While all this is overwhelming, to top it off our home wiring and dirty electricity is even more pernicious, as low-level EMF can often be more harmful as it resonates with our bodies' communication at 60 hz.
Still, the human-machine interface is where the link is most vulnerable. Strangely, it's only the same type of common poisoning as the dominant one from the last 70 years or so, but on steroids:
I do supposedly have 5G wired to the house, last Spring!
But, I haven't upgraded my Router yet, so don't believe it has changed anything as yet. Possibly, but who knows.
Because I refuse to ever upgrade to a so-called Smartphone, I presume one day soon, I will loose all ability to communicate with others, or even do business, other than private business and Bartering!
Just like the old days. A good thing I have a large garden, from which I can trade food.
So happy to be living remotely out here in "flyover" country, at least 120 miles from any metro area.
I recommend getting a router without WiFi, that's what I did. I use Ethernet cables. I hardwired everything, and I feel much better. Cell phone only for emergency. Need an EMF meter to find out what is emitting. Only SMART meter and refrigerator I couldn't turn off RF.
I have the mesh device that covers it, does a good job but not perfect. It kept it from killing part of a tree, and greatly decreased the signal strength. Signal is still sufficient to get to the EC. Called them years ago and asked them to remove it and reinstall the mechanical device and they (of course) refused. Guessing my Folks may have inadvertently agreed to it at some point...
Extremely well prepared article. The only problem with being this "smart" is every living thing on the planet (including humans) will be quite dead by the time it's all implemented. All radio frequency broadcast is damaging or lethal to biological life... Thank you for your efforts.
Ana, all radio waves influence blood coagulation, especially messes up 02 intake. 5g and higher will be a no-go as what that appears to cause is a genetic misread stating 'no 02 needed.' No oxygen, Wuhan people dropped, Xi used corona for cover. Also, 03, ozone, produced inside bodies using 5g triggering nanos with their polymers: 03 alone is serious if not deadly. Bottom line, 5g and higher is behind the fake corona 'flu' that in itself appeared to one arm of DoD mRNA world vax plan setting up all peoples for 5g contact in the future. I'll link a quick study on above here; in that report, run thru each section to the conclusions to get a sense of results. Most info above comes from Freelands Geoengineering, about page 498 or so (no index, but she has a 5g header in table of contents, if I recall)
Yeshua Hamashiach he will take us before this time comes to the rest of the earth to judge them and to rescue Israel at the end at least the ones who call our for him this is known as the time of Jacobs trouble in the Tanakh old testament and the 7 year tribulation in the new testament if you do not know him as your Savior and Lord now is the time as he is about to come for his Bride the remnant church (a small percentage of those who call themselves Christian) before his Second coming some 7 years later with his Bride to destroy these sinners and reign for a thousand years on Davids throne
Why is it we just now constantly read pages of massive amounts of hopeless doom ., where is the focus on possible treatments ., like strong magnetism devices that dr chapala is showing that destroys all the nano circuitry in the body ..
dr ana you are aware being a ex student of RAMPTHA .. that out thoughts create our reality around us .., we literally materialise what we think 🤔 hence the saying .. out thoughts matter !!
Your information on the advanced nano tech & its power on us is creating a sense of hopelessness to all that read it here ..
Why is there no mention of dr nixons sodium citrate findings that rip all nano out of the body ?
Why is there no mention of simple neodium magnets 🧲 made into ankle & wrist bracelets we can make that obliterates the nano in the blood stream that dr chapala shows ?
With all the respect for your factual information., it does seem guided to deliver to us a message of futility
We need to team up around Faraday Tiny Home Development where there are no celltowers, yet with landline only, un-zoned, small cattle ranch, with greenhouses, independent power, quick to implement thick walled rammed earth cube-domes, properly wired, constitutionally competent communiity, and investor programs.
re Dr. Mihalcea's quoting from the story "I visualize a time when We are to robots what dogs are to Humans"
Will never forget a comedians bit (from Decades ago...in the 80's... have forgotten who...maybe Richard Lewis...who I think just died a few days ago) who said > dogs must surely think they're way ahead of Humans on the evolution chart...any species that goes around picking the shit of others is clearly beneath them > much truth is said in jest > perhaps indeed dogs have always been superior to Humans & robots superior to both... especially being they don't have a need to deal with any waste 😳
Well, I WAS having a good day…..
That's funny
While all this is overwhelming, to top it off our home wiring and dirty electricity is even more pernicious, as low-level EMF can often be more harmful as it resonates with our bodies' communication at 60 hz.
Anyone who wants to learn about 5G and dirty electricity, we'll have lots of experts doing Q&A live calls during our EMF 101 course:
Thank you once again Mr Shapoval. The fools will continue to rush into the electronic meat grinder...
And take many of us with them if we don't wake up a critical mass...
The whole pattern is now clearly visible. "AI makes the world go round":
Still, the human-machine interface is where the link is most vulnerable. Strangely, it's only the same type of common poisoning as the dominant one from the last 70 years or so, but on steroids:
I do supposedly have 5G wired to the house, last Spring!
But, I haven't upgraded my Router yet, so don't believe it has changed anything as yet. Possibly, but who knows.
Because I refuse to ever upgrade to a so-called Smartphone, I presume one day soon, I will loose all ability to communicate with others, or even do business, other than private business and Bartering!
Just like the old days. A good thing I have a large garden, from which I can trade food.
So happy to be living remotely out here in "flyover" country, at least 120 miles from any metro area.
I recommend getting a router without WiFi, that's what I did. I use Ethernet cables. I hardwired everything, and I feel much better. Cell phone only for emergency. Need an EMF meter to find out what is emitting. Only SMART meter and refrigerator I couldn't turn off RF.
Buy or build a faraday cage to enshroud your smart meter with —it can be done
I have the mesh device that covers it, does a good job but not perfect. It kept it from killing part of a tree, and greatly decreased the signal strength. Signal is still sufficient to get to the EC. Called them years ago and asked them to remove it and reinstall the mechanical device and they (of course) refused. Guessing my Folks may have inadvertently agreed to it at some point...
Blessings have been bestowed upon you from on high. GOD’s direction has shown bright in your life. Thank you GOD !
Thank you for all the hard work you obviously put into this goldmine of data on this vital subject. Much appreciated.
Extremely well prepared article. The only problem with being this "smart" is every living thing on the planet (including humans) will be quite dead by the time it's all implemented. All radio frequency broadcast is damaging or lethal to biological life... Thank you for your efforts.
That's the plan
Ana, all radio waves influence blood coagulation, especially messes up 02 intake. 5g and higher will be a no-go as what that appears to cause is a genetic misread stating 'no 02 needed.' No oxygen, Wuhan people dropped, Xi used corona for cover. Also, 03, ozone, produced inside bodies using 5g triggering nanos with their polymers: 03 alone is serious if not deadly. Bottom line, 5g and higher is behind the fake corona 'flu' that in itself appeared to one arm of DoD mRNA world vax plan setting up all peoples for 5g contact in the future. I'll link a quick study on above here; in that report, run thru each section to the conclusions to get a sense of results. Most info above comes from Freelands Geoengineering, about page 498 or so (no index, but she has a 5g header in table of contents, if I recall)
study link:
for above link, don't use TOR browser as whatever blocks loading: reg browsers seem to work
Unless you have a relationship with Jesus Christ
Yeshua Hamashiach he will take us before this time comes to the rest of the earth to judge them and to rescue Israel at the end at least the ones who call our for him this is known as the time of Jacobs trouble in the Tanakh old testament and the 7 year tribulation in the new testament if you do not know him as your Savior and Lord now is the time as he is about to come for his Bride the remnant church (a small percentage of those who call themselves Christian) before his Second coming some 7 years later with his Bride to destroy these sinners and reign for a thousand years on Davids throne
Can I get a side order of graphene oxide to go?
Coming soon, transhuman sheeple.
Come on being connected is soooo cool.
If these dupes have no course and choice by there own free will, does it even matter?
Useless zombies…
The G.O. Upgrade is a value added ingredient only available to ….. uh…..
EVERYONE! Just walk outside, look up, open wide and the heli will drop it in.
This video explains why everyone is getting sick, not just the injected. https://odysee.com/@psinergy:f/trim.D5E8F851-4FF8-483C-B72A-7590D29617E2:4
God bless you ANA!!!
I do not consent to this!
Thanks everyone for the amazing post.
On my second read through.
Why is it we just now constantly read pages of massive amounts of hopeless doom ., where is the focus on possible treatments ., like strong magnetism devices that dr chapala is showing that destroys all the nano circuitry in the body ..
dr ana you are aware being a ex student of RAMPTHA .. that out thoughts create our reality around us .., we literally materialise what we think 🤔 hence the saying .. out thoughts matter !!
Your information on the advanced nano tech & its power on us is creating a sense of hopelessness to all that read it here ..
Why is there no mention of dr nixons sodium citrate findings that rip all nano out of the body ?
Why is there no mention of simple neodium magnets 🧲 made into ankle & wrist bracelets we can make that obliterates the nano in the blood stream that dr chapala shows ?
With all the respect for your factual information., it does seem guided to deliver to us a message of futility
Not a message of other modality’s to
Remove the tech ..
Lemmings on a cliff comes to my mind
We need to team up around Faraday Tiny Home Development where there are no celltowers, yet with landline only, un-zoned, small cattle ranch, with greenhouses, independent power, quick to implement thick walled rammed earth cube-domes, properly wired, constitutionally competent communiity, and investor programs.
re Dr. Mihalcea's quoting from the story "I visualize a time when We are to robots what dogs are to Humans"
Will never forget a comedians bit (from Decades ago...in the 80's... have forgotten who...maybe Richard Lewis...who I think just died a few days ago) who said > dogs must surely think they're way ahead of Humans on the evolution chart...any species that goes around picking the shit of others is clearly beneath them > much truth is said in jest > perhaps indeed dogs have always been superior to Humans & robots superior to both... especially being they don't have a need to deal with any waste 😳