"Long Covid"? "Disease X"?

How much longer can this go on for?

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Until we stop it.

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Remarkable article, well done!

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The majority of mental illness in our *current* situation, are directly attributable to electromagnetic induction of frontal lobe neurons and associated oxidative stress. Cellular phone systems and networks are military grade bio-weapons, period. Research and military appropriations date back over 60 years.

The launch of space based 5G (allegedly for communications) the use of low frequency HAARP modulations, and proliferation of surveillance device, insures the destruction of normalized behaviors.

Be sure to buy your kids the latest virtual reality machines, so you can finish the job with gusto...

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Agreed so much of this is man-made.

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Great article. It would not surprise me at all to find our sub-standard junk food diet of "food-like products" and the resulting loss of nutrients, increased inflammation, and loss of important antioxidants like glutathione, have a direct effect on rising (& sometimes extreme) levels of aggression and violence that the globe is currently experiencing.

We know enough to not pour coke or lemonade into our car's fuel tank, but think our bodies can be fuelled by junkfood with more unrecognizable chemical names, than recognizable food names, on the label.

It ain't hard to stay healthy. Skip breakfast, don't over-eat, when you do eat - eat real food, drink clean non-poisoned water, and don't ingest handfuls of Big Pharma petrochemicals.

(And only use doctors when it's serious. If you keep bugging them they're going to get you out of their office using the quickest way possible; another prescription).

The sickest people I know - for this exact reason - are the ones who visit their doctor the most often.

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Yes. "One of the most experienced free-radical researchers, the Japanese biochemist Yukie Niwa, estimates that at least 85% of chronic and degenerative diseases result from oxidative damage."

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So much information and well put together.

Interacting with folks over the past few years vice the years before that has a subtle difference in that folks seem more agitated(myself included). Given that technology is largely to blame I try to schedule periods of time where I go out into nature with no devices.

With all our technology I can still be influenced in these areas but the decreased magnitude for however long gives me enough rest to keep going.

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This paper points out significant factors in the general poisoning.

"Vaccines" and DEWs can certainly cause many problems, including "psychiatric disorders." Psychiatry doesn't have any method of measuring symptoms, and it lost its working paradigm a few years ago, when its hypothesis of "chemical imbalance in the brain" lost its footing. The most common source of misdiagnosis in any form of "Medicine" comes from mixing up the results with the causes:


The actual causes are sometimes obviously kept "confidential" as "intellectual property" or as posing danger to "national security," but most of the time, the causes are so complex that nobody can reverse-engineer them from the symptoms. Here are 13 of the most obvious ones:


They can interact, enhance the impact of each other or activate otherwise common or harmless factors or chemical compounds/elements.

OUTRAGED inspired me to carry on with my thoughts:


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This is all very interesting. Thank you.

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This may be a little off topic, but with all the hearing aid advertisements on TV, it made me wonder why now? There is of course the mainstream medicine pushback that it isn’t their fault: https://www.hopkinsmedicine.org/news/newsroom/news-releases/2021/06/covid-19-story-tip-study-suggests-sudden-hearing-loss-not-associated-with-covid-19-vaccination But, and this is a big one, is it a combination of the weaponized microwaves we are being bombarded with and the vaccines? I know my hearing is not as acute as it was just a couple of years ago and I did not partake in the psyop solution. It is easy for me to see the evidence of what your research states as I live in a rural area and towers are going up everywhere when population growth is low to nonexistent.

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It is not off topic


Oxidative stress is considered as a central factor in acquired hearing loss.

Oxidative Stress and Hearing Loss

Online: 19 July 2018


Excessive generation of ROS in auditory sensory organs is widely known to cause sensorineural hearing loss, and mitochondria-targeted antioxidants are candidates for treatment.

Role of Oxidative Stress and Antioxidants in Acquired Inner Ear Disorders

Published online 2022 Jul 27. doi: 10.3390/antiox11081469



Oxidative stress is an important mechanism underlying cellular damage of the inner ear, resulting in hearing loss. In order to prevent hearing loss, several types of antioxidants have been investigated; several experiments have shown their ability to effectively prevent noise-induced hearing loss, age-related hearing loss, and ototoxicity in animal models. Exogenous antioxidants has been used as single therapeutic agents or in combination. Antioxidant therapy is generally administered before the production of reactive oxygen species. However, post-exposure treatment could also be effective.

Antioxidant Therapy against Oxidative Damage of the Inner Ear: Protection and Preconditioning

2020 Nov


Emerging evidences demonstrate mitochondrial dysfunction plays a vital role of in the pathogenesis of deafness. Reactive oxygen species (ROS)-induced mitochondrial dysfunction combined with NLRP3 inflammasome activation is involved in cochlear damage. Autophagy not only clears up undesired proteins and damaged mitochondria (mitophagy), but also eliminate excessive ROS. Appropriate enhancement of autophagy can reduce oxidative stress, inhibit cell apoptosis, and protect auditory cells. In addition, we further discuss the interplays linking ROS generation, NLRP3 inflammasome activation, and autophagy underlying the pathogenesis of deafness, including ototoxic drugs-, noise- and aging-related hearing loss.

Mitochondrial dysfunction in hearing loss: Oxidative stress, autophagy and NLRP3 inflammasome

20 February 2023


And so on

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Thanks Outraged! When the mainstream purveyors of medicine are so emphatic that it isn’t their fault, the red flag should go up!

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Outraged and all,

Want to help America and keep up with real news that will give you HOPE?

Click on Lex Greene’s name for excellent archives…


Without honest elections in America…exactly what kind of country do you think we have?

Why this message?

Substacks offer NO actionable solutions for serious problems in America…

P.S. Donate to Mike Lindell and the NORTH AMERICAN LAW CENTER!

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I have my own Folder extensive file for a.k.a. Lex Green's opinions. As well as the majority of other Bloggers on News With Views, especially for a few others. All Christian, and well researched with their up to date information and opinions.

I'm a daily reader of NWV.

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I always stop in my tracks when someone claims that there is no actionable solution being offered. It is an insult to everyone who reads and writes in Substack to say that! You are reading a perfect example of a writer who is offering a solution. Outraged Human is providing the facts. I assume that as a free citizen of this country, you can take whatever action you deem as appropriate. If you are hoping for people to act in lockstep, then maybe you need to join the progressive democrats. Just saying.

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There are a lot of answers found in these resources. We cannot trust that any medical professional will have the answers we need for our health or wellbeing anymore. The AMA reports 96% of doctors are fully vaxxed Covidians. It is mind boggling that they didn’t read up on how mRNA works or even if they were at risk of being hospitalized or dying from the disease. Thank the Lord for people like you Outraged! Your drive to find answers and share the facts is truly remarkable and appreciated! There are nuggets of gold in all your posts!

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Anyone else getting Firefly / Serenity vibes?

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This mind control is subduing the warrior instincts so as to become easier prey!

None of this is by chance! The predisposition was ukulta’d over decades!

All that is left is turning us against each other to the delights of terror for sacrifice!

The Elohim worship cult are the 90 percent dead but still walking. Hopeless until they are gone and then the remaining can fight the final battles for natural law supremacy by virtue of do no harm. Yes indeed a reset to purge the easily controlled weak minded fools….

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