I've been taking 1200 mg NAC daily for a period of two weeks on n off for four years now. It does say right on the bottle not to take for longer than six months. Sometimes I take a break for the whole summer so I can take for most of the fall and winter months, when our bodies need it most in this hemisphere.

Also, don't forget to take it with Vit c. Always put your supps on the vit c bus, as Linus Pauling used to say.

I also take 5000-7500 IU vit d in the fall and winter months

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Does Agent13, reveal what you already intuited?


Another outraging subject matter…

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Thank you so much.

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Great info, shared

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Great article! Are we outraged yet? I AM!

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Outraged, the papers you post reify the existence of HIV and Covid viruses. The HIV paper states, "The theory of HIV and AIDS is almost universally accepted....", and "..Severe COVD-19 and Long COVID...." papers.

👉It's the end of 2024, you do know none of these proposed viruses have ever been found right?

If you just want to use these papers as info on oxidative stress that is ok, you'd need a banner at the top stating, "NOTE THERE IS NO SUCH THING AS AN HIV OR COVID VIRUS. THE TERMS BELOW JUST MEAN BEING ILL FROM SOMETHING ELSE".

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Yes, oxidative stress appears to be the main culprit of “COVID” symptoms. This can come from radiation poisoning. Fauci could care less as he is on a book tour at this very moment.

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Why write as if viruses are real??

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Maybe that is the point of the post.

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Isn't it clear that “Covid” as well as AIDS are caused by the toxicity of nanotechnology and other toxins contained in injections, masks, drugs, food, etc.? Doesn't radiation also cause oxidative stress/oxidative damage? Is it not clear what the issue is? How many times have I written this, hundreds of posts on the subject

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Appreciate the reply, only this post had at least 2 papers with highlight noting virus names. AIDS was caused by vaxes given in 1978-1980 via fauci, and amyl nitrate, and then AZT in hospitals. I was there. Covid was more complex and as you said.

Still, the confused masses' brain will read the papers you posted as viruses exist. If that is not your intent, you should make a note of that in big bold letters at the start IMO.

In addition, you write many good posts, but you dont communicate like we do on comments on each others posts and others. I've make about 140 posts with nearly 6,000 followers, my SS getting 20k views every 30 days, I make hundreds of notes and thousands of comments, some very complex scientific posts closely related to things you are interested in, but you have made zero likes and zero comments on any of my writings. Because you don't engage people don't know what to make of you. Some think you are Sabrina, IDK, but some human engagement on your part would go a long way for people to know you better and trust you.

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People have been subjected to “PCR tests” containing graphene/quantum dots/ethylene oxide, received “vaccines” made of graphene and other toxic ingredients, worn graphene/titanium oxide “masks,” been exposed to radiation, received nanotechnology “antibiotics,” quantum dots and graphene in food and water, and so on. They were poisoned. Murdered and injured

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Covid is not more complex. After reading this paper, it becomes evident what “Covid” is: https://particleandfibretoxicology.biomedcentral.com/articles/10.1186/s12989-016-0168-y

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There are many routes to this, chemtrails, PCR tests, food/drugs vaxes and other injectables, and hospital protocols. Also papers with very strong correlation to 5g roll out in time and place, stopping right at borders. That is much a more complex scheme than HIV.

Still the noting of viruses in this post and your lack of personal engagement stands out. I'm advising that would help your good writing-up to you.

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I'm not here to entertain people. I can devote as much time as I can. If that's not enough, I apologize. People can read other authors and engage with them. Of course, these topics are complex and perhaps sometimes hard to follow, but nevertheless, I hope it is clear that the whole “virus” narrative is completely misleading. If another poison was not used, perhaps people could still consider viruses. But in this case, it doesn't even matter whether viruses exist or not, because people die of poisoning, and the poison is obviously used.

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They should ALL Be taken out. Someone send these evil onesS DOWN .

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This Has Been A 100 Year War

On Natural Immunity.

It Is High Time Someone Declare Victory

For Natural Immunity

And End This War.


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check out a petition at citizengo.org...defend your freedom NOW-stop the uns pandemic treaty before its signed,,read it carefully to understand just how serious things really are...its a worldwide petition it can be signed and reshared widely worldwide from any country in the world including yours...that said dont waste your time resharing it on you tube/twitter/facebook/.who you can be sure will censor and suppress it that said there are many alternatives that can be used..it currently has over 217000 signatures it urgently needs many more..and you can help in getting them firstly by signing it also by resharing it widely with as many like minded people and groups as you possibly can and be sure to ask each one of them to do exactly the same as ive asked you..do remember your silence is your consent

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