I see from Skywater Technology that DARPA is involved in development of Carbon Nanotube. It seems the DoD is running our country.

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Thank you for this excellent research.

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Buckmeister Fuller is the father of Bucky Balls! He was ahead of his times! It’s been down hill since because we are full steam ahead and we have made the human race the Guinea pigs!

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Feb 6, 2023·edited Feb 6, 2023

The ONLY thing these experiments show is:

1) the ScIeNcE™️ is engaging in a shit ton of unnecessary animal abuse on a regular basis

2) these so-called scientists are completely desensitized from the abuse and the fact that they are playing God.

- both points are equally disturbing. Putting ANYTHING into the body that isn't natural is going to have negative effects. We don't need "tHe ScIeNcE™️" to conduct barbaric & torturous experiments to tell us this. Its all disgusting.

The biggest problem with science is that it focuses only on figuring out whether we CAN, without any discussion or debate on whether we SHOULD.

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As a person who has nearly died of an asthma attack I can understand the horrors of suffocation. I did an article on graphene also as it was found in some vaccine lots. It's really nasty stuff whether injected, inhaled, or you just get it on your skin.

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Thanks. ( my head’s spinning a bit, again)

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You know what give me hope? This article, "Woke ChatGPT; Google will compete to be even more woke" : https://www.zerohedge.com/political/google-roll-out-chatgpt-rival-powered-sentient-ai

And herein lies our opportunity, as these nutzoids are so drunk with power (can you say "Operation Barbarossa," anyone?) they have just put the seeds of their own destruction in their offensive. I believe that, despite the threat of AI, it still can never rise above the **presuppositions** originally placed in its core code. Pretty similar to the Nazis, who had similar tech for the day - the Me262 jet, the heavy water for the A-Bomb, etc.

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It must be also observed that 5G can turn graphene oxide into graphene hydroxide, and the latter kills a lot faster.

Also, what is the toxicity level of NLHs (nano-lipid hydrogels)?

My impression is that most of "covid" is a combination of graphene and 5G, but lots of other factors are playing a role, because it would be too easy to identify the criminal intent.

General poisoning is nothing new, but in 2020, it took a new turn. The complexity of the attack on humanity is amazing:


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Dr. Richard Fleming, PhD., MD, JD, who is a physicist and nuclear cardiologist, looking for contaminants in the shot, reported here https://www.truthforhealth.org/faith-over-fear/ (see replay on archive there) that he did NOT find graphene oxide, “hydras,” “parasites,” or “micro-circuitry” in early 2023, but has found rapid blood clotting after the COVID shots, amyloid infiltration of the heart leading to congestive heart failure, particulate contaminants in the vials of COVID shots that should not be there, as well as sodium chloride crystals, and high concentrations of lipid nanoparticles in the blood that cause inflammatory damage to organs throughout the body. Dr. Ryan Cole also says he has not found GO. However, other scientists claimed to have found graphene as well https://expose-news.com/2022/12/01/graphene-nano-covid-vaccines-scientists-worldwide/?cmid=bd8850b2-dc56-40a5-a325-e56c7ab3d286

Maybe it is in some, not all? Intentionally? Does this account for the variation in death/injury by lots?

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What do you think of the director of La Quinta Columna being interviewed on nanoparticles, including the existence of GO. Graphene certainly is being explored for work with medical technology – see the NIH article , or article from ScienceDirect



Dr. Ana Maria Mihalcea, PhD, MD, feels there are other heavy metals, such as tungsten involved as well https://anamihalceamdphd.substack.com/p/mark-steele-on-5g-nanotechnology?utm_source=post-email-title&publication_id=956088&post_id=100938076&isFreemail=true&utm_medium=email

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Feb 27, 2023·edited Feb 27, 2023

I've been saying for over 2 years that Covid is caused by nanotech (activated by 5G?) and it got me banned from Twitter a year ago.

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