A reader just sent me a link to a 2015 article by Robert Malone.
One of the effects of ultrasound is cavitation, or microbubble formation and collapse.
Cavitation produces high pressures and temperatures, and microbubble expansion and then collapse close to cells can lead
to cellular damage or hemorrhage in biological tissues.
Microbubbles in cancer
Currently, chemotherapy drugs are injected intravenously and circulate in the patient’s bloodstream. Although they are designed to destroy cancer cells, they also damage healthy tissue, leading to side effects such as nausea and hair loss.
Scientists started to use microbubbles for the targeted release of drugs, which would require significantly smaller doses than when chemotherapy drugs alone are used.
The process involves a microbubble being loaded with a drug and antibodies that target cancer cells. The microbubbles are mixed with water and injected intravenously and tracked by ultrasound until they reach tumor tissue. The frequency of the ultrasound waves is then increased to agitate the bubbles,
which burst
and deliver the drug directly to the tumor cells.
https://www.malone.news/p/psychological-bioterrorism-ebb Psychological Bioterrorism
Play it again, Sam. Play "Bird Flu".
What Makes Psychological Bioterrorism Effective?
The main components and after-effects of this form of mass psychological manipulation include the following:
1. A Time factor: Psychological bioterrorism provides a practical method for immediate global transmission and development of widespread panic through electronic means of communication.
2. A Vulnerability factor: People feel helplessness when confronting the threat due to the lack of effective means of defense. This creates panic among the general population, which can then be directed or exploited to support other objectives.
3. An Uncertainty factor: A lack of factual information about the source of the bioterror threat and its spread creates an opportunity to manipulate the masses of people who initiate the threat. Initiating and promoting a psychological bioterror event creates an opportunity to craft and promote an explanation of the event and to fashion propaganda narratives that serve or support other (typically hidden) objectives.
In the case of the current “bird flu” narrative, these objectives may include promoting acceptance of mRNA-based genetic vaccination of dairy cattle and promoting the objective of culling cattle herds to mitigate the claimed effects of cattle on CO2 emissions.
4. A “lack of control” factor: Every person who accepts the promoted bioterror narrative develops and internalizes a sense of being “out of control” because he/she is a suspicious object, liable to have the disease, and therefore is a threat to everyone else.
This creates chronic internal anxiety in those vulnerable to the bioterror campaign, and this fear is then easily manipulated by the promotion of narratives requiring compliance with a series of actions—effective or ineffective—that serve to create a sense of purpose, identity, and belonging to an “in group” that has achieved protected status (from the manufactured Bioterror threat) by performing a ritual or modifying their behavior in some way.
etc. etc. etc.
The Zika Response Group began in the winter of 2016.
News of Zika was rapidly spreading and the founders of iORG, Dr's Robert and Jill Malone wanted to do something to really make a difference.
Having worked in infectious disease outbreak response teams for many years, they realized that the usual governmental response was slow and inefficient.
The usual response time just was not a good solution to solve the spread of Zika and to develop a better understanding of the disease, so that treatments could be developed.
Robert spoke to many colleagues and the response was overwhelming. together, they founded the Zika Response Group with iORG as the parent organization. The was goal was simply to impact on the public health response to make it more efficient and to make a difference. The team of people assembled worked night and day - and accomplished amazing things.
Some of the early successes are:
Zika Response Working Group wrote a comprehensive meta analysis of Zika and available medical countermeasure options that has helped guide government officials, clinicians and front line public health workers as they are responding to the virus outbreak in January 2016.
Zika Response Working Group wrote an extensive review paper on Zika that has helped guide scientists about the virus. Published in PLoS NTD. The paper now has over 40,000 readers and is one of the most cited Zika references.
Members of the Zika Response Group have performed epitope mapping and computational biology analyses, showing
the evolution of the virus - which will lead to a better vaccine…
Soligenix Announces Publication Demonstrating Positive Correlates of Protection with RiVax® in Non-Human Primate Survival after Ricin Challenge
This same thermostabilization approach is also being advanced in the development of Soligenix's CiVax™ vaccine for COVID-19 and SuVax™ and MarVax™ vaccines for ebola type filovirus infections.
In principle, any aluminum or nano-emulsion adjuvanted vaccine may be stabilized by the ThermoVax® process.
https://finance.yahoo.com/news/soligenix-inc-vital-vaccine-development-165421943.html Soligenix, Inc: Vital Vaccine Development Program has Potential to Address Future Marburg Virus Outbreaks (yahoo.com)
ROBERT MALONE: The father of WARP-SPEED? (a specific concept, namely the idea of faster-than-light, or as J. Small of Pfizer puts it, "SPEED OF SCIENCE" VACCINE)
What was it that Robert Malone said?
“This creates chronic internal anxiety in those vulnerable to the bioterror campaign, and this fear is then easily manipulated by the promotion of narratives requiring compliance with a series of actions—effective or ineffective—that serve to create a sense of purpose, identity, and belonging to an “in group” that has achieved protected status (from the manufactured Bioterror threat)
by performing a ritual
or modifying their behavior in some way.” …
From the movie Conan the Barbarian:
"The only snakes I know of are those of Set and his cursed towers. Their evil has spread to every city. Two or three years ago it was just another snake cult, now... they're everywhere. It is said that they are deceivers... they murder people in the night..."
Hello! New to your page... Great post. At first I thought you LIKED Malone, I was gonna have to chew up your favorite shoes! ;) woof!