I'm angry they did this and hurt so many good people. Total trust in healthcare has been lost! Good riddance!!!

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Good to see some in Europe are becoming concerned. I am watching with interest to see the tsunami of backlash as the truth of the US engineered biowarfare campaign becomes obvious world wide.

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I'm so glad you mention nanotechnology in the shots, the true culprit of harm.

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Maybe that is a red herring and the culprit is Graphene Oxide. It moves when EMF frequency hits it and is sharp to tear red blood cells. GO has been called a nano particle also. Look into it. It is the “Black Goo” in many movies.

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My understanding is nanotechnology and GO are the same thing.

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so finally people are allowed to speak in the open. After Iceland, the Dutch seem to get out of hibernation. Some Germans have been awake all along - but their govt is as crazy as a bat (pardon me bats). And all the time this info was on the pfizer website. A couple of nutcases, that German Drosten I think, and someone in Italia whom no one seems to find anymore, started the whole panic attack. What a mess. And still more than 5% of people in the US ran for more poison juice. It is just unheard of how many stupid people there are in the world.

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Well now the ivermectin, hydrochloroquine and wormwood should be allowed to use. Also Dr. McCaulough. Nattokinase, curcumin and Bromelaine

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Yes, they NEVER TALK about NANOTECHNOLOGY. I wouldn't trust any of them

Regarding curcumin

I would rather use Turmeric, instead.


A report on curcumin contents of turmeric dietary supplements in American city retail markets showed that 71% of the products contain solvent residues that meet the standard but are unnecessary components in the curcumin products. It was also found that 59% of curcumin products did not meet the standard of curcumin contents at 80%, which may be related to the use of unknown synthetic curcumin. Therefore, there may be differences in the formulation of curcumin content standards in the fields of food and medicine.

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I'm trying CDS myself right now. The reason is that I know a lot about it, I have heard so many wonderful testimonies, but I have not had personal experience. It's hard to comment on things you don't know from your own experience. (Chlorine Dioxide Solution)

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Thanks. I went on India mart. Cool place. Except they wanted wise.com, or bank transfer, or western union to pay. I went to wise.com. They want everything including your first born,.....not just a credit card. So no wise. Then I tried taking to my husband who is still asleep, looks up ivermectin on internet, finds it’s dangerous and so no go.

We had a big fight, because I’m quite done with waiting. Lol. I told him it’s the most important thing that’s happened in his 65 years and he doesn’t have a fucking clue. I’m so angry. Anyway. The price for a 10 X 10 pack of Ivermectin 12 mg was really good. I was going to get it for $60. Canadian. Including shipping.

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Actually they got back to me with a guest payment from PayPal, so I was able to pay an extra $5 for that. His PayPal charges because I don’t have a PayPal account.

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Probably because they are saving them from what they themselves gave them. I think the wellness company is keeping a low profile to stay in business, but at least they can sell ivermectin and hydrochloroquine. Your wife and daughter must work with people that are vaxed. My grand daughter gets this cough. She had an ear infection and had to go on antibiotics, her cough went away. When ever she goes on anti biopics the cough goes away. Now when I feel something I take very strong Garlic pills but I can’t give that to her.

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Well over time Nattokinase can heal fibrins so. It is something. I am starting to get the idea that these nano bots act a little like parasites. I mean look what they took away???😳 ivermectin, a dewormer and parasite cleanse, hydrochloroquine for parasites, now wormwood, a natural dewormer they are taking off the shelves.

Between that and killing the immune system with heavy metals, it really has made it tough. I’m in Canada, can’t get ivermectin or hydrochloroquine at all, they want to take wormwood away now. I think we are missing something and need to go back to deworming ourselves 2X a year. I think detoxing and fasting will work. I take Berberine to keep my liver clean. I just know when I don’t take my mega vit. C and D3, I feel terrible.

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Thank you. Also try to eat cilantro as it helps to take heavy metals across blood brain barrier.

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What has puzzled me about this whole scam has been why nearly all governments acted in unison from the very beginning. Now that I've read the recently published "The Great Taking" by David Rogers Webb, it's all making sense. The free pdf book is downloadable from his website: https://thegreattaking.com

(Hint: it's all about the CBDCs)

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Yes & the Universal Ledger where they digitize all your assets, your property, cars, land, shares etc so they can steal everything off you for nonsense misdemeanors & minor infringements of their poxy made up tyrannical laws right before the kill you so your children can inherit nothing & be trapped in the slave class inperpetutity or until they dispose of them as well

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Any & every politician who votes for this vile crap is guilty of Treason - deliberately handing their countries sovereignty over to outside unelected entities with no legitimate standing whatsoever in order that those entities may take your country over, put it's citizens, who refused deadly fake vaxxes that have been scientifically proven to be ineffective against anything but destroy the persons circulatory system, heart & immune system in to concentration camps - as they have just passed into law in New York State earlier this week.

I really no longer care about the ignorant, misinformed idiots who line up for their death shot, let them all go, but I do care about them shedding that crap onto the rest of us & for their passivity in standing up for their life, their children & their country.

Those who sneak this legislation onto their countries are traitors & those who support them & get death jabbed are a disgrace to so called evolution where we are supposed to grow more intelligent & advanced with each passing generation, not more idiotic, moronic & easily conned as has been amply demonstrated by this whole appalling affair - the worst & most lethal attack on humanity the world has ever seen & has yet to be stopped & it's numerous perpetrators arrested, tried in a honest court by a non NWO Judge & executed.

No life sentences for these ppl - they're deliberately administering death via fake medical procedures falsely described as vaxxines which cause high numbers of death across the board so let them get the same asap

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They should be held accountable, but they will not be. They all are fine, each one of them in high positions, rewarded as appropriate for the fulfillment of tasks and smile at us.

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Agree. They make a big deal about the mRNA being the thing when it is likely Not. It is GO. Just another deception.

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Oh and the nano technology has been around and being used for a while.

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So, yeah why build concentration camps for the unvaccinated like in NY if they flake off on us and we get this shit in us too??? I mean if anything build them for them not us. they're walking dangerous weapons. They're murdering and hurting us who didn't take this crap with them shedding their skin and we breathing it in... Throw all those that sprayed this shit in the air at us in them too...

I don't want nano bots in me I pray the blood of Christ daily...

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Every word is true, so glad this is coming up to the surface, only What took it so long?

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Ramping up to the big ugly, hyper novelty, or wwRevolution. As per clif, (credit source words and insight). As an awaking transforms perceptions it will lights on and the stomping of cockroaches will begin...

Unfortunately some will survive...

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