The rubbery metallic strands in the blood were indeed spectacular, but only the tip of the iceberg... My RBC was one third of the normal already a year ago, but that didn't result in any specific blood "condition" or even spectacular symptoms, perhaps because something synthetic (which doesn't even have to be in the blood, if the body is synthetic enough to circumvent normal metabolism) took over their role:
My impression is that all brands of "vaccines" had a large variety of batches in order to secure plausible deniability. However, by November, 2021, the trends were close to becoming evidence to the democide:
Dear OUTRAGED, pretty please, react to the first link. You might even be able to come up with something that could save the day, at least for the time being...
I realize there are way too many proteins and enzymes (another form of proteins) in the human body, and one can never figure out the way they interact, especially because the whole process seems to be AI-designed and controlled...
So most importantly, the 13 variables I have collected must be addressed:
(2) Can chimpanzees carry/get infected with monkeypox?" Answer: YES! Chimpanzees DO get monkeypox. Don't believe me? Just google it yourself.
(3) It would ONLY take a couple of batches of Oxford/Astra Zeneca jabs contaminated accidentally (or intentionally) with monkeypox to seed monkeypox virus in the Covid-jabbed population, who then would spread it to others, especially at times and places when their resistance to disease is lowered, like at a series of "rave" parties with lots of random sexual hook-ups.
(4) It is interesting that the Astra Zeneca/Oxford jab was predominantly used in Europe more so than in the United States. And where did the monkeypox cases first start appearing? Yes, you guessed it ... in EUROPEAN tourists at the gay rave parties in the Canary Islands.
Conclusion: I tend to blame the Astra Zeneca/Oxford jabs for seeding monkeypox into the human population, and then, of course, the casual sex with multiple partners caused monkeypox to spread around even more so.
And please also NOTE that AstraZeneca drugmaker is pulling its Covid-19 shot from all markets citing declining demand (not citing the disastrous side effects, LMAO).
WARNING: So REMEMBER ALWAYS: If you let someone inject you with a jab derived from ANY animal, DO NOT BE SURPRISED if you subsequently contract an animal disease, as "vaccination" is one of the routes for animal diseases to "jump" into humans ... And IMHO this is also why VETERINARIANS always seem to understand what is happening so much sooner than M.D.s whenever a new disease first appears in humans!
Fortunately most straight AND gay Europeans do not attend orgiastic rave parties in the Canary Islands which, for Bill Gates, Matt Hancock and Fauci, must have been a devastatingly huge disappointment.
What I noticed is that while both the Russian and the Chinese injections were potentially just as toxic as all the other brands, not all countries were poisoned to the same extent and the same ways. In the US, regions varied as well, with Kentucky receiving the highest percentage of lethal vials.
While the injections can speed up personal tagging and targeting, 5G alone can download personal DNA and track and target specific persons:
With synthetic proteins becoming parts of human bodies, the bodies literally consume themselves, resulting in "autoimmune" conditions, but "Lyme," "allergies," and other invented cover-ups also abound as a result of the process that must have started around 1962, when these new "madical" conditions suddenly skyrocketed:
Until now, I have been able to identify 13 sources that affect the body in such a manner, and they can interact in ways that makes diagnoses literally impossible:
Talking about "vaccines" is becoming moot, anyway, because it is now legit to "vaccinate" people without "informed consent" and even without informing them. That was clear already two years ago:
Russia goes on to kill Amalek. That's what this war against Ukraine is about, too.
Google who are the only first class citizens in the Ukraine now. Yeah, exactly: Crimean Tartars, Karaites and Crimean Chaks, also known as… you know what.
"What we in France and Europe have to endure, which is so frightening, should become for us the most beautiful news of our Jewish history. … You Europeans will pay a very high price. It's gonna be so high you can't even imagine. There will be no holocaust for you with trains taking you to the incinerators, your necks will be cut on the spot…. Islam is the Iron Broom of Israel. Instead of us doing the work, we send Islam to solve the problem."
Absolutely. Edward provided these links to AstraZeneca's contracts. I agree with you and with him; everyone is doing the same while some have some delusions about moving to Russia to escape tyranny
I like how we believe Putin does literally everything that happens in Russia. Especially how he, as the executive branch, does everything the legislative and judicial branches are supposed to do, not to mention a few remaining very powerful oligarchs as well as the massive infrastructure of invasive "NGO's" imposed by non-Russian banksters. Damn, that guy gets a lot done.
“Many of the patients were critically ill by the time thrombosis and thrombocytopenia were discovered, and up to one-third of the initially reported patients died.” Maybe this Russian version will truly be the “one-and-done” improvement J&J was aiming for.
The rubbery metallic strands in the blood were indeed spectacular, but only the tip of the iceberg... My RBC was one third of the normal already a year ago, but that didn't result in any specific blood "condition" or even spectacular symptoms, perhaps because something synthetic (which doesn't even have to be in the blood, if the body is synthetic enough to circumvent normal metabolism) took over their role:
My impression is that all brands of "vaccines" had a large variety of batches in order to secure plausible deniability. However, by November, 2021, the trends were close to becoming evidence to the democide:
Scary stuff when you recognize the batch issue was just a little side experiment.
Dear OUTRAGED, pretty please, react to the first link. You might even be able to come up with something that could save the day, at least for the time being...
Do you mean the one on AI?
No, the other one:
I realize there are way too many proteins and enzymes (another form of proteins) in the human body, and one can never figure out the way they interact, especially because the whole process seems to be AI-designed and controlled...
So most importantly, the 13 variables I have collected must be addressed:
Damn! I thought Russia is free from this horrible stuff, i guess they have some infiltration to destroy the nation,,, too bad
I'd like to connect a few dots about the Astra Zeneca jabs:
(1) The Astra Zeneca/Oxford jab is made from chimpanzee poop.
(2) Can chimpanzees carry/get infected with monkeypox?" Answer: YES! Chimpanzees DO get monkeypox. Don't believe me? Just google it yourself.
(3) It would ONLY take a couple of batches of Oxford/Astra Zeneca jabs contaminated accidentally (or intentionally) with monkeypox to seed monkeypox virus in the Covid-jabbed population, who then would spread it to others, especially at times and places when their resistance to disease is lowered, like at a series of "rave" parties with lots of random sexual hook-ups.
(4) It is interesting that the Astra Zeneca/Oxford jab was predominantly used in Europe more so than in the United States. And where did the monkeypox cases first start appearing? Yes, you guessed it ... in EUROPEAN tourists at the gay rave parties in the Canary Islands.
Conclusion: I tend to blame the Astra Zeneca/Oxford jabs for seeding monkeypox into the human population, and then, of course, the casual sex with multiple partners caused monkeypox to spread around even more so.
And please also NOTE that AstraZeneca drugmaker is pulling its Covid-19 shot from all markets citing declining demand (not citing the disastrous side effects, LMAO).
"AstraZeneca to withdraw Covid shot"
WARNING: So REMEMBER ALWAYS: If you let someone inject you with a jab derived from ANY animal, DO NOT BE SURPRISED if you subsequently contract an animal disease, as "vaccination" is one of the routes for animal diseases to "jump" into humans ... And IMHO this is also why VETERINARIANS always seem to understand what is happening so much sooner than M.D.s whenever a new disease first appears in humans!
Fortunately most straight AND gay Europeans do not attend orgiastic rave parties in the Canary Islands which, for Bill Gates, Matt Hancock and Fauci, must have been a devastatingly huge disappointment.
What I noticed is that while both the Russian and the Chinese injections were potentially just as toxic as all the other brands, not all countries were poisoned to the same extent and the same ways. In the US, regions varied as well, with Kentucky receiving the highest percentage of lethal vials.
While the injections can speed up personal tagging and targeting, 5G alone can download personal DNA and track and target specific persons:
With synthetic proteins becoming parts of human bodies, the bodies literally consume themselves, resulting in "autoimmune" conditions, but "Lyme," "allergies," and other invented cover-ups also abound as a result of the process that must have started around 1962, when these new "madical" conditions suddenly skyrocketed:
Until now, I have been able to identify 13 sources that affect the body in such a manner, and they can interact in ways that makes diagnoses literally impossible:
Talking about "vaccines" is becoming moot, anyway, because it is now legit to "vaccinate" people without "informed consent" and even without informing them. That was clear already two years ago:
Russia goes on to kill Amalek. That's what this war against Ukraine is about, too.
Google who are the only first class citizens in the Ukraine now. Yeah, exactly: Crimean Tartars, Karaites and Crimean Chaks, also known as… you know what.
Something to think about:
Jews' Plan to Kill Everyone in Their Own Words Midrash Rabbah Leviticus 13:2 -
All Blacks and Hispanics and nearly all Whites in America will be exterminated, claims Patrick Byrne -
The Bird Flu Agenda. Live with Joe Imbriano The Fullerton Informer. -
Theresa Tam’s Leaked Meeting Reveals H5N1 Launch -
Netanyahu War Crimes, Iran Crash, Judeo Golden Era Ending, Prophecy Unraveling | Know More News - (start at ~1:15:30)
How clearly do these psychopaths have to say it so that people finally understand what is planned?
EUROPA: The Last Battle (2017) - Full Documentary HD -
Barbara Lerner Spectre- "Europe Will Not Survive" -
What she means, is the West will not survive.
"What we in France and Europe have to endure, which is so frightening, should become for us the most beautiful news of our Jewish history. … You Europeans will pay a very high price. It's gonna be so high you can't even imagine. There will be no holocaust for you with trains taking you to the incinerators, your necks will be cut on the spot…. Islam is the Iron Broom of Israel. Instead of us doing the work, we send Islam to solve the problem."
— Rabbi David Touitou -
How did they come so far?
Understanding Usury: Legality and Its Implications -
Patrick O'Carroll - Talmud is the Jewish Book of Hate -
Absolutely. Edward provided these links to AstraZeneca's contracts. I agree with you and with him; everyone is doing the same while some have some delusions about moving to Russia to escape tyranny
Ya like Bernie Sanders, but he wants a Russian political system here. 😡
I like how we believe Putin does literally everything that happens in Russia. Especially how he, as the executive branch, does everything the legislative and judicial branches are supposed to do, not to mention a few remaining very powerful oligarchs as well as the massive infrastructure of invasive "NGO's" imposed by non-Russian banksters. Damn, that guy gets a lot done.