In sum: we are being poisoned with every drink we take, every morsel we eat, every breath we take, and the perpetrators have total immunity from prosecution. We can likely count down the number of weeks or months we have left to live. One doctor in particular has found the graphene and other nanoparticles in virtually every cubic millimeter of blood, urine, air, and water.

At this rate, just accept your fate and get on with the little remaining life you have left.

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I agree that we should never forget the most important thing, which is our loving relationship with God - but never give up. We can detoxify, take antioxidants and so on. But this madness has to stop

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Never surrender, in a world where Death is the hunter, there is NO room for hesitation, our obligation to life is to fight. The biggest enemy of all is Acquiescence.

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Yes. This. Why are we sitting on our arses allowing this to continue? Watching those we love die slowly due to this? Waiting for what? the first person to make the move to do something that'll actually work in removing them from their positions of power? We are free Human beings. Whether or not we accept government of any kind as a necessity (and I personally do not) we have the absolute right to defend our lives and that of our loved ones and to fight back when we are being murdered.

Yet we've been so cowed into submission for so many generations we've forgotten what it is to fight against tyranny and slavery, which is what this ultimately is.

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A NULLIFICATION ACT MOVEMENT IS OUR SELF DEFENCE...OVER-ELECTRIFICATION, OVER-WIFI-IFICATION, OVER-NANO-IFICATION means too much, too much implies TOXICITY, toxicity implies a harmfull amount...a harmfull amount can be construed and used as a weapon...what is our self-defence move against the over-electric-wifi-nano-fication of our bodies and environment? The FCC is a failure, the cdc is a failure, the federal reserve is a failure, the fbi is a failure...they are all in violation of the constitution...when the feds fail it is up to the people to take action. BC, This by definition is tyranny. The Internet of Bodies plus the bioweapon mrna is the nonconcensual transhumanist AGENDA 2030 plan of the WEF, WHO, UN, and Corporate Central banksters...it is tyranny. The constitution is anti-tyranny, in it is our legal and constitutional power to NULLIFY FED LAWS. A HB0726 NULLIFICATION ACT MOVEMENT is how we the people disarm the feds. When a movement of people, armed with the knowledge of the nullification act, demand every rep in every state to replicate the HB726 NULLIFICATION ACT we can and will NULLIFY THEIR POWER. It will take a movement, like Thomas Paines book "Common Sense" created and inspired Americans to rise, fight and win against the tyranny of that day. HB0726 NULLIFICATION ACT is how we can defeat tyranny today. Learn it, spread it like wild fire.

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I love this! But, honestly what’s the next step?

I will research this & do whatever it takes to help spread the word. It obviously will take a movement “ by the people” to get things rocking. I know the tyrants want a civil war situation so they can swoop in and enforce police states. We have to do something NOW. Thanks for more info. & advice.

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That is very well put. I am hopeful that most of us will be strategic in how we act towards the opponent; also making sure that tyranny cannot rise again.

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I hope you are right.

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Thank you for calling attention to the health risks of carbon and other nano particles. I also wrote about the cancer-causing effects in this article:


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Thank you and God Bless any citizens willing to help on THE MOST IMPORTANT 2024 ELECTION INTEGRITY PROJECT!

Contact ASAP here to join us…


Shouldn’t everyone who is able want to work on a 2024 project in America to help restore…


You will be standing with the best!!!

P.S. Would love all Mother and Father, ALL Grandmother and Grandfather LIONS to report for patriotic duties!

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Dear Outraged, you made the hair on my arms stand up with this post! The implications of it are almost beyond imagination. One thing I know is that the way society is now, no one wants to take responsibility for their own life and as long as they look to government to protect them, we are going to continue to slide off into the abyss of a totalitarian system. Please keep exposing how they are setting us up!

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Nanowhatever has a huge advantage over all other technologies: it is invisible. We cannot see it, we cannot examine it, we cannot weight or measure it. Which also means that we cannot account for it. Which also means that the funds “invested” in it cannot be measured or accounted for. There is no better technology (except space, but it is reserved for the big boys).

Since a picture is worth a thousand words… SEM images are interesting in this article. They show… we (scientists) don’t know what. One, they are not three-dimensional. What you see is digital shading, a direct equivalent of paper-and-pencil shading used by artists.

Second, the image is miniature beyond imagination. If you measure the image by the scale marked on it, image B is about 4.5 times 5 micrometer = 23 micrometers or 0.023 mm. Invisible. What you say about what you see is imagination.

Three, can you verify this image against a series of other EM images from the same sample or control samples? No. Because EM samples are in one copy only. Can you prepare another sample in the identical procedure? No. Because the sample preparation is a completely destructive process. What you are observing is not alive. It is dead metalized something. Can you reassess the same sample in another EM imaging process? No. Because EM imaging attacks the sample with 30 kV electron rays, most probably permanently changing its properties (just like your properties are changed when you are connected to 30 kV).

If you are new to the subject check what Wikipedia has to say about DIY sample preparation for EM: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Electron_microscope (section on Sample preparation for TEM).

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What about exciting these quantum dots with laser or with UV light?


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Regarding nano-shedding, i wonder about..A BROWNS GAS TORCH GENERATOR gas can sublimate metals on contact, it becomes the temp to sublimate what it touches, but not water, its a cool flame, if the flame were brushed around a person, in theory it would sublimate the nano-tech. Someone with the budget should perform this test. George Wiseman with eagle tech is the only company i know of that sells them at a price tag of $15k.

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Sounds like the same argument for there not being such a thing as a virus, yet we see symptoms of disease. Same thing with prions, yet we see disease.

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Just because disease exists does not mean it is caused by virus. Cancer is a disease. It is not caused by virus.

All disease is caused by toxicity or nutrient deficiency. Plain & simple. There are mountains of evidence - and virology is just taking dead tissue cells, mixing [poison] chemicals, then mixing nutrient depleting fluids, and then proclaiming - SEE!? THE CELLS DIED!

No shit. You took them out of their natural environment, starved & poisoned them. Then proceeded to macerate, blend, freeze, slice, and then blast with radiation to get EM imaging 🙄

All scientific experiments must have a control to be valid.. Yet they rarely do.

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HPV caused by a virus results in cancer. Hep C a virus, causes liver cancer, HIV/AIDS results in cancer. Yes, toxic substances cause cancer. Viruses are real and cause disease in humans and animals and we know this because we share some viruses with animals. Rabies is a virus.

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Now, look at the "Rabies vaccine" adverse effects


From the 11/24/2023 release of VAERS data:

Found 156 cases where Vaccine targets Rabies (RAB) and Patient Died

VAERS ID: 25526 (history)

Died? Yes

Date died: 1990-06-19

Days after onset: 2

VAERS ID: 65760

Died? Yes

Date died: 1994-08-01

Days after onset: 14

Symptoms: Arthralgia, Haemolytic anaemia, Immune system disorder, Marrow hyperplasia, Pericardial effusion, Thrombocytopenia, Vasculitis

VAERS ID: 151098 (history)

Form: Version 1.0

Age: 7.0

Symptoms: Convulsion, Hypoxia, Infection, Muscular weakness, Paralysis

Died? Yes

Date died: 2000-03-25

Days after onset: 12

VAERS ID: 225216 (history)

Form: Version 1.0

Age: 12.0

Symptoms: Bacterial infection, Delirium, Paralysis, Pyrexia

Died? Yes

Date died: 2004-07-09

Days after onset: 12

VAERS ID: 83443 (history)

Form: Version 1.0

Age: 7.0

Symptoms: Agitation, Drug ineffective, Infection, Pyrexia

Died? Yes



From the 11/24/2023 release of VAERS data:

Found 5,979 cases where Vaccine targets Rabies (RAB)


VAERS ID: 25526 (history)

Age: 45.0

Sex: Female

Location: Texas

Vaccinated: 1990-06-08

Onset: 1990-06-17

Days after vaccination: 9

Symptoms: Abdominal pain, Acidosis, Anaphylactoid reaction, Cardiac arrest, Cardiac failure, Haematemesis, Injection site pain, Pancreatitis, Pyrexia, Renal failure


From the 11/24/2023 release of VAERS data:

Found 992 cases where Vaccine targets Rabies (RAB) and Serious

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Wow! And it looks like the WHO has their recommendations. It looks like rabies immunoglobulin is only slightly better. I had no idea! Thanks OH! It is about getting in their jabs. https://www.who.int/docs/default-source/searo/india/health-topic-pdf/pep-prophylaxis-guideline-15-12-2014.pdf?sfvrsn=8619bec3_2

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It is based on fear and lack on knowledge how properly treat people

It's unbelievable how long they got away with these scams

NANO "vaccines"...


Here we show that two doses of a lipid nanoparticle formulated unmodified mRNA vaccine encoding the rabies virus glycoprotein (RABV-G) induces higher levels of RABV-G specific plasmablasts and T cells in blood, and plasma cells in the bone marrow compared to two doses of Rabipur in non-human primates.

encapsulated using the lipid nanoparticle (LNP) technology of Acuitas Therapeutics (Vancouver, Canada)

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Btw. I know that Amantadine in some countries is used to treat "Covid" and that Amantadine exhibits some antioxidant properties (through various mechanisms)



Lower limb I/R injury occurs, particularly in aortic surgery by temporarily clamping the aorta and by acute or double-sided acute femoral artery occlusion. After I/R, local injury occurs in the ischemic area and injury to distant organs outside the ischemic area may also occur. The lung is the target organ in distant organ injury.[7-9]

N-methyl D-aspartate (NMDA) receptor is a member of the glutamatergic receptor types.[10,11] The NMDA antagonists have been shown to have protective effects against I/R injury in various organs and tissues by increasing antioxidant activity and reducing oxidative effects.[12] Amantadine, is a NMDA receptor antagonist, has direct and indirect glutaminergic and dopaminergic signaling effects.[12-14] Therefore, in the current study, we aimed to investigate the effect of amantadine, an NMDA antagonist, on lung tissue following lower limb I/R injury in rats.


The neuroprotective capacity of newly synthesized amantadine derivative tyrosinyl-amantadine (Tyr-Am) with expected antiparkinsonian properties was evaluated in a 6-hydroxydopamine (6-OHDA) model of Parkinson’s disease. Male Wistar rats were divided into the following groups: sham-operated (SO), striatal 6-OHDA-lesioned control group, 6-OHDA-lesioned rats pretreated for 6 days with Tyr-Am (16 mg/kg administered intraperitoneally, i.p.), and 6-OHDA-lesioned rats pretreated for 6 days with amantadine (40 mg/kg i.p.), used as a referent. On the first, second and third week post-lesion, the animals were subjected to some behavioral tests (apomorphine-induced rotation, rotarod, and passive avoidance test). The acetylcholinesterase (AChE) activity and key oxidative stress parameters including lipid peroxidation levels (LPO) and superoxide dismutase (SOD) were measured in brain homogenates. The results showed that the neuroprotective effect of Tyr-Am was comparable to that of amantadine, improving neuromuscular coordination and learning and memory performance even at a 2.5-fold lower dose. Tyr-Am demonstrated significant antioxidant properties via decreased LPO levels but had no effect on AChE activity. We can conclude that the newly synthesized amantadine derivative Tyr-Am demonstrated significant antiparkinsonian activity in a 6-OHDA experimental model.


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Rabies is an interesting case; I could do a post on rabies... In the meantime:

http://web.archive.org/web/20180604161403/http://journals.tubitak.gov.tr/chem/issues/kim-16-40-3/kim-40-3-8-1506-13.pdf In 2005, the heroic recovery of an unvaccinated teenager from clinical rabies offered hope of future specific therapy. The treatment was based on an experimental approach with the employment of some drugs such as midazolam, ketamine, ribavirin, and amantadine. 4

In 2008, a Brazilian patient survived rabies with this experimental protocol and another successful recovery was reported in California in 2011.




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Interesting that in this report on 5 rabies deaths in 2021, one case is reported to have refused the post exposure prophylactic procedure PEP ( that is 100%effective) because they were fearful of vaccines. I wonder if this is true? https://www.livescience.com/rabies-deaths-cdc-report

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From the 11/24/2023 release of VAERS data:

Found 143 cases where Vaccine targets Rabies (RAB) and Patient Did Not Die and Disabled

Less than 1% of cases are reported

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See, THEY ONLY WANT TO "VACCINATE" it is all about injecting "something", instead of other treatment


Oxidative Stress in Infection and Consequent Disease

In our view, a treatment approach based on the usage of antioxidants could be applied to prevent infection-associated pathologies and deserves experimental testing in the relevant animal models of human infections.

Finally, a very interesting paper of V. A. Mitkevich et al. discusses glutathionylation of Na,K-ATPase. The paper shows that this redox-sensitive posttranslational modification is promoted by hypoxia, an event accompanied by a severe oxidative stress. The authors provide evidence that the glutathione residues are shielding by the protein inside the protein globule. This paper, even though it does not deal with an infectious agent, may be mechanistically highly applicable to future studies in redox biology of human pathogens. To our knowledge, there is almost no published data on the redox-sensitive modifications of bacterial or viral proteins, with the exception of HIV protease.

We hope that this issue will help to deepen our understanding of the role of redox homeostasis in the pathologies associated with human infection by drawing attention to the novel aspects of redox control, such as the polyamine metabolism, glutathionylation, and novel therapies based on the use of antioxidants.


Chapter 8 - Role of Oxidative Stress in Rabies Virus Infection

Treatment with the antioxidant N-acetyl cysteine prevented the reduction in axonal outgrowth that occurred with CVS infection. The axonal swellings with 4-HNE-labeled puncta were found to be associated with aggregations of actively respiring mitochondria. We postulate that rabies virus infection likely induces mitochondrial dysfunction resulting in oxidative stress and degenerative changes involving neuronal processes.


Treatment of viral infections, including hepatitis C virus, human immunodeficiency virus and influenza virus, with ROS inhibitors has shown a decrease in both pathogenesis and viral replication both in vitro and in animal models. Clinical studies indicating the potential for targeting ROS-producing pathways as possible broad-spectrum antiviral targets should be evaluated in randomized controlled trials.

"One of the most experienced free-radical researchers, the Japanese biochemist Yukie Niwa, estimates that at least 85% of chronic and degenerative diseases result from oxidative damage."

Basically, almost all diseases start from oxidative stress. Glutathione is master of all oxidants in our body. NAC is precursor of glutathione.

The question remains what really causes this oxidative stress/damage?

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These are not arguments, but information copied from product data sheets of EM manufacturers, websites of EM labs and EM handbooks. If this all doesn’t add up, I don’t know why. I only see an ocean of discrepancies, gaps and incomplete data. Like: how much time do you need to prepare one EM sample? I read a lot, and I have only found vague references to “from several hours to a whole day”. One business day to prepare one sample which cannot be reused or validated? Provided that the operator doesn’t damage or destroy the sample while in the machine, which is all too easy.

Symptoms and their cause(s)… it’s all a guess game, officially called differential diagnosis. Matching a list of symptoms with a list of observable changes in the person. The very process means that we don’t know, we only try to find correspondence.

If there are discrepancies between symptoms and their causes… it is proof that we do not take into consideration all factors possible. We don’t know enough to make a valid conclusion. That’s ok, this is how we learn. Not ok is pretending that we know everything and it is exactly as has been written in the handbook of OurGreatScience, revised annually.

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That is why this crime is so perfect

Even if they end up being forced to admit to using it, they will show these research papers stating that they are safe if they are coated in a certain way or that it was an emergency, etc.

Doctors have no idea about this technology. People who know the technology have no idea about viruses, fake "fact checkers" deny or claim there is nothing to worry about, and the murder continues

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Seeing a family member die within a couple of months of an extremely rare disease that was diagnosed but not able to be identified with EM might change your mind.

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I have no opinion about EM, so there is nothing to change. I can see blank spaces where legitimate, consistent information should be provided. Asking questions about blank pages in a book is not an opinion.

If I ever come to the place when I train as an EM operator, and have a little practice, and first-hand knowledge, I will upgrade to having an opinion, positive or negative. Before that point, I am nobody to promote or advertise anything.

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Dec 30, 2023
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My wishes for the coming year - for you, for myself, and for every other person on the Earth - is that we live in peace, truth and understanding, caring for each other if it is welcome, and leaving the other undisturbed if it is expressed and requested.

We need to learn how to listen and hear, and we need to recall the beautiful skill of seeing the other as they are, without our projections and expectations. May 2024 be the opportunity to go into this learning phase.

We need to learn how to cooperate in the search to fill in the blanks, putting aside mundane obsessions and merging efforts to fulfill the dream so many times repeated by our ancestors: when the time comes to leave this place, leave it in a better condition than it was when you arrived here.


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Not all blank pages will be filled. As a medical professional of over 35 years, I learned that books are only a tool and truth is nuanced to give us impetus to seek more.

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Amazing presentation. The summary and links, the whole flow of the info. As scary as all that is, I'm very grateful for your work. Thanks, O.

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TNCSS.weebly.com is the place to learn more and stay abreast of NULLIFICATION progress. With big applause ...The largest county in Tennessee passed the resolution for HB0726 with none opposed. The Nullification wave is growing.👍

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Back later, a lot here. Thanks. Happy New Year everyone.

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You think the nano tech caused the Covid symptoms

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Yes, please read this article on the mechanisms of graphene toxicity - you will see "Covid" (graphene has been used in masks, tests, injections, other drugs, food, packaging and so on)


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“ The NanoCOAT™ process is a patented solventless-encapsulation system for coating micron and sub-micron size powders. A core nanoparticle/microparticle is encapsulated with a thin layer of a coating material, such as a surfactant or a biodegradable polymer.”

So OUTRAGED I have suspected early in 2020 that nano coating was the method used for spreading various pathogens and nanotech into lungs …..remember the graphene oxide in masks in Quebec Canada, it is a shame a proper forensic investigation was not done with an electron scanning microscope…



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Except a big explosion here so they can roll this all out

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And both Malone and vandenbossche spoke out against mass vaccination

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🤣🤣🤣🤣way too late. Did you watch the video of him & his wife telling kids to get the jab in Hawaii

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I did Julie and did not hear him telling those kids to get the shot. It’s a kinda creepy video - I was asking myself why he would be talking to kids anyway. But if he was pushing the shot I doubt that CHD would have filmed him.

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Watch again. Because a child asks directly about getting Covid injection & he said YES. Maybe they since deleted it

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and Geert came out on day one that mass vaccination was a terrible idea.

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And how much is he talking about the nano tech in the vaccine that attached your butt to the cloud .. never heard him mention that part

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Absolutely horrible but a Great Summary again👍🏻

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OH what is your opinion of Geert Vanden Bossche?

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All these people know the technology, yet they speak about variants, immunological escape, virus, etc. No, THEY know

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So don’t you think they are more whistleblower?

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But not those

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They both worked in the industry prior to Covid and both came out strong against the shots. I’m really trying to understand what you and your followers are thinking. That Malone and Geert engineered the virus and now somehow are collecting on it?

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George Webb has extensive research on Malone & Callahan connections. Absolutely 💯 percent true. Now here's the proof.

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You need to get educated. Include some reading at the substack of Sage Hana. And also listen to The Day Tapes.

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Wtf do you think I’m doing?

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Once you see the end goal, everything else falls into the category of denial.

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