Human beings are the only animal species capable of self-destruction of their species We are the only species stupid enough to actually do so. Question that? Just take a walk in a mall or in a Walmart and count how many people are walking around with their "smart" phones glued to their cranial matter (brains), oblivious to everything around them. We will likely self-destruct before the anti-biotic resistant bugs kill us.
But it's not like that. Those of us who are awake and aware of this GENOCIDE on us are the HOT SPOT, collectively. The REST of the world needs us. We're going to be the CRITICAL MASS that will take down the Evil Ones. Does that make sense?
Right now "Humanity as a whole" is alllllll choppy. We, as in, those of us who CAN and WILL, must fix that.
I agree, and in an ideal world we would win that battle, but my hopes are fading. Unless all of humanity wakes up and starts to fight back, all will be lost, and humanity is not giving me a lot of hope right now.
I think this is par for the course. I'm struggling with it, too, and I'm one of those Persistently Optimistic Dogs -- POD. ;)
But we don't NEED "all of humanity." We only need enough of us to pull back the curtain (remember in the Wizard of Oz, THAT was a dog, too! woof! ha ha)... I think we'll see some eyes opening soon, because I think we're going to start seeing some SERIOUS movement toward the tyranny the Nasties are trying to bring us... I remember when, after I began to understand what is going on, and that was five years ago, nearly-- it took me about three weeks to "cop" to the Covid Fraud-- I didn't realize for a while just how PERVASIVE the lies have been... for CENTURIES. It's a lot to take in. There will be a tipping point. WHEN that happens is never clear ahead of time, but our numbers are growing, and I know there is skepticism "out there." It's putting it together neatly that people need a push, but they are aware enough to NOT TRUST a "conspiracy theorist," so the thing seems to be to SHIFT their suspicion OFF of some stranger, like me in a grocery store, and ONTO the govt, and from there ONTO the FILTHY RICH GLOBALIST SCUM. I don't mean it to sound EASY, but once that dam breaks, it will be far more easier than now. And I feel like it's easier now than it was in 2020. God, I hope I'm right. Maybe it'll be easier, and sooner, than we think. Who knows?
We are the only animal species SMART enough to be capable of self-destruction.
What does that tell us?
That we are capable of living WELL, and without all this insanity, which is not something we all agree upon, it is most TRICKERY and FUCKERY by a bunch of psychopathic mega-rich empty-souled demonic freaks! Let's put a stop to all this HELL, and learn to live well. THAT is our destiny, however long it takes for us to get there.
I just want to acknowledge your bravery, and thank you for echoing what I have been saying for years. I'm nobody, so nobody took me seriously. I hope we have time to turn this ship around. Unfortunately, I believe that we have already passed the event horizon, and our future is set.
And the powers running the world, definitely dont care about 'antibiotic resistant bacteria' effecting humans. Their WBAN / IOT is already operational. Most people are using their smart devices & nanobot injections [inspite of knowing they cause illness & death].
Yet 'Rome didnt fall in a day' and those few that dont want to transhumanise, have some time left to be human.
being positive may not be enough right now, is my thought. I am so tired of being around those who only want to be positive, not see what is happening right before their eyes.
Why on earth would you assume that being positive is "all I want"?????
I am struggling, daily, and I've posted about it, to figure out WHAT TO DO. You don't know me, but you make assumptions. I don't know you, but I'm not going to take your comment PERSONALLY.
Because remaining POSITIVE is not for myself, it's for others who need support. Otherwise, I wouldn't be on Substack at all. Hope that gives you something to consider, and maybe you'll not jump to conclusions! ^_^
Oh dear, I hear you completely, and did not mean anything personal, as your name was brand new to me. Oh dear. I have to work to be positive, too, as my inherent attitude is skeptic, big time, glass half full, etc, and no one wants to be around that. anyway, it is not good for me either.
I am talking about people I know what CANNOT allow into their world view that anything is wrong, that hidden forces call the shots in our world, that gubmint would ever do a thing not in our best interests. I see them as ostriches with their heads in the sand...
So I work hard to be positive, without ignoring what is really going on. It is a fine balancing act, as I think you are saying....
All the best to you, sincerely. May you find your answers with as little suffering as possible.
I wonder whether BAR attorneys have an easier path than litigators outside the UCC.
Your reposting of Patricia Burke's reprint of The Townsend Letter's ominous "America’s Awaiting Pandemic of Radiation Diseases makes it clear that the real transmitters of "Avian Flu" don't fly.
Yesterday I saw an webinar with Celeste Solum in which she stated that nearly 4 months ago the U.N. declared it had taken control of the planet.
"All laws which are repugnant to the Constitution are null and void." Marbury vs. Madison, 5 US (2 Cranch) 137, 174, 176, (1803)
All things factored, I can't help but wonder which jurisdiction cell tower abolitionists are in.
Yeah, people don't know how or where to start working inorder to stop this!? Everything costs money! Setting up a place offgrid to exit Their system will cost money and resources and the majority of people don't have money like that! Meanwhile life goes on and people still have to work inorder to pay bills, mortgages, rent, etc! Lack of money and resources is the problem for regular people while the psychopaths have everything they need for the complete takeover and genocide of humanity along with well detailed planning for what they're gonna do!
Going offgrid changes nothing except for the few people concerned who do it. It doesn't change the system. The system can be changed from wherever one is located, there is no need to move. The system is changed by lots of little things we can do - not buy from big stores like Amazon and Walmart, start using a local currency or starting one, growing our own food and sharing with neighbors. And there's much more but nobody is asking or seeking what can be done. Going offgrid means nothing because all that will just go "poof" when they take the land away. We need to strategize. Nobody starts a business without talking and planning but we think we're going to beat the system without doing those things? It has nothing to do with money, you don't need money to change the system in fact you save yourself money.
Well yes! People can plan to get off grid and create alternative communities doing all of those things, not buying from big corporations, growing their own food, raising their own animals, having an alternative currency! These off grid communities need to get started, up and going so other people can join these communities and exit Their system of control and slavery! Indeed people need to strategize and make plans to start something like this! An alternative way of life out of Their slavery debt system with an alternative currency will take the power away from Them, the psychopaths! The more people who exit Their system the more power and control over us They lose!
I think people should first of all seek spiritual enlightenment. They should understand their spiritual identity and use their time to develop a relationship with God. We can do our best, but we are not all-powerful. However, we can use our time wisely for self-realization - on the grid or off the grid. In this state of mind, you are in spiritual ecstasy, in bliss and enjoy absolute freedom and knowledge. This body is only a shirt. No one can kill the eternal spirit soul. They can take away my shirt, but they are under the illusion that they can kill me. In fact, yes, they can try to make people's lives miserable, but the good thing is that there is something they can never take away or destroy... This is what I think
Great comment Amii, that's why it's high time to develop strategic partnerships for food security, self-defense, and also offense (
A group of like-minded, awake and aware, goal-oriented people could pool resources to buy and develop land, secure water, and grow food and develop cottage industries.
I envision intelligent people with various skills like legal, writing, gardening, basic construction, health and nutrition, cooking, medical/massage/herbalism, and more.
A trust instrument could be the holding company, so to speak, for the pooled assets and resources, and each participant would be a trustee and beneficiary of the trust.
I am in the Live Free or Die State, working towards the aforementioned goal.
I am willing to share my knowledge, skills, and resources with the right people willing to put forth the effort. Please private message me for details and if you are in my area or willing to relocate to join me in creating a new paradigm of Surthrival.
It's good to hear you're ready to get started. I wrote what I call the Architecture for The New Epoch. I'll ink it here. It is a foundation for discussion. What I'd like to see is people everywhere asking what we should do, and understanding that it is up to us. We'll all go down if we don't take the initiative. The Architecture has very unusual suggestions. They're unusual because all of them rely on the individual taking up new conventions. We no long look to big anything, big industry, government, committees, boards, etc. We have our say on everything. Now with digital tech we are easily able to do this. And we have actual numbers of people who agree or disagree with a proposal. It must be thoroughly understood that voting on people is totally meaningless. We must vote on proposals and determine what people want and by a large number not just 1% above randomness. The idea of law is static and illusionary. Life is changeable and if laws don't change then they do not represent life. I'd like feedback on this whether good or bad, so feel free to comment on anything I write. And let's get the show on the road!
Okay, FYI, I will read that post of yours— it’s LONG, which is fine, but it will have to wait til later, probably today. Just want you to know I’m feeling good about someone else having this impetus! Thanks!
I like your architecture. ^_^ It matches up with a bunch of things I think, too. When I'm able to get into the library again (maybe tomorrow, in my old town of residence, if it's open... the one here is closed all week for some kind of internal upscale... hmm, right there, lol I am always suspicious these days...). I can print things for free, for $10/week of usage. Should do the trick! ^_^
Thanks for the link. Finally, after all this time corroborating with my peers on SS (trolls and chatbot troll excluded), we are getting somewhere. Please see my comment above to Amii. I'm still reading your work.
Oh, you sound GOOOOOD after all this whining and mushy sad children crying for mama. I AM THE MAMA if that’s what it takes! LOL (I’m really just a dog, but I wanna WORK.) I’ll be looking at this… page? Do you have a link? Is this on SS? This dog has Many Questions, and when I bark in the wee hours, it’s because I have Much to Bark About. ;) Cheers!
It takes a bit of explanation because while everyone was watching their bank accounts, I was out there trying to live without banks or government and certainly no big corporations. That takes effort and quite a lot of deprivation. But I used my creativity and figured out what is really going on with the psychology of money, the number it does on our head. The whole world is under its hallucination and there are reasons for that and reasons for everything and when we understand them, we will know what to do. But everyone is too fixated on seeing the pixels and not the big picture.
I have a grand idea that we could change the entire trajectory by the third quarter of this year.
Plans, that's what it takes and we need to all get cracking on that.
Please throw your questions at me. I am always open to being questioned. In fact I love it.
I'm pretty uninvolved in all that, too, except I DO have a bank, a credit union, which so far seems very cool. I can't think that, unless their clients all swore NOT to abandon them, that they'd keep going under a govt mandate to do Fuckery on people... They're local and have a few branches, and they do have FDIC, but, not AS evil as say, B of A.
I'm SICK of govt butting into my life and telling me what I can/can't do, taxing my income, have to have insurance, a license for every fricken thing in the known universe... They can Fuck right arf! Woof!
Anyway, I will get back to you soon, I'm trying to get a LOT done today offline... You're the only person I've seen that isn't a big company that wants to really DO something... So GOOD TO MEET YOU! ^_^
I just want to say that we can go around and pretend we're doing something while doing nothing really. If we really want action, what we have to do is go on the offensive. We know we are at war, undeclared though it is, and it's important to know these intentions are on us. Not voting, closing bank accounts, not buying from big stores, not filling out tax papers, not getting driver's licenses, and there's more but doing these things are the things that will have the biggest bang for the buck. The main thing they do is get us off the system and when you're off the system, you don't have that safety net anymore so you have to come up with other solutions.
This is the way humans have to think if they choose freedom. If more people didn't have a bank account, they would be frenzied to find alternatives and others who would work with them. Closing bank accounts is living in a whole new world my friend. It's like going into the unknown, it's like the expeditionists of old who used to go exploring new lands never knowing if they'd come out of it alive. It takes numbers of us because as lonestars, we cannot make it. That is for sure. But we can go in baby steps however we need to start coordinating.
Dear Dr. Johansson, it is NOT hopeless. Most people are taking the broad easy path of oblivion and convenience, and are sadly being obliterated. But a minority are seeking Truth, thus finding God, who said "I will hide my people in the wilderness," and they are preppers. This is the narrow, strait (arduous, hard work) path that leads to Life. They will survive, and they are the future. Your work helps make more of us.
Also, there is a world-changing New (sort of) Agriculture, regenerative agriculture that looks so small, but you have surely observed exponential growth and you know it "suddenly" blossoms. The old plow-based annual agriculture has now devolved further to poison-based monocropping. That ag created the world's great deserts. The next couple centuries will see them green up again. Actually, that has already begun--there were drenching rains in the Sahara in the last several months
Thank You Roman for your insights. Indeed, I was scratching my head because anyone in the know, is well aware to avoid antibiotics at all costs. The beauty of it is, we can glean useful information from the enemy too, even if it's 90% truth, 10% lies or conversely 10% truth, 90% lies.
Dr. Lida H. Mattman, highlighted Cell Wall Deficient organisms or L-forms caused by antibiotics.
I am 68. I live in downtown SF. I have resided in this City since August 1987. Evidently exposure has not murdered me. My thesis is the human organism can sustain tremendous damage and in the laughingly called "normal life" exist. Exist and reproduce. I make no claim to health.
This is an undeclared war TWH, and the necessities of war dictate your speech and any action anyone might take based on your speech.
The instigators of this undeclared war (international pirates) are engaging in multiple crimes including genocide which is a capital offense. It's time to grow a pair people.
I knoooooooowwwwww!!! Okay, hear is mai kode. Are you suggesting I be CAR FLU what I say ? I mush nod say Tape Down the Towels? Is dat what you say? You fink I will Ink courge somebunny? I donut understand. THEN you say "grow a pear"?
WHAT DUST YOU SAY? We otter do sommit zoom of webee ded.
No not at.all TWH. They are at fucking war with us. That message about growing a pair is to the general audience. The psychopaths won't stop themselves or prosecute themselves, they must be physically stopped. You the man TWH.
I like being told how wonderful I am. But I am serious, I want to kick their ass. They SMIRK at us, these WEF types and all the rest of the stupid psycho freaks behind the curtain... I know you know who they are. I want to chew their bootox right arf! I don't like just waiting for the shoe to drop...
Peeple sometimes tell me I shouldn't say things like "I want to kick their ass." Like I don't KNOW that I'm being surveilled, all the time, as we all are. But I'm just kinda... I don't give a rat's ass no mo, I'm sick of them and I'm not afraid to die. If they kill me, or not, I die in the end anyway. So I'm kind of ... Nothin' to lose but my FREEDOMS and I want them. I want MORE than I started with. Okay, we chat more tamale, yesh? It's good to chat avec toi. ^_^ Cheers.
Any wanted to know the "how" ? We are the creators, not them , just by a few people calibrating and transcending the programmed fear, it has a profound affect , even in your own neighbourhood. We must embrace who we are , it does have a ripple effect. 85% of the world calibrates under 200, which is the animal consciousness, operating from the ego. A good amount of those do so from programming to do so, rather than by default. The simple presence of those who have transcended these mental constructs can change so much. Be the change. Be the light. More and more are finding it. Listen to Doc David Hawkins. Learn about the scale of consciousness. Change yourself, change your neighbourhood. Spread love.
Just watched the video earlier this evening. Very sobering. I remember listening to Celeste six years ago and everything she revealed through her time with homeland security/fema has come true. Down to them creating a data base and cataloging and coding every plant, animal and human on earth. Even the fact we’d be eating bugs with a certain amount of micro nutrients rationed to us. If you want to know their plans, she’s the one to ask. She’s the real deal.
Based on the intelligence level exhibited in your comment, I am quite certain you could make your own with some research and some effort. Thanks for sharing FlyingAxblade. BTW axe throwing is a sport in the Live Free or Die State.
If you come and get me, I have a commercial license, and I can do half the driving-- or ALL of it! WAHOOO! This goes to the other comments we were having...
* Get some organic apple cider vinegar, put about a tablespoon in a glass, add some water, and then kill it, b/c it makes your face pucker right up! Every morning.
For your spray bottle? A LITTLE white vinegar (tsp) and plenty of water. Another possible is a tsp of baking soda dissolved in the spray bottle. Hydrgn Prxd is a bit harsh for flesh, esp. private flesh areas! Only for once in a great while or a cut, etc. Baking soda is harmless, but-- RINSE. it's salt, basically.
In all reality, I have not put myself under fluoridated water in over 5 years. Sleeping in furs & shaking them out seems to work on a naked body really well. Well, so far as the experiment hasn't ended.
Indoor clothes too, mostly naked all the time with the window of my tower open next to me. Even in Vermont. Just high enough to put the subwoof pointing outside, 7 inches or so on it's side. Iffin it gets colder than thin long johns, o-t-c wool socks, & a wife beater...umh, below 23^F (or wet windy) I'll close it down to just an inch.
I'm always on prepared for car crashes or screaming, 1st house across street from busy lower-middle class grocery & 2 bus stops outside my window, imma always first becoming the boss in a chaotic situation, because I managed 22 Pizza Hut delivery stores in 4 States, so imma qualified. Rather come across as arrogant than entitled.
I use Mule for laundry & Diatomaceous Earth for pest control, even on Scarf (my Rotty 8^) {he turns into an old grey dog for a few days, I dress older too ;^}> Unabashedly a giant fan of DEET after VT. I don't sugar. Do make my food, make my dogs raw food. Imma pretty hip. Scarf has never been sick as my ward, as well.
I want out of this place so hard it's unbelievable what I gave up in VT to move to NC & become trapped next to Fort Bragg.
Thanks for reading whatever that was, I am excommunicate for not taking the jab...& preaching against it in Sunday School. I haven't spoken to anyone for more than 15 minutes for 5 years. Therefore when I begin typing I tend to go on & on as if I knew how to write like a dungeon master & sing like a Welshman.
HEY, enough!
°Cherish° "Fondly remembered, best left unsaid"
_Cherish is the new love, be well._
*May God nod toward thee & thine!*
P.S. Minds is a platform since I don't phone, bank, carry i.d. etc
Nice FAB, dungeon master, I can relate to that and everything you said. Are you coming back up north anytime soon? I could use a good hand in my business. K have specific requirements and you .ight fit the bill. PM me if interested in NH.
Thought you might find this article of interest; here is the abstract:
In a recent review we look at research that is showing how biological molecules may communicate through resonant frequencies rather than random collisions. Dr. Irena Cosic's groundbreaking Resonant Recognition Model shows that proteins and DNA interact through specific electromagnetic frequencies, while Professor Dirk Meijer's revolutionary work on a Musical Master code and superfluid quantum space theory further supports this paradigm shift. Meijer proposes that biological molecules operate within a quantum field of information, where cellular components communicate through coherent electromagnetic signals in a superfluid quantum space. This framework, combined with Cosic's findings, challenges the conventional view that cellular reactions only occur through random molecular collisions. These discoveries suggest that biological processes are far more orchestrated than previously thought, with molecules "talking" to each other through electromagnetic signals that can span hundreds of nanometers - much farther than traditional molecular interactions. The implications are profound, pointing to a more harmonious and interconnected view of cellular biology where rhythm and resonance, rather than randomness, guide the complex dance of life at the molecular level.
WE see studies showing that staph bacteria when exposed to wifi radiation begin emitting wifi radiation as well and is becoming antibiotic resistant because of it, and we think "wtf make this madness stop".
THEY see these studies and think "now how can we program 8 billion different strains of staph each emitting a slightly different wifi signal so we can infect everyone with their own unique strain and use the wif signals as another way to track them".
That radiation of any kind is harmful to the organism in the long term, should already be clear to everyone, especially at those who react sensitively and sensitively, since their organism may have already been affected by other influences - and this has nothing to do with so-called "bacteria", since no one has yet actually isolated a bacterium(the same with "viruses etc.), that is, isolated from a living cell, without adding countless chemical substances, reagents, precise instructions with so-called " cell lines", which are nothing more than prepared chemical solutions, in vitro = in corrugated plates, in glass, petri dishes etc. - to then be represented in silico with a software and designed (also by a software) "oligoprimers' in the form of "letter groups' - and just by the way, for everything there is a software and THAT has absolutely NOTHING to do with reality!
Of course, you can always fantasize about the processes in a living organism with speculations, hypotheses, theories and assumptions, but in the end NO ONE knows what is actually going on, because no one in a living organism can observe these processes, which take place daily and second-by-second - and as soon as a living organism is damaged (even by a small injury), these processes change - should be logical for everyone too!
And now let us summarize this a little:
The definition of biology is - "Biology is the study of life and living organisms. It includes the study of their structure, function, growth, origin, evolution, and distribution."
But let's look at it with logical common sense:
First of all, it should be noted that so-called biology(molecular, microbiology) largely “lives/feeds” on these fraudulent experiments.
She is and will always be only a theory, assumption and hypothesis, since everything only takes place in vitro/in glass, corrugated plate tubes etc., in chemically produced solutions - so-called “cell lines”/cell culture with other chemical substances and precise instructions and if you stick to it exactly you will get the desired result - this mixture is then dehydrated and solidified in paraffin wax, where nm-thin slices are cut, which are then viewed under a light microscope - now the results/images that you look at can be created by the chemical cell lines, but also dead cell debris of humans, animals or plants or even those of the interacting chemical substances, which in turn form their own minimal forms and structures. It starts with these fraudulent experiments and ends on the computer/software/tool, where a vast number of “letter groups” are already stored or you can also create them yourself/designing - none of this has anything to do with reality!!
The dehydration of a cell alone causes changes and if this is caused by countless chemical substances including fluorescent agents, then it must be logical for everyone that the metabolism of a cell is interrupted and it dies!!!
Hillman has shown that there are cells - he took a cell from a living animal - but these cells are not round, as they are shown in pictures, and the structure cannot be definitively determined, because if you let cells die, the "cell organism" itself logically changes.
It is logical, but not proven, that cells must die and renew themselves in order for humans to grow and live.
It's also logical that no one can know how a living organism, which ultimately forms a unit/system, is supplied with blood and has a function, but e.g. if even just one organ is affected by disease, or the organism is interfered with by an operation/incision, everything will simply change or the organism/system will die - all that can be said with certainty is the structure of the skeleton/anatomy, the individual organs in a dead state in pathology and any X-rays (but this is also not certain, as these rays alone, which are harmful, cause distortion...)!
There are of course various other ways of “looking inside” a living organism, such as sonography (abdominal, thyroid, echocardiography, vessels, uterus - and classic sonography offers no risks, as is the case with X-rays and computer tomography due to radiation), but it's not possible to determine how they works (and let's not forget that every person is unique)!
The so-called origin/evolution/distribution of life itself is, of course, also just conjecture, hypotheses and assumptions. One could eventually/perhaps say, it's a process of continuous branching and diversification from common trunks - people, animals, plants....
And just by the way:
Who now wants to argue that "bacteria" deal with dead "meat", is also wrong, because I was present 4 times when finding dead bodies - once in an apartment and 3 times in the field - the change/decay of the state of a dead body is primarily due to the temperature and secondly to the flies and beetles that feed on it and lay their eggs on it (also in body openings) and to the resulting larvae, which also feed on the dead flesh and destroy the organic shell - and of course the time until it takes to find them always plays an important role!
Human beings are the only animal species capable of self-destruction of their species We are the only species stupid enough to actually do so. Question that? Just take a walk in a mall or in a Walmart and count how many people are walking around with their "smart" phones glued to their cranial matter (brains), oblivious to everything around them. We will likely self-destruct before the anti-biotic resistant bugs kill us.
And we are also the only species dumb enough to replace ourselves (AI).
"WE"???? I'm not part of that insanity!
I meant humanity as a whole.
But it's not like that. Those of us who are awake and aware of this GENOCIDE on us are the HOT SPOT, collectively. The REST of the world needs us. We're going to be the CRITICAL MASS that will take down the Evil Ones. Does that make sense?
Right now "Humanity as a whole" is alllllll choppy. We, as in, those of us who CAN and WILL, must fix that.
I agree, and in an ideal world we would win that battle, but my hopes are fading. Unless all of humanity wakes up and starts to fight back, all will be lost, and humanity is not giving me a lot of hope right now.
I think this is par for the course. I'm struggling with it, too, and I'm one of those Persistently Optimistic Dogs -- POD. ;)
But we don't NEED "all of humanity." We only need enough of us to pull back the curtain (remember in the Wizard of Oz, THAT was a dog, too! woof! ha ha)... I think we'll see some eyes opening soon, because I think we're going to start seeing some SERIOUS movement toward the tyranny the Nasties are trying to bring us... I remember when, after I began to understand what is going on, and that was five years ago, nearly-- it took me about three weeks to "cop" to the Covid Fraud-- I didn't realize for a while just how PERVASIVE the lies have been... for CENTURIES. It's a lot to take in. There will be a tipping point. WHEN that happens is never clear ahead of time, but our numbers are growing, and I know there is skepticism "out there." It's putting it together neatly that people need a push, but they are aware enough to NOT TRUST a "conspiracy theorist," so the thing seems to be to SHIFT their suspicion OFF of some stranger, like me in a grocery store, and ONTO the govt, and from there ONTO the FILTHY RICH GLOBALIST SCUM. I don't mean it to sound EASY, but once that dam breaks, it will be far more easier than now. And I feel like it's easier now than it was in 2020. God, I hope I'm right. Maybe it'll be easier, and sooner, than we think. Who knows?
Heh, heh... I tried positive thinking, but I knew it wouldn't work...
THAT's pretty smart instead ...
We are the only animal species SMART enough to be capable of self-destruction.
What does that tell us?
That we are capable of living WELL, and without all this insanity, which is not something we all agree upon, it is most TRICKERY and FUCKERY by a bunch of psychopathic mega-rich empty-souled demonic freaks! Let's put a stop to all this HELL, and learn to live well. THAT is our destiny, however long it takes for us to get there.
I just want to acknowledge your bravery, and thank you for echoing what I have been saying for years. I'm nobody, so nobody took me seriously. I hope we have time to turn this ship around. Unfortunately, I believe that we have already passed the event horizon, and our future is set.
And the powers running the world, definitely dont care about 'antibiotic resistant bacteria' effecting humans. Their WBAN / IOT is already operational. Most people are using their smart devices & nanobot injections [inspite of knowing they cause illness & death].
Yet 'Rome didnt fall in a day' and those few that dont want to transhumanise, have some time left to be human.
No. The future is never "set," except in the very short term.
NEVER believe that we have no choices, no means of change, or no future!
We WILL turn this ship around. Think positively, it helps it to happen.
Thought manifests . I agree with you The Word Herder.
Sometimes it’s hard work to remain POSITIVE. I often have to work hard to do it.
being positive may not be enough right now, is my thought. I am so tired of being around those who only want to be positive, not see what is happening right before their eyes.
Why on earth would you assume that being positive is "all I want"?????
I am struggling, daily, and I've posted about it, to figure out WHAT TO DO. You don't know me, but you make assumptions. I don't know you, but I'm not going to take your comment PERSONALLY.
Because remaining POSITIVE is not for myself, it's for others who need support. Otherwise, I wouldn't be on Substack at all. Hope that gives you something to consider, and maybe you'll not jump to conclusions! ^_^
Oh dear, I hear you completely, and did not mean anything personal, as your name was brand new to me. Oh dear. I have to work to be positive, too, as my inherent attitude is skeptic, big time, glass half full, etc, and no one wants to be around that. anyway, it is not good for me either.
I am talking about people I know what CANNOT allow into their world view that anything is wrong, that hidden forces call the shots in our world, that gubmint would ever do a thing not in our best interests. I see them as ostriches with their heads in the sand...
So I work hard to be positive, without ignoring what is really going on. It is a fine balancing act, as I think you are saying....
All the best to you, sincerely. May you find your answers with as little suffering as possible.
Me too!
We shall overcome, and eat cake. ;)
I hope you are right!
Time will tell.
I thought I was wrong once, but I was mistaken. ;)
that is a very old joke that i have used ironically myself...
I STILL have a sense of humor.
I try NOT to be all "doom and gloom," you see, in order to boost up other people.
This is a helluva time we're in right now.
Absolutely! Sense of humour must be intact to liv ewith any kind of fullness.
Thanks for sharing Olle Johansson's work. Cross-posted for greater circulation.
Thank you!
I did the same.
Kind thanks!
Bullet points: These guys, from all appearances, seem to have lost their momentum.
I wonder whether BAR attorneys have an easier path than litigators outside the UCC.
Your reposting of Patricia Burke's reprint of The Townsend Letter's ominous "America’s Awaiting Pandemic of Radiation Diseases makes it clear that the real transmitters of "Avian Flu" don't fly.
Yesterday I saw an webinar with Celeste Solum in which she stated that nearly 4 months ago the U.N. declared it had taken control of the planet.
"All laws which are repugnant to the Constitution are null and void." Marbury vs. Madison, 5 US (2 Cranch) 137, 174, 176, (1803)
All things factored, I can't help but wonder which jurisdiction cell tower abolitionists are in.
Woof! ;0)
We need a plan if we're going to stop it. So far, no plan, just lots of hand-wringing.
Yeah, people don't know how or where to start working inorder to stop this!? Everything costs money! Setting up a place offgrid to exit Their system will cost money and resources and the majority of people don't have money like that! Meanwhile life goes on and people still have to work inorder to pay bills, mortgages, rent, etc! Lack of money and resources is the problem for regular people while the psychopaths have everything they need for the complete takeover and genocide of humanity along with well detailed planning for what they're gonna do!
Going offgrid changes nothing except for the few people concerned who do it. It doesn't change the system. The system can be changed from wherever one is located, there is no need to move. The system is changed by lots of little things we can do - not buy from big stores like Amazon and Walmart, start using a local currency or starting one, growing our own food and sharing with neighbors. And there's much more but nobody is asking or seeking what can be done. Going offgrid means nothing because all that will just go "poof" when they take the land away. We need to strategize. Nobody starts a business without talking and planning but we think we're going to beat the system without doing those things? It has nothing to do with money, you don't need money to change the system in fact you save yourself money.
Well yes! People can plan to get off grid and create alternative communities doing all of those things, not buying from big corporations, growing their own food, raising their own animals, having an alternative currency! These off grid communities need to get started, up and going so other people can join these communities and exit Their system of control and slavery! Indeed people need to strategize and make plans to start something like this! An alternative way of life out of Their slavery debt system with an alternative currency will take the power away from Them, the psychopaths! The more people who exit Their system the more power and control over us They lose!
I think people should first of all seek spiritual enlightenment. They should understand their spiritual identity and use their time to develop a relationship with God. We can do our best, but we are not all-powerful. However, we can use our time wisely for self-realization - on the grid or off the grid. In this state of mind, you are in spiritual ecstasy, in bliss and enjoy absolute freedom and knowledge. This body is only a shirt. No one can kill the eternal spirit soul. They can take away my shirt, but they are under the illusion that they can kill me. In fact, yes, they can try to make people's lives miserable, but the good thing is that there is something they can never take away or destroy... This is what I think
Great comment Amii, that's why it's high time to develop strategic partnerships for food security, self-defense, and also offense (
A group of like-minded, awake and aware, goal-oriented people could pool resources to buy and develop land, secure water, and grow food and develop cottage industries.
I envision intelligent people with various skills like legal, writing, gardening, basic construction, health and nutrition, cooking, medical/massage/herbalism, and more.
A trust instrument could be the holding company, so to speak, for the pooled assets and resources, and each participant would be a trustee and beneficiary of the trust.
I am in the Live Free or Die State, working towards the aforementioned goal.
I am willing to share my knowledge, skills, and resources with the right people willing to put forth the effort. Please private message me for details and if you are in my area or willing to relocate to join me in creating a new paradigm of Surthrival.
I'm down. ^_^ I'm also very POOR. Workin' on that...
Let's make a plan, then.
It's good to hear you're ready to get started. I wrote what I call the Architecture for The New Epoch. I'll ink it here. It is a foundation for discussion. What I'd like to see is people everywhere asking what we should do, and understanding that it is up to us. We'll all go down if we don't take the initiative. The Architecture has very unusual suggestions. They're unusual because all of them rely on the individual taking up new conventions. We no long look to big anything, big industry, government, committees, boards, etc. We have our say on everything. Now with digital tech we are easily able to do this. And we have actual numbers of people who agree or disagree with a proposal. It must be thoroughly understood that voting on people is totally meaningless. We must vote on proposals and determine what people want and by a large number not just 1% above randomness. The idea of law is static and illusionary. Life is changeable and if laws don't change then they do not represent life. I'd like feedback on this whether good or bad, so feel free to comment on anything I write. And let's get the show on the road!
Okay, FYI, I will read that post of yours— it’s LONG, which is fine, but it will have to wait til later, probably today. Just want you to know I’m feeling good about someone else having this impetus! Thanks!
I like your architecture. ^_^ It matches up with a bunch of things I think, too. When I'm able to get into the library again (maybe tomorrow, in my old town of residence, if it's open... the one here is closed all week for some kind of internal upscale... hmm, right there, lol I am always suspicious these days...). I can print things for free, for $10/week of usage. Should do the trick! ^_^
Thanks for the link. Finally, after all this time corroborating with my peers on SS (trolls and chatbot troll excluded), we are getting somewhere. Please see my comment above to Amii. I'm still reading your work.
Oh, you sound GOOOOOD after all this whining and mushy sad children crying for mama. I AM THE MAMA if that’s what it takes! LOL (I’m really just a dog, but I wanna WORK.) I’ll be looking at this… page? Do you have a link? Is this on SS? This dog has Many Questions, and when I bark in the wee hours, it’s because I have Much to Bark About. ;) Cheers!
Yes it's on Substack.
It takes a bit of explanation because while everyone was watching their bank accounts, I was out there trying to live without banks or government and certainly no big corporations. That takes effort and quite a lot of deprivation. But I used my creativity and figured out what is really going on with the psychology of money, the number it does on our head. The whole world is under its hallucination and there are reasons for that and reasons for everything and when we understand them, we will know what to do. But everyone is too fixated on seeing the pixels and not the big picture.
I have a grand idea that we could change the entire trajectory by the third quarter of this year.
Plans, that's what it takes and we need to all get cracking on that.
Please throw your questions at me. I am always open to being questioned. In fact I love it.
I'm pretty uninvolved in all that, too, except I DO have a bank, a credit union, which so far seems very cool. I can't think that, unless their clients all swore NOT to abandon them, that they'd keep going under a govt mandate to do Fuckery on people... They're local and have a few branches, and they do have FDIC, but, not AS evil as say, B of A.
I'm SICK of govt butting into my life and telling me what I can/can't do, taxing my income, have to have insurance, a license for every fricken thing in the known universe... They can Fuck right arf! Woof!
Anyway, I will get back to you soon, I'm trying to get a LOT done today offline... You're the only person I've seen that isn't a big company that wants to really DO something... So GOOD TO MEET YOU! ^_^
Oh it's good to meet you too.
I just want to say that we can go around and pretend we're doing something while doing nothing really. If we really want action, what we have to do is go on the offensive. We know we are at war, undeclared though it is, and it's important to know these intentions are on us. Not voting, closing bank accounts, not buying from big stores, not filling out tax papers, not getting driver's licenses, and there's more but doing these things are the things that will have the biggest bang for the buck. The main thing they do is get us off the system and when you're off the system, you don't have that safety net anymore so you have to come up with other solutions.
This is the way humans have to think if they choose freedom. If more people didn't have a bank account, they would be frenzied to find alternatives and others who would work with them. Closing bank accounts is living in a whole new world my friend. It's like going into the unknown, it's like the expeditionists of old who used to go exploring new lands never knowing if they'd come out of it alive. It takes numbers of us because as lonestars, we cannot make it. That is for sure. But we can go in baby steps however we need to start coordinating.
TWH, see my comment above to Amii.
Dear Dr. Johansson, it is NOT hopeless. Most people are taking the broad easy path of oblivion and convenience, and are sadly being obliterated. But a minority are seeking Truth, thus finding God, who said "I will hide my people in the wilderness," and they are preppers. This is the narrow, strait (arduous, hard work) path that leads to Life. They will survive, and they are the future. Your work helps make more of us.
Also, there is a world-changing New (sort of) Agriculture, regenerative agriculture that looks so small, but you have surely observed exponential growth and you know it "suddenly" blossoms. The old plow-based annual agriculture has now devolved further to poison-based monocropping. That ag created the world's great deserts. The next couple centuries will see them green up again. Actually, that has already begun--there were drenching rains in the Sahara in the last several months
Thank you for raising awareness here. Olle has given some strange signals lately - saying that it's not conclusive cell phones can call brain cancer.
My colleague in Sweden, Mona Nilsson believes he is controlled opp (hate to say it).
Mona and her associate Lennart Hardell are one of the only scientists doing independent research on 5G:
Book: Are Wireless Devices Really Safe? Or Is Wireless Radiation Harmful?
2020. Second edition 2023
Thank You Roman for your insights. Indeed, I was scratching my head because anyone in the know, is well aware to avoid antibiotics at all costs. The beauty of it is, we can glean useful information from the enemy too, even if it's 90% truth, 10% lies or conversely 10% truth, 90% lies.
Dr. Lida H. Mattman, highlighted Cell Wall Deficient organisms or L-forms caused by antibiotics.
I am 68. I live in downtown SF. I have resided in this City since August 1987. Evidently exposure has not murdered me. My thesis is the human organism can sustain tremendous damage and in the laughingly called "normal life" exist. Exist and reproduce. I make no claim to health.
Let's take out the fucking towers. Everyone's health will skyrocket to better.
Hi, Stegiel. ;)
This is an undeclared war TWH, and the necessities of war dictate your speech and any action anyone might take based on your speech.
The instigators of this undeclared war (international pirates) are engaging in multiple crimes including genocide which is a capital offense. It's time to grow a pair people.
Actually, they’ve declared it over and over… They can’t seem to help themselves, esp. Bilge Grates, the Turd of Our Times…
I knoooooooowwwwww!!! Okay, hear is mai kode. Are you suggesting I be CAR FLU what I say ? I mush nod say Tape Down the Towels? Is dat what you say? You fink I will Ink courge somebunny? I donut understand. THEN you say "grow a pear"?
WHAT DUST YOU SAY? We otter do sommit zoom of webee ded.
No not at.all TWH. They are at fucking war with us. That message about growing a pair is to the general audience. The psychopaths won't stop themselves or prosecute themselves, they must be physically stopped. You the man TWH.
Sorry, you the woman, Woman Warrior.
;) Woof! I will chew they bootox arf.
I like being told how wonderful I am. But I am serious, I want to kick their ass. They SMIRK at us, these WEF types and all the rest of the stupid psycho freaks behind the curtain... I know you know who they are. I want to chew their bootox right arf! I don't like just waiting for the shoe to drop...
Plus, I donut take NO com troll of otter people's axe ons.
Of course. We are each only responsible for ourselves.
Peeple sometimes tell me I shouldn't say things like "I want to kick their ass." Like I don't KNOW that I'm being surveilled, all the time, as we all are. But I'm just kinda... I don't give a rat's ass no mo, I'm sick of them and I'm not afraid to die. If they kill me, or not, I die in the end anyway. So I'm kind of ... Nothin' to lose but my FREEDOMS and I want them. I want MORE than I started with. Okay, we chat more tamale, yesh? It's good to chat avec toi. ^_^ Cheers.
Any wanted to know the "how" ? We are the creators, not them , just by a few people calibrating and transcending the programmed fear, it has a profound affect , even in your own neighbourhood. We must embrace who we are , it does have a ripple effect. 85% of the world calibrates under 200, which is the animal consciousness, operating from the ego. A good amount of those do so from programming to do so, rather than by default. The simple presence of those who have transcended these mental constructs can change so much. Be the change. Be the light. More and more are finding it. Listen to Doc David Hawkins. Learn about the scale of consciousness. Change yourself, change your neighbourhood. Spread love.
Oh, SOMEONE on this post with some SENSE (besides Frances, that is)!!!!!!!
With some HOPE. Let's kick some bootox!!!!
Amen to that
Biological life has been outlawed.
On Sept 22nd, 2024, the UN declared it represented all people and declared it was in control of the planet.
Just watched the video earlier this evening. Very sobering. I remember listening to Celeste six years ago and everything she revealed through her time with homeland security/fema has come true. Down to them creating a data base and cataloging and coding every plant, animal and human on earth. Even the fact we’d be eating bugs with a certain amount of micro nutrients rationed to us. If you want to know their plans, she’s the one to ask. She’s the real deal.
FUCK THOSE GUYS. We outnumber the Nasties BY THE BILLIONS.
I wish I could share this with all teens & subteens with their stinky feet.
Hydrogen Peroxide. The big brown bottle. Put a spray cap (like the hair salon) & spray your feet. I use it for crotch rot too.
Beginning the day, end of day. My feet don't stink.
I also swish with it, & brush with mouthwash.
Let my dog pre-wash my dinner plate this morning, then put some on the plate, no bubbling killing action.
If I only knew how to make my own as opposed to spending 67¢ for a quart.
Based on the intelligence level exhibited in your comment, I am quite certain you could make your own with some research and some effort. Thanks for sharing FlyingAxblade. BTW axe throwing is a sport in the Live Free or Die State.
If you come and get me, I have a commercial license, and I can do half the driving-- or ALL of it! WAHOOO! This goes to the other comments we were having...
CDL is good.
I wear a human suit when I drive during daytime hours. ;)
Bathing works pretty well, too. ;)
If your feet and crotch are rotting or super stanky, you may want to consider:
* Better hygiene, clean clothes, esp. undies/socks
* Less plastic in the wardrobe, more AIR.
* Better diet -- including WAY less sugar
* Get some organic apple cider vinegar, put about a tablespoon in a glass, add some water, and then kill it, b/c it makes your face pucker right up! Every morning.
For your spray bottle? A LITTLE white vinegar (tsp) and plenty of water. Another possible is a tsp of baking soda dissolved in the spray bottle. Hydrgn Prxd is a bit harsh for flesh, esp. private flesh areas! Only for once in a great while or a cut, etc. Baking soda is harmless, but-- RINSE. it's salt, basically.
K, good luck!
Nice! Again, TWH, you the man. I use s.l amount of raw apple cider, ginger juice, maple syrup, and the rest spring water (
Natural fiber clothing has been found to provide protection from EMF's. Silk, hemp, cotton.
Dewd, I yam NOT the man. I yam a GIRL DOG, a real bitch! LOLOL Woof!
But show me where you read about natural fibers and EMF’s, because I don’t think that’s working for me…
I have to look up my history, the protection is not 100% but better then the synthetic clothing saturating the market, by design, I am sure.
I realize now, you the woman, after reading your three latest posts and comments.
In all reality, I have not put myself under fluoridated water in over 5 years. Sleeping in furs & shaking them out seems to work on a naked body really well. Well, so far as the experiment hasn't ended.
Indoor clothes too, mostly naked all the time with the window of my tower open next to me. Even in Vermont. Just high enough to put the subwoof pointing outside, 7 inches or so on it's side. Iffin it gets colder than thin long johns, o-t-c wool socks, & a wife beater...umh, below 23^F (or wet windy) I'll close it down to just an inch.
I'm always on prepared for car crashes or screaming, 1st house across street from busy lower-middle class grocery & 2 bus stops outside my window, imma always first becoming the boss in a chaotic situation, because I managed 22 Pizza Hut delivery stores in 4 States, so imma qualified. Rather come across as arrogant than entitled.
I use Mule for laundry & Diatomaceous Earth for pest control, even on Scarf (my Rotty 8^) {he turns into an old grey dog for a few days, I dress older too ;^}> Unabashedly a giant fan of DEET after VT. I don't sugar. Do make my food, make my dogs raw food. Imma pretty hip. Scarf has never been sick as my ward, as well.
I want out of this place so hard it's unbelievable what I gave up in VT to move to NC & become trapped next to Fort Bragg.
Thanks for reading whatever that was, I am excommunicate for not taking the jab...& preaching against it in Sunday School. I haven't spoken to anyone for more than 15 minutes for 5 years. Therefore when I begin typing I tend to go on & on as if I knew how to write like a dungeon master & sing like a Welshman.
HEY, enough!
°Cherish° "Fondly remembered, best left unsaid"
_Cherish is the new love, be well._
*May God nod toward thee & thine!*
P.S. Minds is a platform since I don't phone, bank, carry i.d. etc
You sound like No Fool. ^_^ Hugs to ya.
I am SO ready to be back under my OWN wherewithal... I like living alone.
Nice FAB, dungeon master, I can relate to that and everything you said. Are you coming back up north anytime soon? I could use a good hand in my business. K have specific requirements and you .ight fit the bill. PM me if interested in NH.
Biological life has been outlawed.
On Sept 22nd, 2024, the UN declared it represented all people and declared it was in control of the planet.
Thought you might find this article of interest; here is the abstract:
In a recent review we look at research that is showing how biological molecules may communicate through resonant frequencies rather than random collisions. Dr. Irena Cosic's groundbreaking Resonant Recognition Model shows that proteins and DNA interact through specific electromagnetic frequencies, while Professor Dirk Meijer's revolutionary work on a Musical Master code and superfluid quantum space theory further supports this paradigm shift. Meijer proposes that biological molecules operate within a quantum field of information, where cellular components communicate through coherent electromagnetic signals in a superfluid quantum space. This framework, combined with Cosic's findings, challenges the conventional view that cellular reactions only occur through random molecular collisions. These discoveries suggest that biological processes are far more orchestrated than previously thought, with molecules "talking" to each other through electromagnetic signals that can span hundreds of nanometers - much farther than traditional molecular interactions. The implications are profound, pointing to a more harmonious and interconnected view of cellular biology where rhythm and resonance, rather than randomness, guide the complex dance of life at the molecular level.
What’s even more exciting to me, based on my own experience, is that we can consciously participate in the communication process! 🙂
I've re-posted this, and I agree.
Just this: There is no proven evidence of "contagion." Just sayin.
I, too, have been shouting for the towers to come down!
Too Late to Stop The Insanity.
NO IT ISN'T. Go sit down and let others do the work.
WE see studies showing that staph bacteria when exposed to wifi radiation begin emitting wifi radiation as well and is becoming antibiotic resistant because of it, and we think "wtf make this madness stop".
THEY see these studies and think "now how can we program 8 billion different strains of staph each emitting a slightly different wifi signal so we can infect everyone with their own unique strain and use the wif signals as another way to track them".
That radiation of any kind is harmful to the organism in the long term, should already be clear to everyone, especially at those who react sensitively and sensitively, since their organism may have already been affected by other influences - and this has nothing to do with so-called "bacteria", since no one has yet actually isolated a bacterium(the same with "viruses etc.), that is, isolated from a living cell, without adding countless chemical substances, reagents, precise instructions with so-called " cell lines", which are nothing more than prepared chemical solutions, in vitro = in corrugated plates, in glass, petri dishes etc. - to then be represented in silico with a software and designed (also by a software) "oligoprimers' in the form of "letter groups' - and just by the way, for everything there is a software and THAT has absolutely NOTHING to do with reality!
Of course, you can always fantasize about the processes in a living organism with speculations, hypotheses, theories and assumptions, but in the end NO ONE knows what is actually going on, because no one in a living organism can observe these processes, which take place daily and second-by-second - and as soon as a living organism is damaged (even by a small injury), these processes change - should be logical for everyone too!
And now let us summarize this a little:
The definition of biology is - "Biology is the study of life and living organisms. It includes the study of their structure, function, growth, origin, evolution, and distribution."
But let's look at it with logical common sense:
First of all, it should be noted that so-called biology(molecular, microbiology) largely “lives/feeds” on these fraudulent experiments.
She is and will always be only a theory, assumption and hypothesis, since everything only takes place in vitro/in glass, corrugated plate tubes etc., in chemically produced solutions - so-called “cell lines”/cell culture with other chemical substances and precise instructions and if you stick to it exactly you will get the desired result - this mixture is then dehydrated and solidified in paraffin wax, where nm-thin slices are cut, which are then viewed under a light microscope - now the results/images that you look at can be created by the chemical cell lines, but also dead cell debris of humans, animals or plants or even those of the interacting chemical substances, which in turn form their own minimal forms and structures. It starts with these fraudulent experiments and ends on the computer/software/tool, where a vast number of “letter groups” are already stored or you can also create them yourself/designing - none of this has anything to do with reality!!
Harold Hillman:
The dehydration of a cell alone causes changes and if this is caused by countless chemical substances including fluorescent agents, then it must be logical for everyone that the metabolism of a cell is interrupted and it dies!!!
Hillman has shown that there are cells - he took a cell from a living animal - but these cells are not round, as they are shown in pictures, and the structure cannot be definitively determined, because if you let cells die, the "cell organism" itself logically changes.
It is logical, but not proven, that cells must die and renew themselves in order for humans to grow and live.
It's also logical that no one can know how a living organism, which ultimately forms a unit/system, is supplied with blood and has a function, but e.g. if even just one organ is affected by disease, or the organism is interfered with by an operation/incision, everything will simply change or the organism/system will die - all that can be said with certainty is the structure of the skeleton/anatomy, the individual organs in a dead state in pathology and any X-rays (but this is also not certain, as these rays alone, which are harmful, cause distortion...)!
There are of course various other ways of “looking inside” a living organism, such as sonography (abdominal, thyroid, echocardiography, vessels, uterus - and classic sonography offers no risks, as is the case with X-rays and computer tomography due to radiation), but it's not possible to determine how they works (and let's not forget that every person is unique)!
The so-called origin/evolution/distribution of life itself is, of course, also just conjecture, hypotheses and assumptions. One could eventually/perhaps say, it's a process of continuous branching and diversification from common trunks - people, animals, plants....
And just by the way:
Who now wants to argue that "bacteria" deal with dead "meat", is also wrong, because I was present 4 times when finding dead bodies - once in an apartment and 3 times in the field - the change/decay of the state of a dead body is primarily due to the temperature and secondly to the flies and beetles that feed on it and lay their eggs on it (also in body openings) and to the resulting larvae, which also feed on the dead flesh and destroy the organic shell - and of course the time until it takes to find them always plays an important role!
Best regards to you all!!