"scientific research only and cannot be used for human treatment, drug development, or other commercial purposes"

The drug pushers have redefined science and, no doubt, human. They are just doing research on their critters.

This Chinese company surely can supply the market for these graphenes, lipid nanoparticles and other random wotnots.

The drug pushers are addicted to drug pushing.

Good finding, "Outraged" one.

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The toxicity of graphene, so-called Covid, and "vaccine" injuries equalize 100% (except, of course, for the severity, which is higher for vaxx injuries than Covid). So, the conclusion is simple:

We have been poisoned by graphene (and possibly other nanotechnologies).

People are not dying from the "Wuhan virus." They are dying because they've been poisoned. This way the flu becomes very difficult to bear. Especially when they are deprived of life-saving antioxidants and given toxic drugs instead.


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Here's my personal puzzle: when whatever *Covid* was doing the rounds, I didn't get it, but felt that I was throwing off a hint of a sore throat. My clotshotted husband got really sick and so did our rabbit but not our dog. Rabbit stopped eating and sat tight for several days, five days after us humans got whatever it was.

We don't have chemtrails here in our windy climate.

Bunny mostly eats organic.

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I will definitely forward this to anyone I hear state that they support this nonsense!!

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Please do, thank you!

The cure: antioxidants, especially NAC, I will write more about it

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If the people we need to reach with this kind of information even remotely resemble the folks I have been trying to reach....a brick on the noggin would still not convince them that bricks on the noggin cause damage.

As I write this I am thinking of several people in my circles ...a pastor, an upper echelon educator, a nurse, doctors, a pilot, nursing home staff and admin....need I go on? Many of these are my family.

Not one of them have demonstrated sufficient interest to even care that there might be a side B to this covid coin. In their world...there exists only one dimension.

If there is anything that can break through to them it certainly does not appear to be in the realms of observable evidence or measurable intelligence.

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If only they would let us talk.... I had a heated conversation recently with someone who couldn't comprehend, but finally started listening and something opened up in the light of the arguments

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I don’t see that you directly state it, but I assume that these were added to the schedule because they are ingredients in the vid 💉.

Kinda paints a stark picture, doesn’t it.

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yes, exactly

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What's the "vid"?

The "schedule" wouldn't be listing these ingredients though, they are like Colonel Sanders' secret recipe.

Isn't it just the code- named injection that would be added to the schedule?

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And obviously the schedule won’t mention the ingredients. That’s the whole point of the post, however. Including the shot is by default including these, some of its ingredients.

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“vid” is short for the Thing That Everyone Has Talked About For The Last Two Years. Ya’ know... co vid.

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Thanks, I thought that you might have been referring to a video.

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Sorry I'm just a little bit confused... so is ALC-0159 used in those products that you can order?

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Both ALC-0315 and ALC-0159 are used by Pfizer and are manufactured/distributed by these Chinese companies for research use only (RUO).

There is NO WAY these products are "safe".

And if you look, the same company produces graphene/graphene oxide, carbon nanotubes and different kind of other nanotechnologies (they list them literally on the same page with ALC products in Chinese) so how is this a "conspiracy"?

This is VERY IMPORTANT because it proves the causal relationship between C-19 injection and adverse reactions.

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Why not? Vaxcattle have done diddly about being experimented on over the last 18 months -- why not profit from these mindless sub-beasts, as we simultaneously cull them? #I'mWithBill 💀💉

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