I don't want to offend anyone, only that there should be room for open, scientific debate, instead of promoting the same unproven theories over and over again, such as "virus leakage from the lab" or sowing fear of "deadly pathogens" etc., "epidemic" after "epidemic".

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The truth hurts for most people, but you can see through the BS after a while! I saw that on day one in 2020 when I owned and operated a medical clinic after 23 years! The medical industry is one giant Ponzi scheme, and COVID confirmed that for me! I departed from the industry in December of 2020!

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Shouldn’t everyone who is able want to work on a 2024 project in America to help restore…


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Before covid I knew viruses were black magic sorcery nonsense driving the sheep to toxic vaccines for eugenics purposes and the love of money.

covid= Nanotech and EMF

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Merril got ‘hot under the collar’ with myself - when I commented how Rand Paul & Ron Johnson talk the talk, but haven’t written a letter to EXIT the WHO !? I didn’t want to comment on her ‘cult’ post.

Thank yoU, Outraged for doing so!


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True. Dr. Lee Merritt had a chart on her telegram channel, showing that every so-called viral pandemic coincided with the increase of radiation -- from the telegraph system on. And the biggest hit areas of C19 were in the exact areas of 5G rollout, from China, to Italy, New York, etc.

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It's literally black magic. Make them believe (with FEAR) things that aren't true so they will do things they would otherwise not. Just like Malone, Kirsch etc, she is a thought control 'safety' policing the bounds of public discourse -- keep them on the virus belief plantation at all costs. Pretty nauseating use of the royal 'we' like a true boss lady which always makes me suspicious, and the hostile hersterical responses, avoiding the question put to her at all costs, are damning.

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Good one tatty. Sorcery.

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I didn't know the full extent of meryl nass' level of ignorance. I know she backs malone that might be some reason for her behavior. It seems like many who "work" with or for malone, nass and ryan cole refuse to believe there's graphene oxide and other crap in these shots. If you remember, ryan cole shushed on stage Astrid Struckleberger last Jan https://rumble.com/v2a2mgu-dr.-astrid-stuckleberger-silenced-by-dr.-ryan-cole-at-pandemic-strategies-c.html . Even if she was wrong, which she's not, why belittle her?

Also, 1) there is absolutely no way any shot of any sort could work on a respiratory infection according to Dr. Bhakdi. He has stated that when something that is shot into the muscle and then goes into the blood creates an antibody reaction, the antibodies are different then those needed for a respiratory infection (so the idiots who get these shots and the flu shots are just that) and 2) yes, these nanotechnologies are causing people to get sick because they are destroying people's innate immune system. I learned that early on by one of the scientists (if you can call these monsters that) who stated that since the shots destroy people's innate immunity, they need to keep getting more shots. This is basic.

Finally, yes, meryl nass refused to even debate. That's always a sign. When the person you're trying to debate with or converse with tries to shoot you down without bringing any clear understanding or facts to the table, you know something is up.

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it is getting to where the resistance suddenly realizes that at least half of those who stood up, are still tied hands and feet to the mob

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It's those that are no longer with us or who are jailed (Reiner Fuellmich) that clearly were/are not tied. I've wondered how so many could travel the world without any issues.

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hm. that might be a tip ! I remember almost all of them travelling when the jabs were still required. I remember Malone said he took the jabs to be able to travel, so all the rest who said nothing must have taken them too. Tennisser Djokivic was refused to travel to several places.

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Did they get the shots or are they apart of the opposition and didn't really need to get the actual shot to travel? We'll never know. If they did get the shots, how come they are all doing perfectly well when others are suffering or have died? Idk. This is all very convoluted. I think in the end, it really doesn't matter about these malone's, cole's, nass', etc. unless they are to be convicted of crimes. We, the people need to work together to stop all of this. We can't rely on others to save us. In fact, if nothing else, they've helped more people to understand at least some of what's going on even if they've created confusion.

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Maybe they knew to get edta chelation or something to detox as much as possible. Or they took saline?

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early on, Spartacus reported that the antidote had been made at the same time as the virus. I suppose most docs do know how to avoid side effects (although some have vaccine damaged children). Malone was very sick from the second jab, and found out he had got a bad batch. So at least some did get the real thing. Or should I say the fake thing. The one that harms but does no good whatsoever. So sad to read the lists of people who died suddenly, although of course, it is not certain all died from the jabs.

I think you are right, Debra, that we all are on our own in this. We can find support, but we have to stay strong each for their own. We cannot rely on others when it comes to our health, and it seems more than ever, we cannot rely on any doctors at all either.

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No way he took them. No way.

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eg McCullough from day 1

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Don't forget McCullough. Also in the Virus gatekeeping camp. : (

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My opinion Nass and Cole aren’t ignorant but are fully aware of the upper eschelon of the PIC Pharma Industrial Complex’s efforts to fuse biology with nanotech. Both along with Malone believe this is a ‘necessary step’ in the progression of technology/medicine/biology…

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Her level of ignorance is measurable. I'm not even a layman and I was guided to the Nobel Prize awarded to Charles Richet in 1913 regarding anaphylaxis, how it works and how to induce it. It's that simple.

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You've lost me. Perhaps, I've missed something. What are you referring to with anaphylaxis?

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The gist of the research for the Nobel Prize awarded to Charles Richet (French scientist and eugenicist) was that when a foreign protein (not-self protein) is injected into a mammal, that it causes anaphylaxis. The reaction may be mild (sore arm at the injection site) or may be severe (death), or varying levels in between (autoimmune disease, asthma, food allergies...). If the test subject is injected a second time with the same non-self protein within 28 days, it will induce another anaphylactic reaction, more severe than previously. Continuing along this line until the mammal dies. All the mammals died or had to be destroyed.

So, basically, any protein that the body does not produce itself, injected into the body causes a reaction that is negative.

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I see. Thank you. Even more proof (in addition to so much more), as to why one should NOT allow themselves to be injected with ANYTHING. Apparently, they are putting the contents of the shots in epidurals, too.

I also know that all the actual vaccines of the past (and still present) have heavy metals (mercury, aluminum) in them (they're called adjuvants) to create a reaction from the body to create antibodies to the "virus" that's in the vaccine. Heavy metals are so toxic to the body.

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I had to have emergency oral surgery last month. I avoided going in 3 months previously because of the information provided on Substack regarding mRNA, GO or other nanotechnology being put into injectables, such as lidocaine, insulin, Humera, etc. Because I eventually had no choice (abscess approaching my eye), I had to go in and get the shattered tooth removed. I refused the lidocaine so they used an alternative. Once that was completed, I made sure to take pine needle tea and star anise, and my standard 'extra's to try to flush my system out. The surgeon made sure that I got a straight shot directly into the roof of my mouth. Damn he was heavy handed with that! 3 days later I ended up with mood swings that had me slammed into the dirt.

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Sorry to hear that. You definitely tried. You've got courage.

I suggest taking zeolite powder. Look up Dr. Howard Peiper's book on amazon (I know about amazon but that's where the book is) called Zeolite. It's $7 and has a lot of good info in it. He also has several websites - zeolite facts dot org, zeolite dosing dot com, and zeolite testimonial dot com. He has good info on those sites too. Zeolite powder binds to many if not all the toxins in the shots because the toxins are positively charged and zeolite is negatively charged. We take the maximum dose because of shedding and general detox. We also give it to our dog because it's safe for animals, too and between the shedding and other things we want to detox from his body from before we got him (he's a rescue), we give him the detox dosage.

It must be zeolite powder. The liquid doesn't do anything. You can read about it from Dr. Peiper. We use zeohealth's brand zeolite pure. This company is the first to bring zeolite to this country and it's the purest too.

Hoping you can get all the toxins out.

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I had a tooth pulled two years ago this month (so at the height of Covid and vaccine roll out). I could barely walk home so the effect of the needle was almost immediate. Slept all winter, loss of appetite, loss of weight. Have many of the same symptoms of the covid vaccine damages. I now cannot walk unassisted (Guillain Barre symptoms), can't stand for any period of time, exhaustion on exertion. Zero quality of life.

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I need a cracked tooth removed, I fear. I have read that coffee enemas help to remove heavy metals from the body. I do not want any injectables either. Sigh.

How did you know that abscess was reaching your eye?

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Shouldn’t everyone who is able want to work on a 2024 project in America to help restore…


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I feel like it should kind of go without saying that injecting anything unnatural will have a negative effect. You don't really need experiments to come to this conclusion. But what do I know.... maybe I'm ignorant.

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I resemble that remark!

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Shouldn’t everyone who is able want to work on a 2024 project in America to help restore…


You will be standing with the best!!!

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Is that a 3 stooges reference? 😂 or am I just overtired?

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We need all hands on deck ASAP!

Thank you and God Bless any citizens willing to help on THE MOST IMPORTANT 2024 ELECTION INTEGRITY PROJECT!

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Shouldn’t everyone who is able want to work on a 2024 project in America to help restore…


You will be standing with the best!!!

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Shouldn’t everyone who is able want to work on a 2024 project in America to help restore…


You will be standing with the best!!!

P.S. Would love all Mother and Father, ALL Grandmother and Grandfather LIONS to report for patriotic duties!

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These truther docs that are yelling, “spike protein, blah, blah, blah” can only go so far. IMO. Put in place for such a time as this. Gatekeepers, if you will.

Warn the public. But don’t tell them “all”.

Easy now to see who is not tied to the “prescribed narrative”.

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Shouldn’t everyone who is able want to work on a 2024 project in America to help restore…


You will be standing with the best!!!

P.S. Would love all Mother and Father, ALL Grandmother and Grandfather LIONS to report for patriotic duties!

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Thank you and God Bless any citizens willing to help on THE MOST IMPORTANT 2024 ELECTION INTEGRITY PROJECT!

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Shouldn’t everyone who is able want to work on a 2024 project in America to help restore…


You will be standing with the best!!!

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vaccines destroy people's innate immunity I agree, but innate immunity to what?

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All beings have innate immunity (antibodies are created by the body) that helps them fight pathogens that invade the body. The shots destroy that innate immunity and so over time, these people who keep getting sick from lack of ability (immunity) to fight any pathogens (common cold), get sicker and sicker and the common cold can kill them. Whereas, normally, if their innate immunity was intact, they could fight it. The body has the ability to heal itself.



"The Two Halves of the Immune System

Manipulating immune function — enhancing it or suppressing it — will rest on our ability to control the two aspects of the immune system: innate immunity, mentioned above, and adaptive immunity.

The innate immune system: the first line of defense

The innate immune system is the first part of the body to detect invaders such as viruses, bacteria, parasites and toxins, or to sense wounds or trauma. Upon detection of these agents or events, the innate immune system activates cells to attack and destroy the outsider, or to initiate repair, while also informing and modulating the adaptive immune response that follows this first line of defense.

The adaptive immune system: the second, specific response

Adaptive immune cells are the second and specific line of defense, and they are called to action by the innate immune system. After recognizing the invader, the cells can multiply and combat it, leading to recovery from disease and protection against its return."

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VERY disappointed yet somehow not surprised to see Malone suddenly appear on the FLCCC podcast last night.

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FLCCC is not good. Apparently, people have complained about their protocols for detoxing. pierre kory is not good. According to Dr. Henry Ealy, pierre kory and tess lowrie have both copied his work. pierre kory has also created a quantom dot NAC according to Outraged Human: https://outraged.substack.com/p/pierre-kory-and-his-quantum-dots?utm_campaign=reaction&utm_medium=email&utm_source=substack&utm_content=post

Plus, I questioned pierre kory on his substack regarding how expensive his treatments were for those vaxxed if you wanted to work with him or his crew. He lashed out at me. I was surprised he had the time for that and to write two defensive responses. This a man that charges thousands of dollars for treatment and travels the world yet has time to lash out at a comment on his substack. Idk.

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Firstly, I stopped trusting Ms. Nass a long time ago. There are too many intertwining agendas at CHD for me to be interested in untangling. Like a box of costume jewelry that's a knotted mess and if I took the time to untangle it would it even be worth it in the end?

Secondly, Ms. Nass is one of the most entangled. Methinks it's a bunch of junk anyway.

At least for today that's my opinion and has been for a while now so I'll see if it changes. I still check in at CHD to see what's going on. My opinion hasn't been changed by what I see.

THIRDLY, and most importantly to me, I'm looking into what you've answered to Ms. Nass and am going to read it very carefully. Thanks to you for taking the time to write it and to Ms. Nass for asking the questions that got you to do it. It's to my benefit if not hers.

God Bless your efforts.

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indeed. there are several serials like this and I read one before, and found her not worth following anymore. there are quite a few that i still follow, some of the more recent ones Dr GeoffPain, AnaMaria Mihalcea, still got MIdwestern doctor (although he seems to be a Malone friend), Malone for the memes, and a few that do not have an own substack but will respond to my posts.

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What are your thoughts on AnaMaria Mihalcea? It seems like she doesn't believe there are spike proteins in the shots. It's quite perplexing.

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I am not sure about her. Some seems to make sense, but other posts are disturbing. I am reading her book and it is half readable to non-medically trained like me, and parts are just abracadabra LOL. I think it is like most of us - she is just as confused as all the rest. I think very little people except some in the military and high-up, who probably ordered both the jab AND the virus, know what exactly is going on.

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That makes sense to me. I think that we just need to protect ourselves from shedding with supplements that stops the toxins from those shots whatever they truly are. At this point, I just figure that any and all toxic substances that have been mentioned are probably in those shots. The precautionary theory.

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Do you know what supplements help do that?

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Yes, there are a number of them. I still have to sit down and make a complete list but haven't gotten to that yet. Ones health issues/status must be taken into consideration with any of these options.

1) We take zeolite powder (the liquid doesn't work). It's gentle and safe. It's a crystalline structure that is negatively charged. The cells in the body are also negative charged. Many toxins are positively charged. That's one reason the they to the cells. I just typed this to someone else on this post: Look up Dr. Howard Peiper's book on amazon (I know about amazon but that's where the book is) called Zeolite. It's $7 and has a lot of good info in it. He also has several websites - zeolite facts dot org, zeolite dosing dot com, and zeolite testimonial dot com. He has good info on those sites too. Zeolite powder binds to many if not all the toxins in the shots because the toxins are positively charged and zeolite is negatively charged. We take the maximum dose because of shedding and general detox (5gm 3x per day - the container says take 1gm per day, I think. The company is only allowed to write that if you know what I mean.). We also give it to our dog because it's safe for animals, too and between the shedding and other things we want to detox from his body from before we got him (he's a rescue), we give him the detox dosage.

It must be zeolite powder. The liquid doesn't do anything. You can read about it from Dr. Peiper. We use zeohealth's brand zeolite pure. This company is the first to bring zeolite to this country and it's the purest too. The purer the better for detoxing.

2) According to Dr. AnaMaria Mihalcea (hoping she's correct), methylene blue unclots those rubbery clots. She also talked about some organic essential oils that might work for that too. https://anamihalceamdphd.substack.com/p/methylene-blue-prevents-rubbery-clot . I haven't read enough about methylene blue (I came across it years ago in my research) to really suggest it personally. Just something to look into further.

3) Chlorine Dioxide is another supplement that I've come across over the years in my research. Again, I need to understand it better before trying it.


4) Urine therapy: I know this is a weird one but apparently drinking one's own urine has been helping people overcome the symptoms they are experiencing from the shots. Urine does have a lot of nutrients in it and apparently, it's somewhat like a homeopathic but from your own body. It's something I still have to look into further and understand better. It is free to try though.

5) Intermittent fasting (or fasting for any extended period of time). We do intermittent fasting and it's been great for weight loss for sure. It also helps to clear the body of damaged cells through autophagy. The combo of zeolite powder and intermittent fasting seems like a good one to me based on my knowledge. Also, if you do a long terms fast, it might be good to work with someone or at least look into it further.

6) Pine needle tea is supposed to block spike proteins. We get the needles (should be 5 needles per bunch for the needles to be from the correct pine tree - look up a video if you need to) from our backyard. We cut them up, about a tablespoons worth, and put them into hot water for about 10 minutes. Then, drink the tea. It's actually very mild. Pine needles contain a lot of Vitamin C.

7) Systemic enzymes. It's unclear if Nattokinase breaks up these rubbery clots but it does break up normal blood clots. Nattokinase thins the blood so it might help those who got the shots or those shedded upon. If one is on a blood thinning drug, since nattokinase thins the blood, it's not wise to take nattokinase. Systemic enzymes are fantastic all around healing supplement. There are several types: Serrapetase, Nattokinase, Lumbrokinase, and I believe others. Here's a helpful video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eyHylArmmOQ that explains differences between them. Systemic enzymes help to break down scar tissue in the body which is helpful for so many problems from acl injuries in humans/ccl injuries in dogs (yes, we give our dog systemic enzymes specifically for dogs for the scar tissue due to the ccl injury he had) to heart issues.

8) Detoxing the liver with helpful supplements so that the liver can help the body detox toxins. Teas such as organic burdock, organic dandelion and organic roobios (helps to increase glutathione) are very helpful for detoxing the liver. Milk thistle with phospholipids is extremely helpful to heal the liver and helps the kidneys too. I use Siliphos by Thorne. I don't know of any other brand for humans that has the phospholipids in it (Denamarin is the product for dogs and cats. It works very well to bring down high liver enzymes). Phospholipids (fats) help the milk thistle get absorbed better. Sulforaphane (a derivative of broccoli sprouts) is also extremely beneficial to healing the liver and removing toxins from the body. After some research, I take BrocoElite liquid by mara labs. I can't say for sure it's the best but it's definitely potent.

Other ways to detox the liver: Caster oil packs, coffee enemas.

Healing your cells is important. Never taking drugs (if possibly, unless you're in a dire situation), infusions, shots of any type, is helpful. Eating organic foods that your body needs based on your body's mineral and vitamin needs (you need to do testing for this). Balancing your minerals and clearing toxins. Calming the body by doing mediation. In order for the body to heal, the nervous system needs to be calm. These are things that help cells function properly.

Here's a list of other supplements. Some of what I mentioned are listed here.


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I have read several possibilities and have made my own mixture. I take a mulivitamin, hair skin nails, which has B C, zinc and a few other minerals (which I have done for years in winter to save my nails from cracking), milk thistle for regulation of blood sugar, NAC, not sure if it is doing anything, but I don’t feel worse LOL. At times I will take a few days Ashwaghandha, then a few days of Nattokinase, a few days of quercetin, a few days of Taurin, and then start anew. I take 3 or 4 different ones a day for months now and feel quite well. I only take the nattokinase when I have been around fairly recently jabbed people

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doi: 10.3389/fphys.2020.00433

Pages 9 and 10

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Nass is always defending her evidence-free positions on bogus bioweaponry and defending her paycheck from CHD and her idolatry of RFK jr.

That is always in the background of whatever lunacy she is spouting.

She also gets pretty intolerant of anyone who challenges her and NEVER provides evidence to support any of her quackery.

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Allen - she really is quite “intolerant”, isn’t she? Sad. Such a lack of humility.

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Prof. Sucharit Bhakdi was against the C19 shots, but not against shots in general until he made a u-turn.

He said that the whole vax industry is a scam. This man has the humility to admit that he has learned and teached the "facts" about inoculations for 30 years that turned out to be wrong all along.


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He has definitely been a huge asset to the cause and has helped me to understand a lot.

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GOOD WORK! She really is one of the most annoying narrative managers.

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“Narrative managers” that’s going in my lexicon.⚔️

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Question: are you familiar with Christine Massey who's done extensive FOIA requests on the isolation of SARS COVID 19 check out her website: www.flouridefreepeel.ca

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This is Nass' take on Massey:

"I told Christine Massey over and over that her FOIAs were answered by all countries in the same manner because a) the countries lie about everything related to COVID, b) their language was carefully chosen to be ambiguous, since her question was not perfectly formulated, c) they all read from the same playbook they were handed, d) why would they choose Christine Massey to be the one person on Earth to whom they would reveal their deepest secret?

She sent a bunch of FOIAs out several years ago. That was good. Good to make governments answer questions. In the US, it takes about 5 minutes to send a FOIA. But she keeps talking about those same FOIAs. Hasn’t she done anything else since then? Does she plan to dine off her 100 FOIAs forever?"

Nass appears to be a complete idiot.

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This is perhaps your most important publication, because it contains significant links.

To me, it has always been obvious that Nass is a player for the NWO. However, it's surprising that she is so effective, albeit she is only a small segment of many psyops that are employed in a coordinated manner:


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Good on ya for backing up your position. I think her response was unfortunate and dismissive -not unlike many doctors who are perhaps among the most indoctorinated among us. :-)

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I have experienced the 'nano brush off' from Latypova as well, though she may have modified her position by now. I am thinking the nano thing is just too on the nose, over the target, and so they cannot engage with it for fear of making it more well known. Once I realized how it is tied to the 5G grid, no other explanations are required. Allows all locations to be known, ISP generated....Broadcast the kill frequency, boom, dead masses. I wonder how much money they are making right now with my avatar....

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I like Sasha & haven’t seen what you describe. She is opinionated & sassy at times, granted. I just chalk it up to her unwillingness to support those things that are still new & not 100% proven. ( like Graphene in the shots)

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I have to agree: the virus theory, Ivermectin, and the rest have become recycled junk and have only complicated and twisted people's brains from both the Blue Pill/Red Pill Camp! It seems like mere speculation! One known fact is that we are all going to die, and if you want to avoid all this crap, don't take it. It's that simple!

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it has been a long time since I unsubscribed from Meryll Nass. Unfortunately she does not seem to be well informed on several points. I read less than a year ago she is one of those that think Metformin is safe and effective. Unfortunately Dr Marik is one of those too. For those of us who almost got killed by it, this is an offence. Marik subscription due to end too. I will not listen to any doc who does not know this.

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Can you expand on Metformin please?

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after 1 tablet I already had a sugar low, and almost fainted. at night I had diarrhea. the next day my mouth felt like I had drunk from the garbage can, I could barely eat, in the afternoon diarrhea again, barely eaten, after 4 tablets not only my stomach and intestins were cramping but also my arms and legs and I was on the sofa sighing in pain. I typed in the computer Why does metformin make me so sick. Obviously I am in the 1 out of 100 who have such severe side reactions, that it becomes life threatening. The page advized to carefully read the paper that comes with the med. There was NO paper with the med. Just as good as the blank page, that comes wiht the safe and effective jabs!

If you type that line, one of the amswers list an enormous amount of meds and supplements you should not take metformin with, and an enormous list of negative effects.

If that is the best the doc can do, well, I will doctor myself again. Turns out I have highs indeed, but between meals it goes back to normal. So no I am not diabetic. JUst like dr. Marik says, yet another scam. DRs in Belgium do not search for something. they treat you for what you come for! This doc did not treat my ear clog but wanted me on 3 or 4 forever drugs

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Thanks for your comprehensive articulation of facts; it's very educational for laypeople such as myself.

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Pasting screenshots is not an easy way for the readers (small text, color). Copying and pasting clean text would be much better - the issue is worth good presentation

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I read it by making my screen bigger. Thank you.

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No, no. It's just me :-)

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It is frustrating to try and read it!!!

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And when text was copied and pasted, as in the part about Ebola, it’s hard to tell who’s saying what. The “block quote” formatting feature would help here.

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Sure that article clarifies your conclusions. I’m just saying with the formatting of the current article it’s hard to tell when you’re quoting vs responding to Meryl. Consistently using block quotes for quoted passages would help. I appreciate what you have done regardless of format.

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Just a few strokes more, a little effort. Bold may be used to add names or abbreviations in separate lines.

Substack editor is extremely limited: no tab control, no line spacing control, no text colors - in 2024 it's a real dinosaur. Still, where is a will...

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This is a huge effort put into nice condensation of the subject. For those who follow the issues since 2020 or earlier, your work would probably be obvious (more or less), but certainly at least partially understandable. But those folks are already aware of the situation. What about the rest of the world? They should read and understand all this first. Without their participation, our understanding of these interdependencies is almost pointless.

Especially “causes” - over 3,000 words of a great summary. Have you considered making a downloadable PDF of this text (with live links and references)? It would be much easier to share this information (emails).

Most of the people I know have no idea about medical, physiological or biochemical terminology. They will misunderstand antigenic sin pretty easily ;-) A glossary of basic terms would be great for them to start researching on their own.

Just sharing what I have heard in conversations. Lay people won’t even try to discuss safety aspects because they lack the most foundational understanding and are deterred by unknown words and complex phrases.

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I was interested in the last link in Point 17 re: medicinal herbs, so I found the original comment so I could click on it:


And this is the link to the medicinal herbs:

"Medicinal Herbal Compounds With the MPO-Inhibiting Activity Showing Antioxidant, Anti-Inflammation, and Neuroprotective Effects (A GREAT LIST OF NATURAL ANTIOXIDANTS!):


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