So, it's all about nanotechnology.
To kill, to sterilize, to control, to cause disease to spend more money on Big Pharma, and of course to implement CBDC.
It used to be considered a conspiracy theory, but now...?
Project PROTEUS???
Do you mean THIS PROTEUS???
I exposed nano domestic well which is a program to plot deployed by the US department defense under previous administration's namely Obama designed to fulfill the ultimate hybridization concept not only on paper but now in mankind's very own flesh and blood through the introduction of nanotechnology to mankind's biological systems disrupting mankind's genetics biofluids waters vaccines and you engineer for future activation and now I'm going to read from the nano domestic quell documents these doc documents were obtained from dr. William Bill Welds website then later someone with the Department of Defense Clarence sent it to me and so this is why I believe that this document is in fact valid the document is June 2013
The document reads as follows its domestic quell so it's for its you know this is basically the utilization of nanotechnology in foods and water supplies etc.
National nano domestic quell ndq protocols for phase 4 DT F n estimatedrates and phase for updated compliance for n DQ current total infection rates for United States general population is at eighty seven point two percent projected infection for general u.s. populace by January 2014 is estimated to reach ninety-eight percent total infection for ages 18 and above may reach ninety nine percent DTF and projects dispersal mediums will require additional resources for phase four of nano domestic well DTFN recommends an increase in the following medium inflows and outflows think specific to liquid dispersal
Pepsi-cola nine point nine%
Nestle ATR 8.5%
Chicago municipal 5.1%
Atlanta municipal 4.4%
Danone 4.2%
Coca-cola 4.1%
Los Angeles Municipal 20.9%
Seattle Municipal 1%
Dispersal outflows have shown significant improvement in population infection rates shown significant improvement in population infection rates.
Recommended in flow increases deployed in October 2012 resulted in a net increase of infection rates by 0.82% slightly exceeding projections
DTFN assures DoD compliance for phase 4 will be completed one week ahead of schedule
No further recommendations have been submitted by DTFN for Phase 5.
An expected update to outflow estimated rates will be forthcoming before Phase 5 initialization
Friday, October 11, 2013
Classified docs on "Nano Domestic Quell" DoD kill-switch program released by Dr. Bill Weld
Classified docs on "Nano Domestic Quell" DoD kill-switch program released to public by Dr. Bill Weld. *DOWNLOAD LINK BELOW*
This is how the military will be respond to the economic collapse, and how they will put down armed uprisings, riots and domestic revolts.
Classified docs on "Nano Domestic Quell" DoD kill-switch program released to public by Dr. Bill Weld. *DOWNLOAD LINK BELOW*
This is how the military will be respond to the economic collapse, and how they will put down armed uprisings, riots and domestic revolts.
As promised, these are some of the classified documents given to me by my good friend in the Department of Defense, a very highly ranked official I have known for many years.
The program is called "Nano Domestic Quell".
As the documents clearly demonstrate, the U.S. government has embarked on a program to implement a secret "Armageddon nano device" that mimics a flu virus, to be activated on the public in the instance of domestic uprisings, riots and armed resistances.
The nano devices are in, or "carried" by, an estimated 87% of the population at this point, with a projected 98% inflected by 2014.
Chances are, you already have this nano device inside of your body as you read this.
Please understand: these nano devices are inert until activated by a radio signal or transmission.
You are safe until a cell tower, drone or other method of transmission activates the device. (I do not personally know how this transmission works. The documents I've received do not go into any detail on that specifically. I do know drones and cell towers will be used, however.)
Once activated, the device will mimic the flu virus. You will be dead within 10 to 12 days. There is no known cure or way to prevent this. (I go into more detail on this in some of my videos, of which I recommend viewing all of them to fully understand and appreciate what is going on.)
The military can target very specific locations, particularly with drones (why do you think they want drones over U.S. skies so desperately?). They can target a room, a small house, an apartment complex, a city block, a town, or a whole metropolitan area.
By simply firing this signal, the nano devices in your body will be activated and you will die from what will appear to be a very severe case of the flu.
The virus outbreak can scale from individual or group-targets, or to a large city-wide outbreak.
This program was not created to kill everyone. Let me repeat: they are not trying to kill everyone.
They created this program to deal with domestic uprisings during an economic collapse.
It is now ready and being implemented. When the collapse happens, they won't have enough troops to control the country or deal with the armed resistances. They needed another way of keeping control. By not having to fire a single shot to put down an armed uprising, they're essentially "killing two birds with one stone". A flu virus will appear to be a random "act of God" instead of perceived government aggression.
Why do you think they haven't banned guns? They don't need to with this system in place.
Please bear in mind that there is an active campaign underway to discredit me, attack me and bring me down. Please understand my children are sick and I believe their sickness -- a bizarre skin condition that is worsening for both of them -- is a result of my blowing the whistle. I believe they have been harmed intentionally. I believe they are trying to send me a message by messing with my children.
I need your help. I need your trust. I need you to help this spread. I have more documents, with even more frightening information, but at this point, my life is in danger. If no one is paying attention or listening, it does me nothing to continue with this, other than put my life and the lives of my family in certain danger, all for nothing.
If it doesn't spread or go viral in some manner, we are finished, because they will continue to destroy me, remove any trace of me from the internet (records from my some of my previous employers are already missing, among other things), they will destroy me and the public will never find out about this.
Please pray for us, pray for my wife, Helena, my son, Bill Jr., my daughters, Katherine and Grace. We need your help more than ever.
Download high resolution documents of "Nano Domestic Quell" Department of Defense highly classified public kill-switch nano device program (monthly bandwidth for this server is 150 GB, so if there is downtime, we will have to move them to a new server):
In Christ,
Dr. Bill H. Weld
Military insider: "They want the collapse to be even more severe."
So, now: Fluorescent nanoparticles present in Coca-Cola and Pepsi-Cola: physiochemical properties, cytotoxicity, biodistribution and digestion studies
Similarly, the examination of the NPs distribution in other organs including liver, brain, heart, lung, kidneys, spleen and muscle showed that significant accumulation occurred in the liver, brain and heart 2–6 h after oral administration of the Coke and Pepsi NPs (Figure 5(b)).
Remarkably, increased fluorescence was detected in the brain 6 h after administration of the Coke and Pepsi NPs, suggesting that the ultra-small (5 nm) NPs could cross the blood-brain barrier and accumulate in the brain (Supplementary Figure S8). A slight trend of increasing fluorescence intensity in the heart was also observed.
In this study, we reported the finding of the presence of fluorescent NPs in two of the most popular beverages worldwide, namely Coke and Pepsi.
The evaluation of the metabolism and biodistribution of the NPs revealed that the NPs were digested and absorbed in the small intestine and colorectum, and were cleared mainly through the liver, and not the kidneys. Significant accumulation of NPs in the brain and heart were also observed, suggesting that the NPs could cross the blood–brain barrier.
This work was supported by the National Key Research and Development Program of China [2017YFD0400103, 2016YFD0400404]
Four years ago, a Government commissioned review of food labelling urged FSANZ to “develop as a matter of urgency a standard for regulating the presence of nanotechnology in the food production chain”. Thus far, FSANZ has taken no action on this either.
Nano titanium dioxide is used as a whitener and brightener in a range of foods, including lollies, chewing gum and doughnuts. Children between the age of 2 and 4 have been found to have the highest exposure levels. Animal studies of nano titanium dioxide show it can damage DNA, disrupt cell function, interfere with the immune system, cross the intestinal tract and cause organ damage.
Nano silica is used as a ‘trickle and flow’ aid in powdered food products. This year the European Commission’s Scientific Committee on Consumer Safety (SCCS) found evidence that nano silica can damage DNA and concluded that the data is inadequate and no conclusion of safety can be made. Several recent studies have shown that nano silica can cause liver toxicity .
We provided evidence to FSANZ over a year ago that it is highly likely that foods containing manufactured nanoparticles are in the Australian food chain. The fact that every sample we tested contained a high proportion of nanoparticles, suggests that the use of nanomaterials in Australian foods is widespread.
Friends of the Earth Australia is calling for recall of all products containing nanomaterials and an immediate moratorium on the use of nanomaterials in food, pending full safety assessments.
(1) FSANZ, response to Questions on Notice, Senate Estimates, SQ14-000086, February 2014. – FSANZ has told Parliament that it is “not aware of any manufactured nanomaterials being used in food available in Australia,” based on the fact that it “has not received an application to amend the Australia New Zealand Food Standards in relation to new or novel nanoscale particles for food use.”
(2) FSANZ, responses to Questions on Notice, Senate Estimates, SQ14-000074, SQ14-000082, February 2014; SQ14-001329, SQ14-001342 October 2014.
Nanoparticles in baby formula: Tiny new ingredients are a big concern
The result of the study: an average of 325 plastic particles for every liter sold, and polypropylene—the same type of plastic used to make bottle caps—was the most common type of plastic fragment sound.
In this study, the brands tested were Aqua, Aquafina, Bisleri, Dasani, Epura, Evian, Gerolsteiner, Minalba, Nestlé Pure Life, San Pellegrino and Wahaha. Nestlé Pure Life was the main culprit, with concentrations of plastic as high as 10,000 plastic pieces per liter. According to the study, of the 259 bottles tested, only 17 were free of plastics.
…Nestle Pure Life and Gerolsteiner showed the highest average densities…
Researchers from Columbia University and Rutgers University found roughly 240,000 detectable plastic fragments in a typical liter of bottled water.
The study was published Monday in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.
About 10% of the detected plastic particles were microplastics, and the other 90% were nanoplastics. Microplastics are between 5 millimeters to 1 micrometer; nanoplastics are particles less than 1 micrometer in size. For context, a human hair is about 70 micrometers thick.
Microplastics have already been found in people's lungs, their excrement, their blood and in placentas, among other places. A 2018 study found an average of 325 pieces of microplastics in a liter of bottled water.
Nanoplastics could be even more dangerous than microplastics because when inside the human body, "the smaller it goes, the easier for it to be misidentified as the natural component of the cell," says Wei Min, a professor of chemistry at Columbia University and one of the study's co-authors.
They searched for seven common types of plastic using this system: polyamide 66, polypropylene, polyethylene, polymethyl methacrylate, polyvinyl chloride, polystyrene and polyethylene terephthalate. More Evidence That All Of Life Is Contaminated With Plastic Polymers: "UNM Researchers Find Microplastics in Canine and Human Testicular Tissue" - And Associated Lower Sperm Count
Nano Domestic Quell program Dossier This program is reportedly the covert microchipping of the American people and beyond.
The "Nano Domestique Quell" program.
The U.S. government has launched a program to set up a secret "nano Armageddon device" that mimics a flu virus, to be activated on the public in the event of national uprisings, riots, and armed resistance.
Nano devices are dispersed via chemtrail and common consumer products and are active in about 87% of the population right now, with a forecast of 98% at least in 2014.
The chances that you already have this nano device inside your body by the time you read this article are 87%:
the symptoms of chills always at the same times which look like a very annoying beginning of the flu and then nothing the next day or a few hours later, I put this article because I have already had this symptom and I had wondered if it was not caused by radio waves because I know this kind of flu symptoms quite well, I can tell you that we are already contaminated and that this program is already in place. The mode of activation would be via the cellular satellite network or drone.
Once activated, the device will mimic the flu virus. There is no cure or a way to prevent it
The report reveals that the additional nano robots are scattered across major brand products such as:
Danone Nestlé and Coca Cola so they would reach 98% OF THE US population I see no reason why this technology should not be implemented at the global level ordo ab chaos.
The military can target very specific places, especially with drones (why do you think they want drones desperately?). They can target a room, a tiny house, an apartment complex, a city block, a city, or an entire metropolitan area.
By a simple shot of this signal, the nano devices in your body will be activated and you will die from what appears to be a very severe case of the flu.
The virus outbreak can evolve from particular target groups or, or to a large citywide outbreak.
This program was not created to kill everyone. Let me repeat: they are not trying to kill everyone. They created this program to deal with national uprisings during an economic collapse.
It is now ready and implemented. When the collapse occurs, they will not have enough troops to control the country or face armed resistance. They needed another way to stay in control. By not having to fire a single shot to suppress an armed uprising, . A flu virus appears as a random "act of God" instead of government aggression.
Why do you think they didn't ban weapons?
Translation by Rusty James
thanks to the
Dr. Bill H. Weld's Official who, at the risk of his life, revealed to us this affair to be disseminated to as many people as possible, thank you
I remember this man. I recall his warnings. I kept his links back then. It was all very much silenced & censored at the time & he disappeared off the radar... severely targeted and threatened.
Dear Mr Weld. We have lives to live not deaths to fear. Most are not wired for this info you share. Plus, our last God given breath here is immediately followed by an inbreath in the afterlife. Like you go into another room. Another frequency, another dimension, we don’t disappear, we don’t die, nothing to fear or to be upset about. Chill.