I don’t know the Doctors you mention . I know Dr Carrie Madej who looks herself with a high school microscope and sees the hydra and the squarish sharp edged presumably metal substance. She does not do spectrometry but Dr. Noack German Chemistry Professor ( 32) certainly used photo spectrometry snd examined since he is a world expert inn…
I know Dr Carrie Madej who looks herself with a high school microscope and sees the hydra and the squarish sharp edged presumably metal substance. She does not do spectrometry but Dr. Noack German Chemistry Professor ( 32) certainly used photo spectrometry snd examined since he is a world expert innGO and Ghydroxide. He was murdered after his second u tube video announcing it to public. He mentioned a visit to Pittsburgh , Pa where there are some other Nano particle GO Carbon experts and one at U of Pittsburg was also murdered after he announced an important finding with Covid research that he would present the next day. Dr Bing Lui ( age high 30’s )
I was awake then snd watched the murder news in real time for many weeks until the BS nonsensical Mafia cover stories started to peace together that sounded like a Clinton 100+ Arkancides.
Pretty sure I have seen some on Outraged Human substack and Dr Ryan Cole Pathologist has some good blood histology pictures hydra and square sharp shapes and lab analysis. Let me know if this is enough, snd if not I will search harder and not off the top of my head at Happy Hour 😊
I have evidence of the mortality pathology at two events. Again I watched it unfolding when it happened snd the story slowly changed afterwards in the LSM and gaggle and even DDGo have just remnants left.
The kids hundreds of phone camera videos were the best depictions of the energy based deaths until many were scrubbed.
You likely saw all the You Tube etc videos of people having fun sticking magnets to their arms after the shots. A sign metal/something magnetic was being injected. My waitress is familiar with this and the Scott Travis Concert Mass cardiac arrests and hemorrhages of all the required Injected ( not a vax) concert goers. The info is out there.
My observation is these doctors are not considered by mainstream anti Covid vaccination doctors obsessed with mRNA and Spike. Dr. Alexander is very well
If the Doctors you mention are not keeping a completely open mind and looking for all and everything in these vials, throw the Doctors out. They do not have a good mind. It is easy to analyse what is in the vials for a chemist. The Chemist throws it all in a machine, spectrometer or photospectrometer, goes and has a coffee and it spits out the answer. No mystery. No denying.
Move on to something else.
If these Doctors are denying it, a good doctor would just say, I haven't seen it, because he can't speak for what he hasn't seen, then they may be working for the Feds. Malone does work for the Feds and has for decades and collects Royalties from them.
As anyone open minded can find out Covid-19 was a seasonal illness. All else opportunism. The politics are complex when we speak of them and do not rest on one reasoned out plan for 100 years. No Hari Seldon plan but Yuval Harrari plan. Not big think out of China or a Western think tank. There is not a privileged cult or clique of elite contactees running the show. Statistics and probability applied to Herd man help policy decisions but after a few years policy fails. Agency momentum and inertia remain. Marx spoke of this as the Dead Hand of the Past.
“ Magnetofection™ is a novel, simple and highly efficient method to transfect cells in culture. It exploits magnetic force exerted upon gene vectors associated with magnetic particles to draw the vectors towards, possibly even into, the target cells. In this manner, the full vector dose applied gets concentrated on the cells within a few minutes so that 100% of the cells get in contact with a significant vector dose.”
There is a notice:
“ The Magnetofection™ reagents and all of its components are developed, designed, intended and sold for research use only. They are not to be used for human diagnostic or any drug intended.”
So no virus exists. A genomic image does. China isolated no virus. China did claim Covid. Claim based on a joint bioweapons program. From there Establishment entities ran the program to hasten NWO.
I always try to keep an open mind. Are you stating that you feel the preponderance of evidence shows there was no SARS 2 Corona virus with a gain of function for human respiratory tract? The Covid 1984 was a smoke and mirrors ( and maybe some synthetic snake venom powder available on line ) dumped in city water supplies?
They spray us with toxins daily, of course they are going to put something in our water.
March 7, 2023: European CDC confessed to having no record of the alleged "SARS-COV-2 spike protein" being found in and purified from any people who were diagnosed with fake covid or who received a so-called "mRNA vaccine".
I am familiar with the things that you quote, freedomisnotfree, my point was to point out that a lot of Substackers, who purport to be investigative, ignore the GO. And I am raising the question of why is this. I have a pretty good idea of why, but to actually accuse them specifically, is another matter.
Maybe you don't read a lot of popular Substacks, eg Jessica Rose. You are not looking in the wrong places.
I read and comment on Jessica all the time and have since the beginning.
I think these Drs are just focusing on their area of expertise and research. They are not commenting on things or ingredients that they are not an expert in. They are so busy and so focused on their area of expertise.
My understanding is it can/does bind to H2O when it comes into contact with it ie human body so then it is Hydro oxide. If my rusty organic chem is serving me correctly.
Thanks for pulling up these links so quickly. Very helpful.
Cairn, "Same thing." GO just came into contact with water molecules so the hero late Chem professor more accurately called it Graphine Hydroxide when it was in the human body. With this, as was pointed out to me, new magnetic properties are taken on when it binds to H2O upon entering body. Not sure how this works with the lipid nano particle layer that surrounds the GO sometimes ( depending on the presentation ie hospital masks, Covid bullsh testing swabs, aerosolized dropped from planes, to increase absorption into human barrier tissue ie mouth, nose, eyes. Remember those eye drops they were pushing? Then they contaminated them with pseudomonas bacteria ( my hunch ) and they were " recalled " after a lot of infections and likely poor visual outcomes because it is a dangerous bacteria in the eye or anywhere for that matter. Name of company---Global Pharma ---they always throw it in our faces and laugh ---such arrogant M Fers. This just happened.
These are all hypotheses put together with bits and pieces of info. I am familiar with and some I have received from experts. Piecing the puzzle together.
No, I am serious. I expect transparency and truth and I believe she delivers. She does not have time to veer off on tangents and this is a big tangent for her and not her expertise ( being Chemistry, although she did claim to love it, it's just one of those things we love but there are not enough hours in the day or days in the week to study it in the detail it needs to be studied with specialized equipment).
So I think that she is not purposely avoiding ( as some ....of the others ) but she has not taken the time to hire a Chemist to do the original research work along side him or her. She is, to her credit, an original work kind of girl 👧 ! This is what we love about her, she is brillant and she does not trust others' " facts " or " fact finding " in general, she painstakingly rolls up her sleeves and does all the " dirty work" ( lab work, research ) herself. She gets a tremendous amount of respect from her true peers because they really can appreciate this.
This is my take. I am still curious to know what I have been asking you, what is your take? Or hunch or thinking with regard to what you are referring? Don't be afraid to say, we are all open here no matter how harsh. It is just another possibility or theory with a probability tagged on it that is subjective and dynamic in magnitude given the new info every time you look around.
I could play a guessing game and probably ...get your idea in the top three guesses but I don't like playing games very much... Controlled opposition? Is that it? I have very strong, solid reasons that I know of, that I don't think that is the case.
Security, we do hope she has safety and security and I imagine that is heightened as necessary. She is a brave soul and we all have hills we are willing to die on.
Many of the amoral characters in this saga are spineless shells and that is how we humans are taken advantage of. They need to bone up and choose a side quickly, because time is running out. Think of all those disgusting, gutless employees of Pfizer, BioNTech, FDA, CDC, NIH etc., collecting their paychecks and stock bonuses and either willfully deluding themselves ( directly proportional to their stock invested price ) or enjoying their perpetuation of Evil on the humble humanity. There are Sheep, Sheep dogs and Shepards. The wolves are circling.
I think I know which she is.
Hopefully by providing her with contributions ( as well as this substack writer, I am just getting to know ) we can help support her work, safety and success in some way.
There is No reversal. This is all in parallel. None of this is mutually exclusive. It is All the case. The Evils have MANY ways to kill us with this one injection. I can list them if you like. They start the second you get the injection with Anaphylaxis, to clots and strokes, to MIs due to myo and pericarditis, then go to turbo cancers, then GO poisoning ( not all vials had it was my understanding- makes sense ) to being 5G, 6 G human antenna to EME GO displacement through out body. All these things need to be researched in parallel or just kill all the people trying to kill us because this is exhausting.
Again hypothesis but quickly being proven true. It's almost like we need a new Journal called " Outing Covid 1984 " And put all relevant scientific papers in this Journal.
C, Hopefully we are getting closer to being on the same page.
I don’t know the Doctors you mention .
I know Dr Carrie Madej who looks herself with a high school microscope and sees the hydra and the squarish sharp edged presumably metal substance. She does not do spectrometry but Dr. Noack German Chemistry Professor ( 32) certainly used photo spectrometry snd examined since he is a world expert innGO and Ghydroxide. He was murdered after his second u tube video announcing it to public. He mentioned a visit to Pittsburgh , Pa where there are some other Nano particle GO Carbon experts and one at U of Pittsburg was also murdered after he announced an important finding with Covid research that he would present the next day. Dr Bing Lui ( age high 30’s )
I was awake then snd watched the murder news in real time for many weeks until the BS nonsensical Mafia cover stories started to peace together that sounded like a Clinton 100+ Arkancides.
Pretty sure I have seen some on Outraged Human substack and Dr Ryan Cole Pathologist has some good blood histology pictures hydra and square sharp shapes and lab analysis. Let me know if this is enough, snd if not I will search harder and not off the top of my head at Happy Hour 😊
I have evidence of the mortality pathology at two events. Again I watched it unfolding when it happened snd the story slowly changed afterwards in the LSM and gaggle and even DDGo have just remnants left.
The kids hundreds of phone camera videos were the best depictions of the energy based deaths until many were scrubbed.
You likely saw all the You Tube etc videos of people having fun sticking magnets to their arms after the shots. A sign metal/something magnetic was being injected. My waitress is familiar with this and the Scott Travis Concert Mass cardiac arrests and hemorrhages of all the required Injected ( not a vax) concert goers. The info is out there.
I can pull up photo spec stuff if u need it.
My observation is these doctors are not considered by mainstream anti Covid vaccination doctors obsessed with mRNA and Spike. Dr. Alexander is very well
known. Dr. McCullough as well. I am very well aware the evidence is GO. My observation again from Malone to Alexander it is all mRNA. A red herring. And Stew sez nothing. https://thephaser.com/2023/02/cdc-admits-mrna-bioweapon-rampant-in-blood-stream-dr-alexander/
If the Doctors you mention are not keeping a completely open mind and looking for all and everything in these vials, throw the Doctors out. They do not have a good mind. It is easy to analyse what is in the vials for a chemist. The Chemist throws it all in a machine, spectrometer or photospectrometer, goes and has a coffee and it spits out the answer. No mystery. No denying.
Move on to something else.
If these Doctors are denying it, a good doctor would just say, I haven't seen it, because he can't speak for what he hasn't seen, then they may be working for the Feds. Malone does work for the Feds and has for decades and collects Royalties from them.
As anyone open minded can find out Covid-19 was a seasonal illness. All else opportunism. The politics are complex when we speak of them and do not rest on one reasoned out plan for 100 years. No Hari Seldon plan but Yuval Harrari plan. Not big think out of China or a Western think tank. There is not a privileged cult or clique of elite contactees running the show. Statistics and probability applied to Herd man help policy decisions but after a few years policy fails. Agency momentum and inertia remain. Marx spoke of this as the Dead Hand of the Past.
Why is the injection magnetic?
Dr Jane Ruby exposes magnetism intentionally added to c19 vaccines
[link to www.bitchute.com (secure)]
Dr Jane Ruby explains…
They used magnetism in the lipid nano particles to concentrate the mRNA into cells as a super delivery system since the mRNA is so delicate.
She goes on to show there is a company in Germany, Chemicell, with this magnetism tech called “Magnetofection“.
[link to www.chemicell.com]
“ Magnetofection™ is a novel, simple and highly efficient method to transfect cells in culture. It exploits magnetic force exerted upon gene vectors associated with magnetic particles to draw the vectors towards, possibly even into, the target cells. In this manner, the full vector dose applied gets concentrated on the cells within a few minutes so that 100% of the cells get in contact with a significant vector dose.”
There is a notice:
“ The Magnetofection™ reagents and all of its components are developed, designed, intended and sold for research use only. They are not to be used for human diagnostic or any drug intended.”
This sounds very suspect.
I would defer to a PhD when understanding that metal is magnetic. The above says they use
" magnetic particles " what are those? Nano particles? Carbon? So Graphene Oxide?
This is not a mystery. Do you see this ?
Harold Saive
Mar 12
CHINESE VACCINE PATENT USES GRAPHENE OXIDE TO "IRRADICATE" SARS-CoV-2 - https://groups.google.com/g/town-square-news/c/0n-wHn6Z8Dc/m/Hl0bsoxNCwAJ
GO. https://lambdageeks.com/is-graphene-magnetic/
This is what someone posted from another discussion on Unacceptable Jessica substack
Presence of graphene in Covid vaccines - By Alex Deidier - https://news4awake.wordpress.com/2021/08/23/presence-of-graphene-in-covid-vaccines/
So no virus exists. A genomic image does. China isolated no virus. China did claim Covid. Claim based on a joint bioweapons program. From there Establishment entities ran the program to hasten NWO.
I always try to keep an open mind. Are you stating that you feel the preponderance of evidence shows there was no SARS 2 Corona virus with a gain of function for human respiratory tract? The Covid 1984 was a smoke and mirrors ( and maybe some synthetic snake venom powder available on line ) dumped in city water supplies?
They spray us with toxins daily, of course they are going to put something in our water.
March 7, 2023: European CDC confessed to having no record of the alleged "SARS-COV-2 spike protein" being found in and purified from any people who were diagnosed with fake covid or who received a so-called "mRNA vaccine".
The request ruled out studies where researchers did something with “recombinant” aka lab-created "spike protein" that wasn’t found in people, and studies where the alleged protein was "detected" indirectly using a nonspecific test. Thanks Barbara! https://www.fluoridefreepeel.ca/wp-content/uploads/2023/03/Eurpoean-CDC-spike-protein-PACKAGE-redacted-03-2023.pdf
What is Dr Richard Fleming PhD,MD,JD saying?
Cardiologist from Texas. Smart guy but a little slower to catch on it was the gov poisoning us. He has labs doing the research now.
Brave. All vials are illegal to test.
I am familiar with the things that you quote, freedomisnotfree, my point was to point out that a lot of Substackers, who purport to be investigative, ignore the GO. And I am raising the question of why is this. I have a pretty good idea of why, but to actually accuse them specifically, is another matter.
Maybe you don't read a lot of popular Substacks, eg Jessica Rose. You are not looking in the wrong places.
I read and comment on Jessica all the time and have since the beginning.
I think these Drs are just focusing on their area of expertise and research. They are not commenting on things or ingredients that they are not an expert in. They are so busy and so focused on their area of expertise.
Why do you think they don't mention it?
I don't think Jessica has been totally silent on it.
I really couldn't find where she says it's not an ingredient. Seems she's open to being a possibility.
As Cairn says, crystal ball predicts 1) deep pockets or 2) death
This link says Graphene Oxide, but this dead Dr said it was Graphene Hydroxide...
Get busy,
My understanding is it can/does bind to H2O when it comes into contact with it ie human body so then it is Hydro oxide. If my rusty organic chem is serving me correctly.
Thanks for pulling up these links so quickly. Very helpful.
Yes, GetBusyOnTop, Noack was saying Graphene Hydroxide and emphasising the razor blade effect of it.
La Quinta Columna found GO.
Cairn, "Same thing." GO just came into contact with water molecules so the hero late Chem professor more accurately called it Graphine Hydroxide when it was in the human body. With this, as was pointed out to me, new magnetic properties are taken on when it binds to H2O upon entering body. Not sure how this works with the lipid nano particle layer that surrounds the GO sometimes ( depending on the presentation ie hospital masks, Covid bullsh testing swabs, aerosolized dropped from planes, to increase absorption into human barrier tissue ie mouth, nose, eyes. Remember those eye drops they were pushing? Then they contaminated them with pseudomonas bacteria ( my hunch ) and they were " recalled " after a lot of infections and likely poor visual outcomes because it is a dangerous bacteria in the eye or anywhere for that matter. Name of company---Global Pharma ---they always throw it in our faces and laugh ---such arrogant M Fers. This just happened.
These are all hypotheses put together with bits and pieces of info. I am familiar with and some I have received from experts. Piecing the puzzle together.
They can't afford to mention the GO.
Why not?
You don't really need me to tell you what such as Jessica would lose.
I think you want to be reassured that it just isn't so.
No, I am serious. I expect transparency and truth and I believe she delivers. She does not have time to veer off on tangents and this is a big tangent for her and not her expertise ( being Chemistry, although she did claim to love it, it's just one of those things we love but there are not enough hours in the day or days in the week to study it in the detail it needs to be studied with specialized equipment).
So I think that she is not purposely avoiding ( as some ....of the others ) but she has not taken the time to hire a Chemist to do the original research work along side him or her. She is, to her credit, an original work kind of girl 👧 ! This is what we love about her, she is brillant and she does not trust others' " facts " or " fact finding " in general, she painstakingly rolls up her sleeves and does all the " dirty work" ( lab work, research ) herself. She gets a tremendous amount of respect from her true peers because they really can appreciate this.
This is my take. I am still curious to know what I have been asking you, what is your take? Or hunch or thinking with regard to what you are referring? Don't be afraid to say, we are all open here no matter how harsh. It is just another possibility or theory with a probability tagged on it that is subjective and dynamic in magnitude given the new info every time you look around.
I could play a guessing game and probably ...get your idea in the top three guesses but I don't like playing games very much... Controlled opposition? Is that it? I have very strong, solid reasons that I know of, that I don't think that is the case.
Security, we do hope she has safety and security and I imagine that is heightened as necessary. She is a brave soul and we all have hills we are willing to die on.
Many of the amoral characters in this saga are spineless shells and that is how we humans are taken advantage of. They need to bone up and choose a side quickly, because time is running out. Think of all those disgusting, gutless employees of Pfizer, BioNTech, FDA, CDC, NIH etc., collecting their paychecks and stock bonuses and either willfully deluding themselves ( directly proportional to their stock invested price ) or enjoying their perpetuation of Evil on the humble humanity. There are Sheep, Sheep dogs and Shepards. The wolves are circling.
I think I know which she is.
Hopefully by providing her with contributions ( as well as this substack writer, I am just getting to know ) we can help support her work, safety and success in some way.
Her whole background and beliefs could not deal with such a reversal.
I am not saying that she is not genuine, but it would be like expecting someone to change their religion.
Their whole raison d'etre would be destroyed.
She cannot afford to go there.
Did u see the Links Get Busy posted?
There is No reversal. This is all in parallel. None of this is mutually exclusive. It is All the case. The Evils have MANY ways to kill us with this one injection. I can list them if you like. They start the second you get the injection with Anaphylaxis, to clots and strokes, to MIs due to myo and pericarditis, then go to turbo cancers, then GO poisoning ( not all vials had it was my understanding- makes sense ) to being 5G, 6 G human antenna to EME GO displacement through out body. All these things need to be researched in parallel or just kill all the people trying to kill us because this is exhausting.
Again hypothesis but quickly being proven true. It's almost like we need a new Journal called " Outing Covid 1984 " And put all relevant scientific papers in this Journal.
C, Hopefully we are getting closer to being on the same page.
Yes, exhausting, especially when most of us cannot actually test anything and are subject to so many lies.
Where truth seekers have to intuit so much and continually revise.