It's great that these good doctors are finally figuring things out but I and some others knew it was a reaction to radiation poisoning from 5G when it happened in 2020 so I don't know why the doctors take so long to figure it out. This must be noted because they shouldn't be the last to know.
Klinghardt mentions that CDS can break down graphene oxide. Now it makes sense why the Grenons (father and 3 sons) were all imprisoned in 2020 (and remain imprisoned) for selling chlorine dioxide.
Tell me. After such detailed occurrences, how come people like Bill Gates, George Soros, Klaus Schwab, & Tedros aren't yet indicted and prosecuted? And much, much worse.
Indeed. These creepy crooks number about 8,500 people!
But humanity has been there before. It's only about "never again repeats itself" in a "circle game," as it always had . . . since the beginning of time.
Here's the thing: "Adolf Eichmann (1906–1962) was the man behind the execution of the Final Solution. He fled to Argentina at the end of the Second World War, but was kidnapped by Israeli agents in 1960 to stand trial. This is the story of that trial. The Eichmann trial marks a real turning point in the emergence of the memory of the genocide of the Jews, in Israel, Germany and the United States. It is the first major transnational narrative that constructs the genocide of the Jews as a distinct event in the Second World War. It was intended as such by those who organised it in Jerusalem. [...] Israeli Prime Minister Ben Gurion referred to it as a “Nuremberg of the Jewish people”. It also marks the advent of the witness. History is now told by those who were its victims. The perception of the “trial moment” as a turning point is now part of the common knowledge on the construction of the memory of the genocide."
In China, Russia, Mexico they all got a dual-vector, live-attenuated traditional vax called Sinovac&Sputnik Vaccine for Sar-Cov-19;
Only the clotshot was used in ZOG colonys (USA,CAN,AUST,NZ) mostly anglo-harelips, of course Japan&Taiwan, but that is to depopulation anti-China parasites;
There are no magic fairy dust in Russia&China vax, they're called dual-vector traditional vax, made from dead covid-sars-19
The magic lipid fairy dust & graphene bullshit is all CIA grown right there in homo-land;
Silicon-Valley HOMO goes back to 1960's HP days and then xerox parc, but mostly it goes back to Von Neuman 1950’s and all fathers of modern computing, like CIA&NSA all 100% NAZI HOMO's since the 1940's all of Hitlers closest scientists that were brought to USA post WW2 Operation-Paperclip were NAZI HOMO's that now rule SV & ZOG/Deep-State today
Graphene and other nanotech are used in all products everywhere. In Russia, China, USA, Europe, etc. Isn't it interesting that they all do the same thing and are supposedly against each other?
Graphene is $10,0000 EUROS per KG; You will not find it in your toothpaste;
If found a condom in a toilet & disneyland, this is proof that your a pedophile; Sort of applying your logic if x is found at y, then y is z;
'nanotech' is terminology for engineering at the one-billionth of a meter scale, its not even a thing anymore, they now have one-trillionth of of a meter engineering; It's meaning less to say "A thingy 1 billionth of a meter was found in Russia, and ergo all vax is nano-tech",
Morons are morons; You can lead a moron to water, but never can you make them think.
The only problem with graphene is that high-quality graphene is a great conductor that does not have a band gap (it can't be switched off).
The problem here is that most 'graphene' sold is 'graphene-oxide' ( random lattice with Oxygen atoms), the good stuff is hexgonal aligned and contains no oxygen atoms; Very hard to source the good stuff;
Once you have the good stuff and find a path-way to the human brain, then you can use 5G to activate and do all kinds of funny stuff to humans;
Specific graphene pricing data is hard to come by, but relatively recent estimates peg the commercial cost of graphene in a range of US$67,000 and US$200,000 per metric ton. The wide variance in price range is mainly because price is congruent with quality and not all applications require the highest quality graphene.
Notably, its properties have been applied to graphene-polymer composites. Together, these carbon-based materials are effective in energy, biomedicine, aerospace and electronics applications.
As Graphenea explains, graphene cost is linked to graphene quality. As an example, the organization points to graphene oxide, which is inexpensive.
There is something interesting written by Dani R. Diaz @INFOVACUNAS
He says that the problem is NOT graphene itself. The problem with these injections is Polysorbate 80 and polyethylene glycol (PEG2000) - because they "are to be used to hook graphene to RNA / DNA, since they serve as elements called 'pegilizers', 'functionalizers' or 'linkers' (adhesives) between metals or pseudometals (such as graphene) with biological elements (DNA and RNA molecules)."
" Covid vaccines contain the precise and necessary ingredients that serve as glue to attach metals or pseudo-metals to biological tissues. These elements are being used to generate tissue-engineered hybrid neural interfaces."
Fuck the GRAPHENE bullshit, this is just more klusterfuck
All the mRNA was made in INDIA, the contents of contamination is all over the map, mostly rat-turds, then ethy-glycol, and yes graphites because the Indian pharma people dropped their pencils into the soup
When TRUMP gave big-pharma a liability-immunity, and UK patent holders of mRNA contracted out to Indian labs to make mRNA everybody knew "No QA required' so every batch of mRNA is different, with different contaminants
So it fucked a lot of people in different ways, but not to worry, cuz only GOY in ZOG colonys got the mRNA.
Sputnik V (Russian: Спутник V, the brand name from RDIF) or Gam-COVID-Vac (Russian: Гам-КОВИД-Вак, the name under which it is legally registered and produced) is an adenovirus viral vector vaccine for COVID-19 developed by the Gamaleya Research. A traditional Technology vaccine for sars-cov-19
CoronaVac, also known as the Sinovac COVID-19 vaccine, is a whole inactivated virus COVID-19 vaccine developed by the Chinese company Sinovac Biotech. It was Phase III clinical trialled in Brazil, Chile, Indonesia, the Philippines, and Turkey and relies on traditional technology
There is no virus in my view. That's just a red herring. If they could develop pathogens in the lab, we would have been dead long ago. What we fail to understand is that nature is very regenerative and intelligent. That's why the buggers get the population to want what they're dishing out - because we are so strong in physical adaptation. We are also very powerful except our indoctrination and culture has made us very, very, weak.
There are no lipid nano particles in the CHINA&RUSSIAN vax, they are traditional dual-vector vaxes
Why don't you actually study this stuff, rather than make moronic statements like 'nano'???
Only the mRNA vax contains lipid nano technlogy, and only some of it, there are dozens of mRNA variants on the market;
For instance is RUSSIA it is ILLEGAL to import mRNA vaccine;
China takes the attitude that if you rich and want mRNA 'up to you', but 99.9% of Chinese elect the free 'made in china' traditional covid vax 'sinovac'
He knows because he has researched the subject. In Russia, a military spokesman was recently on TV accusing US/Pfizer of creating an mRNA bioweapon which he would not be doing if mRNA vaccines were used in his country.
As it turned out, one of the main manufacturers of Sputnik V, the Russian vaccine developed by the Gamaleya Center, is the R-Pharm company of oligarch Alexei Repik. Back in July 2020, Repik announced R-Pharm’s Russian enterprises would produce AstraZeneca’s anti-COVID vaccine AZD1222.
And already in December 2020, R-Pharm, together with AstraZeneca, the Russian Direct Investment Fund, and the Gamaleya Center, began clinical trials of a well-known two-component drug, consisting of AstraZeneca’s AZD1222 and “Sputnik Light (component 1 of GamCOVID-Vac).”
According to the results of the investigation, AstraZeneca has its own legal entities inside Russia. Since November 2005, the Unified State Register of Legal Entities has included AstraZeneca Pharmaceuticals LLC, owned by AstraZeneca Treasury Limited (Great Britain). According to the document, in the first year of the pandemic, the revenue of this company amounted to about 28 billion rubles with a net profit of 1.7 billion rubles.
I'll give you the bottom line - all this is due to the money system - the centralized money system and the debt money system specifically. That's what all of this is due to.
Everyone is doing the same thing, digital ID, CBDC, biometrics, sustainable whatever, 15 min cities, injections and so on. There is no difference at all.
Olympic champion and Russian figure skater Roman Kostomarov, 46, has reportedly suffered a hemorrhage and has a hematoma in the frontal lobe.
He was hospitalized on January 10 with a severe form of pneumonia, was later put on a ventilator and ECMO. Eventually doctors decided to amputate both feet, and later his hands due to necrosis.
It's hard to tell though with news reports. I've seen a lot of footage of Asians doing the head spin then carking it. But I think you are correct in that they have used different doses for different places. And of course they are not going to want everyone to die because that would wake up the sleep walkers and they are the ones who are enabling all this to continue. The cabal knows which side the bread is buttered.
The Russian Sputnik V vaccine imported by Iran has caused severe side effects in many cases, Dr. Minoo Mohraz, a member of Iran’s National Coronavirus Taskforce, warned on Wednesday.
Covid is not a virus but poisoning by nanotechnology toxicity. In Russia, China, Europe, the US or anywhere else, there is NO NEED for any injections. And yet, ALL OF THEM are doing the same thing. Injecting people with this poison.
It's not mRNA that injures and kills people, but nanotechnology that does it. IT'S IN ALL THE C-19 INJECTIONS.
Most would not think of UK as Europe, but then Ireland, Iceland they might;
BOJO said long ago the reason that London had the CIA deploy COVID all over the world was to take the pedophile news off the news; To be replaced by COVID hysteria and lockdowns, and during the transition ( death of queen ) that the monarchy would not have to deal with pedophile questions and the legitimacy of the monarchy;
The reason for mRNA only being deployed in UK Commonwealth (ZOG OWNED) countrys is because they needed to cull those populations;
Then there is the long term plan of auctioning off these colonys to China for GOLD, lots of GOLD, mountains of GOLD; So that UK can once again be the empire where the sun never sets; When China takes possession say of Austrailia, they want all the anglos&aborigines dead&gone;
Why would you have thought for a second that Europe was not a ZOG colony??
There is a reason that Italy was destroyed by COVID in Oct2019 by CIA
There is a reason that Nordstream was blown up to destroy Germany;
ZOG needs crippled children to control, they never want the lemmings to become strong; Keep them in the dark and feed them bullshit, its the way of ZOG/Moloch
Even the UK Telegraph ( newspaper ) has written extensively that "EU" was built and designed by CIA, post WW2 so CIA could control Europe; Which is the real reason for Brexit, UK wants to control Europe via London, but not live under their own rules;
Silicon-Valley HOMO goes back to 1960's HP days and then xerox parc, but mostly it goes back to Von Neuman 1950’s and all fathers of modern computing, like CIA&NSA all 100% NAZI HOMO's since the 1940's all of Hitlers closest scientists that were brought to USA post WW2 Operation-Paperclip were NAZI HOMO's that now rule SV & ZOG/Deep-State today
There's also been recent research showing how melanin in our skin can help chelate heavy metals through sun exposure. I'll be writing an article on that soon.
Great post, and love that I have another reason to eat more garlic!
Hi ! Im in France, and Rumble is down. im looking for a Bitchute version or other channels , to watch this video , that i want to see for a long time. can you help me and find a channel? Thank you.
Ready to FINALLY unite with serious strategic planners to stop the continuing destruction? Reach out to Lex at his email found at the end of all his pieces to find out how to receive his information!
P.S. Personally…I have worked with Lex and the NORTH AMERICAN LAW CENTER group for 15 years and can tell you they are America’s best brilliant and strategic minds!
Common sense...what's that? It's important to also realize that light itself, particularly blue light, is an EMF, and can create more stress on our liver and organs:
It's great that these good doctors are finally figuring things out but I and some others knew it was a reaction to radiation poisoning from 5G when it happened in 2020 so I don't know why the doctors take so long to figure it out. This must be noted because they shouldn't be the last to know.
Klinghardt mentions that CDS can break down graphene oxide. Now it makes sense why the Grenons (father and 3 sons) were all imprisoned in 2020 (and remain imprisoned) for selling chlorine dioxide.
Tell me. After such detailed occurrences, how come people like Bill Gates, George Soros, Klaus Schwab, & Tedros aren't yet indicted and prosecuted? And much, much worse.
Indeed. These creepy crooks number about 8,500 people!
But humanity has been there before. It's only about "never again repeats itself" in a "circle game," as it always had . . . since the beginning of time.
Have seen this?
Here's the thing: "Adolf Eichmann (1906–1962) was the man behind the execution of the Final Solution. He fled to Argentina at the end of the Second World War, but was kidnapped by Israeli agents in 1960 to stand trial. This is the story of that trial. The Eichmann trial marks a real turning point in the emergence of the memory of the genocide of the Jews, in Israel, Germany and the United States. It is the first major transnational narrative that constructs the genocide of the Jews as a distinct event in the Second World War. It was intended as such by those who organised it in Jerusalem. [...] Israeli Prime Minister Ben Gurion referred to it as a “Nuremberg of the Jewish people”. It also marks the advent of the witness. History is now told by those who were its victims. The perception of the “trial moment” as a turning point is now part of the common knowledge on the construction of the memory of the genocide."
this was huge i watched it 3 times because its that huge
Don't worry only western ZOG colonys got the mRNA
In China, Russia, Mexico they all got a dual-vector, live-attenuated traditional vax called Sinovac&Sputnik Vaccine for Sar-Cov-19;
Only the clotshot was used in ZOG colonys (USA,CAN,AUST,NZ) mostly anglo-harelips, of course Japan&Taiwan, but that is to depopulation anti-China parasites;
When it comes down to it, I think they are all basically the same.
We see the same adverse effects and deaths everywhere.
There are no magic fairy dust in Russia&China vax, they're called dual-vector traditional vax, made from dead covid-sars-19
The magic lipid fairy dust & graphene bullshit is all CIA grown right there in homo-land;
Silicon-Valley HOMO goes back to 1960's HP days and then xerox parc, but mostly it goes back to Von Neuman 1950’s and all fathers of modern computing, like CIA&NSA all 100% NAZI HOMO's since the 1940's all of Hitlers closest scientists that were brought to USA post WW2 Operation-Paperclip were NAZI HOMO's that now rule SV & ZOG/Deep-State today
Graphene and other nanotech are used in all products everywhere. In Russia, China, USA, Europe, etc. Isn't it interesting that they all do the same thing and are supposedly against each other?
Graphene is $10,0000 EUROS per KG; You will not find it in your toothpaste;
If found a condom in a toilet & disneyland, this is proof that your a pedophile; Sort of applying your logic if x is found at y, then y is z;
'nanotech' is terminology for engineering at the one-billionth of a meter scale, its not even a thing anymore, they now have one-trillionth of of a meter engineering; It's meaning less to say "A thingy 1 billionth of a meter was found in Russia, and ergo all vax is nano-tech",
Morons are morons; You can lead a moron to water, but never can you make them think.
Made in China - so what is this about???
But there are also GRAPHEN CONDOMS for your satisfaction:
Bill Gates funds creation of thin, light, impenetrable graphene condoms
By Sebastian Anthony November 21, 2013
The only problem with graphene is that high-quality graphene is a great conductor that does not have a band gap (it can't be switched off).
The problem here is that most 'graphene' sold is 'graphene-oxide' ( random lattice with Oxygen atoms), the good stuff is hexgonal aligned and contains no oxygen atoms; Very hard to source the good stuff;
Once you have the good stuff and find a path-way to the human brain, then you can use 5G to activate and do all kinds of funny stuff to humans;
Everything is MADE in CHINA you dumb bitch;
USA just makes non-binary fuck-bots, and faggots, and cannon-fodder for prison industrial complex;
All pharma chemicals are made by rail-car in CHINA, and all pills are boxed and counted in India; Then sold to the entire earth 10000x
Specific graphene pricing data is hard to come by, but relatively recent estimates peg the commercial cost of graphene in a range of US$67,000 and US$200,000 per metric ton. The wide variance in price range is mainly because price is congruent with quality and not all applications require the highest quality graphene.
Notably, its properties have been applied to graphene-polymer composites. Together, these carbon-based materials are effective in energy, biomedicine, aerospace and electronics applications.
As Graphenea explains, graphene cost is linked to graphene quality. As an example, the organization points to graphene oxide, which is inexpensive.
Graphene typically costs $200,000 per ton. Now, scientists can make it from trash.
There are many grades of 'graphene' but only the $10K USD/LB kind can be used for 5G research,
The cheap low grade graphene is just charcoal that has been electrolyticly made, but has no super-conductor quality's.
We don't see the same effects everywhere
ONLY USA DOD-CIA MIL colonys were given mRNA
CHINA sinovac non mRNA
Russia sputnik non-mRN
Mexico Sinovac
Africa - completely refused the mRNA
See a pattern yet??
The mRNA was deployed only where they wanted anglo-harelips culled
Also the massively jab'd people in JAPAN & TAIWAN where they wanted USA-Lackeys culled;
Almost all of SOUTH-ASIA got sinovac and/or sputnik
Only mRNA has adverse effects;
They get the same adverse effects, everywhere - Russia, China, the same nano injections everywhere.
Only in ZOG controlled colonys was mRNA deployed, only in these colonys did people get the clot-shot
Interesting question is the sports people dropping dead in Brazil? Right
Well frequent travels like celebrity's and sports people, must travel to Europe or USA where they are forced to be jab'd with the death-shot aka mRNA.
and so on
slavsquat is CIA klusterfucker
mRNA is banned in Russia, illegal to manufacture & import
There is something interesting written by Dani R. Diaz @INFOVACUNAS
He says that the problem is NOT graphene itself. The problem with these injections is Polysorbate 80 and polyethylene glycol (PEG2000) - because they "are to be used to hook graphene to RNA / DNA, since they serve as elements called 'pegilizers', 'functionalizers' or 'linkers' (adhesives) between metals or pseudometals (such as graphene) with biological elements (DNA and RNA molecules)."
" Covid vaccines contain the precise and necessary ingredients that serve as glue to attach metals or pseudo-metals to biological tissues. These elements are being used to generate tissue-engineered hybrid neural interfaces."
For Sputnik:
The other ingredients (excipients) are the same, both quantitatively and qualitatively, in the two doses.[51][52]
Tris(hydroxymethyl)aminomethane (buffer)
Sodium chloride (salt)
Sucrose (sugar)
Magnesium chloride hexahydrate
Disodium EDTA dihydrate (a chelation ligand; sequestrant)
Polysorbate 80
Ethanol 95%
No adjuvants[53] and no other components or ingredients should be included in the vaccine.[1]
pencil dicks love graphene who knew?
One of the original ways to make 'graphene' was electrolysis of pencils;
Poly-Sorbate bonds to graphene, X contains poly-sorbate, ergo all X has graphene
pedophile eat pizza, there fore everybody who eats pizza is a pedophile
Logic that only a CIA pencil dick would embrace
Fuck the GRAPHENE bullshit, this is just more klusterfuck
All the mRNA was made in INDIA, the contents of contamination is all over the map, mostly rat-turds, then ethy-glycol, and yes graphites because the Indian pharma people dropped their pencils into the soup
When TRUMP gave big-pharma a liability-immunity, and UK patent holders of mRNA contracted out to Indian labs to make mRNA everybody knew "No QA required' so every batch of mRNA is different, with different contaminants
So it fucked a lot of people in different ways, but not to worry, cuz only GOY in ZOG colonys got the mRNA.
Sputnik V (Russian: Спутник V, the brand name from RDIF) or Gam-COVID-Vac (Russian: Гам-КОВИД-Вак, the name under which it is legally registered and produced) is an adenovirus viral vector vaccine for COVID-19 developed by the Gamaleya Research. A traditional Technology vaccine for sars-cov-19
CoronaVac, also known as the Sinovac COVID-19 vaccine, is a whole inactivated virus COVID-19 vaccine developed by the Chinese company Sinovac Biotech. It was Phase III clinical trialled in Brazil, Chile, Indonesia, the Philippines, and Turkey and relies on traditional technology
There is no virus in my view. That's just a red herring. If they could develop pathogens in the lab, we would have been dead long ago. What we fail to understand is that nature is very regenerative and intelligent. That's why the buggers get the population to want what they're dishing out - because we are so strong in physical adaptation. We are also very powerful except our indoctrination and culture has made us very, very, weak.
There are no lipid nano particles in the CHINA&RUSSIAN vax, they are traditional dual-vector vaxes
Why don't you actually study this stuff, rather than make moronic statements like 'nano'???
Only the mRNA vax contains lipid nano technlogy, and only some of it, there are dozens of mRNA variants on the market;
For instance is RUSSIA it is ILLEGAL to import mRNA vaccine;
China takes the attitude that if you rich and want mRNA 'up to you', but 99.9% of Chinese elect the free 'made in china' traditional covid vax 'sinovac'
How the hell do you know? I cannot understand how anyone can talk with such hubris. None of us know anything. All we can do is conjecture.
He knows because he has researched the subject. In Russia, a military spokesman was recently on TV accusing US/Pfizer of creating an mRNA bioweapon which he would not be doing if mRNA vaccines were used in his country.
U don't know anything, please don't project your ignorance upon other people
If all you know is the CIA talking-points that 99% of the CUCKS on substack post, then yes, you are ignorant.
What the hell are you talking about?? Specifically what's your beef?
I'm stating facts, and you are responding in bot-like generality's
Slavsquat is a CIA cunt, to use him for your defense, means you are a CIA cuck
CIA gets caught with +30 bio weapon labs in Ukraine
CIA has their morons dump storys on social-media that Russia too does bio-weapons
Please don't eat the slav-squat feces
As it turned out, one of the main manufacturers of Sputnik V, the Russian vaccine developed by the Gamaleya Center, is the R-Pharm company of oligarch Alexei Repik. Back in July 2020, Repik announced R-Pharm’s Russian enterprises would produce AstraZeneca’s anti-COVID vaccine AZD1222.
And already in December 2020, R-Pharm, together with AstraZeneca, the Russian Direct Investment Fund, and the Gamaleya Center, began clinical trials of a well-known two-component drug, consisting of AstraZeneca’s AZD1222 and “Sputnik Light (component 1 of GamCOVID-Vac).”
According to the results of the investigation, AstraZeneca has its own legal entities inside Russia. Since November 2005, the Unified State Register of Legal Entities has included AstraZeneca Pharmaceuticals LLC, owned by AstraZeneca Treasury Limited (Great Britain). According to the document, in the first year of the pandemic, the revenue of this company amounted to about 28 billion rubles with a net profit of 1.7 billion rubles.
I'll give you the bottom line - all this is due to the money system - the centralized money system and the debt money system specifically. That's what all of this is due to.
Which is WHY PUTIN has made all mRNA illegal in RUSSIA
Which is WHY PUTIN put all the Oligarchs in PRISON in RUSSIA
Everyone is doing the same thing, digital ID, CBDC, biometrics, sustainable whatever, 15 min cities, injections and so on. There is no difference at all.
But YES, you can go and try your luck in Russia.
Everyone is NOT doing the same thing
ONLY ZOG country's that have the ability to print infinite FIAT are doing your feces
90% of the earth is TOO POOR to do any of this bullshit;
You really need to travel, maybe India, or Africa, and see the real world
80% of the world doesn't know what's for dinner, and hardly worrys about the bullshit on your feeble mind
safe and effective Sputnik:
Olympic champion and Russian figure skater Roman Kostomarov, 46, has reportedly suffered a hemorrhage and has a hematoma in the frontal lobe.
He was hospitalized on January 10 with a severe form of pneumonia, was later put on a ventilator and ECMO. Eventually doctors decided to amputate both feet, and later his hands due to necrosis.
SAFE and effective:
Russian Pop Icon Yuri Shatunov Dies Aged 48
Hei bitch, you're the only moron around here.
Putin is part of globalists team.
You're here only to divide and conquer. So go f yourself you mf son of a bitch.
hey homo erectus I never said Putin wasn't a part of the ZOG, his Russian banks are all Rothschild, and so are China's 'bank of china' zog-owned
ZOG rules bitch, get over it
The issue is who rules the western-goy colonys of former UK commonwealth?
It's hard to tell though with news reports. I've seen a lot of footage of Asians doing the head spin then carking it. But I think you are correct in that they have used different doses for different places. And of course they are not going to want everyone to die because that would wake up the sleep walkers and they are the ones who are enabling all this to continue. The cabal knows which side the bread is buttered.
ASIAN's in maybe ZOG owned colonys like Japan, Taiwan, & south-korea, that be 5% of ASIA
The problem with you fuck-nutz is you never look at a map, and think that post ww2 owed JAPAN is same-same as mainland China ( not USA owned )
All USA owned colonys got the mRNA
You are in La-la land
The Russian Sputnik V vaccine imported by Iran has caused severe side effects in many cases, Dr. Minoo Mohraz, a member of Iran’s National Coronavirus Taskforce, warned on Wednesday.
Covid is not a virus but poisoning by nanotechnology toxicity. In Russia, China, Europe, the US or anywhere else, there is NO NEED for any injections. And yet, ALL OF THEM are doing the same thing. Injecting people with this poison.
It's not mRNA that injures and kills people, but nanotechnology that does it. IT'S IN ALL THE C-19 INJECTIONS.
Stop offending people PLEASE
What about Europe?
50,663 DEAD and 5,315,063 Injured Following COVID-19 Vaccines in European Database of Adverse Reactions
Most would not think of UK as Europe, but then Ireland, Iceland they might;
BOJO said long ago the reason that London had the CIA deploy COVID all over the world was to take the pedophile news off the news; To be replaced by COVID hysteria and lockdowns, and during the transition ( death of queen ) that the monarchy would not have to deal with pedophile questions and the legitimacy of the monarchy;
The reason for mRNA only being deployed in UK Commonwealth (ZOG OWNED) countrys is because they needed to cull those populations;
Then there is the long term plan of auctioning off these colonys to China for GOLD, lots of GOLD, mountains of GOLD; So that UK can once again be the empire where the sun never sets; When China takes possession say of Austrailia, they want all the anglos&aborigines dead&gone;
Why would you have thought for a second that Europe was not a ZOG colony??
There is a reason that Italy was destroyed by COVID in Oct2019 by CIA
There is a reason that Nordstream was blown up to destroy Germany;
ZOG needs crippled children to control, they never want the lemmings to become strong; Keep them in the dark and feed them bullshit, its the way of ZOG/Moloch
Even the UK Telegraph ( newspaper ) has written extensively that "EU" was built and designed by CIA, post WW2 so CIA could control Europe; Which is the real reason for Brexit, UK wants to control Europe via London, but not live under their own rules;
EU is NATO colony creation, CIA created EU, yes ZOG colony include UK & all of EU
All UK commonwealth ( includes USA/AUST penal colony )
Thinking it's time to ban Bilbo! Good God, what a cretin!
Silicon-Valley HOMO goes back to 1960's HP days and then xerox parc, but mostly it goes back to Von Neuman 1950’s and all fathers of modern computing, like CIA&NSA all 100% NAZI HOMO's since the 1940's all of Hitlers closest scientists that were brought to USA post WW2 Operation-Paperclip were NAZI HOMO's that now rule SV & ZOG/Deep-State today
Substack mass walkout next week, no posts. Devalue the company as it is being sold.
It's important to remember that light itself is an EMF, particularly blue light, which can impair liver function:
There's also been recent research showing how melanin in our skin can help chelate heavy metals through sun exposure. I'll be writing an article on that soon.
Great post, and love that I have another reason to eat more garlic!
Hi ! Im in France, and Rumble is down. im looking for a Bitchute version or other channels , to watch this video , that i want to see for a long time. can you help me and find a channel? Thank you.
Thanks. This is excellent.
Outraged and all,
Do you collaborate with Dr. Ana Mihalcea?
There is already so much evidence of wrongdoing with the entire COVID19 theatre!
I am working on the next step to stop this continuing war…UNITY!
My message today that went everywhere because it is way past time to UNITE…
I think writer, Lex Greene says it all in this piece at this dangerous moment in America’s history!
Please help spread Lex’s pieces…important information ALL Americans need to know!
Ready to FINALLY unite with serious strategic planners to stop the continuing destruction? Reach out to Lex at his email found at the end of all his pieces to find out how to receive his information!
P.S. Personally…I have worked with Lex and the NORTH AMERICAN LAW CENTER group for 15 years and can tell you they are America’s best brilliant and strategic minds!
Come join with the best!
A Mother/Grandmother Lion of 6 and counting
Common sense...what's that? It's important to also realize that light itself, particularly blue light, is an EMF, and can create more stress on our liver and organs:
You raise good points!