This is disgusting shit for the gov to invade, track and murder citizens.

The horrendous thing is we don't want it and we are paying for it being created right under our noses and it is going to be used on us.

Forget the Al Queda crap !! No such bull sh...t. Forget the Enemy crap! It is to be used on the citizens to create a slave state.

We need to swing the pendulum the other way and get rid of all this AL crap and the twisted evils that contribute to this planned destruction of humanity and the earth.

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Interesting research, no doubt...With those developing it and implementing it as 4 yr. olds with matches.

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Paintball trained a generation of kids to tag each other with paint....to become adults that would tag each other....not a shock. But so so sad, to see us hunting each other.

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Paintball was developed to mark trees in silviculture management. It was not developed as a game. Tagging was done to the Jews by Hitler, how about those tattoos? Don’t put the blame on an innocent gun game that teaches people how to defend themselves!

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Lord, I repent of my sins, all of them, mostly those I do not realize I am committing. Please give me the strength and discernment to know what to do in these trying times. I pray for all of us.

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I agree

We should talk more about this

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Yes. Dianetics works great for taking charge and guilt off your case. HOW DO I GET RID OF MY SMART METER IN ONTARIO??

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Sep 24, 2023·edited Sep 24, 2023

Angels recorded singing with Jason Upton with praise to God.

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The Demons Wearing Human Being Suits were humiliated when handed their bums by the slaves they defined Serf/Peasant throughout millennia and then TERRIFIED with the French Revolution.


Evil was delusional to believe it was victorious in stealing God's creation up to the death of Jesus Christ and then, the Resurrection. Evil is as delusional now as ever. In the end...All evil has done by way of it's technology infecting human minds over all time...WAS ITSELF CREATED BY GOD. GOD IS THE VICTOR AND EVIL CAN GO HANG ITSELF after turning the computer off or anything else it wishes to do while seeking to terrify, quiet 'The Patriot-Sinners' faithful to Jesus Christ.

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There is no change without truth , I would respectfully suggest everyone read Tony Bushby s THE CHRIST SCANDAL, the AUDIO BOOK or book ZEALOT by Reeza Aslan, and American Holocaust by David E Stannard if evil was somehow defeated some 2000 years ago [no proof whatsoever of this ] then what in the heck is happening now? Your making delusional , and contradictory statements.

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First, Asan is a Muslim and adheres to that Mohammedan heresy. The Q'uran is a bastardization of 'The Holy Bible' wrote by a Camel Trucker Pedophile picking-up stories in the Holy Land while he was implementing Trade. Between it, the Hadith of various branches of Islam and the Surah's...The order for Global Jihad and murder of non-Muslims was issued over 33,000 times. Really don't care about the false perceptions of the Muslim Cult as it's equal to the 'Death Cult International Mafia' centered in The City of London with The Committee of 300 ran by the Rothschilds now perpetrating this current darkness as an existential threat to all organic life on Earth.

Read the book when it was published back in about 2014 and know it's utter B.S. Was interesting as it provided insight into the profane belief system of that cult designed by such a man as Mohammed.

Second: Nobody has ever said, "Evil was defeated 2000 years ago."

What in the world was wrote to give that impression? The births, death and resurrection of our Messiah; Jesus the Christ is a promise of the defeat of evil when Christ ROSE FROM THE DEAD which was victory over evil since the Garden's 'Original Sin' mandating all living to die and began the 'Predator/Prey Dynamic' of survival while on Earth. Christ rising from the dead is a promise to all of the victory of God.

The time evil is to be defeated will be the moment Jesus comes again and he hasn't, yet.

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Christ is here but not as many believe!! Christ is a consciousness and it all depends by our Selves.

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Yes, the spiritual world is not a geographical location, but a state of consciousness

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Mohammad was a Cardinal in the Holy Roma Church who was bypassed to be a pope so created a competing equally murderous religion , What you call the holy bible was created by doing the same to even more ancient stories all 3 religions in this death grip all came from one guy right , how did that happen.?

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Mohammed was never any part of the Christian Church...

He was a poor Arab marrying a much older woman providing one daughter, Fatima,

and money establishing him to be a Trader with a Camel Train.

Following her death he went to the desertto write his Bastardization of

The Holy Bible based loosely in memories of Bible Stories with no type of coherence

or chronological order. Verses MEAN nothing as the Q'uran has

absolutely no context; none. So, the stories are NOT THE SAME.

He married multiple women as a harem and one was a child he

sexually penetrated at the age of 9who is now claimed to be at fault for her own molestation.

Of course, nobody is speak truthfully about this heinous man...

Not that the Roman Catholic Church is perfect.

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Vatican archives show he was a Cardinal in the Catholic [original claiming to be christian church] he was bypassed and then went to war against his original "church" which was not and is not a church , go argue with those who actually saw these document in the vatican hidden archives , dont know where you got that concocted ridiculous Mohammad story. The entire story of the bible is a bastardization pick your choice of which one you choose to believe out of fear conditioning. What Im saying here has been admitted by countless "early church fathers" and countless popes and researchers looking for truth among fabrications , forgeries and intentional lies. When that didnt work they simply resorted to torture and death as punishment for non believers . For 1,230 years common people were forbidden to read [if they could] your holy word of some false god , what does that show? Then they proceeded to exterminate 100 million indigenous people in the western hemisphere 'by their works you shall know them"

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Info comes from the Vatican, itself;

before the current blasphemous, heretical apostate

was installed by the Rothschilds and The City of London

through the St. Gallen Mafia,

and it's sister Agency, CIA.

Wouldn't write exactly what's wrote and


Am also NOT afraid, indoctrianted/brainwashed.

Believe whatever you may choose...

The heretic cultists those as you define 'Good Muslims' continue to slit the throats

of the innocent, rape and pillage for their heretic Mohammed.

Very adept with fraud, aren't you?

Perhaps, need to go to 'Call For Prayer' for your Heretic Master

direct from hell.

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If even 1% of the above is true, humanity seems defeated, barring divine intervention.

What is the main message you want to convey in this post? Any serious comment(s) will be appreciated.

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The message is simple - it is done under the pretext of "Vaccines" and "Virus"

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They illegally introduced a nano-tech into my body in June, 2017. It was illegal. They have almost certainly introduced more illegal nano-tech into my body 3 times since then, including using 4 Air Tractor less than 10 days ago.

Introducing nano-tech into Americans' bodies is illegal. We need to compel the police to put an end to it.

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Those who would plan , finance, and execute global depopulation transhumanist agenda , could not care less about legalities , or how we the people feel about it all .

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My comment was simply to illustrate another case of strategic illegality by our Federal gov't and its contractors.

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Tragic but incontestably true.

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What is 4 Air Tractor?

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The are a type of crop duster with a long and sleek nose, cowling, unlike the round radial cowlings a lot people think of when they think of crop dusters.

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Sep 24, 2023·edited Sep 24, 2023


I've said over and over since March 2020 that vax 'n' "virus" are integral but secondary,

main game being hegemonic segue into diff. control regime with new monetary basis at core (away from usd/oil basis of last 1/2 century, due to on the horizon depletion of what's under perps' control, plus too many others still with plenty of capacity and now know-how, notice who targets of anglosupremacist belligerence one way or another over the years are, from Iraq to Russia)), involving deepened control means, ever the technomanic - and dangerous. The full on effortof decades to squelch dissidence against dangers of vax & e-abuse regimes has been for a reason - now.

Your attempt to shift focus is appreciated, not only is big picture seeing all too rare, but fine tuning in the more salient directions is also. Trotting out the likes of mrna pros et al is in good part to misdirect dissident attentions. It is still working...

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It's a human problem. Americans want to talk about problems, feelings, pains, sufferings, like all TI's, and the poor economy, looting the treasury. It never dawns on any of them that they should be uniting every day, legally, to punish those who are causing all their problems, mostly Woke Corporate America.

Nobody formulates a LEGAL plan and then executes it! Well, I've been executing my plan for 48 years just like several million Americans are doing right now to Disney, Target, InBev, and for, maybe 200+ other Woke Corporation.

Elections don't work! Americans have to understand they vote with every dollar then spend every day, and that they must vote accordingly. Waiting for two years to vote in the next national elections is for morons or people who haven't considered anything else yet.

My hope is that Disney, Target and InBev will be put out of business by a sufficient number of Americans to achieve that goal. Bed Bath & Beyond just Cancel Cultured My Pillow and Mike Lindell, and its gone! Good riddance.

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Focus on corporate wrongdoing, how does that get at the military, intel, anglosupremacist domination angles? The monetary control on the cusp of activation, if by apparent baby steps? Corporations, bless or curse them, are at the mercy of financial controllers. Unless somehow they can initiate their own trading methods for insiders and clients. (Cf WIR in Switzerland, explained by Lietaer e.g. as responsible for the buoyancy of Swiss economy over decades when franc too high for export economy.) I agree that purchases can be made fully and actively political. But what is posted by our host here is of a different order altogether. Remember just prior to Sept 11/01 disgusting Rumsfeld announced something like a trillion $ hole unaccounted for in the Pentagon budget? Sept 11 the auditor wing was obliterated, along with auditors. This budget hole thing is now normalized, no need to blast for the cover up. No political control conceivable short of revolutionary change can address this kind of thing. Would the "star wars" announced by the likes of Reagan back when be what that budget hole was about after a few decades, DEW weaponry on semi-private display Sept 11, now refined to be deployed even more widely and with little concern for public discovery, so much having been gotten away with? i agree it is a human problem, the long history of depravity, now conjoined with hypermodernist destructive means.

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The goal is to create a potential effect that no business owner can ignore, and to get them on our side! I've always stated that boycotts don't really affect corporations unless they sell consumer products and services. Its a little difficult for people to boycott a defense contractor like Boeing.

But believe me, one of the targets of boycotts is corporations and executives, board members and stockholders of corporations who donate funds to Woke causes.

If you want to fix the problem start boycotting every day, every Woke corporations you can. Look at what $200 Billion in stock loss did to Disney, Bob Iger recently announced Disney was ending its social war with Ron DeSantis in Florida. Why? Because the boycotts were irresistible and Bob learned that lesson!

I started my personal boycott of Disney in 1995. All that boycott needs is 79 Million more grown adults joining them.

They need to learn the lesson that "Boycotts Always Work When Enough People Join Them"!

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Plus, people should be held personally accountable so they know they can't hide behind others.

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The main message is to stop talking about the virus. Do not inject yourself with this poison and don't install this as a "PCR test", concentrate on preventing the toxicity of nanotechnology, etc. Understand what is happening and stop it, prevent injuries and deaths by addressing oxidative stress and so on!!! Prosecute the criminals behind this lie and murder

What don't you understand? Isn't that crystal clear?

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Whom have you prosecuted or eliminated? Everyone wants someone else to do this .

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My impression is that the delivery systems are so versatile now that the injections only measure stupidity and compliance:


Besides being painful, dangerous, toxic, and humiliating, the PCR "tests" do what they were created to do: they steal the subjects' DNA.

Not sure how any of the perps could ever be indicted. Even after the open mass murder in Maui, that option is not even in play.

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Our DNA is not even essential at this point when they can do it all electromagnetically through our electromagnetic body field

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Wrong. DNA is the key.

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The target's DNA can be remotely manipulated, if it's known. Of course, there are a million other ways to die. :)

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It's been my theory since the first swab went up a Covid nose that they collected the person's DNA from the swab, and then when the vaccines were introduced they had the recipient's blood, DNA in the needle on the end of the syringe. And that the resonant frequency of a person's DNA is unique and can be used in targeting. They must have the DNA of close to 300 million Americans by now, and they have the DNA of almost every baby born since about 1980. So they have the DNA of an overwhelming majority of Americans.

For instance, I have a nanotech in my body. It started in my outer right thigh. When I'm hit with frequency(s) of EMF it burns and tingles. I've documented it since 11/2018, yet when I'm with others and it starts to burn and tingle I ask them if they can feel that and not once has a person replied in the affirmative.

That means there's a frequency unique to me or simply the nanotech causes the burning and tingling.

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Great sentiments, but what's your plan, LEGAL Plan, for putting an end to it? All that matters now is Americans uniting and implementing a plan that might succeed, like Strategically Boycotting all Woke Corporations. Let's put several of them in bankruptcy, maybe like Disney, Target and InBev, just to let them know we mean business.

The spontaneous boycott that sprung up against Disney in about 02/2022 led to Disney losing more than $200 Billion in market capitalization. I've boycotted Disney since 1995!

And you heard this week that Bob Iger conceded Disney's defeat to Ron DeSantis, like Ron or not.

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Its a ploy DeSantis is controlled opposition member of every evil secret society we should be concerned about.

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And BTW, what the hell does that have to do with boycotting. Are you a rabbit hole digger?

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What Im trying to tell you is its way past that , if we dont understand the nature of what we are up against and how far advanced it is, then our efforts are a waste of time and energy, and we cannot afford that. Rabbit hole digger ? What a ridiculous things to say, if the enemy has 30 trillion in offshore tax free accounts, control of most of the resources, and food and farmland , how effective do you think boycotts will be , marginal and on the local level at best. They can set back and starve most everyone to death while they are boycotting. Do you really think a minority evil elite would plan , finance , and execute a global depopulation agenda, and transhumanist agenda , if boycotts were a real threat. That is chasing the tiger by the tail.

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Oct 24, 2023·edited Oct 24, 2023

You missed the caveat I normally add, which preface with, "Without the direct intervention of Jesus Christ, we probably have no hope.", but that's His part. Our part is to do what we legally can, almost certainly beginning with repentance. That's all I propose, in conjunction with 330 million Americans growing a brain they are willing to legally use to save everything their Republic has offered them for all of the natural lives so far. All the things Jesus gave them for free by virtue of the fact that Jesus put them in the freest land the world has ever known on the days they were born.

Anybody who does not actively boycott Woke Corporations is a Big, Fat Moron and an Idiot! Its that simple. I've been boycotting for 48 years, and since 2005 I, by myself, have cost Ford Motor Company more than $1 million in sales. Too bad 330 million haven't joined me this week.. We'd straighten Ford problem out really quickly. And on a united front there would not be a Woke corporation not in bankruptcy inside of 3 months. That's what you call a plan, and I am smart enough to prosecute my plan and rather successfully so far.

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Every American politician like Ron and The Donald who visits the Wailing Wall in Jerusalem and says his little prayer to a crack in the wall, is by definition, controlled opposition!!! And DeSantis and Trump have both done it. There are photos on the internet proving it.

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Yep on both of them , and the 150 or so selected officials who hold DUAL CITIZENSHIP there that BS must stop.

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We need some legislation that puts bounties on dual citizens that also gives them 7 days to get the heck out of the USA, all very legally.

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The Khazarian Crime Syndicate controls the US Federal Gov't, period. It was overthrown 70+ years ago in the 1950s.

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So is Trump and Alex Jones and Mike Adams, Michael Flynn and Stew Webb and probably 90% of notable social conservatives.

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Maybe , I wait till I have the greater weight of evidence.

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They are all controlled opposition. Heck, 2 1/2 years ago Alex had Steve Pieczenk on for an interview where Steve said he chose Alex "21 years ago" to work for Defense Intelligence! That is controlled and owned opposition!

Plus, Alex was the guy that first funded the Jan 6th march with a $250,000 deposit to pay for the location and costs.

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Yes we should do that but much of this is a ploy because nearly everything is owned or controlled by Blackrock , Vanguard , and State Street and they bare manipulating many of these things for their agendas [like the entire "woke thing " which is just really a new strategic face painted onto Maoist communism, engineered for American social chaos and disintegration. Many of the giant corporation are stakeholders in the WEF agendas to take over the tech big pharma human reproductive industries and robotic replacement of humans.

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Okay, so what are you legally doing to maybe put an end to it? I boycott more than 200 Woke corporations, as best as I can. Opinions aren't saving our Republic right now, at all.

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Yes boycotting them all is just a start , how do you ":boycott" the military or the WEF or Blackrock/Vanguard /State Street when they OWN EVERYTHING. Disney has always been a pos. Many are trying legal plans now , doubtful they will have more than marginal success, then , ALL the other plans will become a survival necessity whether we like the sound of that or not . They are intent on killing most everyone are'nt they?

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You boycott Blackrock/Vanguard/State Street when you boycott the stocks they own. Those three are anti-trust, and that takes a government to deal with, which we should promote.

When 79 Million Trump voters start boycotting in unison every single day, the results will shock everybody because no corporation will be able to thrive where 79 million grown adult won't do business with them.

And believe me, Jewish Larry Fink didn't like it when a stock in BlackRock's portfolio named "The Walt Disney Company" run by his Jewish friend Bob Iger lost $200 billion in market capitalization in the last 2 years, THE RESULTS OF A SPONTANEOUS AND ORGANIC BOYCOTT BY MILLIONS OF AMERICANS!

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You get 79 Million Trump voters to boycott all the Woke Corporations at the same time, and watch what happens. Ideally you'd start out with 20 or 30 of them.

You don't boycott the military. You boycott the companies of Democratic Party donors; pretty easy to do. You boycott George Soros' investments. His portfolio in online for a price.

I've been pushing Strategic Boycotts for almost 20 years and started my first boycott in the 3rd week of August in 1975.

Time is running out though, and I do agree with your last question.

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maybe digest this completely and check out all her stuff brilliant and truthful way past boycotts


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Your link didn't open for me and why do I want to get past boycotts? They are what may save us where nothing else will, not that I've seen in 66 1/2 years.

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We ALWAYS KNEW these injections did not prevent any spread, so why to require any "Covid/vaccine passports"????


Covid-19 Vaccine Protocols Reveal That Trials Are Designed To Succeed

What would a normal vaccine trial look like?

Prevention of infection must be a critical endpoint. Any vaccine trial should include regular antigen testing every three days to test contagiousness to pick up early signs of infection and PCR testing once a week to confirm infection by SARS-CoV-2 test the ability of the vaccines to stave off infection. Prevention of infection is not a criterion for success for any of these vaccines. In fact, their endpoints all require confirmed infections and all those they will include in the analysis for success, the only difference being the severity of symptoms between the vaccinated and unvaccinated. Measuring differences amongst only those infected by SARS-CoV-2 underscores the implicit conclusion that the vaccines are not expected to prevent infection, only modify symptoms of those infected.

We all expect an effective vaccine to prevent serious illness if infected. Three of the vaccine protocols—Moderna, Pfizer, and AstraZeneca—do not require that their vaccine prevent serious disease only that they prevent moderate symptoms which may be as mild as cough, or headache.

The greatest fear people have is dying from this disease. A vaccine must significantly or entirely reduce deaths from Covid-19. Over two hundred thousand people have died in the United States and nearly a million worldwide. None list mortality as a critical endpoint.

The second surprise from these protocols is how mild the requirements for contracted Covid-19 symptoms are. A careful reading reveals that the minimum qualification for a case of Covid-19 is a positive PCR test and one or two mild symptoms. These include headache, fever, cough, or mild nausea. This is far from adequate. These vaccine trials are testing to prevent common cold symptoms.

These trials certainly do not give assurance that the vaccine will protect from the serious consequences of Covid-19



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Wrong! That's why 280 million Americans took at least 1 mRNA vaccines, because they knew they didn't prevent the spread.............Jeezzzzzzzzzzzzzzz!

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BTW, there are not safe and good vaccines!!!! The only one that I might take would be a rabies vaccine.

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That is quite possible the most toxic now NO SAFE VAXX NOW PERIOD, soon no safe food even.

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Look right now at most foods in a box? Largely worthless food.

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Not thru most of 2021!!!!!! I bet half of all Americans still support mRNA vaccines!

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Maybe but every day it is lessening but the mind control is pervasive , I see every day more and more starting to wear masks again, for what?

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I described the problem more than 20 years ago, that the average American is simply "lazy" and "stupid", as unfortunate as it is to use that last word.

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That's why we see these adverse effects and deaths - there's a cause for these injuries. This is done under the pretext of using it as an "adjuvant". No, the plan was to inject it into people, which is why these studies and groups are meeting in March/April 2020 to implement "Covid/Vaccination" passports that make NO SENSE as these products have not even been tested for immunization:


U.S.-based quantum dot producer QMC (Quantum Materials Corp) declared its blockchain-based QDX HealthID for transparency in disease testing and immunization for infectious diseases. The aim is to assure the authenticity of health data and aid individuals to re-join the workforce soon.


April 15, 2020

U.S.-based quantum dot producer Quantum Materials Corp (QMC) announced its blockchain-based QDX HealthID for transparency in disease testing and immunization for infectious diseases. The goal is to ensure the authenticity of health data and support individuals to re-join the workforce quickly.

Quantum dots are nanoparticles made up of semiconductor materials that emit different colors when illuminated by light. This color depends on their size and the way they were manufactured. QMC has developed a track and trace solution using quantum dots and blockchain to verify the origin of products and counterfeiting.

The authentication solution is combined with QDX HealthID for monitoring and tracking the outbreaks of diseases, such as the COVID-19. The solution authenticates individuals being tested, the persons administering the test, and the test kits. Update: the COVID-19 solution uses the same authentication, but at this stage does not use quantum dots on packaging.

In simpler terms, QDX HealthID ensures that testing data is secure and not tampered with. Currently, health reports and medical certificates are being issued on paper, which makes them easy to forge.

“Not only does this service facilitate improved health outcomes for patients, but it also underpins back-to-work certifications, sometimes referred to as immunization passports,” said Stephen B. Squires, President & CEO of QMC.

With the health data backed by blockchain, governments and health agencies can formulate new plans and safety measures to contain the spread of COVID-19 and other diseases. Additionally, individual users can assess their immunization passport using a mobile application. The app features color-coded indicators — green, yellow, and red. If the app shows the green indicator, the individual has clearance to interact in social and work environments. This indicator can be shared and authenticated by others using a QR code.

“The world must have a system that eliminates the fears and anxiety of not knowing who is able to return to work,” said Les Paull, CEO of QMVT, the unit responsible for sales and marketing of QMC’s innovations.

The solution is hosted on the Microsoft Azure cloud and can integrate with existing EMR systems. It is based on the Hyperledger Sawtooth enterprise blockchain and for smart contracts, it’s using the Digital Asset Modeling Language (DAML).

Yesterday, Ledger Insights reported on the COVID Credentials initiative (CCI), which uses digital identity to develop “immunity passports”. Members of the initiative include Evernym, ID2020, uPort, Dutch research organization TNO, Microsoft, ConsenSys Health and consultants Luxoft and many others.

etc., see , my other posts







What does QDX Health ID have to do with quantum dots?

Quantum dots are nanoparticles that emit colors when illuminated. QMC has developed a track and trace system that uses quantum dots, but the QDX Health ID does not use quantum dots. As part of the track and trace anti-counterfeit solution, the blockchain authentication platform described above was developed. It is only the authentication platform that is used in QDX Health ID.


QUOTING FROM EDGAR (EDGAR, the Electronic Data Gathering, Analysis, and Retrieval system, performs automated collection, validation, indexing, acceptance, and forwarding of submissions by companies and others who are required by law to file forms with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC).):

Also, on January 26, 2021, the Company and Pasaca entered into a Distribution Agreement (the “Distribution Agreement”). Pursuant to the terms of the Distribution Agreement, the Company appointed Pasaca to act as an independent distributor to resell and distribute the Company’s Quantum Dots and QMC HealthID products. Under the Distribution Agreement, Pasaca guaranteed that the Company would receive cumulative gross royalties and/or gross sales, licensing or other revenues under the Distribution Agreement of no less than $15,000,000, over the period including 2020 and continuing until twelve months after the Company has completed development of a functioning product integrating the QMC HealthID IP and Innova Medical Group’s products. Pasaca has the right to extend the revenue period by up to twenty-four months upon payment of advance royalties. At the date of this report, we have drawn $7,250,000 in advance draws, and these accrued interest at 8% until the date of conversion.

Business Overview

QDs (Quantum Dots) are nanoscale semiconductor crystals typically between 10 and 100 atoms in diameter. Approximately 10,000 would fit across the diameter of a human hair. Their small size makes it possible for them to exhibit certain quantum mechanical properties. QDs emit either photons or electrons when excited. In the case of photons, the wavelength (color) of light emitted varies depending on the composition and size of the quantum dot. As such, the photonic emissions can be tuned by the creation of QDs of different types and/or sizes. Their unique properties as highly efficient, next generation semiconductors have led to the use of QDs in a range of electronic and other applications, in the display and lighting industries.

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I drew the same conclusion several years ago, but put it like this, "Without the divine intervention of Jesus Christ, Americans have no future hope."

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Then your really lost, every generation for 2 000 years though that , didnt happen , based on a fabricated , forged, intentionally manipulated stories that borrow everything from more ancient stories and characters , and then tortured and murdered humanity into fear based belief. Everything happening here today , that all this writing is about is an extension of what was launched upon the world then . If you were and indigenous person anywhere in the western hemisphere or Africa WW1 , WW2 , WW3 AND Armageddon was ALREADY launched against you by Papal Bull and churchianity. around 1492 100 MILLION destroyed because they were seen as less than human and WOULD NOT CONVERT , The elite of today see us all the same , you know "useless eaters" slaves, and property. Try reading these

There is no change without truth , I would respectfully suggest everyone read Tony Bushby s THE CHRIST SCANDAL, the AUDIO BOOK or book ZEALOT by Reeza Aslan, and American Holocaust by David E Stannard

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Thanks, but I've read enough of what you posted to not be interested in wasting my time on your suggestions.

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Its a self sustaining self replicating AI synthetic biology system that is indestructible.

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Good way of putting it! And its not just mRNA but all of the nano tech, which there must be millions of versions of by now.

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In the real world game of hide and seek, sounds like to me there is no where to hide. Doesn’t sound like a fun game to play as the masses will never be able to win.

Just my simplistic take on it all.

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Rather defeatist attitude. Its time to start strategically boycotting every woke corporation you can, starting by joining the Disney, Target and InBev boycotts and the goal of putting all 3 in bankruptcy!!!

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maybe for the beast system MOTB.

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Holy Shit!! My 1st thought and 2nd one ➡️ THANK You for sharing and doing all the research you do Dr. A!! The whole shitshow raining down on humanity is So Vile, I no longer spiral down into hopelessness. Instead Knowledge is power! It prepares me for possibilities I would never even conceive.....

I'm confident the brilliant minds of you and your colleagues will find more ways to battle these atrocities.........

I wonder if there is Any type of sheilding material to block an individual's location? I'm no scientist but love being able to read the Real Science......

In the mean time we pray for peace and wholeness in humanity......♥️🙏

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Things that make you go hmmmmm.

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I haven't heard that mankind has eradicated it yet.....Being STUPID! :)

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Osama Bin Laden? I’m not sure if anything happened like that to CIA operative Tim Osmann? I wonder who he is disguising now? 🤔

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Have you tested the swabs for quantum dots? It would need to be ruled out, but if they are in the swabs, you have another source of why the un-jabbed have contaminated blood. I have more on this.

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Makes you wonder. Could we dissipate the signature with pocket battery fans and / or a sprayable overlay to add confusion?

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They knew the Covid shots were kill shots http://stateofthenation.co/?p=187646

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I wrote a longish comment last night re "The Last Enemy" BBC series from 2008 that's about internal tagging and genetically selected killing via vaccines to support the police state and its AI total information matrix and ensnaring security web.

The comment successfully posted last night but isn't showing on the thread this morning, at least for me. Was it dropped? This drama appears to be a superbly creepy example of predictive programming.

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OK, now it's showing up.

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Dr. Ana, apologies if others have pointed this out, but a BBC TV series first airing in 2008 appears to have been an exercise in predictive programming.

"The Last Enemy" is about a batch of Hep vaccine that kills, a government cover-up, and the realization that it wasn't a bad batch but an experiment in internal tagging for the British police state. Should also mention that this "vax" kills on a genetic racial basis. Somewhere in the last couple of years, I recall some researchers positing that certain ethnic groups were resistant to "covid" and from any ill effects of the jabs.

In this show, the "last enemy" of privacy and the sanctity of the human body and spirit was the successful combination of internal tagging and targeted killing tech via "beneficial" vaccines. Sounds chillingly similar to what you and others are uncovering and that we all are facing today. The show, however, did not go into microwave remote other information gathering and continual programming of the quantum tech, as seems to be the clear goal of today's "vaccines" and other injectables, but surely another TV series or movie out there dramatizes that aspect of the covert agenda.

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