Please read the latest paper by Professor Olle Johansson
This work confirms the presence of electromagnetic radiation within bacterial communities, which is a key requirement to demonstrate electromagnetic signalling among bacterial cells.
The insight could lead to breakthroughs in demystifying how cells communicate as well as the advancement of important technologies in biology and communication systems.
But, much more importantly, this is a very firm and strong warning to mankind to stop playing with biology here on Earth – we may have to very profoundly regret it.
My personal comment to this is: just imagine what our man-made high-frequency signals, used by cell phones, wireless smart meters, WiFi systems, wireless baby alarms, DECT phones, Internet of Things (IoT), Internet of Bodies (IoB), and many more gadgets/installations/systems, delivered at colossal power levels compared to the natural ones, may do to these intricate communicative mechanisms! The above may, in addition – if replicated by independent scientists in further controlled studies – explain the observed occurrence of antibiotic resistance after exposures of common bacteria, like Listeria monocytogenes and Escherichia coli, to the radiation of 2G mobile telephony or WiFi-router fields (cf. above; see also Johansson 2017).
Soil bacteria are also affected by radiation from mobile phone towers It must also be noted that Sharma Antim Bala and coworkers (2018) have demonstrated the impact of the radiations transmitted by mobile tower base stations on microbial diversity in soil and antibiotic resistance patterns. Soil samples were taken from near four different base stations located in Dausa City, India, while control samples were taken far from any base stations.
Dear Friends, Supporters & Colleagues,
Please, find enclosed my most recent paper about the impact of artificial electromagnetic fields from cell phone systems, WiFi, high-frequency light bulbs, wireless smart meters, baby alarms, smart cities, the Internet of Things and the Internet of Bodies, 5G, and much more, on bacteria - including on our bacteria - resulting in antibiotic resistance.
I strongly feel this is the most important contribution of mine so far. If people don't listen to this message, then I honestly don't know what to do. --- If you don't use it as a giant mental sledgehammer, then I honestly don't know what to do. --- If I honestly don't know what to do ... maybe then it is 'game over'?
Johansson O, "Stop! In the Name of Life!”, 9/1, 2025
Please, share this message widely!
With my very best regards
Yours sincerely
(Olle Johansson, associate professor)
Human beings are the only animal species capable of self-destruction of their species We are the only species stupid enough to actually do so. Question that? Just take a walk in a mall or in a Walmart and count how many people are walking around with their "smart" phones glued to their cranial matter (brains), oblivious to everything around them. We will likely self-destruct before the anti-biotic resistant bugs kill us.
I just want to acknowledge your bravery, and thank you for echoing what I have been saying for years. I'm nobody, so nobody took me seriously. I hope we have time to turn this ship around. Unfortunately, I believe that we have already passed the event horizon, and our future is set.