Whoa! The box says they can be worn for 20 hours. Based upon what? The 4 hour limit is due to self contamination, do these really prevent that? This in addition to what else you point out.

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Look at this study, those behind it are committing murder by mandating it and allowing this:

https://particleandfibretoxicology.biomedcentral.com/articles/10.1186/s12989-014-0059-z The carcinogenic effect of various multi-walled carbon nanotubes (MWCNTs) after intraperitoneal injection in rats | Particle and Fibre Toxicology | Full Text (biomedcentral.com)

Biological effects of tailor-made multi-walled carbon nanotubes (MWCNTs) without functionalization were investigated in vivo in a two-year carcinogenicity study.

A total of 500 male Wistar rats (50 per group) were treated once by intraperitoneal injection with 109 or 5 × 109 WHO carbon nanotubes of one of four different MWCNTs suspended in artificial lung medium, which was also used as negative control.


Treatments induced tumors in all dose groups, but incidences and times to tumor differed between groups. Most tumors were histologically and immunohistochemically classified as malignant mesotheliomas, revealing a predominantly superficial spread on the serosal surface of the abdominal cavity. Furthermore, most tumors showed invasion of peritoneal organs, especially the diaphragm. All tested MWCNT types caused mesotheliomas.



“Take the experience of researchers at DuPont, who are testing microscopic tubes of carbon, known as nanotubes, valued for their extraordinary strength and electrical conductivity.

When the researchers injected nanotubes into the lungs of rats in the summer of 2002, the animals unexpectedly began gasping for breath. Fifteen percent of them quickly died. ''It was the highest death rate we had ever seen,''

said David B. Warheit, the research leader, who began his career studying asbestos and has been testing the pulmonary effects of various chemicals for DuPont since 1984.

Early research has raised troubling issues. DuPont and others, for example, found evidence that the cells that break down foreign particles in rodent lungs have more trouble detecting and handling nanoparticles than larger particles that have long been studied by air pollution experts.


“[in 2015] Günter Oberdörster and co-authors published what is possibly the most comprehensive review of carbon nanotube toxicology studies to date. Focusing on inhalation of nanotubes, they document evidence of transient pulmonary inflammation, and rapid and persistent development of granulomatous lesions and interstitial fibrosis on exposure to single- and multiwalled carbon nanotubes in rodents. They cite data indicating that inhaled long and thin multiwalled carbon nanotubes can move to the lining surrounding the lungs and penetrate it, where they can potentially cause mesothelioma. Furthermore, the authors indicate that carbon nanotubes can act as a cancer promoter — with inhalation increasing the probability of developing lung cancer from exposure to other carcinogens.”


Li et al. (2007a) compared the pulmonary response of mice exposed to purified MWCNT by IT instillation versus inhalation.

Intratracheal instillation produced inflammation and severe destruction of alveolar structures, while inhalation predominately resulted in moderate pathology consisting of alveolar wall thickening and cell proliferation but general alveolar structure was retained. This study demonstrated significant differences in the type and degree of pulmonary responses to MWCNT in mice between bolus-type IT instillation and inhalation, with higher doses deposited in lung by inhalation resulting in only moderate effects compared to severe lesions induced by instillation of lower doses. (!!!!!)


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Thanks for this. I am far less read on these issues than I am on the bacterial and fungal growth on masks for self contaminations of the wearer. For me, either of these two are cause enough to not use masks as they have directed us to use them.

I also thought that people obsessed with hand sanitation would more naturally accept the biological dangers of mask before they considered the chemical hazards. They are just closed minded about both. Truly remarkable.

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And an additional problem is that it is precisely a time bomb:

The toxicity is time and dose dependent. E.g.


Histopathological alterations were also evident in the liver, where GNPs

induced dose- and time-dependent histological alterations of the liver tissues,

including congestion, prominent vasodilatation, and vacuolization.


Quantum dots are time bomb:

Multiscale toxicological study - ScienceDirect

Volume 374, 1 April 2023, 110396

'We found that QDs had a dose-dependent species-specific toxic effect on animals. At doses greater than 30.0 mg/kg, mice died of spleen, kidney, and liver damage.’


The use of quantum dots has spread widely into many applications. Works on the study of quantum dots on living organisms have had conflicting results on toxicity. There are no full-scale long-term toxicological studies with multiple administration of quantum dots. Understanding the toxicity of quantum dots is still limited. Here we present data on the effects of quantum dots on animals. In this work for the first time, it is shown that at a single administration of quantum dots in the body they have moderate species-specific toxicity, but repeated administration of quantum dots for 14 days even in the amount of 0.5 mg/kg leads to a delayed not completely irreversible hematotoxic effect, delayed irreversible disorders of barrier function of the liver, irreversible nephrotoxic effect, and to pathological changes in the thymus, kidneys and spleen. Administration of quantum dots in the amount of 2.5 mg/kg for 14 days leads to irreversible changes in the lungs, liver, spleen, kidneys and thyroid gland. This phenomenon is based on immunological reactions. On the one hand, these data confirm that quantum dots at a single administration can show relatively low toxicity. On the other hand, they cause to a delayed irreversible organ and tissue damage when repeatedly administered to the body even in small quantities. This study demonstrates that quantum dots are not as low in toxicity as previously thought to be and pose a serious risk when entering living organisms. Detecting and treating poisoning using standard methods of diagnosis and treatment of heavy metal poisoning may not be effective. This study demonstrates that toxic effects of quantum dots on a living body are quite complex and cannot be generalized based on previously reported assumptions.

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My my. It is getting harder and harder to not believe this was all planned and meticulously so.

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Also, if you look at:


You will see that all these "vaxx" injuries are the same as after Keytruda. This is the same toxic nano-injection.

Same here: https://outraged.substack.com/p/a-courious-case-of-covid-19-graphene

Yellow - effects caused by nanotechnology, pink - in 'Covid'

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This truly is a mass conflagration. Fires on every deck, fore and aft; from stem to stern, aloft and alow.

All I can think as a reply is a great sea song, possibly a shanty; “Fire Down Below”. I particularly like Warp Four’s version. Jackie Oates’ “Fire! Fire! (Fire Down Below)” is another great version. Great fiddle on this one.

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Covid has all the symptoms of nanotechnology poisoning. All Covid's symptoms coincide with the toxicity symptoms and toxicity mechanisms of nanotechnology, especially graphene.

Of course, there are also other toxic ingredients: titanium oxide, PEG, ethylene oxide, etc.

Oxidative stress is the key word



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Another facet to another long standing argument; the symptoms have covid are in no way unique to covid. They are many known other causes for how covid is said to present.

How widespread has the use of masks using these technologies been? I know that early on the masks you write about were advertised as the greatest thing since sliced bread bit that soon there after warnings against their use started to appear. My wife has not used them nor got them for our children. I still run across them for sale online but I wonder if they were ever used my a majority of the mad maskers.

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The irony of the situation is that Covid is caused by nanotechnology poisoning, and people protect themselves from Covid by using exactly what causes it....

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I have argued from the earliest days that this was going to happen, but from a different angle. The masks can not stop enough virus to have any positive effect. But they do stop some and much of that will get inhaled again getting another chance to infect. This can lead those who were exposed to the virus but not infected to get infected or those to get infected but not shock to become sick. Masks also break apart the benign droplets that do not spread the disease and would otherwise fall to the ground anyway into the aerosols that do spread the disease and can remain suspended in the air column and get entrained in the airstream.

Studies have shown that conjoined counties in the US, one with a mask mandate and one without, the the one without faired better in numbers of covid cases and deaths. Masks have been though to have perverse affects if used by the general public for a long time before covid and it seems to be the case.

Now we must also add the new materials used for masks to the risks they present.

Yet, the mad maskers remain steadfast in their religious beliefs.

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Can they?

Look at how many already are!

Fantastic article!

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Posted a link to this in my first article today.

During my traveling cross-country, in many places, the windshield collected 1/4-1/2-inch dots that were transparent, yet whitish, resembling egg's white. They are NOT bugs, and are extremely hard to remove. They usually emerged, when there was extensive chemtrail activity in the sky.

What the heck is this material? Any idea?

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Shared this one. What a shocker

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Has anyone done a degradation paths study?

As far as I'm informed, GO can be eliminated by inorganic oxidants, that all have individual safety bands for dosing, and that also deconstruct the micro blot clots the spike is able to knit not accessible to our enzyme system for many.

If CIO2 is able to degrade GO, it would be plausible the EU wants to ban it ;)

Also, inorganic antiseptics in systemic application flush free fixated heavy metals, so they get circulated, which is good.

Then we need to optimize the "sink" where the degraded GO and teh circulating heavy metals can be deposited by the body, eg healing earth or ceolite, can anyone guess how to optimize this?

(I just bind it in a pudding like stexture so the healing earth does not settle, but "floats". I do this by adding a spoon of psyllium powder (ground) to 2-3 heaped ts healing earth and or ceolite powder. You can do anything pudding like you want, like apple pectine, or carob kernel flour.)

Also, I need optimisation of the timing:

- inorganic antiseptic interventon (ideally 6-10x/day 1/6 - 1/10 of 1L glas bottle I fill with 25ml CIO2 for me, I try to use 1/3 od NOAL No observeable adverse events level (of dosing, per day, in portions, not all at once!)

- "waste deposit" detox intake or bath or foot plaster etc.

- replenishing antioxidants, pauses in oxidative cures, perhaps combined with the opposite cure like 5-10d high-dose vitamin C and some OPC (resveratrol), etc..

- optimal feeding of biome by prebiotics, D3+K2, Zn, Vit.C, ... see I-RECOVER: most have 2 effects perhaps linked together: decreasing autoimmunity, strengthening biome especially bifidobacteria, and all helpful things are effective against EBV / Herpes Simplex T.6, but individual patients may need a lyme cure or similar nasty viruses shifting under the immune system and dodging it.

I found that the inorganic antiseptic cure is helpful, but not eradicating viral residues for eg mucosa contagiosa. Also treat them locally, horse paste with DMSO, and shifted DMSO and CIO2 were helpful.

Systemically, I found 4 plant (groups) to help:

- kitchen herbs or back cumin or birch tree bark or one-yrd mugwort 5-10g/d

- rock rose 5-10g/d

- moringa leafs enhancing effect of amentoflavone in kitchen herb group (delaying decomposition in mostly tolerable way, but give your liver some milk thistle and dandelion (whole plant or root, do your meadow something good and hunt weed, 1 per day, chop and throw in tea ;))

- dried walnut leafs (also containing progesterone 10^-6 (blood, non-pregnant 10^-9), helping tissue repair

- DMSO as drag-in sovent brings other substances 2cm deep into tissue (healing joints <10% arnica or mixtures like traumeel, or killing lyme (DMSO and CIO2 0.3% 1:1), it is anti-infalmmative and de-scarring, also nerval tissue, to the point visible thick skin scars of unflexible scar tissue become flat and soft and re-grow hair and sweat glands (so actual only hair grow elixier working, but too cheap), accompany by short chained hyalurone also helping tissue repair (eg COPD lungs, (6 week inhalation of Bebanth* eye drops hyalurone and panthenole 1/4 ml 2x/day, if you have a hard plastic inhaler not dissolved by DMSO, add 1% DMSO pharmaceutical grade).

I combine this with parts of I-RECOVER I can afford and get hold off, our customs steals away lvermectin orders from abroad. Probably other helpful stuff as well.

To get a better resorption, try using small amounts (ml) of glycerine from a good (bio) plant oil.

This may be similarly effective than liposomal solving, which can be done by eg sunflower lecitine or the purified phospholipides from it, getting more expensive of course. Some use thin walled little glas jars and place them insides a ultrasonic cleaner. This is a ultransonic mixer setup, and if you pre-mix it conventionally into an emulsion and place it for 30mins in the ultrasonic baths, you may have well done you liposomal e.g. Vit. C yourself. As Vit. C is normally some acid, do not forget to compensate this by drinking some baking soda solution, as long as kidneys can take the Na well, normally no problem. Or by organic salt version of Vit. C, being also Na or K or Ca salt. Na is the most widely used and tolerated.

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