So far the only terrorists that have posed a threat to the American people is the government itself and its deranged testing of bioweapons (and other weapons) on its own people. Disgusting.

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That is an very interesting article, well documented. I am still battling my own "bacterial/ mold" infection which I contracted in Antigau West Indies in Nov 2024. I am a ASCP MT.. so I trained in Clinical Microbiology and worked in hospital lab. I was not going to comment because I also had dental surgery but I cannot help commenting on the Serratia marcescens which I had to look up. There was time when I was young I actually KNEW all those; and I am sure it in my brain somewhere. I heard about the FOG/ non mysterious Fog .. even though the Wildfires in California are keeping me in prayer and I am watching and praying and intensely. I did watch Rob Schmidt tonight interviewing Donald Trump by phone: I record him every night on NewsMax. Brilliant and humble truth teller. going to back to the "Wildfires" Gavin Newsom and Biden have now reached the level of DELUSIONAL. I won't get into it now: BACK TO YOUR POINT.. about the "Fog and other apparent rise of AIRBORNE MOLDS and Serratia marcescens and its interactions with "other agents to deal with the bacteria or molds: the key is (and as a biologist I lived through a hurricane Virginia and the mold remediation issues were not lost on me.. and I remember the super bugs which resulted because the over use of Antibiotics by patients.

MY ADVICE: WHEN I GOT HOME.. and I had Traveler's DIARRHEA so badly I was in the ER and you know.. having worked in hospitals that is the WORST PLACE TO BE because of the NOSOCOMIAL disease and the hospital did NOT isolate what I had using the rapid PCR testing .. on Shigella and Giardia Llambia and I also gave them some suggestions because Antigua West Indies is like being dropped in a third world Jungle. I had the sense to go straight to Pharmacy DAY One and BUY IODINE Tincture (all the products were from England, it was a British Colony) but it was too late. ALL THOSE THIRD World countries and this was the first time for me and I have traveled.. I WOULD NOW ADVISE BRING PURE IODINE (very Cheap) and also pack a small bottle of (in the luggage) of Chlorox.. which brings me to your suggestion.. and I do believe in TIME Tested.. well known "HOMEPATHIC MEDICINE".. I got home.. and when I got better I saw that pink mold.. in my fridge (I was gone for close to a month).. BREAK OUT THE CHLOROX.. say 5% DILUTION.. Gloves and a Mask.. even a cheap mask will block chlorine smell .. and CLEAN IT ALL BEFORE ONE LEAVES. LESSON LEARNED. I should have known better but I am getting old.. and I just not prepared to have my house cleaned.. and when I got home.. it was a disaster. I AM STILL SICK.. and I am still battling it.. I got a Homopathic pill which is for Traveler's Diarrhea which had mico amounts of arsenic in it, Rhus tox.. and some other things I have used. and THAT WORKED.. I mean arsenic is used to treat Heart worm in dogs..

LONG STORY NOT SHORT. I DO WHICH I HAD SEEN THIS IN OCTOBER.. anyway I will be on later in the week. still battling.. this. SEVEN MORE DAYS.. ! GODSPEED.. it will get better. thanks for posting. Isabell

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http://cancerpreventionresearch.aacrjournals.org/content/2/12/1015.long Effects of Chlorophyll and Chlorophyllin on Low-Dose Aflatoxin B1 Pharmacokinetics in Human Volunteers

Based on present data, we conclude that the changes in pharmacokinetic parameters due to Chla and CHL cotreatment reflect an ability of these blocking agents to reduce the amount of aflatoxin absorbed in the intestine, in humans as well as animal models.

https://www.pnas.org/doi/abs/10.1073/pnas.251536898 Chlorophyllin intervention reduces aflatoxin–DNA adducts in individuals at high risk for liver cancer

Chlorophyllin consumption at each meal led to an overall 55% reduction (P = 0.036) in median urinary levels of this aflatoxin biomarker compared with those taking placebo. Thus, prophylactic interventions with chlorophyllin or supplementation of diets with foods rich in chlorophylls may represent practical means to prevent the development of hepatocellular carcinoma or other environmentally induced cancers.


N-Acetylcysteine’s Role in Sepsis and Potential Benefit in Patients With Microcirculatory Derangements

In addition to its known anti-inflammatory and antioxidative roles, one underappreciated property of NAC is its ability to vasodilate the microcirculation and improve locoregional blood flow. Some investigators have sought to capitalize on this mechanism with promising results, as evidenced by microcirculatory vasodilation, improvements in regional blood flow and oxygen delivery, and reductions in lactic acidosis, organ failure, and mortality.


In addition to its antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties, N-acetylcysteine possesses vasodilatory properties that could benefit the microcirculation in sepsis. It is imperative that we investigate these properties to uncover NAC’s full potential for benefit in sepsis.

https://pmc.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/articles/PMC3942754/ Deficient Glutathione in the Pathophysiology of Mycotoxin-Related Illness

https://pmc.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/articles/PMC9863511/ Evaluation of the Effectiveness of Charcoal, Lactobacillus rhamnosus, and Saccharomyces cerevisiae as Aflatoxin Adsorbents in Chocolate

Chlorella, CoenzymeQ10, etc.

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Saying a prayer for your full recovery Isabell

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Can relate. I’m rather weak in my muscles, hard to clean. I’m doing Ritchie Shoemaker protocol for mold and biotoxin. Thanks for your comment. Keep feeling better.

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Xlear is available on Amazon and pharmacy. I use it after I’ve been in public. Sensitive to everything these daze. The spray really helps. Doesn’t interfere with other medicine or supplements generally. Xylitol in it & grapefruit extract. Very affordable.

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I use Xlear and do a daily saline nasal rinse. After decades of colds and sinus infections, I suffer no longer.

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You can buy pure xylitol crystals at health food stores. Much cheaper to make your own 😊

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There are diy recipes online to make xlear-like product.

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I read some time ago that a very good inner clean can be achieved by taking the RINDS of grapefruit and lemon and simmering them in water for 20-30 minutes... Cool and strain, and then KILL it, because it's very, very bitter. I added a few drops of liquid Stevia, and sometimes some other kind of fruit juice... But we need that bitter, if not just a LITTLE BIT of it, because then the body "knows it's medicine," as I read in Ayurveda long, long, long ago...

Can't hurt you, anyway, but be sure to WASH the fruit before peeling it, and I use baking soda dissolved in water to really clean it, then rinse.

Thanks! Hope this is helpful, too.

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Thank u outraged human . The fog in California before the fires was like this. Thank u so much

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This has been reported from many places around the world

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I can confirm in France, Switzerland, and Germany a few weeks ago we had this chemical fog.

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Scary. I heard from a friend in UK the fog was PURPLE... :(

Ohhh, the nastiness of the Nasties.

THANK YOU for your good posts, I'm a relative newbie. ^_^

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Nigella Sativa/black cumin seed oil it is said cures everything but death. An exaggeration no doubt, but I've always got a bottle in my cupboard. Also quercetin and xylitol crystals

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Yes, I've read that about the black seed oil, too, but didn't know it was black CUMIN seed, or coriander. Thanks for that! I want some now...

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Thanks for sharing!

Xylitol can be find in its liquid form over the counter and it is often used in some saliva promoters chewing gums.

Middle-East peoples say that only Death is stronger than Nigella Sativa; they have known its antibacterial properties for millennials. Its seeds -not expensive- and oil are infused, as for tea.

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I buy the crystals at the health food store. Found out about it when hubs had cancer surgery on neck and jaw and needed a *soft mouthwash* 😉

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Good to know that Xylitol is also available in this format. Thanks for the information!

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“Serratia marcescens is a species of rod-shaped, Gram-negative bacteria in the family Yersiniaceae.”

If that “Y-word” sounds familiar, it should:

“The Yersiniaceae are a family of Gram-negative bacteria that includes some familiar pathogens. For example, the type genus Yersinia includes Yersinia pestis, the causative agent of plague.”

In short, the Planners appear to be trying to create an epidemic with symptomatology akin to the Black Death.

Buboes, anyone?



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Would your grubbyment spray a biological agent on you in a democratic country without your knowledge or consent, ignoring the Nuremburg code?

Are they doing worse today, all around the world?

Here is your answer and some helpful leads for protection. Good work by outraged again.

And there is that quorum sensing again too.

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The world is full of demons and their minions. They try so hard to pretend to be God.

The positive message is that this world is not our home, and this body is just a shirt. And the spiritual world is not a physical location, but a state of consciousness. We can be liberated and content at any time if we really want it and strive for it. This material existence is a kind of nightmare, but this nightmare can bring us to the search for the Absolute and to the Absolute Truth itself. As Socrates put it, when his disciples asked him “but how shall we bury you?”, he replied: “if only you can catch me, and I do not escape from you.” He realized the “sat” aspect, or the eternal nature of the soul.

So, all this turmoil may make us want to inquire into the Absolute Truth, and there is nothing more treasured anywhere. And these demons will meet their destiny anyway

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Does it make sense now that the Second Amendment is a stopgap when the government turns against us? They knew that when the First Amendment goes, the Second is the last resort to take the real America back. I say we are in a Rosa Parks moment. Say no and DO NOT COMPLY peacefully. Gandhi brought down the British Empire the same way...

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Someone did mention that this bacteria is in most places already, is very common. I do have to wonder what was tested for, as tests are expensive and you usually have to look for a narrow range of things. Did they test for cadmium, barium alum?

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Good questions but they'll just come out with other things. It's going to be non-stop now as they want to exterminate 70% of the US population this year. as was predicted in Deagel. And 90% of the world's population by 2030.

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Yeah, I know.

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Current light snow in Pittsburgh, Pa that leaves my windshields dirty when my wipers are working. What is in this snow???? I am 77 yrs old and don’t recall this happening. I have to keep cleaning my windshields.

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FogVid-24 ... Global Lockdowns/Resistance


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They want us dead.

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Patriot Act, you know the one where two senators refused to sign got Anthrax, buried in that puss filled legislation written by the motherfuckers that blew up WTC Complex, not just the twin towers, the whole damn thing, yea that legislation, repealed Nixon ban on Gain of Function research and you thought you live in a fucking democracy

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I may be mistaken, but isn't Graphene Oxide WHITE?

I know that it's been going around the grapevine that some of the contaminants sprayed across our skies in the form of Persistent Aerosol Spray (sometimes called "Chem Trails"), include GO and aluminum...

GO is known to be detoxed by the body THROUGH THE LUNGS... and that seems to be the means of detoxing this "fog," as well. Hmmmmm.

GO is also the thing that is "activated" by EMF's....


Well, I don't KNOW. But as a Deeply Suspicious Guard Dog, DSGD, I yam CURIOUS...

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Aerosol Spraying

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