for yourself with an open mind like I did many years ago. (I was a skeptical atheist in those days! lol). Go on (without preformed prejudice please ) and gain hope ; sleep easy knowing it’s going to get dealt with!
Sending love to all who are sighing and crying and ‘not knowing the way out ‘ - Luke 21:25
Yes…our Lord Jesus Christ will intervene! He is Almighty GOD…come in flesh…and He cannot be stopped at His second coming by anyone or any weapon! There are 3 that bear record in Heaven the Father…the WORD…and the Spirit…and these 3 are the one God! 1 John 5:7. When He comes He will put all earthly power and authority down! Actually He will destroy them! Payday is coming!
How do you eat an elephant?
One bite at a time.
Also, "What is impossible with man is possible with God."
The true and living God! Father…Son…and Holy Sprit!
"…so they will want to inject this stuff at any cost…"
Unfortunately, this stuff is EVERYWHERE, in the air, in the water, in the soil, in the food, in injections…
Most people have no idea how far ahead these psychopaths, for whom the world is not enough, are technologically.
More of there poison. Watch all the Stupid line up Warp Speed !!!!! People forget who said this before and locked the world down. Then the nit wit kept it up. Now we have same butt wipe puppet in there starting the same shit up This is the Matrix and it’s pure evil and who ever is running the puppets is I don’t know but he’s the one we need to see and I have a feeling we will soon. These idiots in office are puppets followers.
For what it's worth. These "scientists" FAIL to acknowledge that natural evolution has provided all the biological tools necessary for health. They pollute the Earth with chemical experiments. Pollute the collective mind with grandiose ego. And insult the Creation with their lies and economic filth.
Their agenda is corrupt, and their minds deviant. They need to be exorcised from the planet.
End of rant.
Good rant. I wave my pitchfork sending force lighting ( if only ) at this einfernal planes , a whole squadron if 12 now plus a drone spraying us like bugs every single day. Sometimes the drone flies so low I can the camera taking photos and I don’t care one day that lightning may well actually work. We all need to rant about these things just to get it out of our systems. Mad science and greed and $$$$$. A very bad combination.
Heh, heh... A short range canon loaded with graphite powder works wonders for all drone and electronic surveillance... The chemical spraying is just one element. Electromagnetic white noise is another. Cloud cover and moisture (as humidity) is being tractor-beamed all over the place. That ringing in your ears is not tinnitus... Best regards...
PS I shared your comment as a "Note." Hope that's okay!
Hello Word Herder. Please feel free to share my comments. I've been posting comments regarding geoengineering (weather warfare) for nearly 20 years. I once lived within yards of the Superior National Forest and hiked there several times a week for many years. I hiked about 1200 miles of non-tourist trails in 2012. Moved away in 2015.
There are less than 5% of the Cedar groves still intact, and signs of wildlife have plummeted. The tourists see a little green and think it's still a forest. I see it as a dead and dying catastrophe. That's why I moved... Best regards.
Thanks, and good on you, Paul V. I share your concerns. I am profoundly saddened by the creeping death we're seeing all around us, and I know the Earth, as a Living Being, will bounce back, but we are taxing it to the point where it's quite noticeable... I know enough about what's in front of my face to recognize decline... It is extremely painful for me to watch this happening.
I subscribed to your page, too, so I'll be around! I'm not a journalist, but I recognize those who are, whether they're paid or not. I try to be educated on things, and I have a Very Powerful Bullshit Detector, lol.
There is a fellow you'd probably appreciate, if you haven't already found him, here on SS, Kyle Young, a deep-diving researcher and rancher in AZ... He writes about a lot of things, including the recent fires in CA, but he's also done some terrific work on geo-engineering, and I suspect you'd find him as well-informed and high-integrity as I do. His page is called The Secular Heretic.
No, don't end the rant, it's one of the best versions of the rant that I've seen. Keep saying it, when you feel it's apropos. You say it well.
I think the great awakening is coming soon. But if it doesn't, then we at least can know the truth ourselves. The Earth is precious, and so is LIFE.
Fighting Human dieses.
Only a non human would call humans a dieses.
I appreciate you.