I am utterly confounded by the way everyone took the vaccine without question. They don't even think of the fact that the pharmaceutical companies hold no liability should something go wrong. They don't enquire as to what's in them and put them into their children without proper due diligence. Even now, people are totally unaware of the massive death toll that vaccines are inflicting on populations. It's like everyone is asleep and they want to stay that way. Well, maybe this is a way of upgrading the gene pool. The illusion is that someone else is responsible for your choices or your health and nothing could be further from the truth. Bottom line - what goes into your body is your choice. This needs to be learned well if we are to overcome the immense damage this mind control has caused.
Unfortunately, "vaccinating" people even through he food supply has been legit since May, 2023, and already two years ago, there were other poetic options:
Sorry, my wife and I never even wore a muzzle. It was hard to ignore the mesmerized masses, but we did encounter another six unmuzzled people during the 18 months of the mandates in stores. I shook hands with them and told them it was good to see some sanity left in a world gone insane. If the muzzle had been refused, the juggernaut would have perhaps stopped. People fell for the "two weeks to curb the spread" and ended up well-trained in compliance:
The Obedience to Authority Experiment, also known as the Milgram Experiment, was a series of psychological studies conducted by Stanley Milgram in the 1960s. The experiment aimed to investigate the extent to which people would obey authority figures, even if it meant harming others.
Still, non-compliance has a tiny area left for making existential decisions.
Since 1947, LOTS of experiments have been done on the general population, and only some of them have surfaced. Every law is only as meaningful as its enforcement. The enablers and the enforcers, however, have been faithfully serving their globalist masters, especially during the plandemic, and even states can only put up a sham fight against the WHO:
THANK YOU for compiling this. This is tragic & dreadful. My own 22 year old son listened to me for the first year & didn’t take the poisons…but then, in order to gain admittance to a concert arena, he took two jabs in 2022. At this point, I can only pray for him. God help us all.
People can take N-acetylcysteine to keep oxidative stress/damage under control (and other antioxidants). They can do a D-dimer test. If it is elevated, you know there is micro thrombosis and you need to counteract it (higher doses of NAC, glycine, MSM and others). D-dimer test helps to determine if one may already have a blood clotting condition.
There are two main problems that arise as a result of these injections: oxidative stress (leading to oxidative damage - and oxidative damage results in thrombosis, organ failure, strokes, deaths, etc.) and amyloidosis (sudden death syndrome, "strange, white" blood clots, cardiac amyloidosis, other organs amyloidosis, prion disease, orthostatic tachycardia syndrome... These fibers can accumulate almost anywhere: from the heart to the brain to the liver, veins, the skin and so on.)
N-acetylcysteine counteracts oxidative stress and prevents aggregation of amyloid plaques and dissolves them. If there is a problem, then it is a question of the right dosage (higher doses may be necessary).
This way one can prevent organ damage and slowly detox.
This can also be seen from the article supplement https://www.nejm.org/doi/suppl/10.1056/NEJMoa2110345/suppl_file/nejmoa2110345_appendix.pdf published in the New England Journal of Medicine that presented the safety and efficacy of the Pfizer vaccine at six months https://www.nejm.org/doi/full/10.1056/NEJMoa2110345. In the supplement to this article, it can be seen that there were three sepsis deaths in the vaccinated group, while no sepsis deaths occurred in the unvaccinated group. Normally the results of this study and the causes of death in the two groups (vaccinated and unvaccinated) should have been presented in the main article, but the results were "hidden" in this supplement that very few people know about. There is a lot of evidence of premeditation, but unfortunately people fail to put the information together and mobilize together with the lawyers to prove the premeditation. I also do not understand why there is no international mobilization to find out the exact composition of these experimental products. I think we should make a list of the "official" evidence of premeditation and an international petition demanding the exact composition of these products.
Since around 1962, foreign/synthetic proteins have been causing symptoms described in the article. I would like to emphasize that "allergies" and "autoimmune conditions" seem to go back to the same roots. I have counted 13 sources that can do something like that:
Its hard to believe that the people everyone votes for (I personally don't vote because in my view they are all corrupt motherf*ckers who need locking up for crimes against humanity going back to the war!)... can quite happily stand by & have this done to people whist they go to their sex swinging parties with their favourite mind groomed hookers & sip champagne laced with coke, laughing & joking about how stupid everyone is & how much money we are making for them from their investments in pharma etc....
This is a timely post. Was in the ER last week for hubby. While waiting I noticed a large poster describing Sepsis and what to look for and to not ignore. I thought it was weird because I didn't think sepsis was that common. But all bets are off after what has been done to humanity by those who appear to hate our guts.
I spent a fair bit of time in and out of ed (I'm in New Zealand) years ago and remember one trip where suddenly the walls were plastered with sepsis awareness posters. I think it was doing the rounds in the media at the time. I wish I could remember when they did it, at least 6 years ago, probably longer. I also wish I knew what caused that particular sudden spike in sepsis cases at the time.
None of us except in DC and US terrorties have to pay Satanic Federal taxes! Crush the Illuminate cabal share this websitehttps://www.freedomlawschool.org/
I am utterly confounded by the way everyone took the vaccine without question. They don't even think of the fact that the pharmaceutical companies hold no liability should something go wrong. They don't enquire as to what's in them and put them into their children without proper due diligence. Even now, people are totally unaware of the massive death toll that vaccines are inflicting on populations. It's like everyone is asleep and they want to stay that way. Well, maybe this is a way of upgrading the gene pool. The illusion is that someone else is responsible for your choices or your health and nothing could be further from the truth. Bottom line - what goes into your body is your choice. This needs to be learned well if we are to overcome the immense damage this mind control has caused.
Just ask people one question….. should the pharmaceutical companies be exempt.
Unfortunately, "vaccinating" people even through he food supply has been legit since May, 2023, and already two years ago, there were other poetic options:
People, including me, have no idea how they are poisoned, and it's certainly not THEIR choice:
Sorry, my wife and I never even wore a muzzle. It was hard to ignore the mesmerized masses, but we did encounter another six unmuzzled people during the 18 months of the mandates in stores. I shook hands with them and told them it was good to see some sanity left in a world gone insane. If the muzzle had been refused, the juggernaut would have perhaps stopped. People fell for the "two weeks to curb the spread" and ended up well-trained in compliance:
Compliance training goes back to WW1, and by now, people take it for granted that they are treated as state assets:
The Obedience to Authority Experiment, also known as the Milgram Experiment, was a series of psychological studies conducted by Stanley Milgram in the 1960s. The experiment aimed to investigate the extent to which people would obey authority figures, even if it meant harming others.
Milgram's research was inspired by the Nuremberg Trials, where Nazi officials claimed they were simply … https://search.brave.com/search?q=obedience+to+authority+experiment+milgram&source=android&summary=1&summary_og=08ec362c0eaa92ec98ee76
Covid-19 is the new and improved version of the Milgram Experiment because the obedient harmed themselves this time and not an innocent other.
And the doctors were "just following orders."
Yes everyone should be familiar with this by now, it's so old. But one experiment and we just think that's the way people are?
For the love of God, ban this poison already. DO NOT COMPLY, EVER!
People are not being asked:
Still, non-compliance has a tiny area left for making existential decisions.
Since 1947, LOTS of experiments have been done on the general population, and only some of them have surfaced. Every law is only as meaningful as its enforcement. The enablers and the enforcers, however, have been faithfully serving their globalist masters, especially during the plandemic, and even states can only put up a sham fight against the WHO:
LOTs on practices of non-compliance only hurt the people:
Basically, some of the bacteria die due to undisclosed/unidentified causes.
Thanks for posting the link warning about the flu shots.
THANK YOU for compiling this. This is tragic & dreadful. My own 22 year old son listened to me for the first year & didn’t take the poisons…but then, in order to gain admittance to a concert arena, he took two jabs in 2022. At this point, I can only pray for him. God help us all.
People can take N-acetylcysteine to keep oxidative stress/damage under control (and other antioxidants). They can do a D-dimer test. If it is elevated, you know there is micro thrombosis and you need to counteract it (higher doses of NAC, glycine, MSM and others). D-dimer test helps to determine if one may already have a blood clotting condition.
There are two main problems that arise as a result of these injections: oxidative stress (leading to oxidative damage - and oxidative damage results in thrombosis, organ failure, strokes, deaths, etc.) and amyloidosis (sudden death syndrome, "strange, white" blood clots, cardiac amyloidosis, other organs amyloidosis, prion disease, orthostatic tachycardia syndrome... These fibers can accumulate almost anywhere: from the heart to the brain to the liver, veins, the skin and so on.)
N-acetylcysteine counteracts oxidative stress and prevents aggregation of amyloid plaques and dissolves them. If there is a problem, then it is a question of the right dosage (higher doses may be necessary).
This way one can prevent organ damage and slowly detox.
Only one thing to know never let anyone inject anything in your body. RR
Yes. My multi-jabbed uncle was admitted
to hospital with stomach pain. An exploratory surgery to his stomach found nothing, and he was released from hospital.
He was readmitted to hospital, and diagnosed with sepsis.
His attending doctor received permission from his offspring to administer drugs to "relieve suffering".
He took his last breath within 22 minutes of being administered those drugs.
From start of initial stomach pain until overdose: 10 days.
He was... "elderly" though...
Unapologetically Me, I’m so sorry, my deepest condolences. 🙏🏻
Who the heck decided old age was a preexisting condition?🧐
This can also be seen from the article supplement https://www.nejm.org/doi/suppl/10.1056/NEJMoa2110345/suppl_file/nejmoa2110345_appendix.pdf published in the New England Journal of Medicine that presented the safety and efficacy of the Pfizer vaccine at six months https://www.nejm.org/doi/full/10.1056/NEJMoa2110345. In the supplement to this article, it can be seen that there were three sepsis deaths in the vaccinated group, while no sepsis deaths occurred in the unvaccinated group. Normally the results of this study and the causes of death in the two groups (vaccinated and unvaccinated) should have been presented in the main article, but the results were "hidden" in this supplement that very few people know about. There is a lot of evidence of premeditation, but unfortunately people fail to put the information together and mobilize together with the lawyers to prove the premeditation. I also do not understand why there is no international mobilization to find out the exact composition of these experimental products. I think we should make a list of the "official" evidence of premeditation and an international petition demanding the exact composition of these products.
Since around 1962, foreign/synthetic proteins have been causing symptoms described in the article. I would like to emphasize that "allergies" and "autoimmune conditions" seem to go back to the same roots. I have counted 13 sources that can do something like that:
The latest development is another creatively-named condition, "CKM syndrome":
Its hard to believe that the people everyone votes for (I personally don't vote because in my view they are all corrupt motherf*ckers who need locking up for crimes against humanity going back to the war!)... can quite happily stand by & have this done to people whist they go to their sex swinging parties with their favourite mind groomed hookers & sip champagne laced with coke, laughing & joking about how stupid everyone is & how much money we are making for them from their investments in pharma etc....
We are simply expendable cash cows.
This is a timely post. Was in the ER last week for hubby. While waiting I noticed a large poster describing Sepsis and what to look for and to not ignore. I thought it was weird because I didn't think sepsis was that common. But all bets are off after what has been done to humanity by those who appear to hate our guts.
I spent a fair bit of time in and out of ed (I'm in New Zealand) years ago and remember one trip where suddenly the walls were plastered with sepsis awareness posters. I think it was doing the rounds in the media at the time. I wish I could remember when they did it, at least 6 years ago, probably longer. I also wish I knew what caused that particular sudden spike in sepsis cases at the time.
That is interesting. Seems nothing is done randomly by these buggers always for their purpose.
None of us except in DC and US terrorties have to pay Satanic Federal taxes! Crush the Illuminate cabal share this websitehttps://www.freedomlawschool.org/