Yes, we know the jabs are lethal and full of toxins and sh*t, and we know they were all deliberately designed thus by all the manufacturers. BUT, this paper. according to Mike Adams, is bad science.

Mike says:

"The study is a hoax. The ICP-MS instrument can't detect "chemicals" in the first place. The reported numbers for many elements are far beyond the sensitivity capabilities of the instrument. The sample prep procedure is bizarre. The dilution calculations are wrong. The scary-sounding language of "undeclared" elements isn't scientific or rooted in any regulatory requirements at all."

Hmmm doesn't that sound a bit like the PCR and the rest of the junk science shebang we're supposed to be calling out?

Do we really want to discredit the 'truther' movement by falling into the bad science trap? Mike Adams says after going into detail on the science (link below): "For the record, I am not defending the overall safety of these vaccines. I have publicly stated that I believe COVID jabs are "depopulation bioweapons." But an ICP-MS instrument can't determine that, and the elemental composition of the vaccines won't unveil its secrets. The proper analysis would involve protein analysis which is highly complex and requires very different instruments. Proteins are massive compared to atomic elements, perhaps like the size of Planet Earth compared to a ping pong ball. And the mRNA payload cannot be understood from ICP-MS analysis.

I will never take one of these jabs myself, and I strongly recommend others avoid them. But I'm not going to run around citing bad science papers to try to justify that, and when I see a ICP-MS hoax parading around as "55 undeclared chemicals!" I have to call bullshit on that. Because it's pure bullshit, and CHD should know better than to peddle it." end of quote.


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And why should Mike Adams supposedly be an authority?

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Why not read his article?

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Mike Adams says they are not chemicals, but elements - but he does not deny their presence. He believes that the elements don't have to be declared. But why are they there? The equipment used is extremely precise, so these elements are detected. He does not deny this. He just has a problem with the quantity and some methodology or error made in this work.

He dwelt at length on sodium, but why are there other elements/chemicals in these vials?

Btw. he himself used ICP-MS ("received a certificate of excellence for achieving extremely high accuracy in the analysis of toxic elements in unknown water samples using ICP-MS instrumentation” - https://foodforensics.com/about-the-author-Health-Ranger-Mike-Adams.html), so what is his problem with these samples? This isn't even drinking water, these are injections, so these elements/chemicals simply shouldn't be there.

We have a lot of different studies here that complement each other. Mike Adams did not address all of them. He did not explain why self-organized structures can be observed.

He simply calls these injections “biological weapons” (without any scientific explanation) and only talks about the danger of spiked protein and mRNA. This is not scientific at all. From my point of view, he doesn't even know what a so-called “spike protein” is. It's not a virus at all, it's amyloidosis caused by 1. oxidative stress due to poisonous nanotechnology and other junk in these injections and 2. 2. nanotechnology that binds with protein, creating amyloid plaque formations

This technology (DNA-based plasmonic nanostructures) is used in wireless networks on the body area (WBAN) and intra-body communication (IBC), but I think it is really just used to harm and kill because it is too toxic to use in living organisms

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Yes, admittedly he seems over the top. I guess it's one thing flagging flaws in some of the methodology and another calling out the whole study as a hoax. I wonder what triggered him. But there's something odd about the timing of this story. What's going on behind the scenes? I guess it has nothing to do with the US election LOL (I'm not in the US).

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Outraged Human sounds compromised.

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I am not a scientist. But I will take a Lee, Broudy and Hughes over an Adams any day. The Omniwar is more than just depopulation, as Machiavellian as that is.

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"The elemental composition of the vaccines won't unveil its secrets"... .What the hell is that supposed to mean? It certainly will tell us whether or not we should inject a toxic metal laden gel into our blood stream..

Yeah Mike Adams.. the same guy that said it would impact our eternal life if we didn't vote for Trump.. give me a break...

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Read what he says. According to him, he has personal experience with the equipment and methods used in the 55 elements study, and he considers the science in this particular study is flawed and explains why. Period. He believes truthers are too ready to fall into the trap of bad science, just as the covidians did, and that this can harm the truth movement.

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I'm sorry if I'm coming across a bit energized. I was recently astounded when Mike Adam's came out with the ridiculous, if not dandangerous statement that 'not voting for Trump could affect a Christian's eternity.' !!!

You wanna talk about truthers being deceived!?. The whole idea that Donald Trump is going to bring anything good to this country is another egregious PSYOP.. He's an israeli sock puppet, that needs to be thrown out with the rest of the traitors. Or did you not see where Donald Trump wants to

resurrect the death penalty?! (That's an interesting play on words, isn't it?)

Yes, he wants to put Americans to death who express what somebody considers 'anti-semitic sentiments'!

And who do you think that that man is really representing?

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I used to read Mike Adam's, and gave him the benefit of the doubt, until I saw him branch into subjects that he obviously knew nothing about exercising the same level of bravado, and I know what I'm talking about in areas that were my expertise that I knew he was wrong. I have had therefore no choice but to discount pretty much everything he posts.

You say he criticizes the man's 'science'.. casting it into disrepute, without, however, offering specifics as to what he considers an 'errant use of the equipment.' So just because Mike Adams has used this equipment makes him an expert...? It's not like we're looking at the inventor of the PCR test coming out correcting it's misuse during the fake pandemic.

Until I see Adams take the study line by line and refute it with scientific data or a counter argument, I have no interest in what he says.

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Fair enough. But in his article he does offer an explanation. The CHD have now acknowledged his and another researcher's drawing attention to flaws in the study. The issue is - why this 'bombshell' now, and cui bono?

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Thank you Valerie C. I was initially taken, but the assertions that manufacturing anomalies are not the problem is disingenuous and a give away, an unnecessary confidence. This appears as a timely sophisticated attempt to distract attention from the DNA contamination!!!! There can be no doubt toxic chemicals are present and the covert global experiment is ongoing.

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This is not a contaminant. DNA is part of self-organizing technology, as is graphene and other undeclared components.

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Thank you for your reply. My issue is with the strange conclusion.

The authors’ main conclusion is, imho, for whatever reason, sharply focused that the ‘various and diverse pathologies’ are ‘not due to fortuitous problems in manufacturing or distribution’ but rather due to ‘technology.’ So they avoid the word ‘intentiobal’ choosing to blame the ‘technology’, and dismiss manufacturing as a concern.

The recent success of bringing the issue of ‘DNA contamination’ to the forefront of public attention is a huge but delicate achievement, and yet to reach long term effect. It marks a point of crossing the rubicon in public opinion, an understanding that this toxic gene therapy is ‘contaminated’. Denial of ‘contamination’ due to manufacturing seems to me to be an unnecessary inaccurate conclusion, disingenuous, and only a belief as the authors themselves rightly state. It risks inhibiting the growing public attention on these contaminated products and their other undeclared components.

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Oct 21·edited Oct 21Liked by OUTRAGED HUMAN

Kevin McKernon, of the Human Genome Project, BLOCKED ME on his Substack for asking him to connect his plasmid contamination findings with plasmonics. I had also posted a link to Professor Josep Jornet who, along with Dr. Ian F. Akyildiz, engineered nanotechnology biosensors embedded in masks, tests and jabs for surveillance under the skin via the Internet of Bio-Nano Things. Plasmidgate, although related, is a distraction from Transhumanism. I took a screenshot of my comment.


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I must presume you equate term ‘DNA contamination’ with youn term ‘plasmidgate’, a distraction you say.

DNA contamination has, a legal definition with acknowledged allowable limits. I’m not aware of law that has limits for allowable levels of ‘trans human’ components.

The enlightened epic efforts by a few to prove that Australian law has been blatantly broken by use of these ‘gene therapy’ toxic products, because they exceed the Australian defined legal limits of DNA contamination is at a critical stage. It promises to expose these products and their hideous toxicity. Exposure of even more egregious elements of the product is yet to come. Proven violation of current law should enable immediate cessation of these toxic products. Judicial officers who may, or may not, be able to understand this legal violation cannot look away from this law as it is.

I agree that there is further proof of intentions toward trans-humanism and evident in this excellent research.

I am simply disappointed, and curious about the authors conclusions. They infer DNA contamination is not a problem, ‘manufacturing’ is not the problem, and in conclusion overtly omit to explicitly say there is ‘intentional inclusion’ of the said components.

The public understands now that a legal violation has occurred due to ‘contamination and that is at a critical point that should not be abandoned.

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23 hrs ago·edited 23 hrs ago

DNA "contamination" is absolutely a huge genetic crime which is likely intentional... it's just that there is so much more to it in the form of nanotechnology biosensors. Yes...Transhumanism.

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That's patently absurd. The idea that the contamination is due to manufacturing and that it's 'disingenuous to suggest otherwise' is absurd, ludicrous to the nth degree. This is supposed to be the most highly technological medical product known to man, and we are to assume that across-the-board manufacturing all over the world created the same Illicit and dangerous issues?. No, absolutely not.This was intentional and it was with shared venomous technology and intended ingredients and outcomes. If there were any differences at all between the vaccines it was totally a ruse to suggest to the populations that there would be a 'choice' just like the fake election coming up..

It wasn't a choice.. It was actually a grand experiment of unprecedented scope..'Adjust the ingredients to a certain extent to see just how lethal one is over the other..'

He pointed out in the article the luminescent quality or character of some of these ingredients. And we're already hearing about optogenetics.. Which is the control of a living creature through the use of light. Actually, I was led to information about optogenetics 4 years ago, when I first started researching the fake pandemic. This was as intentional as The weather warfare and everything else being done to assault Mankind. It has nothing to do with inadvertent manufacturing error..

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Yes. Why this, why now, cui bono?

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With you Leanne C

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What are you fuckin' talking about, dudette? There was no insert in the fuckin' box? Only the jeWS KNOW, AND WE HAVE TO TORTURE THE ANTIDOTE OUT OF THESE FUCKIN' MONSTERS, NOW!

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I don't put much stock into anything Mike Adams says.

Have you ever read the terms of service and the privacy policy for his website?

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I read his article. Have you?

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Fascinating and important. One of the most interesting points was how there was a commonality across-the-board of what should have been disparate medical products being produced as far away as Russia, and yet they had similar heavy metals intoxic ingredients, graphene oxide, and so on down-the-line.

Excellent. Thank you very much.

I'll be sharing this.

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Indeed, it’s not likely these were ALL coincidental accidental contaminants, when there is data supported evidence that many of the elements are used for technological purposes & not proven to be safe for use inside the human body. This is an additional aside to the dangerous DNA fragments found across the board in these injectables.

No excuse.

No accident.

It continues now.

When is anything done about it, or admission of guilt & accountability for millions of lives lost or debilitatingly damaged?

Despicable murderous, greedy scum of the earth. Apparently scum rises to the top without consequence.

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Oct. 20, 2024

By: HealthRanger


Mike Adams of Health Ranger:

SCIENCE UPDATE: After I leveled harsh criticism against Children's Health Defense for publishing an article touting a seriously flawed science paper about "55 undeclared chemical elements" being found in "vaccines", Dr. Brian Hooker, PhD, has informed me that he is removing his name from the paper.

The paper claimed to have detected extremely low concentrations (in some cases, picograms per ml) of multiple elements - far below the quantitation capabilities of the ICP-MS instrument used - and then implied that these levels of various elements were "chemicals" with a high degree of toxicity, even though the paper presented no such evidence to support such a notion (because no such evidence actually exists).

The paper also stated that these elements were "undeclared," implying that some sort of atomic elemental declaration is required by law or regulations. This is false.

No such atomic elements declaration is required for any product, by any agency, nor by any government. Brian Hooker informed me that he also had questions about the paper, and that he wasn't aware he was being listed as having "read and approved this paper for publication."

Other names listed by the paper as having "read and approved" the paper include Stephanie Seneff, PhD, Tamara Tuuminen, MD, PhD, Robert Davidson, MD, PhD, James-Lyons Weiler, PhD, and Christopher Shaw, PhD.

I have updated my articles on Natural News to reflect Brian Hooker's announcement and removal from the paper. I'm told more updates are coming. I thank Brian Hooker and CHD for responding and beginning to take action concerning this paper, which I view as a distraction from the real safety issues surrounding COVID "vaccines".

Here's my original story on this: https://naturalnews.com/2024-10-16-the-chd-touted-science-paper-claiming-55-undeclared-chemical-elements-were-found-in-covid-vaccines-is-a-hoax-and-must-be-retracted-heres-why.html


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This is from the CHD. "Editor’s note: The Defender is grateful for the expert input of Chris Exley, Ph.D., and Mike Adams on the research paper that is the subject of this Defender piece. These scientists have pointed out several major flaws in the analysis by Diblasi et al. 2024, including reporting of inappropriate units for vaccine contaminants (i.e., micrograms per liter rather than micrograms per dose) and discrepancies between the measured values of elements in the vaccine vials and the detection limits of the instruments used. We are also thankful for Dr. Martin Monteverde’s response to these criticisms. We believe this type of scientific discourse only serves to advance our cause regarding children’s health. "

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Sick people who what to bring down humanity.😡

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T0xsination- sin0’p(harm)

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