My first thought would be this: if this were true, why the need for the jab, when they can just zap us anytime they want to? Just for psychopathic kicks? Or did they find out it didn’t actually work, as this goes back to 2013/14?

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Moe, excellent question. I wonder the same thing, but I think the answer lies in your third question. Maybe “they” underestimated how great God made our immune & detoxification systems. Maybe they had to up the ante. I will say that I see titanium dioxide in nearly EVERYTHING I use from my face powder, my toothpaste, my eye cream, my body lotion, my deodorant, my shampoo & conditioner. Why is it in everything? There’s no way it serves some beneficial purpose in all of those different products. My feeling is that there is a nefarious reason behind it.

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I remember reading about the Rockefeller patent on GO and controlling mouse behavior, about a year into the plandemic and how 5G could be the source of power. I agree that we are fearfully and wonderfully made. God says my people perish for lack of knowledge. We must fear God and worship Him, He will take care of the rest. The enemy’s time is growing shorter, as we are experiencing all around us. As an aside, I always ask God to bless my food and drink and protect me from any harm that may be within it. I think I’ll add the air I breathe too! 🙂

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je pense la meme chose le corps magnifiquement cree et Gere par Dieu intelligence eliminait ces nanos basiques de titane et de silice pour une grande part.

de plus ils n'etaient certes pas assez electro magnétiques sans GO et

Quantumdots de Graphene en 2013

il ont du creer des NP bcp plus elaborees de haute technicité, avec des GQD, bio sensors luciferase,, repondant aux ondes Giga Herz 5G ( 6G ensuite ) dans les 2 sens et decider de les INJECTER pour y aller 'pour de bon' et aussi faire le neural lace dans le cerveau

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Load balancing.


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Angie, what is load balancing? I’ve not watched the video yet, but I will.

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Jun 6·edited Jun 6

If two people live in the same household and one just had an operation, the load balancing ensures the AI telemetry is directed at the patient. Therefore, energy isn't wasted or misdirected.

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Or maybe this program was fake but was meant as predictive programming and also use confusion to make people deny this potential reality.

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Possibly because anything ingested via gut ie water, food has to go via robust acidic intestinal protection, ie gut microbes, tight gut wall and anything via respiration has to penetrate the mucus gel and lungs filtration system hence we naturally expel large amounts of toxins/pathogens but an injection directly into the bloodstream would guarantee all round body distribution to ALL the vital major organs including the heart and brain. Didn't the pcr test provide a way to bypass the blood/brain barrier with the use of those extra long swabsticks as a possible preparation? Penetration into the brain would have been vital to enable read/write access and brainwave (hence thought/emotion) manipulation, deleting chosen neural pathways whilst augmenting others, a more reliable tech update to their V2K.

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Although I’m sure we all have biosensors in us, the nanotech kill switches described in the Wald audio probably only work if they are directly injected.

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Jun 6·edited Jun 6Liked by OUTRAGED HUMAN

I remember this man. I recall his warnings. I kept his links back then. It was all very much silenced & censored at the time & he disappeared off the radar... severely targeted and threatened.

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Jun 6·edited Jun 6Liked by OUTRAGED HUMAN

Also rev michelle hopkins on YT spoke about it. In the videos Bill Weld speaks to the content supplied to him by an insider. Followed by threats to his life that he describes and to his children's lives. He's now deceased.







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From his blogspot...Classified docs on "Nano Domestic Quell" DoD kill-switch program released to public by Dr. Bill Weld. *DOWNLOAD LINK BELOW* (no link now note)

This is how the military will be respond to the economic collapse, and how they will put down armed uprisings, riots and domestic revolts.


As promised, these are some of the classified documents given to me by my good friend in the Department of Defense, a very highly ranked official I have known for many years.

The program is called "Nano Domestic Quell".

As the documents clearly demonstrate, the U.S. government has embarked on a program to implement a secret "Armageddon nano device" that mimics a flu virus, to be activated on the public in the instance of domestic uprisings, riots and armed resistances.

The nano devices are in, or "carried" by, an estimated 87% of the population at this point, with a projected 98% inflected by 2014.

Chances are, you already have this nano device inside of your body as you read this.

Please understand: these nano devices are


until activated by a radio signal or transmission.

You are safe until a cell tower, drone or other method of transmission activates the device. (I do not personally know


this transmission works. The documents I've received do not go into any detail on that specifically. I do know drones and cell towers will be used, however.)

Once activated, the device will mimic the flu virus. You will be dead within 10 to 12 days. There is no known cure or way to prevent this. (I go into more detail on this in some of

my videos, of which I recommend viewing all of them to fully understand and appreciate what is going on.)

The military can target very specific locations, particularly with drones (why do you think they want drones over U.S. skies so desperately?). They can target a room, a small house, an apartment complex, a city block, a town, or a whole metropolitan area.

By simply firing this signal, the nano devices in your body will be activated and you will die from what will appear to be a very severe case of the flu.

The virus outbreak can scale from individual or group-targets, or to a large city-wide outbreak.

This program was not created to kill everyone. Let me repeat:

they are not trying to kill everyone.

They created this program to deal with domestic uprisings during an economic collapse.

It is now ready and being implemented. When the collapse happens, they won't have enough troops to control the country or deal with the armed resistances. They needed another way of keeping control. By not having to fire a single shot to put down an armed uprising, they're essentially "killing two birds with one stone". A flu virus will appear to be a random "act of God" instead of perceived government aggression.

Why do you think they haven't banned guns? They don't need to with this system in place.

Please bear in mind that there is an active campaign underway to discredit me, attack me and bring me down. Please understand my children are sick and I believe their sickness -- a bizarre skin condition that is worsening for both of them -- is a result of my blowing the whistle. I believe they have been harmed intentionally. I believe they are trying to send me a message by messing with my children.

I need your help. I need your trust. I need you to help this spread. I have more documents, with even more frightening information, but at this point, my life is in danger. If no one is paying attention or listening, it does me nothing to continue with this, other than put my life and the lives of my family in certain danger, all for nothing.

If it doesn't spread or go viral in some manner, we are finished, because they will continue to destroy me, remove any trace of me from the internet (records from my some of my previous employers are already missing, among other things), they will destroy me and the public will never find out about this.

Please pray for us, pray for my wife, Helena, my son, Bill Jr., my daughters, Katherine and Grace. We need your help more than ever.

Download high resolution documents

of "Nano Domestic Quell" Department of Defense highly classified public kill-switch nano device program (monthly bandwidth for this server is 150 GB, so if there is downtime, we will have to move them to a new server):



In Christ,

Dr. Bill H. Weld

P.S. I would like to thank my webmaster, Chris, for all of his help during this, and the time he's taken to personally support me and my family. I couldn't do it without him.

** The public has full permission to re-post and copy this blog entry far and wide

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Dear Mr Weld. We have lives to live not deaths to fear. Most are not wired for this info you share. Plus, our last God given breath here is immediately followed by an inbreath in the afterlife. Like you go into another room. Another frequency, another dimension, we don’t disappear, we don’t die, nothing to fear or to be upset about. Chill.

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I agree with you. Absolutely, we are eternal.

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Jun 6·edited Jun 6Liked by OUTRAGED HUMAN

So much to go through and digest. This one's gonna be hard on the ol' tum-tum. 😵‍💫

Thanks O. H. Ties in nicely with the Day Tapes.

God help us 🙏

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Toxicanadian, what are the Day Tapes?

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Jun 6·edited Jun 6Liked by OUTRAGED HUMAN

Here they are. Recorded in 1968. Dr. Richard Day. There are 4 or 5 in the series so get a cup of your fav bevvy and get comfy.

That which is heard, can never be unheard 🫣



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I seemed to have come across Tape 1 & Tape 4, but does anyone have Tape 2 or 3?? Thank you.

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All four should be immediately following the first one I linked. If not you can click on the channel and scroll until you see them. 🌞

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Dr. Ana Mihalcea M.D., PhD, on Mind Matters and Everything Else with Dr. Joseph Sansone, EP 29. - https://rumble.com/v4ztsxn-dr.-ana-mihalcea-m.d.-phd-on-mind-matters-and-everything-else-with-dr.-jose.html

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Hi Outraged,

You got it all right. Cyborgs who survives this. But remeber there will always be resitance to the end and behond. Health 2 U. RR

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jai écrit aussi un article sur Nano domestic Quell en français en 2021

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Jun 6·edited Jun 6Liked by OUTRAGED HUMAN


The Cartel is attempting to ram this rushed bill into law without allowing any human rights defenders to speak about the dangers it poses to our fundamental rights. The Cartel is worried because criminal charges regarding nanotechnology biosensors have been laid against a Canada Post director, police and CSIS agents. I laid them.


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Honestly, every day the layer of crap on my skin is harder and harder to remove.. The flying fibers now permeate most of my clothes and yet medical professionals prefer not to discuss it. <sigh> Someone sent me a few Operation Domestic Quell pages a few years back. They listed the percentage of Americans who had been infected, and even listed the food and drink products that contained the nanotechnology. The problem (IMHO) is that the average person doesn't know about, much less understand nanotechnology and it's use as a weapon. Perhaps the nano itself is what apathy is off the charts these daze..

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Psoriasis has become very common particularly since the vaccines. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC8628636/

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Chelation via the liver and GI tract is my bread and butter.

So Nano Zeolite obviously contributes to our detriment, 500 nano zeolite bases used in Nanotech. Ewww.

Micro zeolite, micro bentonite or micro diatomaceous earth, travels along the digestive tract, is not absorbed. I have read two pubmeds that stated that fact.

So those micro clays have two advantages, the Nano heavy metals excreted in the bile, are absorbed into micro clays and excreted in the stool. The nano heavy metals contamination in the food and water would also be absorbed and excreted.

Another advantage is reverse osmosis between the gastrointestinal tract and the bloodstream. When micro clays are consumed, the higher balance of heavy metals in the gastrointestinal tract, pulls more heavy metals from blood stream back into the gastrointestinal tract, to be in the stool.

This how I started to chelate the nano heavy metals out in 2015, micro zeolite or diatomaceous earth, vitamin C and hesperidin. Now we have more molecules we can use Fluvic acid, Humic Fluvic acid, NAC, glutathione, sodium citrate, EDTA, Malic acid, copper ii glycinate, methylene blue.

Where there is a will there is a way.

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oui sauf que bcp dans ce que vous dites sont tres dangereux avec le GO dans le corps et sont toxiques

EDTA, Bleu de methylene notamment

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et NAC Glutathion aussi : ils se lient au GO (Oxyde de Graphene ) a temperature corporelle et le reduisent en r GO ( Hydroxide De Graphene )mille fois plus conducteur des ondes

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It's not just about the r GO. Plasmid and nanotechnology cause amyloidosis, which is the cause of sudden death syndrome, cardiac amyloidosis, strange white "blood clots" and so on. NAC dissolves it and does not allow it to aggregate. It'll take time, years, but it can be detoxified.

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Jun 6·edited Jun 6

Thanks to the Psinergists, I realized that a "friend" who embedded herself in my life 20 years ago is responsible for much of my targeting and harassment. She's a Big Pharma executive for Phyton Biotech near Vancouver but its founders live in Texas. She worked for EA (Entertainment Arts) prior to Phyton Biotech.




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I got rid of white clots in 10 days. 3 foot one in leg, 2 inch one in crook of right arm, and a small active actuator one in the venous vasculature of the left hemisphere of my brain.

The Graphene nanotubuals are doped with nano heavy metals, are covered in biopolymers.

The amyloid fibrils hyper extend attach to PEG, then nano heavy metal to make entangled hydrogel.

Fluvic acide and humic/Fluvic acid degrades the Graphene sufficiently.

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If this is so classified, why is it still on YT in this age of sensorship?

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Is this man still alive?

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Indeed, the collapse is near and their single objective cannot be misconstrued with all this evidence: simply get rid of all the goyim so that when they get out of their bunkers after the coming cataclysm, they can be assured the planet is theirs and theirs only...

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Well yes...here's more, stick with her she knows it all..


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