This web site lists materials that either absorb or reflect frequencies;maybe some research on custom-made clothing we might wear,+ the same for our houses would provide benefits.
BIG CONCERN and big NEGATIVE at the start of Trump’s new term: Suddenly embracing in a big way ORACLES Larry Ellison’s AI generated research into MRNA vaccines as a cure all for every disease including Cancer ( vaccines that are god children to Pharma and Big Gates continuing initiatives ).
Btw, the Terrorist Watch List is there for us all to add names FOR THE RECORD. Feel free to add the makers of bioweapons names to that list. 👈Hugely important.
I'm sticking with combo of modes of attack put upon us including:
1) BIOLAB CONCOCTIONS or Artificial virus as their known mainly since natural virus not well proven
2) venom drop ie Dr Ardis theory
3) graphene and various other NANOTECH blood infiltrations by many means of delivery.
4)General)EMF targeting by towers,planes,drones,balloons,trucks,led lights,routers , phones,appliances,wiring,cars.
5)EMF targeting by frequencies..
Many frequency means.
Perhaps most famous is use of most prevalent 2.4ghz with others as delivery system..may allow piggy backing of other frequencies in short bursts hidden by one theory.
Other is 24 ghz water frequency I think is right
And most worrisome is 59 -60 ghz oxygen frequency as even weather forecasters said so powerful would interfere with their equipment at airports and where balloons are blasting it and years of fighting till 60ghz deployed ie starlink and others..
European and Russian medicine clinics use 6O ghz to open cells to drug delivery in short sessions for decades.
If our cells are being opened by 60ghz and lesser by 24 ghz then any Graphene particles in area as well as other particles could enter cell and jam it's ability to process and deliver oxygen of fast and well not sure... recently tried to locate Russian studies etc can find now ,hmmm.
It's not more reassuring that many routers have a latent 60 GHz mode not always mentioned in specs,though some still advertise 60ghz most now claim use of other frequencies
Allegedly not a concern unless amperage is past a certain level but that level is unclear seems and amps can surge or fluctuate as we all know so majority of time fine when read however leaves a POTENTIALLY dangerous frequency machine in millions of homes.
Additionally rear view mirror in cars often use 60 GHz
Several ambulance and hospitals use machines utilizing 60 GHz including the famous kill your lungs respirator machines believe it or not so theoretically you could be receiving plenty of air/ oxygen but your cells can't process it due to 60 GHz interference with chemical process in cells as it's binding to oxygen matched frequency which is no fooling 60 GHz!...If anyone can reply with a study proving 60ghz lessens cell oxygenation or distribution to body after opening cells etc please reply,not popping up easy anymore..
Wuhan started 5g in 2019 December and rumour had it used a spectrum that included higher frequencys 5 g not the 10-25 GHz USA is on now primarily with cell phones but did use 60 GHz after vaccing with seems graphene components...Was this the drop dead people we all saw thru 2020? That phenomenon was unique except for a bit of that on that 2020 5 g cruise ship,the 2020 elderly centers in Seattle and few hotspots in Italy...seemed rest of COVID phenomenon wasn't drop dead suddenly but consisted of a slower yet still fast onset of " I can't breathe" which would always get worse at the 5 GHz machines everywhere hospitals.
Could the cloud or cloud hacked be tying into routers,phones,hearing aids, life alert pendants,etc on 2.4ghz officially anyway,but activating 6Oghz connections anyway and other 60ghz machines and temporarily boost the amps to cell opening,oxygen interfering levels? dangerous pulses?
Regardless if cells are opened as Russians proved the case at 60 GHz dramatically then we must assume at 24 ghz and 2.4 GHz there is some cell compromise,after all a microwave oven works to vibrate liquidy flesh and cook it at 2.4 GHz...!! These frequencys matter much more then are old cell phones running on 200-900 mhz ,dozens of times less radiation and at frequencies that don't match our freaking body parts for goodness sake..
CONCLUSION is : reckless with our health to extreme at best or at worst set to deliberate harm or worse override life frequencies on a dime to manage agendas they didn't tell us about.
This SS goes through the research of La Quinta Columna and how they determined that the COVID culprit is Graphene Oxide, with other factors like 5G involved. I believe this is what killed my loved one. It also hijacked me so I couldn't save her, by making me feel like I got possessed or taken over by something at the exact time I was going to get her started on the treatment with HCQ and vitamins, etc.
I initially felt like I'd been poisoned and I had no idea it could be COVID, which was allegedly a flu-like illness. 4+ days later my loved one got the dry cough, which I never had. For the rest of my life I will regret not immediately getting her started on the treatments, but who knows if the evil entity would have taken over at that point if I had. It was just a little cough. By early the next evening she was convinced that she had "it" but I still didn't think I did. We had very different symptoms. It was about 20-22 hours after the first little cough, that I located a printout of the McCullough protocol and grabbed some HCQ (which we were already taking, BTW, the way it is used for Malaria as prevention - 2 pills a week). It took me 3 years but I finally pinpointed the exact moment something took me over and totally changed my demeanor. I almost feel like the 19 is for AI, not the year, and I somehow got remote-controlled by an evil AI, which seems more likely than possessed by a Demon, which is what it actually felt like. "With AI we are unleashing the Demon..."
I have also heard that Demons and Graphene are somehow potentially connected, so who knows? What I know for sure is that this evil bullsh!t killed my loved one and ruined my life. Glutathione as one of the most effective antidotes also makes sense of why children were hardly affected and the elderly were severely so. Glutathione is depleted the older we get unless we make a concerted effort to consume what our body needs to produce it, since it is not readily absorbed as an oral supplement. IV Glutathione would also work, but who knows what else [they] could put in it? One final point is that I have since learned that DIVOC (COVID backwards) or Dybbuk in Hebrew means possessed by an evil spirit. You can't make it up. Dybbuk is Hebrew for Satan. COVID is the Devil. I feel like the Devil came for my loved one, who was the best person I ever knew. She was absolutely a highly-evolved soul. I pray that I am wrong. We did not take any shots or tests.
Yes, HCQ is a Zinc ionophore (a fat-soluble substance that can transport non-fat soluble - Zinc - elements across the cell membrane). Zinc deficiency (and zinc excess) causes cellular oxidative stress. Zinc deficiency is detrimental to the metabolism of glutathione and negatively affects glutathione concentrations in cells, especially in red blood cells.
Yes, I completely agree that people have been murdered through the use of this toxic technology and through the inadequate recognition of the problem (it was never a virus, but poisoning, causing severe oxidative stress, and therefore a misdiagnosis) and the use of further toxic “drugs.”
Nanotech is certainly a major problem, especially when it's used for exacerbating the symptoms of a non-existent illness.
Still, as OUTRAGED also observed it before, hydrogels (sometimes used for delivering GO into the body) and all forms of radiation (millimeter waves seem to preside) and a number of other things can also result in identical symptoms. Those sources are everywhere, and their impacts converge; I counted 13 major sources:
When Plum Island relocated to Manhattan KS in the interim I suppose the offshored and outsourced GOF research went to Wuhan Virology Lab. If US critics of Plum Island Lab thought those labs were “accidents waiting to happen” … what makes you think WVL would be any different ?
add that air pollution and 5G frequencies moving literal air and oxygen away adds to the lack of oxygen we can breath which causes organ failure. People are being suffocated invisibly to death.
Exposure to an overload of electro-magnetic radiation such as 5G causes oxidative stress and rouleaux blood.
Yes, that's right. This is another component
Actually, I think the 5G is the ELEPHANT in the room.
Because it's so so so so so so easy to use.
Read Frances' ^ page ("Uncensored"), esp. the posts about 5G and EMF's.
Read "The Invisible Rainbow" by Arthur Firstenberg-- a history of electricity.
Not saying there's no threat from Nano-tech, but... 5G is everywhere, nano-tech is not.
Nanotech in each of us by millions of particles,part graphene ,now,!
Red highlighting sucks making reading unmotivating.
Dark red highlighting is mad and maddening and should be chargeable as a misdemeanor but soon a felony with repeat offenses!!
This web site lists materials that either absorb or reflect frequencies;maybe some research on custom-made clothing we might wear,+ the same for our houses would provide benefits.
BIG CONCERN and big NEGATIVE at the start of Trump’s new term: Suddenly embracing in a big way ORACLES Larry Ellison’s AI generated research into MRNA vaccines as a cure all for every disease including Cancer ( vaccines that are god children to Pharma and Big Gates continuing initiatives ).
Btw, the Terrorist Watch List is there for us all to add names FOR THE RECORD. Feel free to add the makers of bioweapons names to that list. 👈Hugely important.
I'm sticking with combo of modes of attack put upon us including:
1) BIOLAB CONCOCTIONS or Artificial virus as their known mainly since natural virus not well proven
2) venom drop ie Dr Ardis theory
3) graphene and various other NANOTECH blood infiltrations by many means of delivery.
4)General)EMF targeting by towers,planes,drones,balloons,trucks,led lights,routers , phones,appliances,wiring,cars.
5)EMF targeting by frequencies..
Many frequency means.
Perhaps most famous is use of most prevalent 2.4ghz with others as delivery system..may allow piggy backing of other frequencies in short bursts hidden by one theory.
Other is 24 ghz water frequency I think is right
And most worrisome is 59 -60 ghz oxygen frequency as even weather forecasters said so powerful would interfere with their equipment at airports and where balloons are blasting it and years of fighting till 60ghz deployed ie starlink and others..
European and Russian medicine clinics use 6O ghz to open cells to drug delivery in short sessions for decades.
If our cells are being opened by 60ghz and lesser by 24 ghz then any Graphene particles in area as well as other particles could enter cell and jam it's ability to process and deliver oxygen of fast and well not sure... recently tried to locate Russian studies etc can find now ,hmmm.
It's not more reassuring that many routers have a latent 60 GHz mode not always mentioned in specs,though some still advertise 60ghz most now claim use of other frequencies
Allegedly not a concern unless amperage is past a certain level but that level is unclear seems and amps can surge or fluctuate as we all know so majority of time fine when read however leaves a POTENTIALLY dangerous frequency machine in millions of homes.
Additionally rear view mirror in cars often use 60 GHz
Several ambulance and hospitals use machines utilizing 60 GHz including the famous kill your lungs respirator machines believe it or not so theoretically you could be receiving plenty of air/ oxygen but your cells can't process it due to 60 GHz interference with chemical process in cells as it's binding to oxygen matched frequency which is no fooling 60 GHz!...If anyone can reply with a study proving 60ghz lessens cell oxygenation or distribution to body after opening cells etc please reply,not popping up easy anymore..
Wuhan started 5g in 2019 December and rumour had it used a spectrum that included higher frequencys 5 g not the 10-25 GHz USA is on now primarily with cell phones but did use 60 GHz after vaccing with seems graphene components...Was this the drop dead people we all saw thru 2020? That phenomenon was unique except for a bit of that on that 2020 5 g cruise ship,the 2020 elderly centers in Seattle and few hotspots in Italy...seemed rest of COVID phenomenon wasn't drop dead suddenly but consisted of a slower yet still fast onset of " I can't breathe" which would always get worse at the 5 GHz machines everywhere hospitals.
Could the cloud or cloud hacked be tying into routers,phones,hearing aids, life alert pendants,etc on 2.4ghz officially anyway,but activating 6Oghz connections anyway and other 60ghz machines and temporarily boost the amps to cell opening,oxygen interfering levels? dangerous pulses?
Regardless if cells are opened as Russians proved the case at 60 GHz dramatically then we must assume at 24 ghz and 2.4 GHz there is some cell compromise,after all a microwave oven works to vibrate liquidy flesh and cook it at 2.4 GHz...!! These frequencys matter much more then are old cell phones running on 200-900 mhz ,dozens of times less radiation and at frequencies that don't match our freaking body parts for goodness sake..
CONCLUSION is : reckless with our health to extreme at best or at worst set to deliberate harm or worse override life frequencies on a dime to manage agendas they didn't tell us about.
This SS goes through the research of La Quinta Columna and how they determined that the COVID culprit is Graphene Oxide, with other factors like 5G involved. I believe this is what killed my loved one. It also hijacked me so I couldn't save her, by making me feel like I got possessed or taken over by something at the exact time I was going to get her started on the treatment with HCQ and vitamins, etc.
I initially felt like I'd been poisoned and I had no idea it could be COVID, which was allegedly a flu-like illness. 4+ days later my loved one got the dry cough, which I never had. For the rest of my life I will regret not immediately getting her started on the treatments, but who knows if the evil entity would have taken over at that point if I had. It was just a little cough. By early the next evening she was convinced that she had "it" but I still didn't think I did. We had very different symptoms. It was about 20-22 hours after the first little cough, that I located a printout of the McCullough protocol and grabbed some HCQ (which we were already taking, BTW, the way it is used for Malaria as prevention - 2 pills a week). It took me 3 years but I finally pinpointed the exact moment something took me over and totally changed my demeanor. I almost feel like the 19 is for AI, not the year, and I somehow got remote-controlled by an evil AI, which seems more likely than possessed by a Demon, which is what it actually felt like. "With AI we are unleashing the Demon..."
I have also heard that Demons and Graphene are somehow potentially connected, so who knows? What I know for sure is that this evil bullsh!t killed my loved one and ruined my life. Glutathione as one of the most effective antidotes also makes sense of why children were hardly affected and the elderly were severely so. Glutathione is depleted the older we get unless we make a concerted effort to consume what our body needs to produce it, since it is not readily absorbed as an oral supplement. IV Glutathione would also work, but who knows what else [they] could put in it? One final point is that I have since learned that DIVOC (COVID backwards) or Dybbuk in Hebrew means possessed by an evil spirit. You can't make it up. Dybbuk is Hebrew for Satan. COVID is the Devil. I feel like the Devil came for my loved one, who was the best person I ever knew. She was absolutely a highly-evolved soul. I pray that I am wrong. We did not take any shots or tests.
Yes, HCQ is a Zinc ionophore (a fat-soluble substance that can transport non-fat soluble - Zinc - elements across the cell membrane). Zinc deficiency (and zinc excess) causes cellular oxidative stress. Zinc deficiency is detrimental to the metabolism of glutathione and negatively affects glutathione concentrations in cells, especially in red blood cells.
Yes, I completely agree that people have been murdered through the use of this toxic technology and through the inadequate recognition of the problem (it was never a virus, but poisoning, causing severe oxidative stress, and therefore a misdiagnosis) and the use of further toxic “drugs.”
I'm very sorry to hear that
Nanotech is certainly a major problem, especially when it's used for exacerbating the symptoms of a non-existent illness.
Still, as OUTRAGED also observed it before, hydrogels (sometimes used for delivering GO into the body) and all forms of radiation (millimeter waves seem to preside) and a number of other things can also result in identical symptoms. Those sources are everywhere, and their impacts converge; I counted 13 major sources:
My favorite parts of Covid:
Dear Fauci,
Dear Malone,
Dear McCullough,
The Dark Ages Called:
They want your Medical Degrees back.
When Plum Island relocated to Manhattan KS in the interim I suppose the offshored and outsourced GOF research went to Wuhan Virology Lab. If US critics of Plum Island Lab thought those labs were “accidents waiting to happen” … what makes you think WVL would be any different ?
add that air pollution and 5G frequencies moving literal air and oxygen away adds to the lack of oxygen we can breath which causes organ failure. People are being suffocated invisibly to death.