My brother Dr James R Privitera, Jr used this way back in 80s. He was targeted for all his natural cures by big pharma. Eventually they did the lawfare routine just as Trump is going through

Now. When that didn’t finish him off, he died suddenly from an “unknown poison.”

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I know this substance makes sense - because what could be more essential to our bodies than sulfur and oxygen?

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It works for me thru all the shedding & the rest of it!

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sounds familiar... so sorry for the loss. bigpharma stops at nothing.

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Wow, that’s terrible Mary Lou. He must have done a lot of good, to be targeted like that. I am very sad for you. When did he die?, if that’s not too intrusive a question. I just mean what year, and of course you don’t have to answer that.

I’m sorry, I can’t “like” your comment. It’s too terrible.

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So very sorry! Horrible.

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I use DMSO often. With family and my clients. It’s amazing stuff. The DMSO Handbook is also a great resource (https://a.co/d/dMmZRpy)

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Available free on SCRIBD

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Fancy meeting you here. 😁 I'm glad to hear you use DMSO. Did you see Geoff Pain PhD go off on Midwestern doctor and say he was working on getting DMSO banned globally? He called it super toxic and even microgram amounts are poisonous. Silly. DMSO is found naturally all through nature and he has some in his system whether he admits it or not. It IS amazing stuff. Welp, back to work. Take care, Sarah.

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Sep 19·edited Sep 19Author

Speaking of Dr Geoff Pain, this guy blocked me for talking about nanotechnology - which is being used. He called graphene oxide nonsense, etc. Looks like he's another guy from the Robert Malone club. They will talk about anything but nanotechnology.

Btw, isn't it interesting that he's asking for a ban on DMSO rather than nanotechnology? Which presence he simply refuses to acknowledge, despite the fact that I've given so many links to obvious uses in tests, masks, injections, drugs and so on. He never addressed or mentioned it. He just blocked me.

However, yes, we need to look at all the research and be aware of any dangers or possible side effects.

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Call out these anti-human creeps

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Geoff Pain is a pain-I’m trying to find him on substack somewhere, to tell him what I think about this, without having to subscribe to his substack.

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So I may have conflated who wrote what. I just went looking and I guess it was Pain’s article that i started to read and closed almost as soon as I opened it. lol.

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Haha, yeah, I realized when I read my post that it was confusing, but I had to hurry and get back to work. Geoff Pain criticized Midwestern doctor for telling people to use toxic DMSO. Pain is working on a global ban. I wanted to comment but only paid subs can, and it sounded like he would block me anyway for having a difference of opinion. I've gotten way more good from DMSO than I have from Pain's endless endotoxin posts. 😁

I don't really read Midwestern doctor anymore unless he features something like DMSO. It looked packed full of info.

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Heyyyyy there, you! Always a pleasure to see you…

Yes I did see that article and read the first two sentences or so and closed it. I didn’t see Pain’s response though…will have to go take a look😁

I have used DMSO for years with astounding outcomes, although never intravenously. It is truly remarkable stuff!

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I read everything you and Sage post, and the comments as well, I just don't feel like I have much to add. I really appreciate all of your and Sage's research. 👍

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🙏thank you❤️

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I’ve been combining lugol’s iodine solution with dmso, 50/50, and applying several drops of this, daily, to my thyroid to try to reduce the inflammation related to Hashinoto’s, in addition to taking iodine orally. When I do this for any length of time, I do experience tiny eruptions in my skin over my lymph nodes and my thyroid.

For RA pain in my joints, dmso and birch oil, which smells and feels like wintergreen, also 50/50 (I don’t use a carrier oil to dilute, though some may want to). It stops the fire in my hands so I can sleep, but I can feel an ache deep down in the joint when it penetrates all the way through that I normally don’t perceive through the burning.

For me, DMSO is easiest and cheapest to get in the equine section of tractor supply stores, or Southern Ag: it’s the same USP purity.

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Sep 19·edited Sep 19Liked by OUTRAGED HUMAN

I think if it’s pharmaceutical grade it’s fine! I’ve been using it on and off, topically and orally, for treating lower back pain from failed back surgery. (There is a syndrome called - pain from failed back surgery-or something like this. I’ve just gone blank to the proper name of it! ) I’m in Australia, btw.

Oh, the reason I use it on and off is because it stinks! Like onion and garlic! My spouse can’t bear it ! But sometimes pain trumps everything!

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DMSO - I have used this product for many years...Horses, cats, dogs, humans; It works wonderfully for all. Although, one must take care in the possibility of topical burn. A small amount travels far and wide. Thank you for another great article!

Blessings ~

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Thank you for this, important to know

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My pleasure.

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Thank you for this information.I have both CDS and DMSO in my natural health healing cabinet .

I read a book by Dr.Stanley W. Jacob many years ago .

An important caution on the use of DMSO is the instruction on use to be from skin to skin , no gloves but pristinely clean hands as DMSO is so powerful trandermally ,it will transfer impurities that could be on your hands . Many thanks for this post. Both DMSO and CDS are very powerful healing products.

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Thank-you. I have been using chlorine dioxide internally/externally for a number of years. I will look more into DMSO. Hydrogen Peroxide and sodium bicarbonate should be the home tool kit also.

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Hi Outraged-I haven’t heard from you in what seems to be ages! Have you been doing articles, and I’m just not getting them? Substack’s been playing up a bit for some people, so I just want to check, thanks! Maybe you’ve been away on an exotic holiday! 😀

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I know, I'm sorry, I've been and still am very busy lately...

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No, that’s ok-no need to apologise-I was just worried I may have missed some posts. As I said, Substack’s been playing up on some people

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I saved the article in case someone needs a last resort - that is what chemicals are to me. I cannot use it, because I am allergic to sulfur.

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DMSO can be used internally with CDS...Always buy in glass...I combine DMSO with all the esential oils and apply topically on my wrists...RR

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I use Methylene Blue every day and it has improved my quality of life dramatically along with DMSO. I have over a yard of scars on my body and there were lots of adhesions. Since using DMSO the scars have softened and adhesions reduced. I use DMSO on one of my dogs every other day to manage a chronic inflammation, it’s very safe.

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Could you elaborate on CDS? Please? How much, how often, how long?

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It depends on what you are using it for? I just start using it when I get feelings like a cold/flu coming on-I use it 2-3 times a day, but the following may be a high dosage-each time I use three drops of each solution mixed together, then put about half a small glass of water in, stir it around and drink it.

It smells like chlorine in a swimming pool, but you’d expect that.

I’ve seen it recommended to have one drop of each solution in water three times a day, so I use 3 X that dose. I’m only 70 kg (sorry-Aussie here-don’t know how much in pounds).

I usually have NAC and Vit. C as well. Usually by the next day the symptoms are gone. It may take two days.

I don’t even know if it’s actually a cold/flu that’s coming on, I tend not to believe in viruses these days (I used to). It could just be toxins or the effects of radio/microwaves/emfs-I just don’t know what’s what any more.

So sorry if you want to use it for something else, but I wanted to show you it’s safe at the dose I take, at least. I’m in my early 60’s also, and not very fit, mostly due to failed back surgery.

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Thank you. Greatly appreciated.

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Oh, no worries Alina!

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I take dmso mixed with Clo2 every morning and spray it on my body after every shower at night b4 bed.

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I used to use both DMSO and CDS, but then I saw Tim Truth's videos about CDS between others and was shocked.

Don't Drink Your Pee- People Promoting This Disgusting Practice Need To Be Called Out - https://rumble.com/v4uds9n-dont-drink-your-pee-people-promoting-this-disgusting-practice-need-to-be-ca.html

I tried Methylene Blue, too, but never liked it. I threw it away as well as CDS.

GENOCIDE: Influencers Now Pushing Methylene Blue POISON! Mutagenic & Deadly?! IVM Binary Weapon? - https://rumble.com/v2uu971-genocide-influencers-now-pushing-methylene-blue-poison-mutagenic-and-deadly.html

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I don't agree with Tim Truth on some things... He blocked me when I showed him scientific proof that he was wrong. Well...

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No surprise to me as I am blocked, too, on every single channel of this guy.

I think there are many others, and that may be a reason for the strange like/dislike ratio of his videos…

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Thanks to you and coronistan for telling us about Tim Truth-I’m a bit muddled in the head, as in I saw this recently and cannot remember where, and I’ve seen it maybe a month ago also, but have you seen what Dr Mike Yeadon has said about ivermectin and sterility? He referenced Tim Truth, who in turn referenced “Some famous American doctors” for NOT cautioning what NOT to take with ivermectin, as many things apparently increase the bioavailability of ivermectin, which in turn could lead to sterility.

I think Tim Truth mentioned an interaction with meth.blue in your 2nd article coronistan.

Mike Yeadon also asks why are certain doctors, American and British, pushing ANYTHING including ivermectin for early treatment of a virus that doesn’t exist?! (The Sars-CoV-2 virus obviously, that supposedly causes “covid”.)

I’ll have another Quick Look at your videos coronistan, not sure if I saw a bit of Mike Yeadon there.

Had a Quick Look and in the 2nd video-Tim Truth mentions-doctors pushing ivermectin, and methylene blue, which together can cause ivermectin toxicity-it’s not really a quote, just paraphrasing.

I go with Dr Yeadon though, he’s highly qualified, and not looking to make money. I think it’s a bit weird that Dr Yeadon refences Tim Truth though. And…..does anyone know for sure if this blasted coronavirus has been isolated?

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And this:



Oxidative stress is a metabolic dysfunction that favors the oxidation of biomolecules, contributing to the oxidative damage of cells and tissues. This consequently contributes to the development of several chronic diseases. In particular, zinc is one of the most relevant minerals to human health, because of its antioxidant properties. This review aims to provide updated information about the mechanisms involved in the protective role of zinc against oxidative stress. Zinc acts as a co-factor for important enzymes involved in the proper functioning of the antioxidant defense system. In addition, zinc protects cells against oxidative damage, acts in the stabilization of membranes and inhibits the enzyme nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide phosphate oxidase (NADPH-Oxidase). Zinc also induces the synthesis of metallothioneins, which are proteins effective in reducing hydroxyl radicals and sequestering reactive oxygen species (ROS) produced in stressful situations, such as in type 2 diabetes, obesity and cancer. Literature provides strong evidence for the role of zinc in the protection against oxidative stress in several diseases.

"Covid" is (caused by) oxidative stress/oxidative damage (caused by acute oxidative stress). That WHY IVERMECTIN DOES WORK.

Low saturation equals acute oxidative stress leading to oxidative damage.

One of the main mechanisms of nanotechnology toxicity is oxidative stress.

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Studies suggest that this lack of fertility is transient. After weaning off ivermectin, fertility returned to normal, as far as I can remember.

He also cited some studies on mosquitoes. Of course, ivermectin is toxic to insects.

Ivermectin is a zinc ionophore. I recommend reading this study:


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Thanks again!

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Do you have a link to Tim Truth’s videos about CDS please coronistan? Thank you!

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One of the two mentioned, probably the first, or another. It's some time ago…

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Ok, thanks!

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Looked everywhere for Tim Truths video on CDS and DMSO. Cannot find. Did see the pee one though. Any links? Thanks.

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