This is the App: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.bluetoothscanner&hl=en_US

Check out the comments section:

Raymond Ethier

May 26, 2022

Worked as described. Was able to confirm through testing it on a friend who is vaccinated and boosted 1x. I couldn’t get any results after installing the app at first and then realized I didn't have bt or loc settings on. Best to turn on everything before installing or you'll have to restart the app after installing to get results from scanning.

58 people found this review helpful


May 9, 2022

Picks up a lot of 12 digit codes. That are not devices . We know for certain they are people that have been vaccinated. Thats why they have been trying to mandate it.

32 people found this review helpful

Sean Fitzpatrick

March 22, 2022

Works Great!! Leads me right to my wife! Crazy how everyone has a bluetooth signal in their body now!! Crazy perk from the jab, but why havent they told us about this??

40 people found this review helpful

Melissa Zuniga

March 25, 2022

Need to know which of your friends are emitting a MAC address (groups of 12 alphanumeric characters, separated out by colons)? This will do it.

16 people found this review helpful

Hector Trejo Luna

November 18, 2021

Detects vaxxed people easily, thank you

35 people found this review helpful

Devin Dwyer

March 22, 2022

Found my triple vaxxed grandmother. So nice of her to have a code.

17 people found this review helpful

Nathan Webb

March 26, 2023

Finds the MAC codes of the injected

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No need for any app if the phone has the bluetooth option to show bluetooth devices without name (only mac address).

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Great information, thank you for all your hard work.

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thank you

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Thank you. This was informative. I find it interesting that QMC seems to have gone private and no longer talks about their business. Their website looks like a "cutout" business. When you're a key company producing a revolutionary technology that is changing the world, it seems like you'd be talking yourself up a bit.

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Oh Hell NO! Of course Gates is involved. No consent, informed or otherwise??? WTF?

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