This whole lab leak thing... is merely a way to perpetuate the 'viruses exist' narrative.
Isn't it funny that there are only two questions allowed.. "bat soup" or "lab *leak*" and not... intentional release of a bio-weapon... OR.. did they just drop flu/pneumonia and kill a bunch of people w/ventilators & remdesivir/midazolam? Convenient.
However, I'm all for hanging these people w/their own ropes before we resolve the actual questions. :)
And.. Malone was obviously a plant from the start. Admitting he still works for the agencies. He also, in that first Spanish interview, basically admitted he created HIV/AIDS (gp120).
Nowhere in the Controlled Mainstream Media during the course of this cataclysm have I read or heard the word "fraud".
I'm on page 41 of Mark Bailey MD's "A Farewell to Virology" ( Probably need a degree in biology to understand it properly -- but what I DO understand...😱💩 The two foundational sciences of Medicine; "Virology" and "Vaccinology"? They're scarcely better than Phrenology. And what those fearsome demigods in their white coats are doing behind closed laboratory doors is about on a par with 5-year-olds making mud pies. How can human beings delude themselves like this? But they do. Continously.
I'm in agreement with Kevin Flaherty of Cryptogon: Covid-19 and The Poison Death Shots are nothing but a scam designed to profit from pre-meditated mass murder.
I think the profit motive only applies to the underlings, the people really behind 'the plan' are not concerned with money.. other than using it to torture us. The primary object is depopulation, all others are secondary.
"Sauron is very wise and weighs all things to a nicety in the scales of his malice. But the only measure that he knows is desire, desire for power; and so he judges all hearts."
"...Most psychology is puerile, Officer Starling, and that practiced in Behavioral Science is on the level with phrenology. Psychology doesn't get very good material to start with. Go to any college psychology department and look at the students and faculty: ham radio enthusiasts and other personality-deficient buffs. Hardly the best brains on campus. Organized and disorganized—a real bottom-feeder thought..."
Book of Romans 1: 22 Professing themselves to be wise, they became fools,
23 And changed the glory of the uncorruptible God into an image made like to corruptible man, and to birds, and fourfooted beasts, and creeping things.
Romans 6: 20 ¶ O Timothy, keep that which is committed to thy trust, avoiding profane and vain babblings, and oppositions of science falsely so called: 21 Which some professing have erred concerning the faith. Grace be with thee. Amen.
The ‘advice’ of some ‘Professors” should be avoided at all costs.
FYI I'll be posting / live streaming full analysis of the "coronvirus" investigation panel later today and throughout the whole proceedings on Rumble/Substack. It's pretty ridiculous.
The well-funded medical propaganda machine needs to be dismantled for society, to learn the truth. The medicine man is pushing full steam ahead to produce nano drug injections that manipulate the DNA of life itself without any real concern about the great harm that has been done and will be done to humanity. Until we have leader ship in Washington DC that will demand that all injections be stopped NOW! we are going down the road to hell and extinction!
Malone wants justice....I hope that justice will come after him one day in this life. Thank you for finding the last page with his grants and contracts, which he/they took care to get lost when he jumped in the "resistance/opposition" machine.
It was nice. You engaged in mind reading by declaring that Malone purposely lost a page that calls his character in to question. I told you to ask Malone directly if he purposely lost the last page showing his grants and contracts - and no bad words were used.
Nobody asked for your advice and nobody tells me what I should do. Besides that, if you are so sure of everything you are reading, you should know that a "mind reader" do not need confirmation answers.
Your readers need to understand that there is a well funded massive medical propaganda machine at work, which daily miss directs and clouds the truth of what is transpiring. Until it is dismantled, the push to inject will go forward. The fact that they were able to have two phoney research articles discrediting the true value of HCQ planted in the British medical journal Lancet speaks to their power to deceive. The fact that Luc Montaganiare in early 2020 was discredited by saying it was gain of function speaks volumnes to their power. The fact that the mass media is the benefactor of over 6 Billion dollars in consumer medical prescription propaganda speaks to the issue of why they go along with the false medical narratives that keep us on this road to extinction.
What has to be exposed is the intertwined goals of the CDC/DARPA/CIA consortium and Big Pharma.
There are billions and billions of dollars being invested into the development of more mRNA injections
to treat disease states. This is the new 21st Century Allopathic medicine model to keep the Big Pharma medical money machine growing.
The fact that the FDA has approved mRNA injections for our children states loudly they have no intent in stopping this nano drug delivery system from fruition. The fact that the Fauci clone is now pushing the concept that 200,000 lives were lost because of the unvaccinated says very loudly, they are in control of humanities destiny. There is no recognition of the great harm done by the injections or the wrong medical treatment.
In the meantime, the truth tellers need to close ranks, settle their differences as to when who said what when and demand that there be an immediate mortatorium on this research until there is a honest public discussion among all the medical scientists and all views are heard and analyzed.
The major impediment, is the fact that the majority of our leadership in Washington is staying silent and and/or are defending the actions taken against humanity over the last three years. Senator Dingell of Michigan is a good example of reciting chapter and versus for the medical propaganda machine.
Most of the senior congressman in DC have been well funded in their political life by Big Pharma and will not bite the the hand that feeds them.
This is a uphill battle to stop this assault on our DNA which has the potential of destroying the human race, we need unity in our struggle. The NIH/CDC/NAIAD facilitators are just the frontline of those who have organized and implemented this preplanned assault on humanity.
It is a David and Goliath struggle, and we need a sling shot hit to the heart of the beast to stop the carnage to come.
At some point they will imploded. They will have sucked all the $$$ out of the economy. Fifty years ago food cost was 20% of the GDP and Medicine was 10%. today it is reversed and Medicine is headed for 30% and most seniors will be financially ruined. Medicare will be bankrupt.
Transhumanism. The goal is to meld man and machine. We are the commodity on the coming social impact markets and we are/will very much become the “product” as they learn more and more about how to hack out physical being and consciousness. Sounds surreal, but think of their push for the 4th Industrial Revolution. We are supplanted by machines through technology.....but they also want to enhance the machines to be more like man...AI. If they succeed, they will not even need to assess, sort, train and track humans to tend machines/technology as they currently do. In both instances, they believe data is the new gold and the key to the ‘advances’ they seek to make which is very much about playing God.
Properties of nanoparticles that might increase the toxicity potential include i) particle size, ii) surface area and charge, iii) shape/structure, iv) solubility, and v) surface coatings. Small size of NPs give rise to a high surface area per unit mass, and this surface area is often correlated with higher biological reactivity. In addition, formation of free radicals such as superoxide anion or hydroxyl radical may also be increased with high surface area. Accordingly oxidative stress may play an important role in NP toxicity especially for metal-based NPs. For example, inflammatory responses to NPs can be explained with these free radical formation.
'We found that QDs had a dose-dependent species-specific toxic effect on animals. At doses greater than 30.0 mg/kg, mice died of spleen, kidney, and liver damage.’
The upshot....they may think they are so brilliant in so many respects, but they either lack common sense or no that their are easily identifiable flies in the ointment but they don’t care because they are willing to sacrifice us (not themselves or theirs) on their way to perfecting their “software” for life and the world. In their minds, nature/divinity/life imperfect, they think they are going to trade out the secrets and perfect it.
We are the prey! Not only on the macro level that Dr. Breaking wrote about, but also on a micro level, which is the greatest crime perpetuated against humanity!
Did you ever hear the fin/tech’s explanation why putting students in charge of their own education on a computer where they could select their own pathway in a bid for “personalized” learning? It was ludicrous and should not have faced the straight face test of any parent. But millions in taxpayers money went into that experiment..
Oh, I know. One thing people need to understand about these assholes is they are 95% theory and 5% application....150% hubris/arrogance.
The upshot....they test their theories on us because we are expendable and it is cheaper to use us as their test subjects than their own. And we are in a seemingly limitless supply, so they continue on and will tweak the experiments as they go---Until we stand up and say NO. Until then they will continue as they always have....and these past few years have demonstrated just how brazen and convinced they are that the “holy grail” is within their reach.
Since when have they asked permission? By carrot or stick they do what they want. Not seeing a critical mass that is aware enough or understands what is at stake....wish it weren’t so. The divide is deep and wide between us and them....we are like fish being shot in a barrel. No one wants to believe that mankind is being hunted.
Hi Rick, he's been groomed along the way and been a made man in this org for a long time. All these guys, Mccoullough, Cole, Kirsch, Bigtree, RFK Jr, they are all tightly controlled, none of them are allowed to even approach the no proof of virus story, they wont even say that this topic should be examined closely. I hope you have read the link above and I would even save to HD. Its a hard swallow because we so much want these guys to be on our side but they are not.
Just a little looking around at these guys you will find lots of dust in their tatami mats:
Do you think for a minute that the planners of this program have not set up a disinfo hedge against real science? This is called COINTELPRO (counter intel program).
Ok. More than anything they are product of the fascist university system and were intellectually and morally compromised to receive the letters MD behind their names.
I've read a few of your stacks and have been thinking about it. For some reason I get the feeling some, Malone in particular, will have a Saul to Paul conversion. But I don't know.
Yes most MDs mean well, just they are indoctrinated that the system and Federal agencies and big unis are honest. If they could wake up they would get it, they are UNKNOWINGLY following the protocols. Malone is ACTIVELY DOING bad things and knows about it, and he and his wife who I've heard is on the Board of Pharma Cos make big bucks. I assume most of these big guys like him, RFK Jr (obviously), have some family history and/or blood line connection to the org. This book/link will help you get the big picture of how deep this runs. Its long but worth it. I read 10-20 pgs a day for a couple of weeks and got thru it:
Seriously, have the stones to confront Malone directly with this crap. From what I'm reading on his substack, he isn't hiding crap. He was sucked in in many respects just like thousands of other gullible, malleable, faulty humans.
This whole lab leak thing... is merely a way to perpetuate the 'viruses exist' narrative.
Isn't it funny that there are only two questions allowed.. "bat soup" or "lab *leak*" and not... intentional release of a bio-weapon... OR.. did they just drop flu/pneumonia and kill a bunch of people w/ventilators & remdesivir/midazolam? Convenient.
However, I'm all for hanging these people w/their own ropes before we resolve the actual questions. :)
And.. Malone was obviously a plant from the start. Admitting he still works for the agencies. He also, in that first Spanish interview, basically admitted he created HIV/AIDS (gp120).
Nanotechnology is needed for geolocation, "carbon footprint," for financial transactions. But it is toxic.
The rest is crap created to somehow push these nanotechnologies on people.
Nowhere in the Controlled Mainstream Media during the course of this cataclysm have I read or heard the word "fraud".
I'm on page 41 of Mark Bailey MD's "A Farewell to Virology" ( Probably need a degree in biology to understand it properly -- but what I DO understand...😱💩 The two foundational sciences of Medicine; "Virology" and "Vaccinology"? They're scarcely better than Phrenology. And what those fearsome demigods in their white coats are doing behind closed laboratory doors is about on a par with 5-year-olds making mud pies. How can human beings delude themselves like this? But they do. Continously.
I'm in agreement with Kevin Flaherty of Cryptogon: Covid-19 and The Poison Death Shots are nothing but a scam designed to profit from pre-meditated mass murder.
I think the profit motive only applies to the underlings, the people really behind 'the plan' are not concerned with money.. other than using it to torture us. The primary object is depopulation, all others are secondary.
"Sauron is very wise and weighs all things to a nicety in the scales of his malice. But the only measure that he knows is desire, desire for power; and so he judges all hearts."
-- Gandalf the Grey
Because we’d rather give all responsibility to the “experts” to get back to our regularly scheduled programming...
Phrenology at least seems to contain some truth. :)
"...Most psychology is puerile, Officer Starling, and that practiced in Behavioral Science is on the level with phrenology. Psychology doesn't get very good material to start with. Go to any college psychology department and look at the students and faculty: ham radio enthusiasts and other personality-deficient buffs. Hardly the best brains on campus. Organized and disorganized—a real bottom-feeder thought..."
-- Hannibal Lecter, MD
Book of Romans 1: 22 Professing themselves to be wise, they became fools,
23 And changed the glory of the uncorruptible God into an image made like to corruptible man, and to birds, and fourfooted beasts, and creeping things.
Romans 6: 20 ¶ O Timothy, keep that which is committed to thy trust, avoiding profane and vain babblings, and oppositions of science falsely so called: 21 Which some professing have erred concerning the faith. Grace be with thee. Amen.
The ‘advice’ of some ‘Professors” should be avoided at all costs.
Sir Bedivere: "Incidentally My Lord, that is how we now know the Earth to be banana shaped."
King Arthur: "This new learning amazes me Sir Bedivere. Explain to me again, how sheep's bladders may be used to prevent earthquakes."
Capt. Roy: "Plus ça change, plus c'est la même chose."
👆👆Vain babbling
Of course, it was a psy-op as well as a bioweapon:
The question is: What can people do about it?
FYI I'll be posting / live streaming full analysis of the "coronvirus" investigation panel later today and throughout the whole proceedings on Rumble/Substack. It's pretty ridiculous.
It's a show among many others.
The well-funded medical propaganda machine needs to be dismantled for society, to learn the truth. The medicine man is pushing full steam ahead to produce nano drug injections that manipulate the DNA of life itself without any real concern about the great harm that has been done and will be done to humanity. Until we have leader ship in Washington DC that will demand that all injections be stopped NOW! we are going down the road to hell and extinction!
It’s going to take the God of the universe to dismantle this Beast and it’s going to happen.
Don’t hold your breath.
please continue to expose this fraud. The whole narrative is crumbling and its idols along with it.
Malone wants justice....I hope that justice will come after him one day in this life. Thank you for finding the last page with his grants and contracts, which he/they took care to get lost when he jumped in the "resistance/opposition" machine.
You know this how? Go ask Malone directly on his substack.
Really? How nice of you.
It was nice. You engaged in mind reading by declaring that Malone purposely lost a page that calls his character in to question. I told you to ask Malone directly if he purposely lost the last page showing his grants and contracts - and no bad words were used.
Nobody asked for your advice and nobody tells me what I should do. Besides that, if you are so sure of everything you are reading, you should know that a "mind reader" do not need confirmation answers.
Your readers need to understand that there is a well funded massive medical propaganda machine at work, which daily miss directs and clouds the truth of what is transpiring. Until it is dismantled, the push to inject will go forward. The fact that they were able to have two phoney research articles discrediting the true value of HCQ planted in the British medical journal Lancet speaks to their power to deceive. The fact that Luc Montaganiare in early 2020 was discredited by saying it was gain of function speaks volumnes to their power. The fact that the mass media is the benefactor of over 6 Billion dollars in consumer medical prescription propaganda speaks to the issue of why they go along with the false medical narratives that keep us on this road to extinction.
What has to be exposed is the intertwined goals of the CDC/DARPA/CIA consortium and Big Pharma.
There are billions and billions of dollars being invested into the development of more mRNA injections
to treat disease states. This is the new 21st Century Allopathic medicine model to keep the Big Pharma medical money machine growing.
The fact that the FDA has approved mRNA injections for our children states loudly they have no intent in stopping this nano drug delivery system from fruition. The fact that the Fauci clone is now pushing the concept that 200,000 lives were lost because of the unvaccinated says very loudly, they are in control of humanities destiny. There is no recognition of the great harm done by the injections or the wrong medical treatment.
In the meantime, the truth tellers need to close ranks, settle their differences as to when who said what when and demand that there be an immediate mortatorium on this research until there is a honest public discussion among all the medical scientists and all views are heard and analyzed.
The major impediment, is the fact that the majority of our leadership in Washington is staying silent and and/or are defending the actions taken against humanity over the last three years. Senator Dingell of Michigan is a good example of reciting chapter and versus for the medical propaganda machine.
Most of the senior congressman in DC have been well funded in their political life by Big Pharma and will not bite the the hand that feeds them.
This is a uphill battle to stop this assault on our DNA which has the potential of destroying the human race, we need unity in our struggle. The NIH/CDC/NAIAD facilitators are just the frontline of those who have organized and implemented this preplanned assault on humanity.
It is a David and Goliath struggle, and we need a sling shot hit to the heart of the beast to stop the carnage to come.
Just a thought here - actually a question.
How will Big Pharma keep making billions if they kill us off?
Perhaps their investors haven’t considered a huge drop in customers keeping the $$$ rolling in.
At some point they will imploded. They will have sucked all the $$$ out of the economy. Fifty years ago food cost was 20% of the GDP and Medicine was 10%. today it is reversed and Medicine is headed for 30% and most seniors will be financially ruined. Medicare will be bankrupt.
Transhumanism. The goal is to meld man and machine. We are the commodity on the coming social impact markets and we are/will very much become the “product” as they learn more and more about how to hack out physical being and consciousness. Sounds surreal, but think of their push for the 4th Industrial Revolution. We are supplanted by machines through technology.....but they also want to enhance the machines to be more like man...AI. If they succeed, they will not even need to assess, sort, train and track humans to tend machines/technology as they currently do. In both instances, they believe data is the new gold and the key to the ‘advances’ they seek to make which is very much about playing God.
This is a utopia; the reality is in these studies: Nanoparticles Toxicity and Their Routes of Exposures | IntechOpen
Nanoparticles have intrinsic toxicity profiles.
Properties of nanoparticles that might increase the toxicity potential include i) particle size, ii) surface area and charge, iii) shape/structure, iv) solubility, and v) surface coatings. Small size of NPs give rise to a high surface area per unit mass, and this surface area is often correlated with higher biological reactivity. In addition, formation of free radicals such as superoxide anion or hydroxyl radical may also be increased with high surface area. Accordingly oxidative stress may play an important role in NP toxicity especially for metal-based NPs. For example, inflammatory responses to NPs can be explained with these free radical formation. Nanoparticle Toxicology | Annual Review of Pharmacology and Toxicology (
Quantum dots are time bomb:
Multiscale toxicological study - ScienceDirect
Volume 374, 1 April 2023, 110396
'We found that QDs had a dose-dependent species-specific toxic effect on animals. At doses greater than 30.0 mg/kg, mice died of spleen, kidney, and liver damage.’
and so on
The upshot....they may think they are so brilliant in so many respects, but they either lack common sense or no that their are easily identifiable flies in the ointment but they don’t care because they are willing to sacrifice us (not themselves or theirs) on their way to perfecting their “software” for life and the world. In their minds, nature/divinity/life imperfect, they think they are going to trade out the secrets and perfect it.
Can’t disagree!
We are the prey! Not only on the macro level that Dr. Breaking wrote about, but also on a micro level, which is the greatest crime perpetuated against humanity!
Did you ever hear the fin/tech’s explanation why putting students in charge of their own education on a computer where they could select their own pathway in a bid for “personalized” learning? It was ludicrous and should not have faced the straight face test of any parent. But millions in taxpayers money went into that experiment..
Oh, I know. One thing people need to understand about these assholes is they are 95% theory and 5% application....150% hubris/arrogance.
The upshot....they test their theories on us because we are expendable and it is cheaper to use us as their test subjects than their own. And we are in a seemingly limitless supply, so they continue on and will tweak the experiments as they go---Until we stand up and say NO. Until then they will continue as they always have....and these past few years have demonstrated just how brazen and convinced they are that the “holy grail” is within their reach.
They don’t have the permission of 99% of the global population and it will be soon that there will be a reckoning!
Since when have they asked permission? By carrot or stick they do what they want. Not seeing a critical mass that is aware enough or understands what is at stake....wish it weren’t so. The divide is deep and wide between us and them....we are like fish being shot in a barrel. No one wants to believe that mankind is being hunted.
Luc Montagnier, not "Montaganiare" :)
Thanks for bringing receipts, Malone is the deceptive master of limited hangouts, yet people fall in line to his pied piper tunes.
I am unsubscribing to this substack. This divisive BS about Malone is really getting on my nerves.
It hurts me too, but I think it's important to ask questions.
Sometimes a lie is a lie no matter how many people believe it. And a truth is a truth no matter how many people don’t believe it.
Hoping and praying both he and Trump come clean.
You're trying to worship false idols. Neither will ever come clean, they were in from the start.
No worship here. Just a desire for the truth.
Some people cannot come clean. They are dirty from the inside out.
As is everyone involved. Especially biden.
Trump has nothing to come clean about.
He is going to tell the truth, he does have direct knowledge to share, have patience. Provide him with an out.
I’m getting impatient with him.
Not really Rick:
Ok Proton. I don't know what he is thinking about his past.
There is a reason he is in front of this, lots of variables.
Hi Rick, he's been groomed along the way and been a made man in this org for a long time. All these guys, Mccoullough, Cole, Kirsch, Bigtree, RFK Jr, they are all tightly controlled, none of them are allowed to even approach the no proof of virus story, they wont even say that this topic should be examined closely. I hope you have read the link above and I would even save to HD. Its a hard swallow because we so much want these guys to be on our side but they are not.
Just a little looking around at these guys you will find lots of dust in their tatami mats:
on Mccullough:
on Kirsch:
Do you think for a minute that the planners of this program have not set up a disinfo hedge against real science? This is called COINTELPRO (counter intel program).
Take good care.
Ok. More than anything they are product of the fascist university system and were intellectually and morally compromised to receive the letters MD behind their names.
I've read a few of your stacks and have been thinking about it. For some reason I get the feeling some, Malone in particular, will have a Saul to Paul conversion. But I don't know.
Yes most MDs mean well, just they are indoctrinated that the system and Federal agencies and big unis are honest. If they could wake up they would get it, they are UNKNOWINGLY following the protocols. Malone is ACTIVELY DOING bad things and knows about it, and he and his wife who I've heard is on the Board of Pharma Cos make big bucks. I assume most of these big guys like him, RFK Jr (obviously), have some family history and/or blood line connection to the org. This book/link will help you get the big picture of how deep this runs. Its long but worth it. I read 10-20 pgs a day for a couple of weeks and got thru it:
Why? He provided us with death and suffering.
I don't know about that.
I never liked him
Seriously, have the stones to confront Malone directly with this crap. From what I'm reading on his substack, he isn't hiding crap. He was sucked in in many respects just like thousands of other gullible, malleable, faulty humans.
Dear Outraged, this is your answer. It is an amazing piece of work, please read it thoroughly
If true then we are doomed.
Good post. Gonna say a prayer for Malone tonight.