Well, I don't think he needs worry about the overpopulation issue any longer, after the past three plus years.

Being honest, a lot of the so called "truthers" I first followed when this sh*tshow began have been outed as not quite what they tried to appear, or suspect in many areas. I just shrug, remain unsurprised and move along.

I'm old. Tired. Full of despair because the huge issue for me personally is the apparent (overwhelming evidence is constantly incoming) issue is the culling of Humanity, with the option for the elites of, if their "great and terrifying..to quote Charles...experiment" works, those who survive being transformed into HumanBorgGenesis so they continue being turned into programmable walking routers and drones, or, to quote the equally disgusting Harari, "hackable animals". That.

Well, that and ALL the ways they're progressing towards their goal...geoengineering our planet and us to the point that the word "natural" becomes defunct and relegated to the history books (any that remain unedited,uncancelled and unburned).

That too.

I no longer trust Kirsch to tell the truth. Just as I early on gave up listening to Malone and quite a few other so called Frontline Freedom Fighters. Because with the evidence of my own eyes I watched loved ones vanish from life after taking an experimental medical/technological military grade bioweapon. Because I'm waiting for the same thing to happen to my now injected daughter and grandchildren, one of whom already has myocarditis.

That most of all.

And because, as we continue talking about it all, they continue doing it all.

And until we forcibly remove them from the position that enables them to continue, we will continue to die as a species.


So, am done with the distractions these so called truthers toss to us as scraps to keep us diverted from the ongoing extinction of us all.

Kirsch and his ilk can go to hell, far as I'm concerned. When he quits talking and starts doing, I might reconsider. Not holding my breath though.

(apologies for the extreme cynicism and despair in this comment. I'm old, I'm dying and I'm done tiptoeing around the sensibilities of others as Humanity dies with a whimper )

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There are health solutions, people do not have to die - antioxidants and/or oxidants - higher doses of NAC, MSM (organic Sulphur), glycine, Vitamin C for absorption - plus many other antioxidants (Q10, Resveratrol, Astaxanthin, Quercetin, and so on), Borax and/or CDS (chlorine dioxide solution), different detox protocols

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I agree. Sadly, once jabbed the injected seem to lose all cognitive function and they don't listen to advice or reason. Interestingly, borax is almost impossible to obtain here in Sweden. You can buy Borax substitute but it isn't the same at all. I'm wondering if they know it helps and that is why.

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That's why they can't process that anyone talking of overpopulation is in fact targeting you as part of that group, not them !!!

Is the elite for depopulation or extermination of us, the “useless eaters”?


What’s your best way to wake-up those who don’t want to open their eyes?

Please share your most effective wake-up strategies.

The more the awakened, the sooner this nightmare will be over!

If the person doesn’t want to discuss injections, then food is a good start:

Why is food poisoning legal?

How Rumsfeld forced the approval of Aspartame.

Artificial sweeteners, MSG, PFAS, Glyphosate ... go organic!


Then I’d follow with "Are you opened to see if the actual data matches your opinion?"

Then I start showing some of the shortcomings of the Pharma industry:


Then, show that every single person in the planet should be suing Pfizer for deliberately injecting an undisclosed carcinogenic monkey virus (SV40) into the cell nucleus of the clueless biohacked, as officially recognized by Health Canada !!!

If he doesn’t like the topic, I’d show this video (all you need is 10 secs in the middle, who doesn’t have 10 seconds for you):


(caveat about the beginning: pot destroys your brain + “Raises Risk of Heart Attack and Stroke”)

9/11: two "planes", yet the third tower (WTC7) imploded, free falling on its footprint like in a controlled demolition. It was out of reach, and all 7 World Trade Center towers needed to be rebuilt, not the closer towers not belonging to World Trade Center... and the “owner” took an insurance policy for the WTC against terrorism, just months before, when no one was taking them … he didn’t show up for work precisely on 9/11 … just as his 2 grown up siblings (they never skipped work before). The inside information about the FUTURE 9/11 event helped masons make trillions by shorting the stock exchange: the records were deleted by the SEC so they wouldn't be prosecuted !!!

Watch amazing short and more evidence here:


Please watch all of this! Your life depends on it, because there's a plan to murder 95% of the global population by 2050… written on the masonic Georgia guide-stones: “Maintain humanity under 500,000,000 … ”:


- J6: The false flag operation of the fake riot was planned, incited and guided by FBI agents, who broke into the Capitol !!! The same mason-plot was copy-pasted to disband the insurrection against the stolen elections in Brazil! All intel agencies (CIA, FBI, NSA) were founded by masons and are run by them for their own nefarious goals.


It's such a mason manual that they organized the same J6 play in Brazil when it was proven that the voting machines owned by mason Soros, were rigged:



- At least since the 90s, vaccines are weaponized to reduce the population, for example:

1. Adding hCG to infertilize women: lab detected in 30 countries

2. Overpassing the FDA 10 ng limit to human DNA “contamination” by 2000%, thus causing neuro-damage (autism, asperger, tics, dyslexia in 29% of kids, etc.) and childhood cancer epidemic (n.b. leukemia, non-Hodgkin’s lymphomas)

Check soundchoice.org or videos at bottom after this page:


- COVID was designed as a primer for even more lethal COVID haccines:




- Wake up videos:



- It's genocide for depopulation:


- Their main source of power apart from sin-empowered demons? NOT a coincidence that the USA left dollar convertibility to gold in 1971, precisely triggering the exponential government deficit coupled with the trade deficit and inflation.

This is the Achilles’ heel of all nations: masonic and satanic secret societies counterfeit paper money and launder trillions with which they buy Banks, seats in the Federal Reserve (the only private run Central Bank in the world), political careers and parties, puppeticians, listed corporations, media, healthcare corporations and organizations, universities, foundations, judges, etc.:

Confessions of illuminati, David Rockefeller:


Confessions of ex-illuminati Ronald Bernard (all lodges obey the same master, Satan):


The way out of this mess:

1. Create an easy system for real money: private currencies/warrants based on real assets, goods, services, etc. (gold, corn, oil, distance/volume/weight transportation, labor human hour/minute, etc.)

2. Ban legal tender. Let the free markets decide which real-currencies/valuables/warrants they prefer to trade with

3. Ban paper-backed currencies (unlike real-backed ones of point 1.)

4. Enforce a Legal Banking Reserve of 100% of deposits (so banks don't create money based on air) and therefore there's no excuse for a Central Bank, because there would be no risk of bank-runs since all their loans are fully backed with deposits

Anything else you might think of?

Now, are you really ready for this?:

The full PLAN exposed:


16 laws we need to exit Prison Planet


Plllllease, on my knees, don’t believe me, just do your own homework by searching the following in yandex.com, mojeek.com (includes crawl date filter and substack search), gigablast.com, startpage.com, duckduckgo.com (not Google, Bing, Yahoo censors). The key terms to test them? Child Satanic Ritual Abuse, Child Satanic Ritual Murder.



President John Quincy Adams: “Masonry ought forever to be abolished. It is wrong - essentially wrong - a seed of evil, which can never produce any good.”

If you are a mason or know a mason, ask him to ask his 33° master to put in writing and sign it, who is "the great architect" and that he is not Lucifer. If he refuses, then he’ll know who he is really serving, Satan: tell him to get out of masonry NOW. Sooner or later he’ll be required to trample on a cross to get to a higher degree.

Confessions of ex-illuminati Ronald Bernard (all lodges obey the same master, Satan):


Confessions of a former mason (Serge Abad-Gallardo):


Confession of 33rd degree master mason - Masons worship deities/demons


Masonry's Satanic Connection


Masonry's Satanic Doctrine | From Their Own Books


Do Freemasons Worship Lucifer? Evidence They Don't Want You To See


Satanic Ritual Abuse and Secret Societies [1995] [VHS]


Satanic Pedophilia Torture and Blood - Dark Satanic Secrets Revealed




WARNING! Weaponization of vaccines:




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https://open.substack.com/pub/harryr/p/the-greatest-hoax-of-all-time?r=8svkn&utm_medium=ios&utm_campaign=post I see that you have confessions of Masons up to 33rd degree but then there’s this. I have known Masons even high up ones & I don’t believe that they were Satanists.

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Doubtful. The borax used for washing is readily available in the US and I'm sure the supplement version is only slightly better quality, so the cheap washing variety would work.

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You may get Borax via eBay, often from Poland (or Portugal, it varies) That's how i got my 1 kg Borax to Stockholm. Albeit, and as you indicated, do not use Borax substitutes - they got nothing to do with pure borax.

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Borox is not Boron, and according to a friend, borox is not something you want to consume. I've been trying to find out more about whether it will actually poison you, because I would like to believe I can get some safe boron out of Borax. I have a supply of 20-Mule Team myself, but I'm not sure about consuming it. Be careful. I'd like to see more evidence that it's safe.

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I’d be dead by now. I consume mule team a couple of times a week or more. Read the Borax Conspiracy.

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Borax is a powdery white substance, also known as sodium borate, sodium tetraborate, or disodium tetraborate. It’s a combination of boron, sodium, and oxygen.

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Sodium Tetraborate (a natural mineral).

That’s what is in Borax 20 Mule Team It’s actually 95% Boron, mixed with sodium and oxygen, and is mined in California.

Here a short Video from Dr Berg, revolving Boron, and its benefits as a TRACE mineral.


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To be honest, I already take a Boron supplement (though have read the dosage usually isn't adequate enough) but I also researched as much as I could and read that taking Borax baths helps at least a little, in detoxing from heavy metals. I could be wrong of course, I'm no doctor or anything.

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Great for removing fluoride also and super strengthening of bones.

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Nope. Won’t work. When you structurally re-engineer a building to stand on 3 posts instead of 4. Duct tape won’t stop it from falling over. The mRNA injection changed the blueprint. I suggest you read up and understand genetics. Because no antioxidant, anti fungal/bacteria etc. will stop the shot. You suggesting this is clear you don’t understand what was done

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I'm not so sure about the genetic engineering or mRNA injections as they are claimed to work. Much like virology, there is a lot of pseudo science and fuckery going on, long, industry financed papers with scant evidence often based upon faulty self-referencing assumptions. Many of the same results can be achieved by injecting basic toxins.

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This injection was far worse than mere fuckery. It is indeed genetic engineering to change human DNA to satan’s DNA. We warned everyone it is the mark of the beast but most people didn’t believe it. This cannot be reversed unless there is divine intervention.

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It's the nanotechnology and the rubbery clots that cannot be removed . Dr. Ana Mihalcia is the one to listen too. She has been prolific in writing papers on the subject amd treating patients. She says the nanotechnology is in everyone. And she is not finding MRNA in any of the vials. This is Transhimanism and we are all being infected. It's a taboo subject with all the so called freedom doctors and helpers on the Frontline.

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Yes, I read Ana but remain a skeptic primarily because its reads as more fear fear fear frequency from another angle. Certainly, I have seen pictures of weird structural materials in the shots/tests. But what it is and what is does has not been answered, and patents are not proof- any novel idea can be patented, it doesn't have to exist or work. It was very curious to me that supposedly the vials had to be frozen at -50 and -70 (approximately) when biologicals need only -20 (approximately) to suspend state. Certainly heavy metals and graphene has been proven to be in all sorts of vials and injections. Something is going on, but I have lots of injected but (to date) unaffected family and friends.

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Yes but like ivermectin, I would do a round of wormwood and take carbon charcoal will help. Cilantro takes heavy metals out of the brain so I put that in everything I eat also. I think the biggest problem is the 5 g Making our immune systems overworked.

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Well. I’m sure, I’m in medicine. I see it. And have studied genetics for the last 10 years. You can choose to believe what you want. But there is a huge disinformation campaign being spread on media to spread ignorance.

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She's not the only one finding these results. There is no pseudo science. There is an investigation and a desire to bring information to the public. You can try to discredit her but with what?. An opinion? And what is an example of a self referencing assumption. She is backing her observations with patents on transhumanism papers. You have to.start somewhere. Are you too afraid to think outside the perverbial box, or are you a paid troll desperate to discredit her and her colleagues. Transhumanism is here. Has been for a long time. The globalists have been telling us of their plan. Ask Mr. Hararri , Claus' boyfriend. It's so ridiculous that people like you still pretend nothing is happening. No chemtrails, no smart dust, no nanotechnology, no morgellins, no no no, can't be true....man oh man

..with that attitude, we are all screwed. Imo

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Not all vials had the same ingredients many were placebo. It’s a huge experiment on humanity. They knowingly made people controls and lab rats.

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It's the biosensoring nanotech plus graphene, lipid hydrogel and quantum dot tech alongside the CrisprCas-ed gene editing tech that worries me. Without exception, everyone I knew that took the shots had a one-eighty personality change. As if the genes responsible for them feeling love,, empathy, compassion and familial connection had been abruptly switched off. That includes my daughter and grandchildren. I've also spoken to others about the same thing. And then too I've read Ana Mihalcea's research, she confirms this does indeed happen. This, and reading as best I can Pfizer's own documents (and when I am, I'm always wondering just how much they doctored or left out) convinced me that they launched gene editing, transhumanism technology on Humanity and worse, that it is transmissable. The fact the unjabbed now show the same tech forming in our blood bears this out.

One thing that gets me with many Freedom Doctors and scientists is their seeming inability to replicate Mihalcea's work by examining live blood of both jabbed and unjabbed. They seem to be stuck on the vials. Yet all of us are now "test subjects" in this awful, terrifying experiment.

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The personality change is very evident to me as well. My brother took the shot and he has changed dramatically, those around me are very, very stubborn to see reality whereas my unjabbed friends/colleagues are empathetic individuals...stress point: individuals

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shots plus TV - check out Dr. Nehls work, interviewed by Naomi wolf ... my jabbed once friend who doesn't watch TV is still herself 😺

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My gut tells me you are right.

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Folks, also note if you use astaxanthin, use Haematococcus pluvialis, not the stuff made from petroleum derivatives. I put a drop in my olive oil when I open it to slow oxidation. It is RED, which is why flamingoes (sp?) and salmon are pink. Quercetin is poorly absorbed, so get a liposomal version. If you are older, spend the dough if you have it and get ubiquinol, not Q10, and once you get out of your 30s, it is harder for your body to use Co A10.

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Yes, true. Use the good quality ones - not synthetic from China. It is good to research quality products.

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Hi Blaise,

You’re right. Quercetin is poorly absorbed by the body, but there are published studies that show Bromelain helps with the absorption of Quercetin into the body. One doesn’t need to buy a liposomal version of Quercetin which will likely be much more expensive. You’ll find a number of vitamin brands that already combine the two.

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Am urging people to also double check the supplier/manufacturer of your supplements. Many brands are now taken over by Big Pharma and cannot be trusted. Also prescription meds. One example is,, I have a heart arrhythmia I used to take Propanolol for. Propanolol used to be made by Inderal, but they were bought out by AstraZenica a couple of years back when the lockdowns etc rolled out. No fanfare about it and I only found out by accident. At the time there were videos going around about magnetic meds. So I thought to test for that my own self. Propanolol was a small pink tablet with a time release coating. The *inside* of the coating was magnetic. I immediately quit taking them (not something I recommend) and haven't taken any betablockers since. Needless to say, my health isn't great now. Also checked other meds I was prescribed...owned by Sanofi, GlaxoSmithKline and Bayer.

Now, I do not take prescription meds and won't go anywhere near a doctor or hospital or med centre. I deregistered from mine. I already know I'm dying (as one doctor happily informed me not long before I deregistered) but I'd rather go out best I can at home with my husband by me to say Goodbye, than in a now soulless med establishment with them all too willing to help me along asap with who knows what.

Don't know if anyone's seen the work of the Spanish doctor who visited a graveyard containing bodies of recently deceased from the injections. He found the Mac addresses they emitted *still* going, and of course many researchers have found the fibrous clots and other tech removed from the bodies of the dead still active after death.

So, might not be a pleasant topic to consider, but folks might want to think about when and how they are likely to die, given that now, who can actually trust the medical establishment any more? And as yet, we have nothing that can replace it.

PS...humans ought to work on that, btw....just a thought. :)

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These are great links, many thanks. NAC is a wonderful thing, been taking it since it was mentioned in relation to immune support from shedding. I've found best results from taking NAC for one month, then switching to direct Glutathione for one month, then back again. That's just me though, other folks probably find different ways help.

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You can try supplementation. (NAC, Q10, Astaxanthin)


Natural antioxidants, such as vitamins C and E, can reduce the recurrence of atrial fibrillation (AF) after successful electrical cardioversion and protect against AF after cardiac surgery, but do not affect the incidence of atrial arrhythmias in critically ill patients with trauma. Vitamins C and E may also effectively treat ventricular tachycardia, ventricular fibrillation and long QT-related arrhythmias. Another natural antioxidant—resveratrol—may effectively treat AF and ventricular arrhythmias caused by ischaemia–reperfusion injury.


CoQ10 therapy (150 to 180 mg/day) for 7 to 10 days preoperatively could improve clinical

outcome in patients undergoing coronary artery bypass graft surgery since significantly

fewer reperfusion arrhythmias, lower total inotropic requirement, mediastinal drainage,

blood product requirement, and shorter hospital stays were observed when compared with

the control group


https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7353230/ Effects of 3-Month Astaxanthin Supplementation on Cardiac Function in Heart Failure Patients with Left Ventricular Systolic Dysfunction-A Pilot Study 5. Conclusions

In conclusion, this pilot study found that after 3 months of astaxanthin supplementation, the levels of the oxidative stress markers decreased and improvements were observed in both cardiac contractility and exercise tolerance in the HF patients with LV systolic dysfunction. In addition, improvements in cardiac function correlated significantly with the suppression of oxidative stress, suggesting that suppression of HF-associated oxidative stress by astaxanthin supplementation may have therapeutic potential for improving underlying cardiac dysfunction and impaired exercise capacity.

Coenzyme Q10 is a heart protective enzyme https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC8151454/ The rationale of the use of CoQ10 in cardiovascular diseases is that the loss of contractile function due to an energy depletion status in the mitochondria and reduced levels of NO for vasodilatation has been associated with low endogenous CoQ10 levels. Clinical evidence shows that CoQ10 supplementation for prolonged periods is safe, well-tolerated and significantly increases the concentration of CoQ10 in plasma up to 3–5 µg/mL. CoQ10 supplementation reduces oxidative stress and mortality from cardiovascular causes and improves clinical outcome in patients undergoing coronary artery bypass graft surgery, prevents the accumulation of oxLDL in arteries, decreases vascular stiffness and hypertension, improves endothelial dysfunction by reducing the source of ROS in the vascular system and increases the NO levels for vasodilation.

Clinical evidence shows that CoQ10 supplementation with doses of 200 mg/day or higher for prolonged periods is safe, well-tolerated and significantly increases the concentration of CoQ10 in plasma, and reduces oxidative stress and mortality from cardiovascular causes. CoQ10 supplementation improves HF symptomatology and clinical outcome in patients undergoing coronary artery bypass graft surgery by enhancing mitochondrial respiration and increasing myocardial tolerance to oxidative stress. Dietary CoQ10 also modulates a number of risk factors through an anti-atherogenic effect that prevents the accumulation of oxLDL in arteries, decreases vascular stiffness and hypertension, improves endothelial dysfunction (by reducing the source of ROS in the vascular system) and increases NO levels for vasodilation.


5. Conclusions

Clinical evidence supports supplementation with high doses of bioavailable-CoQ10 (≥200 mg/day) to support heart health in patients affected by coronary heart disease and heart failure, partly modulating a number of risk factors for these conditions, and partly directly acting on myocardial cell metabolism. Long-term RCTs are still needed to confirm and better understand the efficacy and safety profile of this molecule in a large number of patients and CV diseases.

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I take these supplements, they are beneficial I can confirm. But, I deregistered from my healthcare centre because, it no longer provides actual healthcare. I also took into account the local increasing hospital related deaths, the increase in jab deaths (and the loss of my friends and neighbours who collapsed, got airlifted to hospital and never returned) as well as the research of those like Drs David Nixon and Ana Mihalcea with la Quinta Columna re the contents of all injectables now. The chances of entering hospital for something so serious as surgery without encountering tech-doctored (no pun intended there) injectables are about nil. I have also had previous experience with fully jabbed doctors and nurses and it was horrendous, won't lie...they have no empathy left, no seeming soul, and are unable to engage meaningfully with the patients. The very last time I saw my doctor, instead of discussing my arrythmia or COPD, he spent the entire time bragging about how he bypassed the system for getting his latest booster by "going down the corridor and just demanding the nurse inject me"!

I came home and wrote my deregistration letter.

I am dying, not stating that to gain sympathy, just as a fact. The COPD puts strain on my already wrecked heart and creates other issues too. Whereas I used to have them managed with synthetic drugs and minor procedures, I quit taking the drugs and bought myself an oxygen machine for at home. I now use the best supplements I can afford (which dwindle as Big Pharma acquires the supplement businesses) and try to eat healthily and just accept what's coming.

I don't want to sound like a doommonger or the like, but I think for anyone of a certain age, or who has particular conditions, or who in any way might feel their lifespan is foreshortened, maybe they too should be thinking seriously about how they will end their days.

I made my husband swear that when the time comes there will be no ambulance, no doctor, and absolutely no hospital. Luckily, here in Sweden, that's legal..a person can "choose to let themselves die", although it's still illegal for anyone to assist them.

But, given the way the world is now, given the way the medical establishment as we knew and trusted it has imploded and been outed, largely, for one of the biggest scams in human history, I do think that end of life situations are something most of us should be actively thinking about.

Sorry, I know it's a miserable topic! Folks do think I'm a miserable old bugger, lol! But I do have a healthy respect for facing sh*t head on, and I still have a sense of humour. Morbid though it can be, sometimes. :)

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start with magnesium! I'm sure you have already gotten all this advice

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Bromelain is also recommended by Dr. McCullough as part of the spike protein detox. And it is cheap.

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Yes, that is true. Thanks for the correction

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This is only palliative care though. Injected people can never recover from the fact that their DNA has been permanently altered to produce fatal toxins against their own body. All of them will eventually die from immune deficiency syndrome.

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Has their DNA been altered though? How do you know for certain? We all eventually die, very difficult to predict from what. I wonder why more of the injected have not become ill or died, but am certainly OK with that because otherwise I would have no relatives nor many friends left.

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One thing is, to me, undeniable now. There is technology growing inside all of us because they launched a self spreading bioweapon that had nothing to do with medicine upon Humanity. This is borne out by the research of many doctors, scientists, even engineers and lay people armed with microscopes of all kinds and ranges. I've seen videos and footage and pictures, read articles and watched live demos I can not argue with re the results. These findings are not salt or cholestoral crystals and anyone doing a little research can easily see the difference. No salt crystal has blinking lights moving in the blood stream with apparent purpose. Nothing in the human body has quantum dots or nanocircuitry, at least, nothing that should be there.

It isn't as if they're hiding it from us. When Harari takes to the world stage, when the WEF and WHO hold conferences and sit on those bloody stages and brag about "surveillance under the skin" they are *not* talking about the stupid hand chips a few Swedes got put in so they can open their fridge doors without touching them!

Listen to everything Harari and his kind say. They are literally telling us they intend to destroy the soul, that they *can* destroy the soul and do it with technology.

It's my opinion that once they admit they can do something you can be sure they have been doing it for quite some time.

A few years ago, in 2019, I got a tetanus booster for a wild animal bite. Didn't want it but doctor insisted and stupidly, I went along with it.

Just weeks later I developed microclots (sound familiar?) which led to a ministroke. This made me permanently blind in my right eye.

I will never let anyone inject me with anything again.

My daughter, now an adult, was a happy and well adjusted teen. Then she got the MMR shot. Almost overnight became autistic, denied, of course, by the doctors. I've been left to deal with that alone all these years later.

I think it's safe to assume they've been "on this" for quite some time now. And that those who survive initially will be forever changed, and their lives will be grievously foreshortened. They didn't make the injections to kill everyone all at once, because that *would* have been one tremendous wake up call,, wouldn't it?

They are smart. This way, staggering harm and deaths, they still have so many people sitting in the dark denying anything's happening even as all around the world, deaths increase on a daily basis thanks to what they've done.

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All my family and friends fell for it too. The patents are on line for what they have done. The new race of trans humans is called Homo Borg Genesis. It may take some digging but you can still find it I think. I’ll look again and post the link if I can find it. Here is the patent from Bill Gates: W02020060606

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GAVI at work Human Borg Genesis and a tented to boot no shame. This is what evil and a god complex looks like.

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The permanent alteration of DNA was what I remember reading from the beginning of this, hence NEVER get a jab. This is rarely mentioned. If it is so, why even bother with all the "cleaning"?

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It is simply unknown at this point as to the extent, if any, of DNA contamination by the injections, let alone shedded plasmids. Also unknown is the degree to which the body’s own inherent mechanisms can repair the damage. Nihilism and despair have no place in resistance.

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Well said!

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Exactly. All the cleaning is only palliative care. The people who accepted the mark are permanently changed. Patented as Homo Borg Genesis by the governments and big pharma, they are no longer Homo Sapiens and they have no human rights. This is evil at such a level that only Divine Intervention can stop it.

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How to you use Borax?

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If you think you need more boron, there are a number of safe dietary adjustments to make, including adding more legumes, fruits, or tubers to their diets—all of which are rich in boron. In particular, prune juice, avocado, raisins, and peaches have particularly high concentrations of boron and are still part of a healthy diet.

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Are boron and borax use related? Substitute? I don't know much about borax usage. Would prefer just to take boron, but not sure how the two differ

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I drink a 1/2 teaspoon in a 16oz glass of well water. Aim for daily but I'm usually at 3x a week. Also put 2 cups in a hot bath plus a cup of epsom salts.

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How long have you been doing this?

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Are boron and borax use related? Substitute? I don't know much about borax usage. Would prefer just to take boron, but not sure how the two differ

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Here is a link on taking Borax baths for detoxing. I'm not pretending baths or any kind of detox will rid us of what they've put into us via injections or spraying. But keeping on top of removing as much as we can regularly can only be a good thing imo.


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You have to be careful with some of these supplements. Look up Tim Truth on Quercitin and ivermectin, nattokinese. Some of these inhibit PGP which helps detox...and can also increase toxicity of ivermectin.

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He is comparing studies that are incomparable, when I brought counterarguments Tim blocked me

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But it's good that it brings up some of those things because you should never follow anything blindly, so it's good to be aware and analyze

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I have to agree! Most of the so-called "Protector of The Universe" imposters are playing two sides of the same coin to cover their ass and are finally being exposed!! I have called out President Trump for promoting this poison in many Podcast episodes! We have a God given right to put in our bodies what we want!

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Don’t blame Trump. He was used in an evil panic scenario. He did not support mandates or lockdowns. Look to Pence and Fauci. They were in charge.

God will take care of the planet in his own way. I don’t want humans playing God. They are killing people fast and destroying humans ability to live normally. God is the best to control that.

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Trump was in charge. Of course he is to blame. He appointed Fauci and Pence. He gave big pharma a free pass to sell the poison. Trump just recently took full credit for the Covid shot and claims to have saved millions of lives. He is fully responsible for the horrific decisions he made addressing Covid. The biggest wealth transfer in history from the middle class to the upper class happened because of Trump. He was a disaster and deserves all the blame.

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Susan, without politicizing it and seeing it for what it was! I have to agree with you that President Trump did not support mandates or lockdowns after about two months after the announcement in April-May of 2020; however, at the beginning of February-March, when we went through the 2 Weeks to Flatten the Curve, he was forced to play nice with the Globalist and Dr. Fraudi, and they did take over the narrative; however several months later President Trump (after being duped) made a wise choice in replacing Dr. Fraudi with Dr. Scott Atlas and Dr. Fraudi and Dr. Birx censored him. At that point, President Trump should have ousted Fraudi! Also, the Surgeon General Dr. Adams was no bargain. Hindsight is 20/20, and President Trump would do things much differently.

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I’m with you on that. I’m old and just remember when one is in a new position and being unknowingly persecuted by insiders and not knowing that the medical people in charge are followers of Satan/evil, it is difficult , and each Trump did the best he could with the info he had. Look back on your own life. Trump had absolutely no clue,and they wanted him to be responsible for evil, and he was not. They were and still are VERY EVIL. pray for God to have mercy on America. I love it so and so does Donald T. 🙏❣️

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Trump's empty threats to 'drain the swamp' gave Americans a false sense of hope and trust in the political process. Had Hilary been in office 1/3 of Americans might not have been so willing to comply with lockdowns.

Trump's promotion of HCQ supported the false narrative that there was a real health emergency and that it was caused by a new deadly pathogen. In reality covid was a rebranding of the flu (which disappeared around the world in 2020) and any excess mortality was caused by lockdowns, ventilators, medical neglect, DNR's etc.

Trump's support for HCQ guaranteed that half of America (and all of the media) would scoff at the idea, which made it easier for the FDA to ban its use. Banning its use was necessary in order to give the vaccines EUA. Thus, Trump's controversial views on HCQ helped to get the vaccines into people's arms ASAP.

Trump promoted the vaccine as a miracle and told everyone to get it.

During an interview with Candace Owens he claimed there were no vaccines in 2018 and that a lack of vaccines is what caused people to die. In reality it was the vaccines (first to WW1 soldiers and then to the civilian population) which caused the majority of deaths.

Dr Eleanor McBean who was a child at the time of the Spanish Flu has written accounts of her two parents (both doctors) going from house to house tending to the sick. None of her family was vaccinated and none of them ever got sick. Her parents had to cover for all of their doctor colleagues who had all taken the shot and became incapacitated with the flu. The exact same scenario happened in 2021 / 22 with hospitals firing unvaxxed doctors and then begging them to return after all the vaccinated doctors got sick causing shortages.

McBean also notes that contagion is not a real phenomena and that nobody (including her parents) can 'catch' the flu, but only get ill through bad diet and unhealthy living - or by having it injected into you in the form of a vaccine.

A century studies involving smearing test subjects with the snot and lung fluid of sick people have proven that contagion theory is a false (but hugely profitable) theory.

Had Trump simply stated the hard facts (1) contagion is a disproven theory (2) vaccines can only cause harm (3) virology does not meet the basic criteria to qualify as a science, he could have saved millions of lives.

But like all politicians he promoted the official lie instead, and did so in a way that specifically appealed to conservatives.... something Hilary could not have done.

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This is some sweet country music!

🦧🤪🤣🖕✡️ It's the Fuckin' jews, Seri! I don't fuckin' vote, except for a Revolution!!!


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https://watchmanscry.com/?p=6550 interesting series of articles

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Paul, read it and seems to line up in what my discerning spirit through the word has been telling me! I am interviewing Scott Schara next week for the 3rd time and he has unveiled the ruthless, demonic underbelly of the medical industry that should be eye opening! I'm going to forward this to him!

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Paul; thank you very much for sharing, I glossed over it and will dive into it when I have some time!

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Very few with profile and reach are not compromised in some way and many that are not get smeared anyways. I trust my intuition and faith.

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I'm old, too...but I have hope...are you open minded enough? then read the Bible and ask God to give you understanding...it basically explains everything that is going on today and everything that went on yesterday....

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Yes, without Spiritual Knowledge, without the Word of God, without serving Him, this world will be hell.

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Without the God of the Bible (note I didn't just say God) we are all empty shells waiting to die and spend an eternity in hell suffering God's wrath

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That! Thank you for your perspective which only comes with age. Your words will not return to you empty.

"And because, as we continue talking about it all, they continue doing it all.

And until we forcibly remove them from the position that enables them to continue, we will continue to die as a species." BINGO!

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I’m old and dying too and agree with all you have said. Little hope left glad I am old and will not survive to see the world destroyed.

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God is in control and HE WINS. ✝️

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I'm sorry...(((((((((Hug)))))))))))

Helluva time to be alive, eh? :/

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well, thanks for speaking my mind. saved me the trouble. big love sister x see you on the other side.

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I love your user name!! I love Peter Sellers!! You’ve brightened my day. I don’t know what will happen to the Earth, but what is happening with people?

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I sympathize with you over your daughter and grandchildren. I am sorry they did not listen to you 😔

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So...is the solution to global warming. overpopulation already been initiated with Covid and we will just go down this road ad nauseum. In the meantime, Big Pharma will reap the rewards?

Why else is there no massive outcry to stop the injections. Why are the politicians ignoring the crisis? They know the plan?

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So...is the solution to global warming. overpopulation......

These phoney issues are the excuse for their agenda which is totalitarianism and depopulation. Huge difference.

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I suspect, too, that they've spent the previious generations manipulating, brainwashing and providing "convenience and entertainment...ie..bread and circuses" to the public so expertly that said public lives now in a world of numb apathy, too lazy to look up from their smartphones, whether that be at the skies above, at the food on the shelves, or at their neighbours being carted off by ambulance, never to return home again.

Got to give them due credit for efficiency.

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That...and the ideological brainwashing in 16 years of public (state) schooling.

But maybe there is a self-cancelling effect. Woke Marxism has gone mainstream into Gov't and corporate America. Recent polls I've seen seem to indicate that the young people are looking at all this and are turning against it. They may be the new conservatives. I think they see that neither side of the political spectrum can be trusted. Maybe the election of Milei is an example?

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global warming is fake.

overpopulation at high standard of living is not.

eroie of petro will go to zero in 20-30 years. fertilizers, steel, whatnot can say good bye even if you switched to nuclear for energy. rather than chaos and nuclear war, enslaving rest of humanity and making them download skills seems to be a smarter option. you can dance all you want but those are the facts. elites told population to practice eugenics for good reason. going to space, doing space mining, discovering plasma torch. population low iq and too stupid, so they have to cull. if you were an elite, and you knew sand people can't do anything, NE asians can live in filth and do primitive tech work and Western people complain all day and get fat -- you would naturally select technologically capable people and ration the remaining resources. I'm not sure why you think being benevolent and handing resources and high standard of living to low iq people leads to good consequences, well none the matter because they are going to start a civil war by importing those low iq people into western countries since everyone is an anti-eugenicist, which sounds really dumb since people only f* beautiful people/young women, and the moment sperm donor/IVF comes in its top looks, $$--- everyone also admires wealthy people, high status people. Must be cognitive dissonance in you guys, well the game is over anyways.

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Not sure of your sentence construction and syntax. But overpopulation is a phoney as global warming. Petro going to zero in 20 to 30 years is bullshit. Same bullshit they have been selling for the last century. All falsehoods. Governments create false threats and practice democide. The earth can support 50 times the population on it now. The game is coming to a "close" because Government has out lived any perceived usefulness and is the source of all the mass suffering and death. Their's is a religion of nihilism.

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No it's not, there's people working in drilling talking about the cheap extractable oil drying up, partially due to derivatives trading and taxation but also because the higher quality and easily extractable stuff is gone. Hence why you see electric/gas-enhanced extraction. Open your eyes, seriously. Do you think there is an infinite amount of rare earth metals, silver, catalytic converter materials, lithium and whatnot? There is not. Even radioisotopes are finite. Nuclear is the only way forward, but there is no means of converting everything to turn on that instantaneously. You have zero brains.

There are geologists that are retired, physicists and whatnot that actually work in the field. They don't publish reports at IPCC, etc. The energy crisis (without nuclear) is real. Maybe you forgot we burned all the wood, kerosene, whales in the past. No higher energy density = no higher standard of living. Simple as that. They are not going to use the remaining depleted uranium, thorium, deuterium on a low IQ population that is spending its day watching television TV shows, netflix and garbage.

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"...They are not going to use the remaining..."

And right there is the fallacy in your paradigm: "They"! No, they are not... You are correct. They - meaning the nation-state sociopath elites who leech off the production of the 99% - are killing (pardon the pun) economic advancement in a satanic, ego-centric attempt to bring the world's population into abject servitude to their "god status". The only reason there is an "energy crisis" is the same reason there have been and will be a "food crisis", Government control.

Why do we have an energy crisis? Because Government control (Biden) has curtailed the production of oil and the Government has prevented the expansion of nuclear generation plants for decades which has NOTHING to do with the limitation of natural resources. Why are we going to have a food crisis? Because Governments are right now doing everything in their power to curtail and kill farming, all in the name of "saving the planet". And your characterization of the world's population as "a low IQ population" is disingenuous and the result of moronic thinking, which is to say it's not thinking at all.

There is more acreage under forests today in the US than there were in 1800. The myth of "Peak Oil" is a lie that has been promoted since the day that Rockefeller drilled his first oil well and has failed in prediction more often than the "global warming" predictions of NYC being underwater from sea level rise. Oil is not a "fossil fuel". All that energy was produced from animals and plants being compressed together? Really? Do the math! Oh I forgot, morons can't do math. Petroleum is a renewable resource produced through chemical processes deep within the earth. Long depleted oil wells that were considered dead have been found to have refilled with petroleum and have been brought back to life. All this has been known for decades. The Russian scientists figured this out long before we did. Read this book and get up to date:


All our current crises are the result of intentional Government mal-management to serve the interests of sociopath elites who want to play god. Your attitude toward human life is a perfect example of their thinking. The governmental institution of the nation-state is fast becoming an anachronism. This 500 year civilization cycle that began with the Enlightenment is ending and the nation-state is ending with it. The elite 1% are outnumbered by the 99%, billions to one. They can feel their fate bearing down upon them but they are too self-absorbed in their narcissism to realize that they are the ones that are about to become extinct. And good riddance to them.

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I often have the thought that, at least in america, it is the fluoride that has been added to the water that prevents us from doing anything proactive and causes us to sit passively and be on the receiving end of evil with no Rebellion.

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Kirsch gave away that he is 'Controlled Op', or Intelligence or Counter Intelligence, when he didn't believe Sasha Latypova in his interview with her, that the shots were intentionally created DARPA bioweapons. He confirmed that Gate-Keeping recently on Stew Peters when Still played dumb and would not call them bioweapon shots created Intentionally to kill and mame. Kirsch also distracted the world with the SV40/You can Now Sue Pfizer red herring. Such a shame, since he helped fund both the epic Defeat the Mandates events; we in California all thought he was a good guy. When you look back, both Kirsch and Malone were on Brett Weinstein's Dark Horse podcast, when Malone innocently and fumblingly first told the world about his role in the mRNA, which we have known since Karen Kingston's research, is actually Nanotechnology sensors to hook us up to the IOT and IOB. The many Narrative controllers are all making themselves increasingly obvious.

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Finally. Someone else said it. All of these morons in the spotlight are all in on it. I never believed Kirsh. I called his Zionist ass out at the start and he blocked me. He made his money in finance. All these butt plugs did. Simple equation. Are they Jewish. Check. Do they work for any alphabet agencies check Do they have ties to drug, private equity groups. Check. If they are a Dr. are they practicing? Check their license status. If any of the above. Yes they are being paid off. Research investigators seem to be the minority today. People need to get with the program and realize. These Egyptian families are behind all this Jew majik

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Novices are to realize that although members of the Illuminati appear, on the surface, to be Jews, Christians and Muslims, their cunning guises are not to be trusted. We are not to be hoodwinked by their obvious public colors and allegiances. Their own symbolism tells us as much. The important connections between Templars (Merovingians) and other branches of the nobility throughout Europe began in the eleventh century, at the time of the First Crusade, when Hugh de Payens, Godfrey de Bouillon, and the rest of the Merovingian-Templars, were supplied, aided and befriended by super-wealthy Italian merchants who ruled the Mediterranean. That lucrative connection has been preserved to this day. The fabulous wealth of these groups is hidden in countries such as Switzerland, Belgium and Malta, not to mention in many off-shore banking houses.

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Novice... cute. Templars were formed by the phonetians, which infiltrated groups starting in the Byzantine period, intermarrying. Templars like Masonic cults were also infiltrated by these scum. I suggest you keep digging, because this goes back to Canaanite origins. They have rebranded their cult many times over to throw people off the scent.

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To be honest that was a canned response and I wanted to try it out. Sorry to try it out on you. I agree with your note here. The scum people are scummy but are quite adroit at keeping us off the scent. Zionists and Illuminati fake Jews like the Kushmans or Bibi or Larry Silverstein are not Jewish anymore than the pope is catholic. It's all a deception theater for these Pharaoh-Phonetian wannabes.

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My father died 30 years ago. He was a devoted Mason but I will never believe he thought it was evil. They did community service etc. I believe the community masons have no clue of all of that. Most are good family men doing lots of community service.

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Like every other human on this planet most are sleep walking thru life. Masons teach Christian Gnosticism. Make that interpretation what you will. I come from generational masons. Read the books. It’s cult like. The higher ups have been infiltrated centuries ago like the Catholic Church. And like the just doing my job crowd. Many people fail introspection. They do what they are told assuming it’s right or the Christian thing to do. But is it? Do people even have the ability to critically think anymore? Blm considers what they do community service. Just saying. Everything you think you know of history is a lie.

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It is exactly because of these truths that you have shared that the Lord Jesus forbade is followers from joining any secret organization for which you had to swear an oath. He said that every thing should be done openly and in the light. It amazes me that so many Bible believing Baptists are masons knowing full well what the Lord said. I do not have any dislike for the average Mason at all. Most of them that I know are wonderful people but the Lord's commandment is clear. Makes me shake my head but then I examine my own sins and I feel ashamed.

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There are or were many Jews that were Masons. The ones that I knew were wonderful men who did charity work for the Shriners Hospital for Children.

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They are all only followers of Satan and he roams the Earth causing evil events using these greedy people. My heart breaks; however, all will not be lost. These evil people will spend eternity in the Lake of Fire, and God will Win it all. God will bring His people to Glory in Heaven. and that will be wonderful and better than Earth. It is real. Pray . Read two things:

2Chronicles 7:14

And the true story book by an Orthopedic surgeon: “Seven Lessons From Heaven”

Pray every day🙏

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You are quoting scripture.. which god? Do you question what you read as the Bible has been altered how many times. And by whom? People blindly quote never fully understanding exactly what the scripture means.

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Appreciate the inadvertent reference to doctors who aren't practicing because they got in trouble with their medical boards. Just a note that this badge of honor many times results in an alternate research or clinical practice as a PMA, Private Member Association. So we still seeve the public as healers, many times in all 50 states.

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SUBSTACK is getting to the point where a Jewish person can’t go on a substack without getting insulted. Maybe Kirsch is just a jerk and it has nothing to do with him being Jewish.

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Sooner or later some bigot comes out & blames ‘the Jews’. Honestly, as a Jew it’s getting very boring & the stupidity of it is 2,000 years same old, same old. Grow up

& realize that the tiniest minority in the world isn’t to blame for all the problems that you people have created.

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FreedomWarriorWoman, I was wondering your thought was on attorney Todd Callender (if you have an opinion)?

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Good question.

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Hi Monica ~ So sorry for the delay, I didn't see your question till now! I like and trust Todd a lot. I think he's right on. Although I'd like to see more of his documentation. As for his big warning about the WIFI attack causing Marburg release during the Emergency Broadcast Alert Test (that originally came from Dr. Buttar), I believe that Jeffrey Prather confirmed from his team on the ground around the country, that something Did actually happen, in terms of some towers giving something powerful off, and according to Mark Steele, who I also really trust and like, the real objective of that test was to track how many people were on their phone at that time and they collected that Data to see who they had access to. What do you think about Todd?

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Though just recently he too referred to them as 'bioweapons' which I found curious.

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This particularly resonates with me. I am very skeptical of those whouh claim there is no virus and there was no pandemic. Sasha Latypova and David E. Martin have both produced hard evidence of DOD/DARPA ordering, patenting, funding, creating and dispersing the virus. But mostly I know because it killed my otherwise healthy husband in 2021. People didn't die because they thought there was a virus. There is a virus.

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If anyone had any uncertainties about which side of the divide Steve stands, for humanity or with the perpetrators, I think your uncertainties have been removed with this Substack article.

I can’t say I’m surprised.

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Both Remdesivir and Monoclonal antibodies contain toxic nanotechnology



Currently being given way too late to make a difference in mortality. We know it works if given early; dramatic difference with monkeys when given early (12 hours after infection). Gilead is focused on making an inhaled form and testing in outpatient trials late this year.

Monoclonal antibodies

These are very exciting since they can protect people for 6 months or more. Given prior to exposure, they can protect people from being infected, usually with 100% certainty. If given post-exposure, they can reduce symptoms and prevent hospitalization. Right now they are given via a 60 minute infusion, but if that is successful, they can be refined to be given via subcutaneous injection. Some of these mAbs are funded by drug companies, but many are not. The more of these the better and they may be combined in a cocktail for best effect. The treatments are expensive ($1,000 per dose) so are viewed as a stepping stone until there is a vaccine.


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On monoclonal antibodies (mAb) once I learned they used the HEK293 aborted fetal cell line for research and development, I stopped prescribing and my patients stopped wanting them because share the same religious argument as the vax.

Many patients chose to private pay. In California, it was closer to $1500 a dose - and there were also free clinics. Patients told me that most others they saw in the clinics had the shot. Suddenly, mAb were no longer available and it made us all wonder: was that good or bad?

Did it save too many from Covid? Or was there something really wrong with it? And no one knows the long-term effects.

Food for thought.

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This question is VERY SIMPLE to answer:

Monoclonal antibodies carry risks and side effects:

anaphylaxis and other serious hypersensitivity reactions

Back pain

bleeding, bruising, pain, soreness, or swelling at injection site

blurred vision

chest pain, discomfort, or tightness




difficulty in moving


dizziness, faintness, or lightheadedness when getting up suddenly from a lying or sitting position


fast or irregular heartbeat




itching skin

joint pain

large, hive-like swelling on the face, eyelids, lips, tongue, throat, hands, legs, feet, or sex organs

muscle aches, cramps, pains, or stiffness

nausea and vomiting


noisy breathing

pounding in the ears


swollen joints

trouble breathing

unusual tiredness or weakness

These reactions may be severe or life threatening (death).

These risks become less worth it when the drug is known not to work against your illness.

If only people understood that "Covid" is a nanotechnology toxicity poisoning that causes oxidative stress, acute oxidative stress/damage, they would understand that instead of another toxic drug, they should take strong ANTIOXIDANTS (higher doses of NAC, etc.)

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Like you said, best to not need it. The absolute best is to have faith in our body's innate ability to heal through the power of God the Creator. Then to look at what He gave us from the fruit of the plants (e.g., vitamin C) and the soil (e.g., ivermectin) 🙌

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Exactly. Iver is an ionophore of zinc, and zinc prevents oxidative stress. The zinc ionophore itself prevents cell apoptosis (cell death), which is caused by acute oxidative stress...

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👍 But I think the real reason they wanted to prohibit ivermectin's use is that it causes apoptosis of cancer cells, diminishes their blood supply, and has been used at City of Hope as an adjuvant chemotherapy for nonA, non-B breast cancer.

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Thank you! Almost no one talks about the use of aborted fetal tissue in these products.

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Right? We cannot expect there to be a pharma "cure" for every illness. Keep questioning everything.

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Basically, nothing that they produce can be trusted. This is a very sad time in human history. But evil cannot produce good. There is always some kind of negative element Within what it produces. In our circle, we have begun to question all of the medications that we've been taking. I feel so sorry for those that need daily injections of any kind of medication. One of the people in our Circle has become concerned that even her thyroid medications really do not function any longer due to the exhaustion she feels. It seems everything should be distrusted until verified to be helpful and real.

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There was a time I was on 20-30 Big Pharma meds, including the fluoride-laden Prozac. I am not recommending anyone do this, but because I could feel myself dying, I went off of everything. Very gradually, EVERYTHING.

And I got out of a wheelchair. Then I got out of my walker. Then I threw away my cane.

And God blessed me, after being completely bed-ridden for thirteen years. He healed me from a traumatic brain injury, dysautonomia/POTS, and a brain aneurysm.

And I became a practicing doctor again, and was able to help save thousands over the last three years, zero deaths.

What happened glorifies God!

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And if you look up:


A number of studies have provided evidence of the role of oxidative stress in cerebral aneurysm formation, progression, and rupture. Oxidative stress likely contributes to the pathogenesis through vessel wall degradation, through promotion of an inflammatory environment, alteration in flow hemodynamics, upregulation of smooth muscle cell phenotypic modulation and ultimately cell death, and induction of matrix remodeling. As such, antioxidant therapy may be efficacious in inhibition of cerebral aneurysm formation and rupture.


Oxidative stress, thus, plays a major role in the pathophysiology of both acute and chronic pathologies in the brain, such as stroke, traumatic brain injury or neurodegenerative diseases. The goal of this article is to summarize the basic concepts of oxidative stress and its significance in brain pathologies, as well as to discuss treatment strategies for dealing with oxidative stress in stroke.

https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/29952272/ Oxidative Stress: Major Threat in Traumatic Brain Injury

Primary injury can be due to the first physical hit, blow or jolt to one of the brain compartments. The primary injury is then followed by secondary injury which leads to biochemical, cellular, and physiological changes like blood brain barrier disruption, inflammation, excitotoxicity, necrosis, apoptosis, mitochondrial dysfunction and generation of oxidative stress. Apart from this, there is also an immediate increase in glutamate at the synapses following severe TBI. Excessive glutamate at synapses in turn activates corresponding NMDA and AMPA receptors that facilitate excessive calcium influx into the neuronal cells. This leads to the generation of oxidative stress which further leads to mitochondrial dysfunction, lipid peroxidation and oxidation of proteins and DNA. As a consequence, neuronal cell death takes place and ultimately people start facing some serious disabilies.

Toxicity of many drugs may lead to worsening, not improving patient condition

I hear of many cases of this kind all the time, sadly

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Praise our Lord!

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But it has nothing to do with his being Jewish.

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Feb 28
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Not odd if you read through the comments.

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After skimming through that article my first thought: "Steve Kirsch wrote THIS?"

My second thought: "I don't feel so bad now about the asshole banning me from his substack for 99 years for no reason I can think of."

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Me too. I can never take him seriously again now.

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I was similarly banned from one Dr Colleen Huber for questioning her assertion that fenbendazole was a dangerous drug. I followed/read her because she was (appeared to be) a champion for choice regarding the covid vaccines. She also (claims to be) is a “natural” cancer doctor which seems to be why she thinks fenbendazole is so “dangerous “ (to her “practice “). She kicked me off her (admittedly free) subscription too. So chalk her up as controlled opposition too. I’ve seen others question Steve’s role in this but admit to not really paying attention to it all. Until today that is. His role in the whole “global warming “ psyop alone is enough to tell me that he’s a globalist piece of shit and all I really needed to hear about the whole situation. Bye Steve! Oh and interestingly, my large corporate employer uses OneID for all of our online authentication. Interesting indeed.

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I've heard of Collen Huber but that's about it, and in fairness to her after the last 3+ years I'd be damned careful of ANY drug, prescription or otherwise... There's a story floating around that the real culprit in the 1918 "Flu Pandemic" was actually aspirin.. Sort-of like the story the real pathogen responsible for Polio is insecticide spraying... But shutting you out like that is just a tad unreasonable. As for "Global Warming" ... the real environmental issues are microplastics and heavy metals in the environment, species habitat destruction, the extinction event taking place, and the horrendous toxic waste foisted on us in the form of manufacturing "by-products", planned obsolescence and "disposable" items of all kinds.. Any of the grifting bastards talking about, never mind, doing anything about, any of that?

"No chance, English bed-wetting type!" 🙄💩

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Yes, it is worthy of reading

https://academic.oup.com/cid/article/49/9/1405/301441 Salicylates and Pandemic Influenza Mortality, 1918–1919 Pharmacology, Pathology, and Historic Evidence

Official recommendations for aspirin were issued on 13 September 1918 by the US Surgeon General [64], who stated aspirin had been used in foreign countries “apparently with much success in the relief of symptoms” (p 13), on 26 September 1918 by the US Navy [29], and on 5 October 1918 by The Journal of the American Medical Association [31]. Recommendations often suggested dose regimens that predispose to toxicity as noted above. At the US Army camp with the highest mortality rate, doctors followed Osler's treatment recommendations, which included aspirin [48], ordering 100,000 tablets [65]. Aspirin sales more than doubled between 1918 and 1920 [66].

The number of deaths in the United States increased steeply, peaking first in the Navy in late September, then in the Army in early October, and finally in the general population in late October [67]. Homeopaths, who thought aspirin was a poison, claimed few deaths [11, 48]. Others may have suspected that aspirin was responsible. On 23 November, 1918, Horder [68] wrote in The Lancet that, for “intensely toxic cases…aspirin and all so-called febrifuge drugs must be rigidly excluded from the treatment” (p 695)

In summary, just before the 1918 death spike, aspirin was recommended in regimens now known to be potentially toxic and to cause pulmonary edema and may therefore have contributed to overall pandemic mortality and several of its mysteries. Young adult mortality may be explained by willingness to use the new, recommended therapy and the presence of youth in regimented treatment settings (military). The lower mortality of children may be a result of less aspirin use. The major pediatric text [69] of 1918 recommended hydrotherapy for fever, not salicylate; its 1920 edition [70] condemned the practice of giving “coal tar products” in full doses for reduction of fever. The occurrence of Reye syndrome-like illness before the 1950s is debated and consistent with the fact that children's aspirin was not marketed until the late 1940s. Varying aspirin use may also contribute to the differences in mortality between cities and between military camps.

https://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2009/10/091002132346.htm Aspirin Misuse May Have Made 1918 Flu Pandemic Worse

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Well fenbendazole is a veterinary drug for parasites so there’s that. 😂. But I’ve read some absolutely amazing things about it with regards to cancer and have personally used it on my elderly wiener dog (to prevent cancer but it ended up dissolving an ugly lipoma on his chest) and I was confused by her assertion (without unbiased evidence) that it was dangerous. She not only wouldn’t comment but shut me down. The later comments were priceless though as the folks who weighed in stuck up for me as well as let her have it. She didn’t respond to *any* of them. So.

I agree 1000% with you on the environment btw. It’s toxins that are killing us NOT their bullshit CO2 which is a requirement for all of life.

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Takes maybe a middle school science course to understand how important CO2 is.. Then again, I was in Grade 8 1973-74... Likely things have been considerably dumbed down in the intervening fifty years... (Cripes... where did the time go?😳)

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Haha well I’m not that far behind you. If I work backwards from my year of high school graduation (1986) I was in 8th grade in ‘81-2. So. I’m old too. 😂. And I’d have to say based upon the quality of employees over the intervening 39 years of working and then professional life that there has indeed been an incredible dumbing down of society. I’d say equity is near! We are almost all as stupid as the dumbest kid in class. What a world.

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I posted this on my blog "Sex Diary of an Oboist" quite a long time ago.. I'll leave it up to you to read it or not, but it may appeal to you...


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Speaking of aspirin. Look at all the OTC NSAIDs now. They all contain “aluminum lake dye”. And iron oxide. I noticed this when I went to stock up and compared labels to previous bottles to now. Even genetic has it. So aspirin is the only thing I buy now. Iron oxide is rust. If you follow the whole harp tracking ie 5g. They are adding this crap to our drugs for contact tracing.

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What the Hell is "Aluminum Lake Dye" and, 5g and contact tracing? Egads!

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I was happy when I was banned for criticizing one of his sycophants. Made me realize that there was nothing he was spewing that I needed to read.

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You too huh? 😂😂😂😂

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Little Stevie’s been a busy little bee 🐝

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"Everything is in place, and nothing can stop us now."

Richard Day, 1969



"Computer centers were intimidating places in 1969. Machines were huge, locked in air-conditioned rooms, and fed with punched cards. Time on them did not come cheaply and was tightly rationed. And the computer room in Boelter Hall at the University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA), was no exception.

In one corner of the room sat a state-of-the-art Scientific Data Systems Sigma 7 computer. Off limits to the countless engineering students, it was reserved for a small group of researchers funded by the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (Darpa) and busy inventing the technology that would evolve into the Internet.

Among those researchers was Vinton Cerf, now senior vice president of Internet architecture and technology at Worldcom Inc., Ashburn, Va. One evening, he was sitting next to the Sigma 7 doing some programming when a scruffy 12-year-old with a piping voice interrupted him with a question, then asked another, and another. The kid was Steve Kirsch--or little Stevie, as he came to be known around UCLA.

"He must have grabbed the door when someone walked out of the room," Cerf said. The door was usually locked. "I didn't want to be bothered at first."

But something about Kirsch reminded Cerf of himself at that age. "A part of me said, 'Be nice to the kid, you can't buy enthusiasm'." So Cerf and his colleagues set up Kirsch with a computer account."


*edit: Here is the link.


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Patents by Inventor STEVEN TODD KIRSCH

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Interesting - looks like he has business plans for his ideas for sure. Where's his depop patents or are they next?

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Wow. Thanks for sharing this. I have not actually read much from Steve Kirsch, he outed himself as some part of the chaos agent opposition psyop team from the get. But this screed is SO self incriminating (!) It makes me wonder- he presents himself this super sharp technocrat carpet bagger, but reading through this steaming pile of speculation built on a festering stew of lies false narratives and misdirects, it does leave one wondering- is he really that stupid to not question any of the underlying fallacies inherent in ANY of what he is saying? Peak oil ( runnin out of "dinosaur bones" geeSus) (while TOTALLY ignoring the ruthless and unrelenting supression of zero point tech and other physics that are gateways to real, attainable energy independence for all humanity) overpopulation (absolute bullshit), lets add rising sea levels! haha. Or - is he 100% complicit and playing along, thrilled to be cast as one of the characters on stage, getting a thrill thinking he is mesmerizing the audience as the swindle goes down.

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Little Stevie likes his new-found media star status a tad too much, methinks. From what we know, he is a brilliant mega-nerd who spent most of his adolescence and working adult life hunched over computers figuring things out, like saving the world. Being elevated to the status of a rockstar must be exhilarating. And, who doesn't wanna be a rockstar ?

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You've touched on something there. His recent appearances on Infowars have him grimacing in laughter (exhilaration?) when describing the extent of excess deaths from the NZ database. I read this as rather nervous excitement at believing he is 'on the winning side', and probably a bit neurotic about having taken the jab he now knows has been killing people. His frequent posts are also rather 'tabloid' attention grabbers, rather than the contemplations of a serious thinker after several days.

I don't think he's evil, but probably a bit nervous to have been working on the wrong side of things previously. Global warming...? Oh dear. I think he'll wise up SOON.

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I saw that, and thought how weird and inappropriate.

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They are all in on it. Especially that info wars douche

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A number of on-camera virologists seem to have this same inappropriate response when enhusiastically and excitedly reporting on a global pandemic. As a computer whiz kid, SK - one could assume -may be on the autistic spectrum or has some traces of Asperger's. Don't think he actually writes his own posts. As a world traveller and fellow wanna be rockstar like Dr Baba Malone, Billionaire Stevie certainly has the wherewithall to hire a crew of social media minions. Would be nice if he wised up. And what the heck does he actually do with all his millions ? And, yeah, aren't people dying and the gov't f'ing up oh-so funny ? For more hilarity, see Baba and some of his compatriots yukking it up on various podcasts and videos.

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I don't claim to know everything about medicine after being in the industry my whole life. Still, many people, since the pandemic, are coming out of the woodwork and voicing opinions to capitalize on the misfortune of others! I stay in my lane and operate with an open mind based on experience and a discerning spirit! I admit I was very critical of people who wore masks and got vaccinated. I understand how people were persuaded through FEAR and ANXIETY that the corrupt Pharma industry, Media, and Politics did that to people! They spent billions in advertising to herd people to their deaths and injuries!

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Sorry but here you are completely wrong if we know that the earth her self has the best solutions to warm up or cool down. Climate science is no science it is fakefacts packed to good payed scientist and university’s to sale us this hysterical bullshit of fear and solution. It’s catastrophic capitalism 2.0 by Weaponizing of nature it’s a Similar tactic as we see with Covid and virology.















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1000% Juli!! Bravo!

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If Kirsch were British he would be galavanting about the countryside wearing his Ratcatcher, jodhpurs and skull cap, shouting "Tally Ho!" as he slaughtered warm-blooded creatures.

RFK Jr, Robert Malone and 99% of the Truth-Teller/Health Freedom Big Brands would be riding alongside him. (In fact I am erring on the side of caution: they might ALL be shills.)

There's a reason these people still maintain high profile social media accounts and are promoted far and wide.

Thanks for the in depth info.

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Linda, you could have not said it any better! What ginned up my suspicion about this is; I launched the Medical Truth Podcast in January of this year and posted very reasonable straight forward honest content about COVID and vaccines and got censored on YouTube ASAP! these shills are on YouTube! I find that very interesting indeed!

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As they say, it's a Badge of Honour - but that doesn't help when you're trying to shine a light in the darkness. I'll give your podcast a listen. Cheers.

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Thanks Linda!

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From: https://kirschsubstack.com/p/settling-the-virus-debate-challenge

I asked Steve for a paper proving SC-2

Steve Kirsch Author:

Paper debates take years. Why are you camera shy?

Proton Magic:

Hey Steve

You are essentially admitting there is no proof of Sars because there is NO PAPER. Great, you’ve lost the debate before it started.


All banned and deleted by Steve but screen shot in here


Note: Steve’s fund the COVID-19 Early Treatment Fund (CETF) was administered by Rockefeller Philanthropy Advisors and funded by Vanguard among others.

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Look, I could be Wrong...

But Global Warming (aka manmade Climate Change™) is a HOAX.

Overpopulation is a SHAM.

And what was the 3rd one again? Ah, ecosystems. This is the only 1 I'll give credit to, and it is caused by those pushing Climate Change™ and Overpopulation!

... Discuss...

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95% of the world’s population is concentrated on just 10% of the world’s land. Who has the right to decide that is called overpopulation. Plus we humans are living in waves, some go, some come, in the last years more died than have been born. The only statistics about the entire population are given by UN. I do not trust them. All their plans are based on lies and lies.

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I don't trust them either!

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I'm tired of the 'we need technological intervention to save the world' lark.

Technology is ruining our world,

The most precious commodity that humans have is their own sentient being and autonomous relationship with God. Technology is taking away from that most precious commodity.

The tech heads, like Kirsch, Gates, Jobs, Zuckerberg, Musk, Altman & co are a bunch of heathens. No man of God could promote such evil into our hands, eyes, minds and souls.

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I've never liked this "good" guy, from the first "sight", nothing was right for my mind in his blablabla "opposition". Thank you for telling me more why ...good to know that I am not wrong with reading people:)

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This is the moment he has been waiting for.

Now that he has shown his true colours.

PS: we were not colourblind.

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He may have pseudo collaborated with McKernan to show what a good guy he is?

I am so sorry. I know that this is by many not accepted. But look at his last name.

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Idk if you noticed but their collaboration got all of McKernan’s data completely eliminated--20 years with of research GONE. He posted this on X --had it stored on a NZ web host who just---deleted it.

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Yes. Probably difficult to back such quantities up.

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Are we at the next stage where depopping is to be lauded.

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Semiconductor materials are used. We had a shortage recently. Was it because those materials and or production capacities were temporarily needed for producing lots of the "ID in vials" stuff?

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I have suspected Steve et al in the health freedom movement of being Manchurian Candidates. The first thing that was a tell was the fact that no virus exists, and yet they keep on talking about it as if they were. There is not a shred of scientific evidence that a thing called a virus is any more real than Unicorns. The supposed method they use is a twisted pseudoscience. This is all shown by Dr. Sam Bailey. They called something a virus without any proof. This is like Elon Musk stating how dangerous AI is when he is actively working on brain chips. Malone has worked for the DOD and other agencies toward the verry technology that enabled the crap jab in the first place. All the health heroes were at the Florida covid summit, and after one of them stated how dangerous the jabs are, he stated that all the other vaccines were safe and that only one in a million adverse events happen. I could not believe what he said! This is a blatant lie. This is when I started to question the real motive. Surely Malone must know that the field of virology is a sham, as no virus exists, why don't any of them state this fact? Dr. McKullah has stated that he has a photo of a virus but has not seen fit to show said photo to anyone. This begs the question why not? I can draw a picture of a Unicorn, but it does not mean that one exists. Dr. Bailey asked Dell Bigtree why he did not talk about the fact that no virus exists, and he deflected by saying it would only confuse the work they are doing. Why would the fact that no virus exists not be his number one priority? The push the story about a lab created virus that was released, and the deadly jab that was rushed that is killing people. If there is no virus, then it cannot be manipulated into a pathogen. Like the Unicorns horn being deadly when there is no Unicorn. They all stay silent about this fact, and I ask why?

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The year 2100. These clowns cannot predict the weather with any accuracy so how can they predict something as complicated as the earth's climate? I won't be around but gates will be about 140 years old so it should be fun for those few remaining souls as he finally claims the entire planet for himself. Kirsch? He has lost me over the last few years.

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Any local weatherman on TV has a 50/50 chance of predicting accurate weather 3 days in advance.


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