We all know how these monsters operate. Our focus should be on stopping them from causing further harm.

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absolutely Luc. First - do no harm.

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Not safe, not effective and NOT NECESSARY - contagion and viruses have never been shown to exist anywhere, by anyone, in the history of the world!

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I hope these nanoparticles are in all the ice cream cones Creepy Sleepy Joe eats. Him AND the rest of his Gangbangers.

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I’ve Seen RoadRunner Cartoons

Where The Weapon Delivery

Was Much Harder To Predict.

-Except I Was Five.


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Fraud and mass murder for fun, profit and depopulation.

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Any and All injections, disguised as a vaccine is the infection. Starting with the fake polio one. "The injection is the infection"

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Was the polio “vax” the first one? What about Spanish flu? Or something earlier? I’ve read so much about how bad and fake “vax’s” have been, my brain is overloaded.

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Do they help with Ass Aches?

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Ha ha-funny! 😄 But not funny if you do have an ass ache!

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