Thanks very much. Is there any way to remove it from the body safely?

I’ve had shedding problems. & don’t know if it’s spike protein or graphine or BOTH. I’m sure it’s in the “food “ as well. God bless!

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I'll write about it

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Please do! Thanks

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Thank you for sharing. (& God bless & protect all truth tellers)

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You're welcome. Praying for all.

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It's possible vitamin D helps to encapsulate and then excrete this from the body, also C60.

IMO you'll need to take active steps to get this shit out of you. This may help:

Covid 19 vaccine damage repair protocols:


Vitamin D for cancer:


Microphage treatment for cancer:


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I wouldn't use C-60. Do your research on C-60 and decide, but it's nanotechnology.

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I did read a lot and it appears to make short lived Wister rats live longer than the LD50 studies allowed to complete the testing, thus the interest in it.

I and others have been taking it for years. Nanotech is tech, and all tech is on a spectrum of good/bad.

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I’m wary of it in spite of many good reports ( from Sarah Westall, specifically)

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I've read the original study, and nobody who's been taking it for a long time has reported any ill-effects.

It's literally a near (physically, you need a lot of heat/radiation to break it) indestructible sphere of carbon with a void inside (so smooth, no sharp edges to damage cell walls, best theory is it acts as an anti-oxidant by sucking in free radicals, which then get eliminated via the kidneys).

There is no known LD50 for C60 (unless you count mixing a solution of water & C60 that's 20% of a rat's body weight and injecting it directly into it's abdominal cavity).

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My biotoxin mold illness and autoimmune issues, I’m reluctant to do anything that isn’t tried& true. I’ve hurt myself in the past trying things Willy nilly . Thanks for sharing!

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Take a look at Beta Glucan to help reset your immune system. I take it regularly and haven't noticed any ill effects.


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Thanks for taking time to share links!

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Your welcome, get well soon!

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Covid 19 vaccine damage repair protocols:


The jab probably potentiates cancer, so:

Vitamin D for cancer:


Microphage treatment for cancer:


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Yes, wonder if the GO etc gets into the bloodstream via the alimentary canal and via shedding and via the lungs as well as hypodermically via the clotshot.

That graphene doesn't break down sounds irreversible to me.

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looks like the DEAGLE CORP predictions for 2025 will become reality after reading this. So under 90 million left in the USA ...sounds about right

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May God have mercy on the soul of Dr. Andreas Noack, Hero of Austria and Germany!

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Graphene is toxic in many forms, even if it touches your skin. By definition, graphene is 1 molecule thick. https://sciencenews22.substack.com/p/graphene-is-toxic

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That poor woman with the clotted breasts; did she have the clotshot.

I'm not sure how the bitcoin article fitted in here, unless because it is on the graphene name bandwagon.

We heard about Dr.Noack at the time of his strange death, and of his warning, but nothing much since.

Maybe talking about it is a capital offence.

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gee...my "golden years" have sure gone to hell...i'm pissed

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Never give up is a good motto.

This war for those on the right side is already won, in my opinion

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Can someone assess the "good news" that of course GO is biodegradable.

Is GHO as well?

See the 2 papers I found (very scarce information, indeed;):

In body possible by neutrophils, if dispersed, and H2O2 present (also produced by them):


In environment by selected bacteria:


My question is:

I feel my ClO2 cure is a bit weak.

Has anyone tried inhaling a fog of H2O2?



Also see his free eBook. : https://rvr.medfoxpub.com/

To describe it very practically, I have some nebulisers (even a room air moisturiser was useable, as all covered in plastic, even the ultrasound generator).

I measured nebulisation rate by fine scale (1/100g scaling, 10€) in one minute.

I also put in 0.9% dead sea or stone salt to have a Ca++ and Mg++ enrichted NaCl Salt in.

Then I prepared just tap water and the salt with 0.9% (or another jar with higher concentration for convenient up-concentration for astringent effects).

Just use pharmacy grade H2O2, but neutralise pH to 6.5 ca. for the supply of some days before usage, just trickle in (use syringe and fine needle if available, we at pharmacy for 50cents) a solution of 0.5% NaHCO3 (sodium bicarbonate, see wiki, we buy at supermarket Kaiser Natron).

I needed ca. 1% of the H2O2 volume to add of the sodium bicarbonate solution to "just not taste sour any more".

(Do NOT buy H2O2 "unbuffered", which is fraud, as the unbuffered H2O2 degrades upon transport (shakes, bumps), and over time, and a med without known strengths is no good thing. Rather dangerous.)

On ClO2:

I do treat post-the-vaccine by parts of I-RECOVER and COMUSAV AI i.e. CDS = ClO2(aq) 0.3%.

Please base it on NOAEL of ClO2 wich is 3mg/kg/day (distributed over day in at least 5-10 portions)

3mg ^= 1ml CDS with 0.3%.

For 70kg human, it is 210mg ^= 70ml CDS 0.3%.

I use 1/3 of NOAEL. This is 23ml ca., and I dilute it in 1L tap water in a brown (wine) glass bottle.

(I'm not very stringent on this, and sometimes I need 2-3 days to empty it. No need for stress on "I-RECOVER":))

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Also, this is interesting https://www.frontiersin.org/articles/10.3389/fphys.2020.00433/full

Because MPO (Myeloperoxidase) "activation can trigger oxidative stress and nitrosative stress in the ischemic brain by forming the chlorotyrosine and nitrotyrosine (Yu et al., 2016). We recently reported that nitrotyrosine was associated with MMPs activation, BBB disruption and hemorrhage transformation in ischemic stroke with delayed t-PA treatment (Chen H.S. et al., 2015; Chen H. et al., 2018). The MPO-mediated nitrosative stress could be a potential player in mediating hemorrhagic transformation in ischemic stroke with the delayed t-PA treatment." etc.

So, it seems that there is another side to the coin here. So, this balance between the two is crucial! Therefore, antioxidants seem to be the absolute key!

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I would like to see more specific enzymes against the wuhan spike components, and perhaps from the bacteriological study, aginst GHO as well.

As all degradation seems a domino game, perhaps we have to include some enzymes for exceptionally nasty ones further down the cascade.

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Have you found someone writing about playing with therapy balancing?

A paper trying a regime between e.g. H2O2 and eg. Vitamin-C + OPC cure?

I found "from the old times" natural healers quite often and sucessfully used oxidative cures. Then someone cried "antioxidant" and it all vanished. With a little help from gaslighting trolls.

I would like to see these two antigonal parts, well, not unite, but be used in a clever protocol, with good timing. Eg.: Base protocol, and intermittently like every 1..n months intesive days oxidative, and dito intensive days anti-oxidative, like 7-10days 5-10g Vit. C/d liposomally.. I just wonder if one can stand such a high amount of acid, or must supply eg sodium bicarbonate, or outright use Na-Ascorbate, the salt of the ascorbic acid..

I want to DIY liposomal mixing by a strong ultrasonic cleaning bath you can place a thin-walled little glas mug in, and, if pre-mixed (blended) 1/2hr or so will do the job of encapsulating quite some part of eg Vitamin-C in liposomes.

On the other had, I have found that glycerine from high quality (bio) oil si tolerable, does not show the side effects normal glycerine may have (also bit irritating), and is prebiotic, antiviral and best of all a solvant enhancing resorbability seemingly like phospholipidic solving if not as good as liposomal. Up-side is: it stays affordable. Liposomal bla bla is bursting any budget i wanting to do it with a 10-15 ingredients list paying 30€/mths each.

And not everything needs to be solved liosomally.

I would like to see data on measurement of absolute resorption enhancements and benefet like stomach side-effects reduction or "archieving doses as if doing intravenuous therapy" like I read for liposomally solved Vitamin C.

Btw: how does it look like? Emulsion or clear liquid?

(I was buying from amaz* and got screwed by a fraudster, selling some Vitamin-C that had only 1/4ths of the content (I measured by measuring specific weight by syringe and fine scale 1/100g scaling) as stated and I fear it also was not solved liposomally, but they just poured watery Vitamin-C together with some phospholipids. Not nice. Vitablesem BlaBla.

You recognice liposomally products stating the production paths and the resorption, and selling it in quantity to do at least a months cure, my DE dealer sells 250ml.

To solve it liposomally, you first have to solve it in water, then the phospholipids solution further thins it down.

Btw., I think there are molecules that you can ultrasonic mix to liposomes, as they would get torn apart. Have to keep a list. (At least for cow milk, that is the reason why homogenized milk is not as healthy as natural milk, as proteins get torn to smaller pieces, able to cross the guts-blood-barrier; causing "unspecific immune system activity" hacking those proteins to bits, called low grade inflammation if taking long; whereas pasteurization is not the problem.

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Yes, indeed - please see the post:


That's why addressing OXIDATING STRESS is key in "Covid" and the injuries caused by these BioNTech (bio nano technology) injections.

Also, "long Covid" is oxidative stress and must be seriously addressed before acute oxidative stress causes fatal damage!

The toxicity of graphene and other potentially toxic components used, such as heavy metals, is key to establishing a causal link to the adverse effects it can cause.

The mere presence of toxic graphene, and similar components, can cause amyloidosis.

Amyloidosis is also a common complication after Covid-19 injections, as also confirmed by Pfizer documents listing various types of amyloidosis as possible post-vaccination complications in a Postmarketing Experience document: https://phmpt.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/11/5.3.6-postmarketing-experience.pdf

So, the presence of toxic graphene can cause amyloidosis. However, if the technology used in these injections is also based on peptides (as has been widely reported in the scientific literature: Self-assembling peptide semiconductors | https://www.science.org/doi/10.1126/science.aam9756), the production of amyloid in the bone marrow can lead to severe amyloidosis and related complications and death, including the currently manifested so-called sudden death syndrome. The key question, therefore, is also what technology was used in these injections.

Myeloperoxidase biodegrades graphene https://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2018/08/180823113613.htm

“Myeloperoxidase is the first and so far only human enzyme known to break down carbon nanotubes, allaying a concern among clinicians that using nanotubes for targeted delivery of medicines would lead to an unhealthy buildup of nanotubes in tissues.”


Medicinal Herbal Compounds With the MPO-Inhibiting Activity Showing Antioxidant, Anti-Inflammation, and Neuroprotective Effects (A GREAT LIST OF NATURAL ANTIOXIDANTS!) https://www.frontiersin.org/articles/10.3389/fphys.2020.00433/full

https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6500609/pdf/NEUROSCIENCE2019-7547382.pdf Effect of N-Acetyl Cysteine on Intracerebroventricular Colchicine Induced Cognitive Deficits, Beta Amyloid Pathology, and Glial Cells

“It can be postulated that NAC might have reversed the effect of intraneuronal beta amyloid protein by acting on some downstream compensatory mechanisms which needs to be explored.”

https://nationaladdictionnews.com/2021/04/04/study-shows-how-the-nutritional-supplement-nac-can-help-prevent-strokes/ “The study by CHOP researchers suggests NAC may block the precipitation of amyloid plaque deposits, as well as help break up their formation, which could make a dramatic difference for those living with HCCAA.” “Amyloids cannot precipitate without aggregating, so if we can prevent that aggregation with a drug [NAC] that is already available, then we could make an incredible difference in the lives of these patients.”

"One of the most experienced free-radical researchers, the Japanese biochemist Yukie Niwa, estimates that at least 85% of chronic and degenerative diseases result from oxidative damage."

And yes, that's EXACTLY my conclusion!




All of these 22 adverse reactions: (https://www.fda.gov/media/143557/download), as well as these more than 1,200 vaccine adverse reactions: (https://phmpt.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/11/5.3.6-postmarketing-experience.pdf), as well as complications related to Covid have one common factor that stands at the beginning of each one:




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Thank you so much for your material I’ll dig up on my PC.

Oxidants: inorganic antiseptics

- disable the spike’s pathophysiology, help to get it degraded

- anti-* for anything cell-sized or smaller, the smaller the better

- never will suffer from resistances (known for 150yrs. Hospital Germs are a virtual problem "since then" with real suffering!)

- dissolve bloot clots even knitted by spike inaccessible to body’s enzymes for that in some

- soothe the immune system alas softly

- also bit anti-autoimmune

(Seems some anti-CCR5 path. )

So I read that oxidants like any inorganic antiseptic should be part of the therapy, and key is which one to choose, are combos possible like ClO2 and H2O2, and how to shape timing ie protective time to antioxidants like Vitamin-C.

For one year now I used my stomach feeling to take my ClO2 on empty stomach, and let at least some 1/2 hr pass before meals. And the supplements that have an antioxidative power like C or OPC (resveratrol or just the press cake pellets of grape seed oil) are taken at the end of a meal. So far so good, but still needs optimising: I feel potential in “special oxidative” or “antioxidative” days. Either or.

Don’t forget to save the PDFs asap as ending the pandemic by Pres. sen. Biden might well mean all papers vanish behind paywalls.

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How do we know these are in all masks and tests?

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So, do we extrapolate from these articles to conclude that “all masks and tests contain graphene”? I am not sure we can rightly make that conclusion.

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Regarding the masks

Most of them. Not the fabric ones.

Not only they contain graphene, but also Titanium dioxide


TITANIUM DIOXIDE Nanoparticles Toxicity

Scientists Studied 12 Masks — Every One Contained This Cancer-Causing Compound

In a study of 12 face masks, every mask contained titanium dioxide (TiO2) particles in at least one layer, at levels that “exceeded the acceptable exposure level.”


However, long-term inhalation studies in rats have reported lung tumors.


The main mechanism underlining the toxicity potentially triggered by TiO2-NPs seems to involve the reactive oxygen species (ROS) production, resulting in oxidative stress, inflammation, genotoxicity, metabolic change and potentially carcinogenesis.


Regarding tests

These inserted contain it.


https://news.mit.edu/2021/carbon-nanotube-covid-detect-1026, https://www.azonano.com/article.aspx?ArticleID=5892, https://www.azonano.com/news.aspx?newsID=37676, https://www.nsmedicaldevices.com/news/graphene-sensor-covid-19-test/, https://www.azonano.com/article.aspx?ArticleID=5892


In most studies, TiO2 nanoparticles appeared to have caused oxidative stress, histopathological alterations, carcinogenesis, genotoxicity and immune disruption. Therefore, the use of such materials in humans must be either avoided or strictly managed to minimise risks for human health in various situations.


They also contain ETHYLENE OXIDE.

The boiling point of ethylene oxide is 51°F (10.6°C)!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! This can literally burn holes in the tissues!

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I remember specifically a doctor about ethylene oxide in the nasal probes used in testing and being told it all evaporates before the probe is used.😷🥹

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Thank you fren. Appreciate your work.

Keep fighting the good fight, we all need to do our part

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