Two things:

1. I am not the only one who understand it is intentional:


2 This is how GRAPHENE-BASED FRAUD post was flagged now:

Warning: suspected fake website


This link leads to a website that might be trying to steal your information, such as passwords and credit card details.

So, you know we hit the nail on the head.

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Yes, Dear Ray, absolutely!

It is an organized criminal enterprise.

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Nil novi sub sole. :)

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Bene dignoscitur, bene curatur


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Yup, as long as the diagnoses are not based on "symptoms" alone. :)

Most diagnostic tools that would be necessary do not exist, and it is next to impossible to find the causes of a medical condition most of the time, because there are usually several, and only a few, if any, can be identified.

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"But here we are FORCED to wear graphene-based masks."

No one has forced me to wear a mask, and never will.

The reason this is happening is because evil beings want to KILL YOU and ME, and indeed ALL LIFE.

Sure, none of it makes sense to a reasonably kind and easygoing person, but that doesn't make one jot or tittle of a difference.

I have hope that some of us trying to maintain a semblance of sanity, can learn to speak strong and loud and clear that we will not comply, nor go down with a muzzle upon our faces.

Stand up, and do not die on your knees.

This may be what the price of truth and salvation is, for those that can face the music. Strength to Endure and Triumph!

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Amen Marcus!



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fascinating the graphene stunting effect on the seedlings.

have been wondering about aerosolized nano particles of graphene are being intentionally spread by aircraft.

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Apple iPhone uses hexagonal symbolism on weather app for ‘air quality’= in plain sight

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Hi Outraged Human! I was wondering if you had ever read the work of Dominique Guillet/Xochi, or know of the Kokopelli Seed project in France?. If not, here's Xochi. I have discovered some of the best writing in a lifetime due to Substack! Happy to have found people like you! Thanks!

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I was listening to an interview of Dr. Richard M. Fleming who wrote the book “Is Covid-19 a Bioweapon” and he was a adamant that GO is not part of the vaccines. He said he was able to secure all three US pharmaceutical vaccine products and tested them. It is frustrating when a researcher is not honest enough to realize that a single report does not confirm or deny a truth. It is a snapshot of that moment and experience. Grrrr. GO is very dangerous and we cannot discount it being included along with all the other dangerous adjuvants.

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That's why critical thinking is so crucial.

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I agree with you.

They come as friends....

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This author is fantastic, one of the best on Substack. It's revealing that only after a few months of starting the site, she is already under attack!

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And the shills recommend exercises to the graphene-laden population. It looks like the athletes who collapse and die in public are insufficient warning:


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This is very good, unfortunately people who are still asleep will not realize what this means nor think it's really in a shot they got. The graphene uses link is just abject propaganda or worse:

"The use of Graphene can prevent 90% protection against COVID-19. Some further research work is required to sort out suffocation and some other limitations, but it is good alterative of N95 masks for the practitioners that are dealing with infected patients."

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