From the movie Conan the Barbarian:

"The only snakes I know of are those of Set and his cursed towers. Their evil has spread to every city. Two or three years ago it was just another snake cult, now... they're everywhere. It is said that they are deceivers... they murder people in the night..."

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By the way, check this out:


Energy from cellphone towers amplify pain in amputees

Date: February 3, 2016

Source: University of Texas at Dallas

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YES. Only I would use the term "radiation" as opposed to "energy." Same thing, but different feel... I wish I could put a graphic here, but it won't let me... ALLLLL the many many problems (sometimes called "diseases" of EMF's... And how brilliant a stroke it was to get everyone addicted to their cell phones before slamming us with all these damn towers...

Anyway, nice to see we're all on the same page.

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Thanks for this - goes to show even low levels at over 100 ft can do a number. How did you find the study, if you don't mind me asking? Any sources you like to follow?

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That's a great question, take a look at this:

The Latest In Homeland Defense & Security News

February 8, 2016



Energy From Cellphone Towers

Amplify Pain In Amputees

A new study provides evidence that people with nerve injuries, especially amputees, that are exposed to cellphone towers at low, regular levels feel aberrant sensations and neuropathic pain.

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Makes me think of the idea that there ARE people who enjoy torturing others. I was just commenting somewhere yesterday about how when psychopaths are children and haven't yet learned to cover up their lack of empathy, they frequently are found torturing and killing small animals... Arrrgh.

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How terrible!! 🤨 😵‍💫

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Hello! New to your page... Great post. At first I thought you LIKED Malone, I was gonna have to chew up your favorite shoes! ;) woof!

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Psy-Operatives- you promote their book? - wow what polymaths those Malones are- never met a subject they weren’t experts on - continually commit altruistic acts on behalf of humanity - for a profit that is disregard all side effects and focus on the goal- such humanitarians they’ll probably volunteer to help

Dr. B and RFK jr in quest for MAHA - true altruists at work.

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You just saved me hours of my life!!!! I was digging into all this and you already have it. Kudos and amazing job!!!! Thank you.

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And yet people pay them for a subscription, thinking they are some kind of “freedom fighters.” Unbelievable

"Finally, an introduction to medical countermeasure (drugs, vaccines, antibodies etc.) development options for this novel coronavirus are discussed."

No, it was never a virus, but poisoning by toxic nanotechnology (PCR tests, Remdesivir, injections, etc.). This is all nonsense and a crime for which they should be punished.


Novel Coronavirus: A Practical Guide for Preparation and Protection

by Robert W. Malone MD and Jill Glasspool Malone Phd


This book provides a pragmatic, practical guide full of everyday tips for living in the real world, while doing what you can to avoid contracting the novel coronavirus (2019-nCoV). The most important thing that anyone can do to reduce the spread of novel coronavirus infection and disease among your community is to protect yourself, and this book is designed to empower each of us to accomplish this. It is also intended to help you to recognize the signs when you or someone else has become infected, but is should not be used as a substitute for proper diagnosis, evaluation, and management by a trained and licensed medical caregiver in the event that signs and symptoms of 2019-nCoV infection or disease develop. It is also absolutely not intended as a "doomsday", "survivalist" or "prepper" manual. It is written for average people; mothers, fathers, relatives and families, young and old, singles and couples, workers and retired, well off and living from paycheck to paycheck. At various points, this book does delve into more technical aspects of virology, epidemiology and the biology of novel coronaviral disease. These sections are written for the more scientifically adept and literate reader. However, if you are not scientifically minded, please do not let that scare you off. Discussions on how to protect yourself and your family, and how to prepare for the coming epidemic, are written for and easily understood by those without a strong scientific background. The book also has concrete suggestions on how to mitigate risks associated with businesses and the workplace. This includes risk management and continuity planning for businesses. Finally, an introduction to medical countermeasure (drugs, vaccines, antibodies etc.) development options for this novel coronavirus are discussed.

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I agree with everything except the term "PCR test." It's not a TEST, it's an amplifier, and does not, cannot, diagnose anything at all. I believe Kerry Mullis, the inventor of the PCR, was killed for his outspoken insistence that this is the case (he oughta know!), and he also went around being quite vocal about how Fauci was/is an idiot and a crank... Well, he "died suddenly" in Aug. 2019, right before Bill Gates' big "Let's Get Ready" party in September... Whew, they were pretty cavalier about all that...

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Powell’ s states out of stock- suppressed is what I have read shortly after coming out - like I said in another post these folks talk out of both sides of their

mouths - beware - profiteering is a full time occupation.

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publication date 2-12-2020

that was fast 😹

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I just found more of their studies. This is some pretty sus stuff. Wonder what this really is or the purpose for this??? Sorry if you already have this info. So far I have found studies from 1999 and want to make sure people see them. "...scientific research and development, principally in the areas of delivering DNA using pulsed electric fields." More DoD/NIH consortia shenanigans.





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Robert W Malone, MD, MS Five Year Performance: Grants and Contracts:

IDIQ Award to TASC by U.S. Army for Medical Product Research and Development. (W81XWH-15-D-0042)

Capture manager, lead author.

2016 $5 Billion

$5 Billion??????????? FOR WHAT? C-19 injection?????????

TOTAL Flexible IDIQ Awards 2011-2016 9 Billion

TOTAL Award Amounts (excluding IDIQ awards) 2011-2016 562 Million


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Holy cow!!!!!!! That's not chump change!

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I am wondering how “Lynn Fynn” fits in with all this. Odd how an individual who claims to be a doctor/researcher gets to use a fake name and get away with it. She seems to be with him quite a bit. If you ever come across any info on her would love to hear it. Thank you for your work.

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And you have probably seen all this/know all the info...but Houstonic did a deep dive on Malone's wife too. https://sites.google.com/housatonicits.com/home0004/research/jill-glasspool-malone-b1960

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I don't have a horse in this race. Have been an active truth seeker outside the mainstream since the 90s and have seen a lot go down. I no longer tend to put people in boxes. I "do my own research," take what resonates and leave the rest. To me, a person who worked for industry and spouted mainstream garbage who then evolves is a great thing. As I see it, to heal and move forward, all must evolve and many must be forgiven for what they didn't know or didn't want to know.

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Personally, I have no problem with forgiving people who have changed, who have regrets. But this is not the case.

Besides, forgiveness does not mean that someone is absolved of legal responsibility.

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Indeed! I so agree. And if they lied before, they're not going to hesitate to lie some more, especially if their ass in on the line for JAIL. Or worse.

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They have not “evolved.”

These virus pushers control the narrative. But they come as friends

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That may be true for some people, "evolving" and finding out they were wrong and being strong enough to admit it. I really really DON'T get that from Malone. He's evil, in my opinion.

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I’ll presume y’all know of what you speak and I just haven’t investigated his stuff that much. Thanks for sharing.

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I think the writer of this page has done much more research than I. Look at the links he's provided, we should all be doing our homework! That said, I agree with you, too... A lot of people seem to think those who were tricked are STUPID. I think that's not true, first off, and second, it's a very divisive misunderstanding of how people get manipulated because of their FEAR. Cheers.

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Thanks for that… will do. I didn’t click the links because a quick perusal made me think it was just a hit piece and I am busy every hour of every day with info I can use to help others. But y’all have made the case that I’m ill informed on this and I’ll take care of that! 😀🙏

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I've just finished reading an EXCELLENT Substack, by a guy who does Deep Dives, also. He and this guy would make a great team! But then there's this very, very cool bunch of fellas who are learning and USING the ways of doing, building, etc that used to be... It's how I first noticed Kyle Young, he's a builder of homes using local materials, for better-made homes... Very cool. So check this out when you want some interesting, but very chill sort of entertainment! I'm a gal, and I loved watching this... Thinking about how while the fellers did this, I'd be making some delicious food to feed them with for supper! ^_^

I think the "old ways" might just be better... look how healthy those guys are... And the beauty of their labors!


and https://northmen.com/

I hope OUTRAGED sees this, too... This has been a productive day today for me on Substack... YAY And I like bringing people together that are of a kind of mindset...

Check out Kyle Young, The Secular Heretic, for some very excellent research on a range of topics... Outraged, I think you guys would be great partners. Or just buds. :)


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I still put people in boxes- there is no redemption for certain acts - didn’t know or didn’t want to know ? I thought scientists were truth seekers but not the case with this power couple - seek notoriety every day in every way, experts at talking out of both sides of their mouths- Malone caper is an industry funded by bio terrorist DoD. No redemption but then they don’t need it given full immunity under Constitutional Laws.

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I hear you. The DOD has one mission: Killing people. And DARPA is the main event in that... And DARPA was working, in 2015, when Annie Jacobsen's book about "The Pentagon's Brain" was published... guess? VACCINES. This whole thing has been planned for decades, as you surely know... And vaccines have been developed to kill us for a long long time. Why else would they, in I believe the '60's, if I remember correctly, suddenly start loading up those jabs (for BABIES, too) with aluminum, mercury, et al? FFS people don't understand how LETHAL these things are, and how no scientist, no jab-maker could NOT know that. smdh

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I do agree that vaccines are an evil evil tool.

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Having difficulty putting up with the Ignorance of some people who believe "any" of the false propaganda about either Dr. Malone, or his wife, Dr. Jill Malone! Both past Surgeons, against the deadly Covid Shot, or any so-called Vaccinations, especially those which have NOT been proven to be safe.

Also, both Strong supporters of RFK Jr. and his appointment as Secretary of HHS, as well as now Chairman of Trump's new President's Health Commission!!!

Some people need to "learn" how to actually read, and decipher truth from fiction. And, not continue to fall for purposely misleading stories of the PSRRC (Parasitic Super Rich Ruling Class)!

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Covid was an animal vaccine:


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Never really trusted the guy from the beginning and refuse to link his articles @https://nothingnewunderthesun2016.com/. I did link a few several years ago when I initially thought that they might be pertinent during the early stages of the scamdemic. Didn't take me long to see through him but apparently others haven't judging by his following.

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I think the first time I ever looked at Malone on a video, or maybe the second time, my Dogdar went into the red, all the way over there...

He's definitely Trouble. Great post!

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Robert Wallace Malone, his full name, anagrams to

- A a male web controller

- Are an ace womble troll

- mRNA ABC aloe troll wee

- Mr low bartonellaceae

'bartonellaceae' is the longest one word anagram from his full name.

"Bartonella species can infect healthy people, but are considered especially important as opportunistic pathogens." from


Sums him up I think.

As to Jill Glasspool Malone we an get

- loll melanoglossia pj

'melanoglossia' is black toungue, a disease. Not so much forked tongue but black then. :)

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They call it Endtime Challenges!!!

Preventive chemotherapy as a strategy for elimination of neglected tropical parasitic diseases: endgame challenges

Bockarie MJ, Kelly-Hope LA, Rebollo M, Molyneux DH. 2013 Preventive chemotherapy as a strategy for elimination of neglected tropical parasitic diseases: endgame challenges. Phil Trans R Soc B 368: 20120144. http://dx.doi.org/10.1098/rstb.2012.0144



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The more doom and gloom news without reprieve makes me falter in Spirit just as planned. If they shut off the internet access we will be in the dark

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Deepest hell awaiting him. I hope very soon.

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Malon?? Who is he?? He's a Satanist of theost high. A hybrid pretending to be human. What else do you want me to tell you? He's a cold blood murderer, a butcher of souls.

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Your the best.

I appreciate you.

Good night.

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